View Full Version : The War on Whiteness Intensifies: Obama's Quasi-Black National Security Adviser Says

mick silver
21st May 2016, 05:50 AM
The War on Whiteness Intensifies: Obama's Quasi-Black National Security Adviser Says U.S. National Security Agencies "Too White"
Last year, a strange story was published attacking the CIA for being "too white (http://www.govexec.com/management/2015/07/cia-establishes-new-diversity-procedures/116857/)."

Officers in the Air Force are "too white (http://www.airforcetimes.com/story/military/2016/03/01/race-and-air-force-truth-how-minorities-get-promoted/80944562/)."

Hell, anything that works is "too white" and must be racially changed, right?

Enter Susan Rice, Obama's National Security Adviser, to really hammer home the point...[Obama Adviser Susan Rice: America’s National Security Agencies Are Too White (http://www.breitbart.com/big-government/2016/05/11/obama-adviser-susan-rice-americas-national-security-agencies-white/), Breitbart.com, May 11, 2016]:

While delivering a commencement address (https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/05/11/prepared-remarks-ambassador-susan-e-rice-florida-international) Wednesday at Florida International University in Miami, Obama administration National Security Adviser Susan Rice lamented what she sees as the lack of “diversity in the realm of foreign policy and national security.”“We must acknowledge that our national security agencies have not yet drawn fully on the strengths of our great nation,” Rice said in prepared remarks posted (https://www.whitehouse.gov/the-press-office/2016/05/11/prepared-remarks-ambassador-susan-e-rice-florida-international) on White House.gov “In the halls of power, in the faces of our national security leaders, America is still not fully reflected.”
“Too often, our national security workforce has been what former Florida Senator Bob Graham called ‘white, male, and Yale,’ the former United States Ambassador to the United Nations said.
According to Susan Rice, “Minorities still make up less than 20 percent of our senior diplomats,” and “less than 15 percent of senior military officers and senior intelligence officials.”
Rice said the thing that “distinguishes” America “from so many other countries is not just the might of our military or the size of our economy,” but “our innovation, our fearlessness, and our diversity.”
Susan Rice has been a political lightening rod for the Obama administration even since FOIA-produced emails reveled that the White House instructed Rice (http://www.breitbart.com/national-security/2014/04/29/white-house-to-amb-rice-blame-the-video/) to blame an internet video mocking Islam as the reason for the Islamic terrorist attacks on the American diplomatic compound in Benghazi, Libya.
In her commencement address, Rice went on to say that a lack of diversity in America’s national security agencies is not only a “human resources issue.”
“I’m highlighting a national security imperative,” she said.
“Without tapping into America’s full range of backgrounds, ethnicities, language skills, and social and economic experiences, we’re leading in a complex world with one hand tied behind our back.” What's the word again?

Posted by Stuff Black People Don't Like at 7:17 PM http://img1.blogblog.com/img/icon18_email.gif (https://www.blogger.com/email-post.g?blogID=3890530692790573387&postID=480296788942605401) http://stuffblackpeopledontlike.blogspot.de/2016/05/the-war-on-whiteness-intensifies-obamas.html Intelligence agencies are too white?

Okay. I thought the operative word was "intelligence". Blacks seem to be more interested in GQ than IQ, so if the agencies are too white, let's hire some Asians - that would be a twofer, since we would increase the brainpower along with the diversity. Sorry, but intelligence operatives and analysts have to be able to focus on the little details AND the big picture. They have to not only think outside the box, but around corners and up and down a few floors in every direction. They have to be good at pattern recognition, so they can pick up on the anomolies. Long story short, the job requires almost the exact polar opposite of the kind of mental capabilities Jaquandarius and Newportia have displayed so far.

It's time for an American penal colony. Jupiter is out of reach for the moment, but we could just convert the island of Guam into a prison. Wire the place up with some Ku-band earth stations and have some Pay-Per-View street fighting. The GFC - Ghetto Fighting Championships. Or we could use the plot of an old Stephen King book - The Running Man.

21st May 2016, 05:52 AM
I fully support this. Have all government agencies and Liberal organizations replaced with Niggers. See how long they last without Whitey keeping them together.

mick silver
21st May 2016, 06:25 AM
Fat Slut Films Herself Having Sex with a Stranger to Protest the PatriarchyAndrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
May 21, 2016
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Selection_9991946-618x443.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Selection_9991946.png)

Sweet lord, was this man drunk or blind?If having sex with a stranger and filming it and putting pictures of it in an art gallery as a political statement against men doesn’t make sense to you, then you are probably a heterosexual White male.
Faggots, Jews, non-Whites and women have so much power in our society, it is very difficult for them to find ways to whine. But new ways to whine they must find, because all of their power is based on whining.
The whining has now gone abstract and bizarre, to the point where you don’t even know what’s going on – but there is still power in it, because you’re not allowed to question it.
The Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/arts-entertainment/art/female-artist-films-herself-having-sex-with-a-stranger-to-challenge-way-people-view-rape-a7039361.html):

An Australian artist has filmed herself having un-simulated sex with a stranger in a so-called ‘rape representation’ to encourage debate on the patriarchal nature of sexual violence.
Sophia Hewson – who arranged and choreographed the three-minute piece called Untitled (“are you ok bob?”) – invited the man to her home in New York to record the video.
Throughout the scene the focus is on Miss Hewson’s face as she looks towards the camera, and only the arms of ‘Bob’ – the man’s pseudonym – can be seen.
“The raped woman is nearly always depicted with her face downcast and her eyes averted,” she explained in a statement on her website.
“The most confronting aspect of Untitled (“are you ok bob?”), isn’t watching as a woman is struck or penetrated, it’s seeing her look back out at us from the experience.
“Caught in her gaze, the viewer is not only forced to bear witness to her subjectivity, but implicated in her desolation.”
The work of the 31-year-old artist, who was born in Cambridge, UK, but is now based in Melbourne, Sydney, has often explored the relationship between female objectification and the role of male power.
She says her latest work is “conceptually challenging” as it “threatens our assumption that man’s power is unsurmountable”.
She also said she wanted to highlight the idea that rape is “more than an unwanted sexual act, that it is the foundation for the entire institution of the patriarchy, and hence it is the crucial battleground for dismantling male power”.
And she noted that while the piece may provoke a “horrified reaction”, the subject of rape “isn’t just about our desire to eradicate the epidemic”.
“It’s essential to the patriarchy that rape is taboo, because demystifying the act challenges shame and erodes the fear that is needed to suppress the majority,” she added.
Now, you may be saying, “But none of that means anything! It’s just a bunch of words! Wtf is this bitch even talking about!? And why is a newspaper reporting this uncritically!?”
In fact, if you are not saying that, you must be a faggot, a Jew, a cuck or a woman. Because this is objectively retarded. It’s an “emperor has no clothes” type thing, where you’re not allowed to question the privileged female, whatever kind of stupid thing she does to prove she’s a victim.
This woman is simply a pervert – all feminists are perverts, obsessed with sex. Women are instinctively aware of the fact that their basic worth is in producing children, and when they refuse to produce children, they develop a pathology around the sex act itself.
It is painfully obvious in all of their “art.”
A quick tumblr search for “feminist art” brings up this sort of thing:
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o6fjd9Ji9d1vn8ubno1_1280-618x348.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o6fjd9Ji9d1vn8ubno1_1280.png) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/hannahwilkeforiminifer-618x464.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/hannahwilkeforiminifer.jpg) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o74dm5vsWA1r5gn1to1_1280-618x618.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o74dm5vsWA1r5gn1to1_1280.png) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_nuleomPN0h1qfixp7o1_1280-618x824.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_nuleomPN0h1qfixp7o1_1280.jpg) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o1luqsuM5O1uj4reyo1_1280-618x618.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/tumblr_o1luqsuM5O1uj4reyo1_1280.jpg) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/97c22060-b368-0133-98bd-0a6c20e5e327-618x398.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/97c22060-b368-0133-98bd-0a6c20e5e327.jpg) http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dscn0023-618x824.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/dscn0023.jpg)

Having now searched tumblr for “feminist art,” it is clear I’m going to have to do a longer analysis of this phenomenon, looking at the different themes. But to simplify here, most of it is about vaginae, menstruation and being dominated/raped. This is because they want to be dominated and raped.
They have behaved in a psychotic fashion, due to stimulus from Jews, and now have no children and no strong men in their lives, most of them are in their late twenties or early thirties – late call for babies – and they want to get forcibly impregnated by a violent, dominating man who will force them to bend to his will.
This is just the obvious fact.
They are perverts.
But this Sophia Hewson is a clever pervert, who is apparently able to get several months’ salary from a single act of sex – normal hookers have to have sex with multiple men per day to make a living. She’s get an apartment in NYC and one in Melbourne – not cheap!
If it were not for the Jewish program of redirecting White male resources to parasites, this ugly bitch would have a hard time getting $5 a session!
Time to bring back the patriarchy and shut down the parasites!

mick silver
21st May 2016, 06:36 AM
Looking forward to "We've come to it at last, the great battle of our time."

mick silver
21st May 2016, 06:37 AM
It was not part of their blood,
It came to them very late,
With long arrears to make good,
When the Saxon began to hate.

They were not easily moved,
They were icy — willing to wait
Till every count should be proved,
Ere the Saxon began to hate.

21st May 2016, 06:38 AM
we are getting to the point where mobs will be necklacing white people in the streets of western countries and it will be allowed. These agencies won't collapse like you wish them to.

The war is against the WASP.

The problem is, the WASP does not know who that is, what it stands for or why they are being attacked.

mick silver
21st May 2016, 06:42 AM
"The only thing to fear is the awakening of the white man".

The White Man is waking up and he's royally pissed off.

21st May 2016, 06:45 AM

21st May 2016, 09:28 AM
Looking forward to "We've come to it at last, the great battle of our time."

The so-called Whitey Militia Movement was successfully suppressed early by the ADL.
