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27th May 2016, 03:45 AM
Americans - The New Second-Class Citizens
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 05/25/2016 19:30 -0400

Yesterday we told you about the mess in Utica, New York, a city in refugee overload with increasing poverty and stressed-out schools.

We also told you about the Obama Labor Dept. (Tom Perez! Watch for him, bad news!) and the department’s special $2 million dollar grant to Utica to give summer jobs to a special subset of the impoverished—-refugees! (But wait! Haven’t we been hammered with the propaganda for years that refugees add to the local economy?)

This special treatment for a class of immigrant has Labor Secretary Tom Perez’s fingerprints all over it. If you don’t know that name, bone up because he is a man on the move. There have even been rumors that he could be a Hillary Veep pick.

Now the Daily Caller tells us those special teens will be learning to build drones. How many American young people, engineer wannabes, would die for a summer job like that!

The Department of Labor has awarded Utica, New York, $2 million to teach young refugees how to build drones as part of a summer jobs program.

About 400 teenage refugee students living in the city will get part-time summer jobs through the program, as well as tutoring in English and Math. Those who demonstrate academic competence will then take part in a year-long drone building challenge during the school year, as the work and tutoring continues.
Sounds like discrimination to me! Discrimination against white and black American teens!

“It was just a population we chose to target,” Alice Savino, executive director of the area Workforce Development Board that applied for the grant, told The Daily Caller News Foundation, speaking to the decision to direct the funds specifically to refugees. “These kids are here, and they need help.”

“The prime focus will be refugee youth in the city,” the grant application abstract reads. “About 1 in 6 Uticans is a refugee from another nation. State data shows this group has the highest dropout rate, lowest college-ready rate in the city.”
One local commenter is reported by the Daily Caller making this remark:

“So legal Americans are not worthy of summer jobs? Can’t wait for November."
Now get this! So, remind me why we are bringing tens of thousands of refugees to America each year!

Savino, however, told TheDCNF she has not heard negative comments from the local community. “If we don’t help [the refugee kids] be productive now, we’re going to pay for it later,” she said. “The local community is extremely supportive.”

There is more, continue reading here.

27th May 2016, 04:31 AM
The prime focus will be refugee youth in the city,” the grant application abstract reads. “About 1 in 6 Uticans is a refugee from another nation. State data shows this group has the highest dropout rate, lowest college-ready rate in the city.”
Great invest most in those who are least motivated, while neglecting your own children...

I wonder what benefit it is to society to have jihadists with drone making skills?

The insanity is just mindboggling, these last days of Rome.

27th May 2016, 05:06 AM
Great invest most in those who are least motivated, while neglecting your own children...

I wonder what benefit it is to society to have jihadists with drone making skills?

The insanity is just mindboggling, these last days of Rome.

The benefit will become more clear when you see these foreigners (jihadists) being trained in law enforcement