View Full Version : Hundreds of Niggers Chimp Out Over Section Ape in Portsmouth, Virginia

31st May 2016, 07:10 AM

Thousands of Niggers lined up to get Section 8 vouchers in Portsmouth, Virginia, hoping to live near White people and, via racial osmosis, become successful too!




http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/75649039 ←My 4Chan Thread (http://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/75649039)

31st May 2016, 08:04 AM
That there is a pretty good chimpout. Nary a white person in sight (other then the cops)

31st May 2016, 08:15 AM
Section Ape. LMAO HA HA HA

31st May 2016, 08:21 AM
the fake news video in the op dances around the 'why'


Fights cause people to be turned away for Section 8 housing applications

PORTSMOUTH, Va. - Bad behavior and fighting caused thousands of people to be turned away from getting an application for Section 8 housing Thursday morning.

Thousands of people gathered outside of the Salvation Army Center on Airline Boulevard in Portsmouth for the distribution of affordable housing applications.

31st May 2016, 08:24 AM

Nearly 300,000 New Yorkers live in private apartments paid for with Section 8.

31st May 2016, 08:26 AM

Hasidic neighborhood in South Williamsburg is a top beneficiary of Section 8, but some question whether law is strictly followed

The neighborhood is home to one of the highest concentrations of Section 8 housing vouchers in the city, according to federal data analyzed by WNYC and the Daily News. In several of its census tracts, Section 8 tenants compose more than 30% of residents, a level reached only in scattered pockets of the Bronx.

SPECIAL REPORT: NYC Section 8 residents talk fears of being forced out

The difference: In Brooklyn, the Section 8 tenants live smack in the middle of one of the city’s hottest real estate market.

The juxtaposition happened over years, not overnight. Leaders leveraged longstanding political connections to win favorable zoning changes. Local developers bought and built to meet the need. Residents organized to get in line for rental subsidies. Block by block, the community created a de facto free market, affordable housing plan.

It’s only possible in a tight-knit community where the haves help the have-nots, said Rabbi David Niederman, a community leader and local power broker.

31st May 2016, 08:28 AM
Read my /pol/ thread, it's hot right now.