View Full Version : cfr: austria hard right turn creating troublesome state

3rd June 2016, 07:13 AM

When Austria holds elections – especially presidential ones – coverage hardly makes it into the German news. However, this time, the story was slightly different.

The success of the far right Freedom Party (FPÖ) candidate Norber Hofer, who scored 35.5 percent of the vote (ahead of the Green candidate Alexander Van der Bellen who won 21.43 percent, and independent candidate Irmgard Griss who won 18.94 percent) would have inspired satirical cartoons across the whole of Germany is it weren’t for the looming spectre of Germany’s own Alternative für Deutschland (AfD).

The group used the opportunity of the FPÖ win in Austria as confirmation of the righteousness of their path in Germany. But for all the fanfare over this election result, is it really an indication that Austria is turning to the right? Is Austria really set to become another “troublesome state” that undermines European unity and cohesion?

6th June 2016, 10:01 AM
http://www.ecfr.eu/article/commentary_is_austria_turning_blue_7018 When Austria holds elections – especially presidential ones – coverage hardly makes it into the German news. However, this time, the story was slightly different. The success of the far right Freedom Party (FPÖ) candidate Norber Hofer, who scored 35.5 percent of the vote (ahead of the Green candidate Alexander Van der Bellen who won 21.43 percent, and independent candidate Irmgard Griss who won 18.94 percent) would have inspired satirical cartoons across the whole of Germany is it weren’t for the looming spectre of Germany’s own Alternative für Deutschland (AfD). The group used the opportunity of the FPÖ win in Austria as confirmation of the righteousness of their path in Germany. But for all the fanfare over this election result, is it really an indication that Austria is turning to the right? Is Austria really set to become another “troublesome state” that undermines European unity and cohesion?

Next step- reinstall the Holy Roman Empire.