View Full Version : San Jose police chief who didn't stop thugs is part of La Raza

6th June 2016, 12:05 AM
Trump is exposing an anti-american hate group which has infiltrated our government. First the federal judge, and now this police chief. Probably the San Jose mayor will turn out to have some sort of affiliation.

Holy fucking shit.
So, basically, Trump has exposed a massive anti-white racist organization that has infiltrated our government and used their positions to harm American citizens.
Holy. Fucking. Shit.


San Jose Police Chief Who Admits ALLOWING ATTACKS on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza

Aleister (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/aleister/) Jun 5th, 2016 12:16 pm 391 Comments (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/san-jose-police-chief-fire-allowing-attacks-trump-supporters-affiliated-la-raza/#disqus_thread)

http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Eddie-Garcia-sworn-in-575x380.jpg The San Jose police department is under increasing scrutiny over charges that they allowed Trump supporters to be attacked by violent rioters following a Trump event.
The police chief Eddie Garcia has adamantly denied the charges.

The Mercury News reported: (http://www.mercurynews.com/crime-courts/ci_29976111/trump-protest-san-jose-police-chief-defends-officers)
San Jose police chief defends officers accused of failing to protect Trump supporters from violence
A day after a melee erupted outside a Donald Trump rally, the San Jose police chief and mayor on Friday defended themselves from a national backlash over their handling of the dramatic and at times violent protest.
On radio talk shows and across social media, some called for Mayor Sam Liccardo’s resignation because of his comments suggesting that Trump was to blame for igniting violence, while police were criticized for failing to protect Trump supporters from angry protesters throwing punches, water bottles and traffic cones. Some videos showed those attacks and suggested they were unprovoked, but others showed Trump supporters taunting protesters, ripping their Dump Trump signs and throwing the first punches.
While it appeared to many onlookers that police allowed the violence to proceed unchecked, San Jose police Chief Eddie Garcia insisted that it was more important for police to hold their “skirmish line” formations than to stop individual attacks. Four arrests were made.
“We are not an ‘occupying force’ and cannot reflect the chaotic tactics of the protesters,” Garcia told reporters. Unless a victim’s life was in peril or the violence was “spiraling out of control,” he said, officers held back to avoid inciting more violence and having the crowd turn on officers. He also said the 250 police weren’t enough to control the roughly 400 protesters.

The Mercury News lies. “Taunting” anti-Trump thugs does not excuse bloody public beatings.
What has gone largely unreported, is that police chief Eddie Garcia is affiliated with the far left group La Raza.
This is a screen-cap from his Twitter account:
http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Eddie-Garcia-tweet-575x533.jpg The La Raza Roundtable of California celebrated when Garcia was sworn in. (http://larazaroundtable.org/san-jose-police-chief-eddie-garcia-sworn/)

This is how the Roundtable describes itself: (http://larazaroundtable.org/about/)
La Raza Roundtable brings together community organizations, community leaders, elected officials, private and public sector representatives in leadership capacities that can impact positive change for La Raza.

Garcia has released a laughable statement in which he suggests that the police didn’t arrest the violent thugs because it would have just made them angrier. From San Jose Inside: (http://www.sanjoseinside.com/2016/06/03/mayor-liccardo-san-jose-police-issue-new-statements-regarding-violence-at-donald-trump-rally/)
Mayor Liccardo, San Jose Police Issue New Statements Regarding Violence at Donald Trump Rally
San Jose police issued their own media advisory Friday, noting what actions it took as the media gives closer scrutiny to how well the department conducted crowd control.
In its release, SJPD said it held off in arresting people seen committing crimes because it “had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight [incite] the crowd and produce more violent behavior.”

Conservative writer A.J. Delgado noted the stunning statement on Twitter:
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the decision not to enforce law and order was a political one. The fact that the police chief is associated with La Raza raises red flags.

6th June 2016, 12:05 AM
Turns out the federal judge is the equivalent of a Grand Dragon within the organization.


6th June 2016, 08:37 AM
Niggers, spics, muslims and jews....oh my!! So many options!

6th June 2016, 08:41 AM
Niggers, spics, muslims and jews....oh my!! So many options!

and so many more bullets...

6th June 2016, 08:56 AM
and so many more bullets...

I have mine stacked for defensive purposes only :)

6th June 2016, 09:05 AM
Trump is exposing an anti-american hate group which has infiltrated our government. First the federal judge, and now this police chief. Probably the San Jose mayor will turn out to have some sort of affiliation.


San Jose Police Chief Who Admits ALLOWING ATTACKS on Trump Supporters is Affiliated With La Raza

Aleister (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/author/aleister/) Jun 5th, 2016 12:16 pm 391 Comments (http://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2016/06/san-jose-police-chief-fire-allowing-attacks-trump-supporters-affiliated-la-raza/#disqus_thread)

http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Eddie-Garcia-sworn-in-575x380.jpg The San Jose police department is under increasing scrutiny over charges that they allowed Trump supporters to be attacked by violent rioters following a Trump event.
The police chief Eddie Garcia has adamantly denied the charges.

The Mercury News reported: (http://www.mercurynews.com/crime-courts/ci_29976111/trump-protest-san-jose-police-chief-defends-officers)
San Jose police chief defends officers accused of failing to protect Trump supporters from violence
A day after a melee erupted outside a Donald Trump rally, the San Jose police chief and mayor on Friday defended themselves from a national backlash over their handling of the dramatic and at times violent protest.
On radio talk shows and across social media, some called for Mayor Sam Liccardo’s resignation because of his comments suggesting that Trump was to blame for igniting violence, while police were criticized for failing to protect Trump supporters from angry protesters throwing punches, water bottles and traffic cones. Some videos showed those attacks and suggested they were unprovoked, but others showed Trump supporters taunting protesters, ripping their Dump Trump signs and throwing the first punches.
While it appeared to many onlookers that police allowed the violence to proceed unchecked, San Jose police Chief Eddie Garcia insisted that it was more important for police to hold their “skirmish line” formations than to stop individual attacks. Four arrests were made.
“We are not an ‘occupying force’ and cannot reflect the chaotic tactics of the protesters,” Garcia told reporters. Unless a victim’s life was in peril or the violence was “spiraling out of control,” he said, officers held back to avoid inciting more violence and having the crowd turn on officers. He also said the 250 police weren’t enough to control the roughly 400 protesters.

The Mercury News lies. “Taunting” anti-Trump thugs does not excuse bloody public beatings.
What has gone largely unreported, is that police chief Eddie Garcia is affiliated with the far left group La Raza.
This is a screen-cap from his Twitter account:
http://16004-presscdn-0-50.pagely.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/Eddie-Garcia-tweet-575x533.jpg The La Raza Roundtable of California celebrated when Garcia was sworn in. (http://larazaroundtable.org/san-jose-police-chief-eddie-garcia-sworn/)

This is how the Roundtable describes itself: (http://larazaroundtable.org/about/)
La Raza Roundtable brings together community organizations, community leaders, elected officials, private and public sector representatives in leadership capacities that can impact positive change for La Raza.

Garcia has released a laughable statement in which he suggests that the police didn’t arrest the violent thugs because it would have just made them angrier. From San Jose Inside: (http://www.sanjoseinside.com/2016/06/03/mayor-liccardo-san-jose-police-issue-new-statements-regarding-violence-at-donald-trump-rally/)
Mayor Liccardo, San Jose Police Issue New Statements Regarding Violence at Donald Trump Rally
San Jose police issued their own media advisory Friday, noting what actions it took as the media gives closer scrutiny to how well the department conducted crowd control.
In its release, SJPD said it held off in arresting people seen committing crimes because it “had the difficult task of weighing the need to immediately apprehend the suspect(s) against the possibility that police action involving the use of physical force under the circumstances would further insight [incite] the crowd and produce more violent behavior.”

Conservative writer A.J. Delgado noted the stunning statement on Twitter:
It’s becoming increasingly clear that the decision not to enforce law and order was a political one. The fact that the police chief is associated with La Raza raises red flags.
