View Full Version : Boys have more fun in Texas schools

6th June 2016, 08:38 AM
June 5, 2016, 2:59 PM
Texas on record-setting pace for inappropriate teacher-student relationships

50 Photos Haeli Noelle Wey, 28, a former teacher in the Austin area, was arrested in December 2015 after police say she had an improper relationship with two of her former students. TRAVIS COUNTY SHERIFF'S OFFICE VIA CBS AFFILIATE KEYE

AMARILLO, Texas - Reports of Texas teachers having inappropriate relationships with students are on track to beat last year's record total.

The Texas Education Agency reports it has launched 162 investigations of reported inappropriate teacher-student relationships between Sept. 1 and May 31. The Amarillo Globe-News reports that the agency had 188 investigations last fiscal year, marking at least the fifth year of growth in a row.

The issue in Texas shot back into the national spotlight after it was revealed last week that former Houston-area teacher Alexandria Vera, 24, had been impregnated by a then-13-year-old former student.

Court documents allege she was introduced to his family as the boy's girlfriend, and the woman said that his parents supported the relationship and invited her to family gatherings. She reportedly said she told a school district investigator the family was "very supportive and excited" when she disclosed her pregnancy. She allegedly said she and the boy "love each other."

According to the probable cause document, she aborted the pregnancy after a child welfare investigator questioned her in February about the relationship, which she denied at the time.

Texas lawmakers could address the topic of such relationships during next year's legislative session. The state Senate held a hearing on the subject in December, and the Texas House Public Education Committee took similar testimony last month. At the House committee hearing, lawmakers and testimony from experts blamed social media.


Notorious teacher sex scandals

"In the past, you might not have had students choosing to interact socially with a teacher. Now they'll friend them on Facebook or they'll reach out to them on Snapchat," Kathy Tortoreo, director of crisis services at Family Support Services in Amarillo, told the Globe-News.

"The adult is supposed to understand the boundary, and the adult is supposed to uphold the boundary," Tortoreo said.

Christina Green, director of the Children's Advocacy Centers of Texas, testified before the House panel on the importance of training school staff to spot abuse. Green urged schools to implement policies setting boundaries for social media use by faculty.

"Our goal, outside of preventing these inappropriate relationships from ever developing, should be to identify and quash these cases at the point of grooming before any abuse happens," she said.

Green said it's important not to pretend the issue doesn't exist.

"The part that's hardest is having the courage to initiate a lot of these conversations," she said. "This is not an issue that people like to talk about."


6th June 2016, 08:57 AM
Hell in my area within a 25 mile radius it seems there is one or more of these things happening here every year.

Right now I think we are up to 3 student teacher fandangos so far this year alone. had several last year and before.

Makes you wonder just how stupid these people are, seeing the number caught and convicted along with the shame of being on the news, one would wonder if they would smarten up.

Nope, just wash and repeat, etc, etc.. Guess the kids and teachers are too busy to pay attention to the local news of others just like them being busted and branded/ruined for life.

Sorta sad, that they could not wait until they (kids) were legal.

6th June 2016, 09:03 AM
Where were these hot horny teachers when I was going to school?

6th June 2016, 10:10 AM
it was there when i went through....but no drama. nobody did anything about it....and there was no cell/email trail

6th June 2016, 10:26 AM
it was there when i went through....but no drama. nobody did anything about it....and there was no cell/email trail Cells, back when it was ether home phones or payphones bolted to a wall, which was a hoot because you could almost identify those on a pay phone speaking to their sweet, because they were always glancing over their shoulders to see who was watching or would see them.. Along with a guilty look..... ;D

Also probably like me, no internet/social networks ..nothing but maybe radio/tv/books/local hangout and cruising. Out of the classroom teachers and students were mostly socially isolated except maybe in church..

I suspect most now is because of social networking and such..

6th June 2016, 02:20 PM
I'd hit 4 of em: http://www.cbsnews.com/pictures/notorious-teacher-sex-scandals/