View Full Version : A guy can only take so much...

6th June 2016, 05:34 PM

6th June 2016, 05:59 PM
Excellent find! This could be a mirror of my first ex except I never hit her back. I sound recorded the beatings but wasn't accepted in court. Yep she cleaned my clock clost to 250K, house and business. Should have just did this instead, besides I would have been out of jail in 6 months or so, and still have my stuff.

6th June 2016, 07:36 PM
got was what coming to her -- don't go there unless willing to go there

6th June 2016, 07:38 PM
Yep she cleaned my clock close to 250K, house and business. Should have just did this instead...



6th June 2016, 07:47 PM
YouTube version:


6th June 2016, 08:14 PM
Excellent find! This could be a mirror of my first ex except I never hit her back. I sound recorded the beatings but wasn't accepted in court. Yep she cleaned my clock clost to 250K, house and business. Should have just did this instead, besides I would have been out of jail in 6 months or so, and still have my stuff.

There's a reason why divorce is so expensive....because it's worth it!

6th June 2016, 08:49 PM
There's a reason why divorce is so expensive....because it's worth it!

Didnt shed a tear.

6th June 2016, 09:10 PM
Women are all latent psychopaths emotionally. I totally believe this to be true. Some keep it underwraps indefinitely. Today's women don't even try to hide it - thye wear it like some feminist badge of honor. Seriously, modern marriage is a death sentence for the man, truly.

6th June 2016, 09:18 PM
Women are all latent psychopaths emotionally. I totally believe this to be true. Some keep it underwraps indefinitely. Today's women don't even try to hide it - thye wear it like some feminist badge of honor. Seriously, modern marriage is a death sentence for the man, truly.

That's why I did a lot of research and traveled to the other side of the planet to make things whole. Best descision I ever made.

6th June 2016, 09:59 PM
Best decision I've ever made is to refuse to get married. I like women, but they run on emotions. Emotions, plus a .gov contract in their hands, bad news for men. One day I may do like what Cebu did, go to the other side of the planet, but for now, I'm doing just fine. You can have fun with women, just don't make any binding contracts with them. Think with the right head, so to speak.

6th June 2016, 10:00 PM
he's probably going to spend a lot of time in Jail unfortunately.

6th June 2016, 10:06 PM
he's probably going to spend a lot of time in Jail unfortunately.

In the US, yes, I believe that video was from Russia though. Things are a bit different there.

Regardless, don't ever hit a woman. Just walk away. Don't get angry with them, just disappointed. Find another woman and replace her.

6th June 2016, 11:10 PM
Flouride can cause serious damage to thyroids and an imbalance can cause very extreme behaviour. Violence and so on. I think the approved treatment is more flouride, could be mistaken but I think that's the case. of course I can't hear whats being said, so it could have been something very demeaning being said. Anyway they done.

7th June 2016, 04:34 AM
I could have sworn those evil nazi's gave the prisoners flouride to keep the inmates docile?

7th June 2016, 04:47 AM
In the US, yes, I believe that video was from Russia though. Things are a bit different there.

Regardless, don't ever hit a woman. Just walk away. Don't get angry with them, just disappointed. Find another woman and replace her.

Yes and no....

Act like a man, get treated like a man. Women like anyone else need to learn their place. You are not on par with a man physically. Attempting to hit, beat, slap etc is just inviting retaliation.

I've never hit a woman, and honestly have no desire too. I've had plenty of heated arguments in my previous relationships but I never raised a hand to any of them. With that said during the course of arguing, tempers flare and showing restraint isn't always going to be at the top of your check list when you're getting hit and slapped.

That guy took a lot before retaliating. I probably would of pushed her away the first time I got slapped. Not just a light push, I'm talking a hard push like stay the fuck away before you get hurt type of push. That guy had 40-50 lbs on her easy.

7th June 2016, 04:54 AM
I could have sworn those evil nazi's gave the prisoners flouride to keep the inmates docile?

HRT is the treatment I'm thinking off. I don't really know what's in it but I believe flouride is a contributor to underlying condition. maybe someone can add or correct that.

7th June 2016, 09:05 AM
Women are all latent psychopaths emotionally. I totally believe this to be true. Some keep it under wraps indefinitely. Today's women don't even try to hide it - thye wear it like some feminist badge of honor. Seriously, modern marriage is a death sentence for the man, truly.


7th June 2016, 09:20 AM

Yep, pretty much.

7th June 2016, 09:34 AM
Stupid emotional wrecks deserve each other, but sorry, I can't defend a man who beats women.

7th June 2016, 10:12 AM
Yep, pretty much.

Perfect. Must be by design.