View Full Version : Is This Why Newt Gingrich Turned on Trump?
7th June 2016, 07:58 PM
BOMBSHELL : Is This Why Newt Gingrich Turned on Trump?
Donald Trump refused $200 million in donations to take Newt Gingrich as vice president, insiders told Infowars.
The mainstream media reported that casino magnate Sheldon Adelson was willing to contribute $100 million to Trump’s campaign, but what wasn’t reported was the extra $100 million the establishment offered Trump in exchange for picking Gingrich, one of the first D.C. insiders to try and cozy up to the mogul.
When Trump declined the offer, however, Gingrich started lashing out at him publicly, including his recent claim that Trump made “one of his worst mistakes” for pointing out the federal judge handling the Trump University lawsuit has ties to the controversial La Raza Hispanic nationalist organization.
“I don’t know what Trump’s reasoning was, and I don’t care,” Gingrich told the Washington Post.
It’d be unlikely for Gingrich to take such a weird stance in the matter unless he was already bitter at Trump – and trying to pressure him to change his mind.
But it’s in Trump’s best interests to pick someone close to him ideologically as VP, such as Sen. Jeff Sessions (R-Ala.), to avoid a potential assassination attempt.
Case in point, Ronald Reagan was nearly assassinated after only serving 69 days in office – and after the establishment forced him to take George H.W. Bush as his VP.
If Reagan died in the attack, the elite would have taken back the Oval Office, but even though Reagan survived, the establishment still gained influence over him – with Vice President Bush serving as a constant reminder to stay in line.
Similarly, the GOP elite want their own person as VP to restrain Trump, and when he refused the offer to take Gingrich, establishment Republicans united to attack him despite their calls for party unity just last week.Sen. Ben Sasse (R-Neb.) in particular accused Trump of racism on Monday, despite Sasse’s own state GOP party reprimanding him last month for his outspoken criticism of the presumptive nominee.
The freshman senator is risking political suicide by condemning Trump, yet he strangely continues to do so, indicating he’s a puppet controlled by a wealthy donor.
And Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) even had the audacity to claim Trump was a “very, very unpopular candidate” despite Trump consistently polling at over 50% while Congress’s approval rating is only 6%.
In short, the GOP elite want Gingrich or another insider as VP to keep Trump under control – and they’ll help Hillary get elected if they don’t get their wish.
7th June 2016, 08:43 PM
Yep, I've thought of the same thing. I believe Trump is smart enough to know that as well.
7th June 2016, 08:54 PM
Wow. Gingrich is a scumbag. He had me going for a while.
7th June 2016, 08:56 PM
If this is true we should all be supporting Trump, knowing he will not be bought out.
7th June 2016, 09:30 PM
If this is true we should all be supporting Trump, knowing he will not be bought out.
I've been saying this for a long fucking time. Glad people are finally coming around, and realizing it.
7th June 2016, 09:34 PM
Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet: Scandals, Quotes, and Character
Newt Gingrich is smarter than you. Don't feel bad, he's smarter than the rest of us, too. Just ask him. Or look at what he's done. Repeated adultery with younger women, while each successive wife was seriously ill. Attacking mortgage lender Freddie Mac, while secretly getting paid $1.6 million as a lobbyist for them. A half-million charge account at Tiffany's Jewelers for his latest, youngest woman (that we know of). Attacking Congress for gridlock, when he personally led the destruction of Congress' civility and traditions in the 1980s as a "bomb-thrower" and evil genius tactician. (Seriously, look it up.)
All this for 30 years running, and he's still a leading contender for President as a religious, morally crusading Republican? Yeah, he's smarter alright. As an historian, he knows Americans forget anything over 5 years old, and the press will ignore your long-term character traits if you give them any new, shiny story to report.
It's not that Newt lacks charm. My personal favorite thing is that he loves, loves, LOVES dinosaurs, with the deep enthusiasm of a five-year-old boy. He even gave a zoo $15,000 to buy 2 huge monitor lizards. For that matter, did you notice how many of his "visionary" scientific ideas involve lasers and outer space and huge explosions?
A MOON BASE?!?! AWESOME!!! That's adorable. The problem is, most five year olds have a sincere narcissism that would lead them to happily order far-off cities destroyed if they got some candy in return. That's why we don't put them in charge of the world.
I've researched a lot of polticians' scandals over the years. Some are lying, adulterious lechers (Clinton). Some are money-grubbing and corrupt (Santorum). Some are vindictive and dangerously authoritarian (Giuliani). Some are incredibly phony and change with the wind (Romney). Some are draft dodgers (actually, most of them are). But in 17 years, only one man has been able to combine every one of these moral failings into one, super-humanly despicable candidate: Newt Gingrich. Click on the allegation of your choice:
Adultery ( -- Draft Dodger ( -- Lying Corporate Lobbyist ( -- Spending Spree at Tiffany's ( -- Who Owns Him? ( -- Divorce, Disease and Younger Women ( -- Dead-Beat Dad ( -- House Banking Scandal ( -- Wannabe Dictator ( -- GOPAC sleaze ( -- Corporate $ to Newt's wife ( -- Shady Book Deals ( -- Sources ( -- Quotes (
7th June 2016, 09:36 PM
7th June 2016, 09:53 PM
Trump is in a no-lose situation here.
I mean the GOP is attacking their own nominee in support of a top La Raza member who Obama made a federal judge.
7th June 2016, 10:25 PM
Newt Gingrich's Skeleton Closet: Scandals, Quotes, and Character
Newt Gingrich is smarter than you. Don't feel bad, he's smarter than the rest of us, too. Just ask him. Or look at what he's done. Repeated adultery with younger women, while each successive wife was seriously ill. Attacking mortgage lender Freddie Mac, while secretly getting paid $1.6 million as a lobbyist for them. A half-million charge account at Tiffany's Jewelers for his latest, youngest woman (that we know of). Attacking Congress for gridlock, when he personally led the destruction of Congress' civility and traditions in the 1980s as a "bomb-thrower" and evil genius tactician. (Seriously, look it up.)
All this for 30 years running, and he's still a leading contender for President as a religious, morally crusading Republican? Yeah, he's smarter alright. As an historian, he knows Americans forget anything over 5 years old, and the press will ignore your long-term character traits if you give them any new, shiny story to report.
It's not that Newt lacks charm. My personal favorite thing is that he loves, loves, LOVES dinosaurs, with the deep enthusiasm of a five-year-old boy. He even gave a zoo $15,000 to buy 2 huge monitor lizards. For that matter, did you notice how many of his "visionary" scientific ideas involve lasers and outer space and huge explosions?
A MOON BASE?!?! AWESOME!!! That's adorable. The problem is, most five year olds have a sincere narcissism that would lead them to happily order far-off cities destroyed if they got some candy in return. That's why we don't put them in charge of the world.
I've researched a lot of polticians' scandals over the years. Some are lying, adulterious lechers (Clinton). Some are money-grubbing and corrupt (Santorum). Some are vindictive and dangerously authoritarian (Giuliani). Some are incredibly phony and change with the wind (Romney). Some are draft dodgers (actually, most of them are). But in 17 years, only one man has been able to combine every one of these moral failings into one, super-humanly despicable candidate: Newt Gingrich. Click on the allegation of your choice:
Adultery ( -- Draft Dodger ( -- Lying Corporate Lobbyist ( -- Spending Spree at Tiffany's ( -- Who Owns Him? ( -- Divorce, Disease and Younger Women ( -- Dead-Beat Dad ( -- House Banking Scandal ( -- Wannabe Dictator ( -- GOPAC sleaze ( -- Corporate $ to Newt's wife ( -- Shady Book Deals ( -- Sources ( -- Quotes (
Fabulous post! Bravo!
8th June 2016, 05:25 AM
I'm really glad the judge/Trump U controversy happened.
Because of it, Trump was able to flush out the back-stabbing enemy scum in the republican party.
Ryan showed his true colors again, Mitch McConnell showed he was never really on board, Jeb Bush showed his typical low-energy half attack, Senator Mark Kirk of Illinois took back his endorsement and outed himself as the RINO he always was, Newt killed any chance of being anywhere near Trump's cabinet, no less any chance he had to be VP...and
Lindsey Graham, the biggest scumbag of the bunch. A little man with a small mind who endorsed every candidate one by one, then licked Trump's balls to keep himself relevant as a senator in SC. Since Graham disavowed Trump, again, there will be no coming back to a united party for him and I expect he will be voted out of the next SC election. I think we are finally done with this vile half a turd.
Graham can go back to his secret life of hanging around public restrooms
8th June 2016, 06:00 AM
Wait a minute EE_, didn't you say Trump should apologize about questioning the judges ability to be impartial due to his background? :)
8th June 2016, 06:37 AM
Wait a minute EE_, didn't you say Trump should apologize about questioning the judges ability to be impartial due to his background? :)
I think I might have, but I'm sure I only said that with the condition Trump giving the repub establishment a new list of flaming liberal supreme court justice stick it to them.
I don't want Trump to apologize for anything. We need strength and a real man at the helm. Hopefully, he will set an example for young males everywhere and older males that have lost their balls a long time ago.
8th June 2016, 08:02 AM
I think I might have, but I'm sure I only said that with the condition Trump giving the repub establishment a new list of flaming liberal supreme court justice stick it to them.
I don't want Trump to apologize for anything. We need strength and a real man at the helm. Hopefully, he will set an example for young males everywhere and older males that have lost their balls a long time ago.
You need to think more of in terms of long term Strategics vs short term Tactics. Sure Trump provides his enemies with ammunition to attack him with, but at the same time they expose their positions, he's got a thick skin and is a good sniper!
8th June 2016, 10:03 AM
Wow. Gingrich is a scumbag. He had me going for a while.
Me too. I am willing to accept that people change. Now I see Gingrich as playing the game of deception.
8th June 2016, 10:06 AM
It's going to happen either way
8th June 2016, 12:44 PM
no elite member gets a free pass with me
(didnt read the articles)
If this is true we should all be supporting Trump, knowing he will not be bought out.
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