View Full Version : Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure

8th June 2016, 08:34 PM
It's probably BS, if this was really happening wouldn't it be reported in the news?

Spike in number of US sailors dying after Fukushima radiation exposure — Now over 400 veterans suffering serious illnesses — Former Japan Prime Minister breaks down crying, “This can’t be ignored any longer… The number of sick people is increasing and their symptoms are worsening” (VIDEOS)

Published: June 8th, 2016 at 7:47 am ET
By ENENews
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Kyodo, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi has thrown his support behind a group of former U.S. sailors suing the operator of the Fukushima No. 1 nuclear plant… Speaking at a news conference Tuesday in Carlsbad, California, with some of the plaintiffs, Koizumi said, “Those who gave their all to assist Japan are now suffering from serious illness… I learned that the number of sick people is still increasing, and their symptoms are worsening,” he told the news conference… According to lawyers for the group, seven of its members have died so far, including some from leukemia [Three deaths had been reported as of last July].

Asahi Shimbun, May 19, 2016: Former Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi broke down in tears as he made an emotional plea of support for U.S. Navy sailors beset by health problems… More than 400 veterans who were part of a mission called Operation Tomodachi… filed a mass lawsuit in California against [TEPCO]. They are seeking compensation and an explanation for their health problems… Koizumi said: “U.S. military personnel who did their utmost in providing relief are now suffering from serious illnesses. We cannot ignore the situation.” Apparently overcome with emotion, Koizumi started crying… Theodore Holcomb [was] diagnosed with synovial sarcoma, a rare form of cancer. He died in 2014 at age 35. The Department of Veterans Affairs later cut off a study into the causal relationship between his exposure to radiation and his illness… Ron Wright, 26, worked on the deck [and] developed a swelling of the testicles and underwent surgery four times… A military doctor told him there was no relationship between his illness and exposure to radiation.


8th June 2016, 08:36 PM
"worth it"

m albright

8th June 2016, 08:44 PM
I'm sure this doesn't bother Obama at all

9th June 2016, 04:32 AM
I'm sure this doesn't bother Obama at all

Why should it? They are not him!

9th June 2016, 05:05 AM
Top reason I did not re-enlist in the military. I realized I was just a commodity and that if my Commanding Officer ordered me into a nuclear reactor to re-adjust a fuel rod well there wasn't a damn thing I could do about it other than be charged with refusing to obey a lawful order if I refused.

9th June 2016, 06:17 AM
What kind of ship captain had no radiation alerts or did not respond to this hazard? He sent his people into this with gross negligence. Did Obama order it? This should be investigated closely.

Tokyo is covered in radioactive dust. It won't be long before we hear about the surprise cancers that suddenly rise to epidemic status. Building a future on a foundation of lies never works long term.

9th June 2016, 06:34 AM
What kind of ship captain had no radiation alerts or did not respond to this hazard? He sent his people into this with gross negligence. Did Obama order it? This should be investigated closely.

Tokyo is covered in radioactive dust. It won't be long before we hear about the surprise cancers that suddenly rise to epidemic status. Building a future on a foundation of lies never works long term.

The order to put those men into harms way would of came from the Joints Chief of Staff or Obummer himself. The ship I can say with confidence did have radiation alerting system, and most likely rudimentary shielding but obviously not enough.

9th June 2016, 07:23 AM
I remember an early report that the Navy sailors were playing in the radioactive snow on the USS Ronald Reagan. It wasn't until the commander was alerted the snow was radioactive when they were told to stop. I think they were having snowball fights and such.

I believe I read the USS Ronald Reagan will be permanently docked.

From article:
Navy sailor Lindsay Cooper knew something was wrong when billows of metallic-tasting snow began drifting over USS Ronald Reagan.

“I was standing on the flight deck, and we felt this warm gust of air, and, suddenly, it was snowing,” Cooper recalled of the day in March 2011 when she and scores of crewmates watched a sudden storm blow toward them from the tsunami-torn coast of Fukushima, Japan.

The tall 24-year-old with a winning smile didn’t know it then, but the snow was caused by the freezing Pacific air mixing with a plume of radioactive steam from the city’s shattered nuclear reactor.
