View Full Version : Kashits won't endorse Trump

9th June 2016, 09:20 AM
Looks like the piece of shit is in the tank for Hillary.
He should not be invited to the convention and him and his establishment butt buddies should be thrown out of the republican party.

Kasich still not endorsing Trump, won't be his VP
Eliza Collins, USA TODAY 11:34 a.m. EDT June 9, 2016

John Kasich has no plans to give Donald Trump his endorsement any time soon, he says. Right now, he compares himself and Trump to two very different companies discussing a merger.

The Ohio governor was speaking to Fox News Channel's America’s Newsroom Thursday when he was asked if he would support the presumptive Republican nominee for president. (Kasich, so far, has declined to endorse and has repeatedly dismissed talk of sharing a ticket with the real estate mogul).

“Look, I have a completely different message, you know, Mr. Trump called me and he said, ‘You know, what are you going to do to support me?’ I said, 'We're like two companies, you know, we have a different vision, a different value system, and a different objective.' So it's pretty hard to put that together. But right now, the divisiveness, the division, the name calling, it just doesn't go down well with me.”

Kasich said the conversation happened a couple of weeks ago. He’d be open to talking to Trump again, he says, but the billionaire’s latest attacks on U.S. District Court Judge Gonzalo Curiel are definitely not helping.

“Ball is in his court, but frankly, look, this latest thing about this judge, it's terrible, it's just terrible,” Kasich said.

“We can't have somebody that divides. We can't have somebody that doesn't lift. We can't have somebody who calls names. That's not acceptable,” Kasich added. “I just wish that there was a change, but it doesn't look like there's been any change. It looks like it's gotten worse.”

And Kasich shut down talk of being Trump’s running-mate — again.

“There's no chance that you're going to be a running mate with Donald Trump?” host Bill Hemmer asked.

“There was never a chance of that,” the Ohio governor said, before adding: “Never, not even a consideration. We're too different.”

On Wednesday, in an interview with Bloomberg Politics, Trump said one of the people he was considering for vice president was a former rival who had not yet endorsed, but he did not disclose any names.

And late Wednesday night Trump retweeted someone calling on Kasich to support Trump or leave the party.

"@mabynshingleton: JohnKasich, the VOTERS have spoken.We want @realDonaldTrump.
You AGREED to support NOMINEE. Get on board or leave @GOP"
9:00 PM - 8 Jun 2016


9th June 2016, 12:23 PM
He's 'trending poorly': Kasich says it's 'absolutely' possible he'll attend convention and not endorse Trump
Business Insider
Jun 9th 2016 11:24AM

John Kasich told Fox News host Bill Hemmer on Thursday it's "hard to say" whether he will endorse Donald Trump ahead of this summer's GOP convention in Cleveland.

The Ohio governor said it's "absolutely" possible he will attend the July convention, which is hosted in his state, and not endorse the presumptive Republican nominee.

http://www.aol.com/article/2016/06/09/john-kasich-absolutely-possible-not-endorse-donald-trump-rnc/21392386/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D993835429 _htmlws-main-bb

Celtic Rogue
9th June 2016, 12:30 PM
So much for his "so called pledge" to support and endorse the elected nominee! All of these professional politicians are professional liars! But we all knew that! LOL

9th June 2016, 12:35 PM
So much for his "so called pledge" to support and endorse the elected nominee! All of these professional politicians are professional liars! But we all knew that! LOL

This jackoff Kashits talks about unifying here, but doesn't say anything about republicans so quick in attacking Trump. How does that unify anything?

"Look, I think the country needs a leader who can unify," he said. "A country needs a leader who can inspire confidence in everyone and make everybody feel like they're special."

bud_green3about a minute ago

Oh...how quickly they turn on each other and devour their own.

Unity? No.

Welcome President Hillary Rodham Clinton.

Mr. Badillo2 minutes ago

Maybe Trump will "liberate" more Arab countries like Bush.

guso2 minutes ago

is it snowing?3 minutes ago

If the GOP takes the nomination away from Trump. I think all hell will break loose. Establishment is what Trump is not, and it chaps the GOP and Dem's ass. Corruption on both sides. If the Hillary gets in the WH, blame it on the GOP not Trump.

cvagresto1is it snowing?about a minute ago

These POS will have a civil war on there hand. They want bullets and blood.
Mr. Badillo4 minutes ago

Dump Dumb Trump
hilMr. Badilloabout a minute ago

trump may be a lot of things, but he is far from dumb
freeetob4 minutes ago

If someone says to you, "I will give you a dish of premium chocolate ice cream, will you promise to eat all of it"—and you agree. Then, after taking a bite, you realize it is a dish of shit, who is first liar in making this agreement?

carhbby24 minutes ago

This pea brain still thinks he'll get the nomination. Wake up! You lost in the primary because you didn't get enough votes. STOP moaning and get on the Trump Train.
hil4 minutes ago

if these last 3 candidates are the best we have, AMERICA IS IN BIG TROUBLE

I certainly do hope Republicans and Independents everywhere are making a list of all the turn coat Repubs that will deliberately throw the election to HC just because they dont like Trump.....you are destroying the future of this country and if HC gets into office the country is gone forever....we will NEVER get it back.
rupn4ROSEHILL YORKIES3 minutes ago

I'm with you but once again, I believe it is much bigger then Trump. I truly believe its about their power base and the Master Elites that pull their strings and they so willingly dance.
stratops5 minutes ago

Whiny, RINO loser! Good boy, John! Cast a vote for hiLIARy!

More: http://www.aol.com/article/2016/06/09/john-kasich-absolutely-possible-not-endorse-donald-trump-rnc/21392386/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl2%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D993835429 _htmlws-main-bb

9th June 2016, 02:25 PM
If the U.S. were a united republic the international jew banker would be laid to waste, gotta keep reinforcing division thru democracy at every level.

Both are pundits to that cause.

9th June 2016, 02:37 PM
Just think how many elites will scurry to that waterless desert in the middle east if Trump get in. Ever wonder why they have dual citizenship? This is exactly why.

9th June 2016, 02:45 PM
Just think how many elites will scurry to that waterless desert in the middle east if Trump get in. Ever wonder why they have dual citizenship? This is exactly why.

Those aren't elites, they're footsoldiers and expendable, Elites have diplomatic liscense and tread anywhere untouchably.

They'd have you and Putin assume that the lizard Soros is one of them,

my guess is he's just their face and frontman, Yugioh card.


9th June 2016, 02:48 PM
Those aren't elites, they're footsoldiers and expendable, Elites have diplomatic liscense and tread anywhere untouchably.

They'd have you and Putin assume that the lizard Soros is one of them,

my guess is he's just their face and frontman, Yugioh card.


Taking out the soliers is a good first play in a gameplan.

9th June 2016, 02:59 PM
Taking out the soliers is a good first play in a gameplan.

As far as war plans go, turning any soldier against their leader is far better. Taking out a pawn only creates more potent singular pawns.

not that any jew foot soldier would have reason for leaving U.S. if Trump were elected.

Trump is busy creatinga greater Israel out of it.

9th June 2016, 03:08 PM
The guy was just another moronic politician. I doubt Trump will lose any sleep over this