View Full Version : christina gimmie, independent singer, killed

11th June 2016, 05:16 AM

Former The Voice contestant Christina Gimmie, who placed 3rd in her 2014 run as a member of Adam Levine‘s team, was shot and killed at her concert in Orlando, Florida last night.

The tragic news was confirmed by Gimmie’s publicist, who released a brief statement to E! News:

It is with a heavy heart that we can confirm that Christina has passed and went home to be with the Lord. She was shot at her show in Orlando and, unfortunately, didn’t survive the gun shot wounds. We ask at this time that you respect the privacy of her family and friends in their time of mourning. If you’d like to give back to Christina’s family in her memory, please consider donating to the families GoFundMe page in their time of need.

According to Orlando police, a band that also performed last night, Before You Exit, was signing autographs when a man walked up to Gimmie and shot her. Gimmie’s brother, who was next to her, attacked the shooter before he could cause any more harm to Gimmie or others. The gunman, who appeared to be acting alone, shot himself and was pronounced dead at the scene. Gimmie was rushed to a local hospital where she eventually passed away.

The gunman has not been identified as of the time of this writing, but to reiterate, he has died from a self-inflicted gunshot wound. A full investigation is already underway.

Christina was 22. Rest her soul.

11th June 2016, 05:20 AM

Singer Christina Grimmie Talks ‘Side A,’ ‘The Voice’ + More [Interview]

by Liz Ramanand June 7, 2016 8:44 AM

Read More: Singer Christina Grimmie Talks 'Side A,' ‘The Voice’ + More [Interview] | http://popcrush.com/christina-grimmie-interview-side-a-the-voice-album/?trackback=tsmclip

Talk about your latest release Side A lyrically and musically.

Side A was a project that I wanted to do, stuff that I produced completely and it was just stuff that I was dealing with. I haven’t had a lot of “hard times” in my life until recently, so I wanted to write about those things and get them out for my fans and not even worry about genre and just make music.

Your decision to go independent, talk about that and how it’s influenced or shaped Side A.

Being independent had a lot to do with it for sure. And of course, being on a label maybe I wouldn’t have been able to do that. It was just a lot of emotional things happening for me. For instance, all my fans know about my mom, she has been dealing with cancer for a long time and things have just been going not so great lately, so there was that. There were a lot of other personal issues I was dealing with, friends, boys, whatever so I just wanted to get it all out on one record in four songs.

11th June 2016, 05:29 AM
it seems they had her in 2014....then does recent interview saying she's independent and releasing new album


Grimmie appeared on The Voice's sixth season in 2014 having generated a fan base of millions from performances she had uploaded to her YouTube channel from the age of 15.

Her time on the show saw her perform alongside Justin Bieber and Lil Wayne who offered to sign her up to his record label, Young Money Entertainment. As well as an offer from her coach Levine, Grimme went on to sign with Island Records who manage musicians including Ariana Grande and Annie Lennox.

================================================== ==========


July 4, 2014

Christina Grimmie is currently on tour with many other members of “The Voice” family, but she is already planning for a big future in music.

Speaking to Niagara Frontier Publications, Grimmie confirmed recent rumors that she has signed with Island Records. This is one of the biggest labels out there, with a roster that includes Darke, U2, Gotye, and many more. This announcement still is somewhat of a surprise to us, given that Adam Levine offered her a spot on his label at the end of this past season and the general assumption was that she would end up there.

She also said the following in the article about a new album, which could be in stores at some point a little later in the year:

“It’s very fun, and it’s very – I wanted it to be very me.

“I’ve done originals in the past. Some are very me; some aren’t very me. I just really want to make this record something to put out there and be like, ‘Hey world, hey people that knew me from ‘The Voice,’ this is Christina Grimmie’s brand-new album, and this is what you’re in for when you buy it.’

“Because I’ve been on tour, I haven’t exactly gotten to write as much, but I’m kind of starting the process. As far as the single goes, it’s just – it’s a jam. It’s fun, and I think people are going to dig it.”

We are very interested to see how this turns out, given that Grimmie was one of the most-talented people from this past season, and also has something that many in the industry today are looking for: A huge social-media following.

11th June 2016, 06:00 AM
Who shot Christina Gimmie? Was he black or an Illegal?
The articles say nothing about the shooter?

11th June 2016, 06:27 AM
Who shot Christina Gimmie? Was he black or an Illegal?
The articles say nothing about the shooter?

Of course not, why would that matter in a politically correct world?

11th June 2016, 06:52 AM
Who shot Christina Gimmie? Was he black or an Illegal?
The articles say nothing about the shooter?

That's what I thought too. I'm sure it wasn't a white guy because it didn't make the front page of the MSM sites

Edit: actually it did but the shooter hasn't been color coded as yet

11th June 2016, 07:00 AM

11th June 2016, 08:38 AM
So we have Manchurian candidates now out protecting Jooo record labels Damn

11th June 2016, 09:21 AM

So we have Manchurian candidates now out protecting Jooo record labels Damn


11th June 2016, 10:47 AM
still no ID of suspect


Mr Mina said the gunman, who shot himself dead during a struggle with the singer's brother, was a 21-year-old white male and had two handguns and a hunting knife. His name has not been released.

mick silver
11th June 2016, 10:49 AM

11th June 2016, 10:52 AM

Grimmie's publicist Heather Weiss confirmed her death early Saturday morning.

11th June 2016, 10:58 AM
The deceased were lovers.

11th June 2016, 11:08 AM
all of the articles i've read said 21 year old male. now this comes out



A 27-year-old man is accused of traveling to Orlando to kill "The Voice" contestant and YouTube star Christina Grimmie late Friday after a performance at the Plaza Live, the Orlando Police Department said.

Orlando Police Chief John Mina said during a news conference Saturday morning that the man, who wasn’t publicly identified, traveled from another city in Florida to kill Grimmie during a meet-and-greet after the concert

11th June 2016, 11:12 AM
The deceased were lovers.

i read several articles that claim they didnt know each other

not that that means anything

11th June 2016, 01:59 PM
Here's a picture of the gunman.


11th June 2016, 02:46 PM
Here's a picture of the gunman.


Awww shit...a white guy! This ain't gonna end well. Thank the Gods that the girl wasn't black!

11th June 2016, 03:42 PM
plot thickens


Kevin James Loibl is the name of the man who killed 22-year-old Christina Grimmie. That’s what is being reported by the Orlando Police via their Twitter account, as seen below. The photo of Loibl shows Kevin with a seemingly slight smile on his face in the photo. With a date of birth of March 10, 1989, Loibl was 27 years of age when he traveled to Orlando to shoot and kill Grimmie, report authorities in Florida.

Beyond being 27, Loibl hails from St. Petersburg, Florida, the Orlando Police also report. Although several accounts on Facebook show up after a search for Kevin Loibl, none of those accounts appear initially to belong to a 27-year-old Loibl from St. Petersburg. A search for the full name of Loibl on Facebook as of this writing results in no readily findable Facebook accounts with that name.

“We couldn’t find anything for Kevin James Loibl.”

Although various “people finder” websites list a photo from Facebook as belonging to Loibl, it appears to be the incorrect man. The search for the Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts belonging to Loibl is important to try and uncover a motive in the tragedy.

According to WGN, police are searching Loibl’s computer, phone, and other items that belonged to Kevin in order to try and determine why he would take Grimmie’s life.

The photo that was released by the Orlando Police does not have a date, so it is unknown how old the photo of Kevin is or when it was taken. However, on Saturday, June 11, police released the photo of Loibl to put a face and name to the person who committed the horrible crime.

Christina, a popular YouTube star and a singer who found fame via The Voice, was shot and killed after Loibl entered the venue where Grimmie was signing autographs.

The only Twitter accounts with Loibl’s name either represent a new account set up under Kevin’s name with the above photo that the Orlando Police released or an account from 2014, which contains NSFW photos.

As reported by Heavy, the Twitter account belonging to Grimmie had tweeted a simple, “The end.” While the publication shows a screenshot of that tweet on Grimmie’s official Twitter page from Saturday, June 11, the tweet has since been deleted. Instead, a pinned tweet at the top of Christina’s Twitter account leads to her GoFundMe page.

As reported by ABC 7 News, Grimmie was from New Jersey and lost her life to Loibl before he turned the gun on himself and committed suicide. The concert was being held in Orlando, Florida, when the violence broke out. Cops are reporting that Loibl’s main mission was to travel to Orlando just to harm Christina.

Grimmie likely did not know her attacker and Loibl did not know Christina personally, reported Orlando Police Chief John Mina. The attack happened on the evening of Friday, June 10. By Saturday, June 11, Grimmie had sadly died as a result of her injuries from Kevin. Chief Mina described how Grimmie was doing what many musical celebrities do after their performances — signing autographs for fans and promoting her wares — when Loibl came up to her and began shooting.

“She was doing a meet-and-greet, just signing autographs and selling merchandise. This white male approached her and opened fire, striking her. We believe he came here to commit this crime.”

The tragedy happened at the Plaza Live Orlando, a venue that does not allow their customers and attendees to carry concealed weapons, according to the Plaza Live Orlando’s website. Those who do enter the venue are searched for weapons by hand, since the venue does not have metal detectors. There were no pat-down searches for Loibl or other patrons prior to Kevin entering and killing Christina — a fact that will likely change in the wake of this tragedy.

11th June 2016, 06:33 PM
'witness' testimony


By Ale Russian and Blake Bakkila
06/11/2016 AT 08:35 PM EDT

One young woman claims to have witnessed the fatal shooting of singer Christina Grimmie in Florida on Friday night.

Destiny Rivera tells PEOPLE that she stood directly behind the shooter – who has now been identified by Orlando police as 27-year-old Kevin James Loibl – right before he opened fire on the Voice alum.

While it currently isn't possible to confirm that Rivera was at the venue, she claims to have several very specific details about the incident and says she is an eyewitness to the shooting.

"I was talking to the girls behind us and there was a guy directly in line in front of us who I could've very easily started a conversation with," Rivera says. "But I didn't, he just didn't look like he was up for a conversation.

"He did look a little bit nervous, but he was by himself and he was dressed as any other concertgoer," she continues. "He didn't seem up for a conversation whatsoever, and he was kinda – he just kept looking around and was moving his body."

Rivera also said she made eye contact with Loibl several times while they were waiting to greet Grimmie and that he seemed "kinda creepy."

"He also looked like he wanted to be by himself," she says.

When it came time for Loibl to meet Grimmie, Rivera says she greeted him with "her arms open wide ready to greet him, as she would any of her other friends with such enthusiasm."

However, according to Rivera, as Loibl approached Grimmie, Rivera turned to talk with her friends and then heard "three popping noises" that she thought were balloons, which fans had brought to the event.

Rivera says she then turned back around to Grimmie and saw her lying on the ground and other fans running.

"I just saw Mark, her brother, kinda jump over the merch table," Rivera says, referencing Grimmie's older brother Marcus (aka, Mark) who worked with her on tour and tackled the shooter before the gunman took his own life. "And once I saw him jumping over the merch table, it kinda hit me and was like, 'this is a very serious serious situation.' And I finally registered, like, Christina is not laying on the floor – she was shot and fell to the ground. So I instantly started running, I was the third one out, and I heard another gunshot. I assumed that the shooter was running out of the venue with us."

"For those of you who have not heard, I had the unfortunate tragedy of witnessing all of the events that occurred last night at The Plaza Live," Rivera wrote. "As I was in line to meet Christina Grimmie for the first time, the man directly in front of us in line gave Christina a fate she did not deserve.

In a Facebook post on Saturday, Rivera also claimed that she and her friends allegedly broke the news to the band Grimmie was opening for, pop-rock band Before You Exit.

"I have never been so heartbroken as I was yesterday seeing how truly upset Connor, Riley, Toby, and their friends and family were," she wrote. "They were all trying to be so strong, but of course it only lasts for so long."

Grimmie was fatally shot late Friday at the Plaza Live venue in Orlando, Florida. At a press conference Saturday morning, Orlando police chief John Mina said Grimmie was possibly shot by a deranged fan, although no motive has officially been revealed.

Rivera also tells PEOPLE that the venue's security team did not check everyone's bags:

"Our other friend actually did have a bag and, just ordinary force of habit, was unzipping her bag and getting ready to show him, and he was like, 'no, you're fine, you're good. Just go.' "

According to police, Loibl had two guns and a knife on him when he attacked Grimmie.

Still, Rivera has fond memories of Grimmie's final performance.

"You could tell that she genuinely enjoyed what she was doing," she said of Grimmie. "She was constantly interacting with the crowd and laughing around and joking, like, making fun of herself. Very kind hearted. She just seemed like a fun outgoing person."

11th June 2016, 06:35 PM
from same link above....my what good grammar and punctuation (relative to typical idiot going to such an event)

is she the Harley guy of 9/11 op?

For those of you who have not heard, I had the unfortunate tragedy of witnessing all of the events that occurred last night at The Plaza Live. As I was in line to meet Christina Grimmie for the first time, the man directly in front of us in line gave Christina a fate she did not deserve.

Seeing someone so talented and kind-hearted literally fall to the ground 5 feet in front of you after hearing gunshots is something I could have never even began to imagine would happen. I ran as fast I could towards the exit as another gun shot went off and I did not have the strength to turn around and see what was happening. I made it to the car along with my friends and another concert goer which I am eternally grateful for and in a panic we drove away. We drove past Before You Exit as they were hanging outside by their tour bus and they seemed unaware of the event that just occurred so we informed them and my heart broke seeing the boys in such a panic over the possibility of their best friend being shot.

We circled back around to talk to the police to help out in any way that we possibly could have.

I have never been so heartbroken as I was yesterday seeing how truly upset Connor, Riley, Toby, and their friends and family were. They were all trying to be so strong, but of course it only lasts for so long.

I just would like to personally thank Mark Grimmie. Mark, if by some chance you could possibly be reading this, I wanted to say thank you for saving the lives of my friends, a handful of other concert goers, and myself. If you had not been as brave as you were to tackle the shooter, God only knows what could have happened to us. You are a strong, brave soul and I am so thankful that there are people like you in this world that are willing to risk his own life to save the lives of others. I know you are trying to grasp the fact that this is slowly becoming real, but just know that you are a hero to me and my friends because we were able to walk out of that venue safe and alive.

I cannot stress enough how easily this could have been prevented although no one expected this at all because this guy looked like every other concert goer and I never suspected a thing. It's a crazy world out there. Just please be safe and aware of your surroundings at all times, please.

Thank you for all the kinds words. We really appreciate you all.

Rest in peace, Christina. Heaven gained us a beautiful angel last night and now they will be able to see the incredible human being you truly are.

Please keep Mark, the rest of Christina's family, friends, and Before You Exit in your prayers as they had the pleasure of knowing and loving someone as great at Christina.

11th June 2016, 07:23 PM
sounds like a gun grab opportunity. She looks like one of the crew.

22 is half 44. Number people say 44 is a very common number if celebrity deaths. i think a couple arena fighters have died this year at 44. 174 is supposed to be an important number but I don't know why. There was a fighter who dies aged 44 and they had all these stats - x number feet and inches. turned out to be 174 inches.

I expected her name to add up to 174. comes out at 175 unless I got it wrong. Seems right. Wondering what the shooters comes out at. 160. Exactly the same number of letters in their names. 17 - the baphomet number.

Shooter was 21.I guess you could say 777. Crowleys favorite number.

i'll wait till the numberology guys have a crack at it.

11th June 2016, 08:07 PM
sounds like a gun grab opportunity. She looks like one of the crew.

22 is half 44. Number people say 44 is a very common number if celebrity deaths. i think a couple arena fighters have died this year at 44. 174 is supposed to be an important number but I don't know why. There was a fighter who dies aged 44 and they had all these stats - x number feet and inches. turned out to be 174 inches.

I expected her name to add up to 174. comes out at 175 unless I got it wrong. Seems right. Wondering what the shooters comes out at. 160. Exactly the same number of letters in their names. 17 - the baphomet number.

Shooter was 21.I guess you could say 777. Crowleys favorite number.

i'll wait till the numberology guys have a crack at it.

I don't understand this because I chose to stop short in the rabbit hole. I will however take this into thought for when I might need the info. Thanks man for posting it.

11th June 2016, 08:54 PM
I don't understand this because I chose to stop short in the rabbit hole. I will however take this into thought for when I might need the info. Thanks man for posting it.

I don't understand any of it either. I know numberology people look for patterns of numbers but I don't know the significance of them. They calculate each letters' number value (1-26 in english, 1- 23? in jewish) )and come up with "stuff". A lot of them come from the Tarrot or Freemasonry numbers - 33, 74, 332 etc. 22 is apparently the number of the fool from Tarrot. some kind of powerful. Other than that it's all a bit esoteric for me.

12th June 2016, 04:13 AM
so here is anumberologists read on the girls death. Apparently I didn't include her middle name. I didn't see it in the news stuff I read but I did see the "killer" had 3 names. I did pause for a second. Because it's weird they go to the effort to include all 3 names.


orlando florida = 144. 144 is an important number biblically, gravity, kabbalistically.

Wonder what matches up with this other orlando shooting.

12th June 2016, 06:14 PM
more stinky...

because she Christian...


It is difficult to find motive in the insane ravings of a madman like Kevin James Loibl. But it has become increasingly apparent to police from an examination of Loibl's cell phone and computer records, that singer Christina Grimmie was murdered because of her outspoken Christian faith.

Loibl, 27, traveled from St. Petersburg to Orlando, a distance of some 107 miles, with the specific intent to kill the contestant from NBC's 'The Voice,' said police, adding that Grimmie and Loibl did not know each other.

Orlando police did say that Loibl carried 2 loaded guns and a hunting knife into the Plaza Live theater, and intended to follow the singer's murder by perpetrating a mass casualty event. The singers brother Marcus prevented others from dying by wrestling the shooter down, who then shot himself dead.

Orlando police are investigating the murder as a hate crime, after an examination of recent posts and e-mails by Loibl. Loibl had neither a gun permit nor a criminal record. His insane rantings were removed from the internet shortly after the crime.

Grimmie, 22, died Saturday at an Orlando hospital after Loibl shot her at the Plaza Live Theater while she was signing autographs. The shooting occurred in front of fans and family. She had been the opening act for the band Before You Exit.

Grimmie's website is outspokenly Christian in its content: http://christinagrimmie.com/users/jrraks6z/blogs/6131881

An excerpt: In the western world, especially American civilization, when asking for a person's religious standing, the most common response you will encounter is simply "I'm a Christian." Most people subtly just think to themselves "Oh, okay good. I was worried for second." But as I have traveled to Israel recently, fervently prayed and studied Scripture, and examined the culture around me, I have found that when someone says "I'm a Christian," I should be more worried for their soul than if they said "I'm an atheist."

Before you stone me to death with your subconscious judgment, let me explain. If you will, come explore with me what it should look like when a person claims Christianity. Come with me, and let's take a look at the most overused word in the English language. What is this "Christian" stuff all about anyway? "

Christina Grimmie posted Christian songs online such as Me Singing - "In Christ Alone" - Christina Grimmie Cover - HAPPY EASTER!! - YouTube


T.J. Wilkins, another Voice competitor, wrote: "What I'll remember most about you is our conversation about faith and the love of Christ." That faith was often reflected in Grimmie's tweets. This one from 2013, which her fans (she called them "Frands--Friends and Fans) are circulating today:

Sometimes God allows terrible things to happen in your life and you don't know why. But that doesn't mean you should stop trusting Him.

— Christina Grimmie (@TheRealGrimmie) February 21, 2013

This was apparently too much for the twisted gunman, who left insane rantings about her online, according to our sources. Like Mark David Chapman, who became obsessed with John Lennon, Loibl grew obsessed with the singer and her Christian beliefs.

Kevin James Loibl's Facebook page has been taken down, as is standard procedure following heinous crimes such as this one. Authorities fear they might inspire copycat crimes.

Attorneys say that to prove a murder case by circumstantial evidence, prosecutors must present 3 elements: Motive, Opportunity and Intent. What Loibl left on his computer and in his cell phone shows motivation: His hatred of Christians in general and of one young female Christian singer in particular. Loibl had the opportunity because he was present at the Plaza, and his intent could be demonstrated again by his communications, and by buying two guns.

Of course, had Loibl lived, prosecutors would not have needed to put on a circumstantial evidence type case, because there were many witnesses. They would have testified. But the point is, the evidence of his communications would support a circumstantial case against Loibl that this was an anti-Christian hate crime, with motivation, opportunity and intent.

A great rabbi once said that causeless hatred is the source of most of the world's unhappiness. It can be said for certain that Loibl had a diseased, twisted mind, and that the 22 year old singer's death defines senseless killing and causeless hatred. Perhaps we can draw some little solace in knowing that she joins a long line of martyrs for her faith.

12th June 2016, 06:59 PM
yes stinky

13th June 2016, 04:36 AM
same name, same location....in law enforcement. father?


TARPON SPRINGS — A Tarpon police detective resigned last month before the conclusion of an internal affairs investigation that found he was having an affair with a convicted felon and often traveled to her mobile home while on duty to have sex with her, officials announced Wednesday.

According to internal affairs documents, Detective John Loibl maintained a relationship with Nickole Carter, 31, and visited her up to several times a week during his shift. Loibl also drove Carter, on probation for drug charges, to probation office appointments in his unmarked police car.

Loibl, 49, was married at the time.

Carter told investigators she met Loibl the summer of 2011 at Busch Gardens while they both waited in line for an amusement ride. They stayed in touch, became friends and eventually began an affair.

When Carter moved from Tampa to Tarpon Springs in October 2012, Loibl helped her find a job at a Subway restaurant and arranged for her to stay at the Hillside Mobile Home Park on U.S. 19. Loibl drove to her home, both in Tampa and later in Tarpon Springs, in his police car during his shift to have sex with her while her children were at school, records show. She told her probation officer she was Loibl's "mistress."

"I think he's a great man. I didn't ever feel forced to do anything," she told investigators. "It was just good to have somebody to actually treat me and my kids good, like nobody ever has."

Loibl took Carter and her three children out to dinner. He bought hamsters for the children, ages 7, 9 and 11, and gave Carter cash to help her with rent and her electric bill, she told investigators.

On July 26, Loibl texted his supervisor: "I don't feel well. My stomach is a mess. … I'm going to go ahead and call out." That same day, Loibl drove Carter in his police car to Perry — a 342-mile round trip. He fueled his police car with gas from a city pump, records show.

Three days later, the Tarpon Springs Probation and Parole Office told police that Loibl might be involved with Carter. Loibl had driven her to the office for a monthly meeting with her probation officer, who recognized him, police said.

Police Chief Robert P. Kochen ordered an internal affairs investigation. On July 30, Loibl was placed on administrative leave with pay.

On Aug. 13, he resigned. He was uncooperative with investigators and didn't show up for his internal affairs interview, police spokesman Capt. Jeffrey Young said.

Had he remained at the department, Loibl would have been terminated, Kochen said.

The chief called Loibl's behavior "disgraceful," adding that "no agency is immune from certain people doing things like this."

Loibl was hired by the department in September 2005. In 2006, Loibl received additional training after investigators found he had improperly documented evidence. In 2007, he was spoken to twice for tardiness, Young said.

In December 2010, Carter was sentenced to 18 months probation in Hillsborough County on a controlled substance possession charge. Earlier this year, she violated her probation by traveling from Pinellas to Hillsborough, where she was arrested for marijuana possession, police said.

State records show Carter was also convicted of DUI property damage in November 2010. She was sentenced to one year of probation, and her driver's license was suspended for six months.

Loibl and Carter could not be reached for comment Wednesday.

Because Loibl had not completed 10 years at the department, he will not receive pension benefits, Young said.

Times researcher Caryn Baird contributed to this report. Contact Laura C. Morel at lmorel@tampabay.com or (727)445-4157.