View Full Version : Media Calls Trump Supporters "RACISTS" - Time for Trump Supporters to Strike Back! He

mick silver
11th June 2016, 03:38 PM
Media Calls Trump Supporters "RACISTS" - Time for Trump Supporters to Strike Back! Here's How: Post by Newsroom (https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/author/973-newsroom) - Jun 10, 2016


The mass media has taken off the gloves by apparently deciding upon a tactic to use against Donald Trump: RACISM. It's time for Trump Supporters to strike back - Go after their advertisers!
CBS took the lead this weekend with a banner headline and a photo, both of which are completely disgraceful:


Next, CNN took up the same strategy, with an interview of sore loser, Republican-In-Name-Only (RINO) Mitt Romney, with this beastly headline:


These two media outlets are clearly bent on spewing completely untrue slime, in a vicious, nefarious, effort to sabotage support for Donald Trump. If the tactics weren't so despicable, they'd be pathetic.
But this time, the laugh is going to be on the mass media! They have advertisers and Trump supporters can call those advertisers and let them know

"CBS and CNN are running major news stories that falsely claim Donald Trump is a racist. IF YOUR COMPANY CONTINUES TO ADVERTISE ON (CBS/CNN) I WILL NOT SHOP AT YOUR STORE. I resent being smeared as a racist by CBS/CNN because I choose to support Mr. Trump and if your company continues to advertise on CBS/CNN, I will take that to mean that YOUR COMPANY thinks I am racist too. I will not spend my hard-earned money at any company that thinks I'm racist."
Let the advertiser know that you support Donald Trump and you resent being called a racist by (CBS/CNN). Because that is exactly what CBS and CNN are doing: They are intimating that Trump supporters are "racists, white supremacists, anti-Semites" or the like. That's why they put the name "Trump" in the same sentence as those epithets! They want to draw an association between Trump supporters and racists; between Trump supporters and White Supremacists; between Trump supporters and anti-Semites. This is a strategy adopted by the absolute top echelon within CBS as an all-out effort to utterly destroy the Presidential candidacy of Mr. Trump.
Trump supporters should use this occasion to utterly (but peacefully and legally) destroy the networks engaged in this sabotage; and they can do it by contacting absolutely EVERY advertiser on CBS/CNN to complain.
Advertisers do not like controversy. They do not want to be associated with any tempest at all. If Trump supporters start raising hell with the advertisers, the advertisers will start raising hell with CBS and CNN. And don't kid yourself, with the economy in the crapper, and retail sales falling very rapidly, advertisers will react immediately to stop anything that could associate them with a controversy.
The fastest way to put a dent in the mass media is to go after their advertisers with a boycott. That cuts-off the advertising money and the loss of money puts the brakes on what the media is doing.
It should be clear to any reasonable person that the mass media is deliberately adopting this tactic to affect low-information voters. This disgusting effort by the mass media cannot be allowed to gain a foothold in the public mind. It must be confronted.
A boycott and complaints to advertisers is the absolute best way to do that.
Don't get aggravated by what the mass media is doing, get even!
Call advertisers on CBS and CNN and raise holy hell about those networks tacitly calling YOU a racist because YOU support Trump.

12th June 2016, 02:31 AM

12th June 2016, 04:28 AM
Mick is on the phone right now, I'll try back later to get a hold of him.

mick silver
12th June 2016, 05:10 PM
nope mick been cutting hay for three day , try that out some time .... work

12th June 2016, 05:11 PM

12th June 2016, 06:09 PM
nope mick been cutting hay for three day , try that out some time .... work

In your AC tractor while running it remote from your AC front room. 3 days to get a years of income, not bad man.