View Full Version : Canada Overwhelmed By 100,000 Chinese Millionaire Immigrants

13th June 2016, 03:11 PM
this is an EPIC tale... economic invasion from another kind. Two sides of the spectrum meet. slave wages or millionaires?
Published on Jun 13, 2016

China's Millionaire Migration: The wave of Chinese millionaires making property prices unaffordable in Canada


13th June 2016, 07:19 PM
It will last 1 generation then be over. None of these kids know anything about working or managing investing. And it's all about face, so they will spend it all, then be broke. They won't be able to go back to China because they western now.

So who's going to get all the money from them? Who is selling them the clothes and trinkets? The cars? The Gambling? The houses over inflated by 10x + ? The money lenders will get the money eventually.

If you want to make a lot of money, become a broker and sell them the crap. Then get out.

13th June 2016, 08:23 PM
I'd heard some years ago that the Chinese worst of both capitalism & communism system had made millionaires out of a small connected/corrupt segment of them; but this same segment fears the party which enriched them won't last; so they're expating their ill gotten wealth into hard assets offshore where they hope it'll be safe in case "justice" aka asset forfeiture ever comes to China.

Esp off shore RE; trinkets & blingy shit for the spoiled offspring of the main (corrupt) wealth accumulators.

13th June 2016, 08:26 PM
So who's going to get all the money from them? Who is selling them the clothes and trinkets? The cars? The Gambling? The houses over inflated by 10x + ? The money lenders will get the money eventually.

I smell bagels...I tell'ya...I..smell...bagels!

13th June 2016, 08:41 PM
I'm wondering why they headed to Vancouver and not somewhere like Monaco. Maybe there's isn't much in the way of RE available there anymore. Also I noticed that Vancouver is very Jade in colour so perhaps that appeals to them more. The window glass is green and the roofs are all green as well.

I don't know what taxes are like in VC compared to Monaco.

13th June 2016, 08:48 PM
At least Chinks don't want Niggers, Beaners, and Kebabs imported to status signal.

We're better off slaves to the zipper heads than the hook noses.

http://s32.postimg.org/c9mysy5g5/1461552605279.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

http://s32.postimg.org/81s6k740l/1465129784225.jpg (http://postimage.org/)

13th June 2016, 09:09 PM
I'm wondering why they headed to Vancouver and not somewhere like Monaco.


I lived in Vancouver for a couple of years. Kind of a mini Hong Kong. Beautiful.


16th August 2016, 12:21 PM
I lived in Vancouver for a couple of years. Kind of a mini Hong Kong. Beautiful.

Newer photo:


16th August 2016, 02:15 PM
I lived in Vancouver for a couple of years. Kind of a mini Hong Kong. Beautiful.


I lived in Hongcouver for a couple of years. Kind of a mini Hong Kong. Beautiful.

There, fixed it for you.

[couldn't figure out the strike through]

24th August 2016, 05:15 PM