View Full Version : Possible presumptive nominee Paul Ryan?

14th June 2016, 11:34 AM
What the fuck is going on here? Ryan has been doing a lot of public speaking so close to the convention. Are they really thinking about removing Trump and throwing the election to the wicked witch? Everything he's saying goes against Trump's policies...that by the way, American voted for in record numbers.

He is set to give another, to roll back regulations on energy and the environment, labor issues and the financial services industry.
Shouldn't this be the party's leader Trump's job? I hope someone is watching Trump's back from this scumbag Ryan.

Look at this shit, all articles from today....

Ryan Unveils Plan to Roll Back Obama-Era Regulations

House Speaker Paul Ryan Tuesday unveiled the third installment of his "agenda project," with a sweeping 57-page plan to roll back regulations on energy and the environment, labor issues and the financial services industry.

The plan commissioned by a task force named by Ryan, R-Wis., is largely a repackaging of GOP agenda items that have failed to advance through the Senate and often been met with veto threats by President Barack Obama.

Bad or unnecessary regulations can slow the economy down significantly, and the evidence suggests red tape is holding back the recovery," said the report, which Ryan is officially unveiling at an event in front of Labor Department headquarters. "The federal government has taken very few outdated regulations off the books, while constantly adding new ones: 3,408 in 2015 alone."

Tuesday's release is the third of a half-dozen reports that are designed to form a positive GOP agenda for the fall campaign. But House Republicans are struggling to be heard above the din created by presumptive GOP nominee Donald Trump.

The plan takes aim at regulations on global warming and the 2010 overhaul of financial regulation, among others.

It promises to repeal regulations on power plant emissions that discourage the use of coal, roll back a major update of the Clean Water Act, ease approval of liquefied natural gas facilities and nuclear power plants, and opening up more federal lands to energy exploration.

"All this red tape especially hurts small businesses, startups, and the energy sector — which are the engines of economic growth," the report added. "It also puts American companies at a disadvantage against global competition."

Reports due next week on the trickier topics of tax reform and a longstanding promise to "repeal and replace" the Affordable Care Act are likely to be more closely watched.

Paul Ryan renews criticism of ban on Muslim immigrants
Craig Gilbert, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel 12:45 p.m. EDT June 14, 2016

House Speaker Paul Ryan, R-Wis., talks to reporters at the Republican National Committee headquarters on Capitol Hill on June 14, 2016. (Photo: J. Scott Applewhite, AP)
House Speaker Paul Ryan renewed his criticism Tuesday of a ban on Muslim immigrants, another reminder that his endorsement of Donald Trump has not put to rest their considerable differences.

"I do not think a Muslim ban is in our country's interest. I don't think it is reflective of our principles, not just as a party but as a country," the Wisconsin Republican said at a House GOP press conference. "I think the smarter way to go in all respects is to have a security test, not a religious test."

Ryan also struck a far different tone than Trump on the role of American Muslims, whom Trump accused Monday of harboring terrorists in their communities and failing to report them to authorities.

Asked about those remarks, Ryan said: "I think there is a really important distinction that every American needs to keep in mind. This is a war with radical Islam. It's not a war with Islam. Muslims are our partners. The vast, vast majority of Muslims in this country and around the world are moderate, they're peaceful, they're tolerant. And, so they're among our best allies, among our best resources in this fight against radical Islamic terrorism. So I think it's very important that we hold that distinction. We honor that distinction. And let's remember, we're all in this together."

In a speech and interviews Monday, Trump expanded on his call for a ban on the entry of Muslims into the U.S., proposing that America suspend immigration from all countries that have a proven history of terrorism. He broadly questioned the loyalties of Muslim Americans and suggested that President Obama was not really interested in combating the terrorist threat.

Asked Tuesday for his response to Trump's remarks, Ryan restated his disagreement with Trump's immigration proposals and spoke up for the American Muslim community.

But he did not criticize Trump directly. As he left the press conference, Ryan ignored reporters who asked him whether he stood by his support of Trump, the party's presumptive nominee.

Trump plans to meet with House Republicans on July 7 to talk about the GOP agenda and how to come together before the November election.

Ryan endorsed Trump June 2, after acknowledging serious differences and concerns about the tenor of Trump's campaign.

But on the heels of that endorsement, Ryan criticized Trump for what he called "racist" comments about a judge of Mexican heritage.

And their differences over immigration, terrorism, and how to bring Americans together on these issues have come to the fore again in the aftermath of the mass shooting in Orlando.

Ryan also used Tuesday's press conference to reiterate his criticism of President Obama's national security strategy, saying, "Right now, the president doesn't have a plan to get the job done."

Ryan on Trump's judge comments: "He has to fix this"
Muriel Sparks Jun 14 , 2016

Speaker Paul Ryan's office disputes a section of the transcript. Ryan said he would "not attempt to try and defend the indefensible, ' but insisted that sending Hillary Clinton to the White House was not 'the answer" to a growing divide between the Trump campaign and centrist lawmakers on Capitol Hill. For example, the left says conservatives support "wars for oil". "It isn't the first time I've had to do, and it won't be the last time if this continues", Ryan said. Their coverage of Speaker Ryan's poverty policy announcement in Anacostia also exclusively focused on the questions the media made about Trump, and completely failed to report on the launching of the House Republican proposals that will be a major part of their campaign to retain their historically large majority in the House. Muhammad Ali eulogized by American luminaries Many hope

Ali's legacy will continue to be a positive inspiration for not just Muslims, but those of all religious backgrounds. Comedian Billy Crystal prompted laughter from the crowd as he impersonated Ali on stage in a moving tribute. The GOP national security agenda calls North Atlantic Treaty Organisation a "critical organization" and says the us should assemble "a more robust coalition of allies". "But I've spoken to him about our agenda that we're rolling out". Trump, on his way to an evening campaign rally in nearby Richmond, stopped by. Daudt said he thinks Trump has "more room to grow" than Clinton in Minnesota, in terms of popularity. Carson, who claims that the comments are not racist, is urging Republicans uneasy about Trump to unite behind him because there is no other alternative. "I said it publicly and I said it privately", Ryan told ABC News anchor George Stephanopoulos in a clip of the interview. However, Ryan said Trump is still a better alternative to Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

"Seventeen people competed, one person won and he got the delegates", Ryan added. Apple Opens Up Siri, iMessage To Developers In iOS 10 The Apple Music app, which powers Apple's music streaming, has been revamped for a cleaner and more intuitive interface. And for people who already get a lot of use out of Apple Pay, this now comes to the desktop - assuming you use Safari . Paul Ryan is hoping Donald Trump really does elevate the tone of his campaign, but otherwise seems prepared to (again) criticize the presumptive Republican presidential nominee if necessary. Trump says that "taking the oil" of Iraq and Libya should be a top priority. "Getting over that kind of a comment is not, that's, no - this is something that needed to be condemned". Trump's Victory Speech Should Give Democrats Reason to WorryHe framed the election in classic populist terms: "I'm going to be America's champion because you see this election isn't about Republican or Democrat; it's about who runs this country - the special interests or the people and I mean the American people...." The Wisconsin Republican asked members at weekly closed-door GOP conference to weigh in on plans to restrict amendments on spending bills after Democrats recently forced a nasty fight over a measure to bar the government from paying federal contractors that discriminate based
on gender identity or sexual orientation. Trust me, I know. Oil futures fall as global growth, Brexit concerns weigh Markets have slumped since the middle of last week as investors get increasingly fearful as the referendum approaches. US stocks ended lower for a third straight session as investors braced for the Fed meeting and Britain's referendum. 'I don't know what's in his heart. Now that might get attention and allow Ryan's policy ideas to be taken seriously. Portal Em Dia http://portalemdia.com/2016/06/14/ryan-on-trumps-judge-comments-he-has-to-fix-this.html

14th June 2016, 11:38 AM
I sure hope they try that....it will be the end of the Repuke party. The Democunts are self destructing as we speak. This is all good for America

14th June 2016, 11:41 AM
He was reluctant to take the Speaker job because he wanted to spend more time in Wisconsin with his family. I think he took the job with the understanding that he would be allowed to spend more time away from D.C. than is typical for a Speaker. That doesn't sound like the profile of someone who wants to be president.

14th June 2016, 11:45 AM
He was reluctant to take the Speaker job because he wanted to spend more time in Wisconsin with his family. I think he took the job with the understanding that he would be allowed to spend more time away from D.C. than is typical for a Speaker. That doesn't sound like the profile of someone who wants to be president.

Perhaps TPTB showed him the Zapruder film of the JFK assassination and made him an offer he couldn't refuse

14th June 2016, 12:05 PM
Maybe instead of Ryan being Mitten's VP, Mittens will be his

midnight rambler
14th June 2016, 12:09 PM
Maybe instead of Ryan being Mitten's VP, Mittens will be his

Extremely doubtful considering how lippy Ryan has been toward Trump.

14th June 2016, 12:11 PM
What do you think America will do if they steal the election from Trump and deliberately throw it to Hillary ?

Will the people unregister as republicans and demand a new party? Will the people riot and burn?

14th June 2016, 01:46 PM
What do you think America will do if they steal the election from Trump and deliberately throw it to Hillary ?

Will the people unregister as republicans and demand a new party? Will the people riot and burn?


17th June 2016, 11:35 AM
He's at it again... This piece of shit needs to go!
As soon as Trump is sworn in as nominee, I hope he sends the RINO Paul 'Eddie Munster' Ryan packing.

Paul Ryan On Stopping A President Trump's Muslim Ban: We'll Sue Him!
PublishedJUNE 17, 2016, 10:02 AM EDT 164028 Views

House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-WI) has made clear he doesn't agree with a proposal put forward by Donald Trump -- whom Ryan has endorsed -- to ban Muslim immigration into the United States, but in an interview with the Huffington Post Thursday, Ryan floated taking a President Trump to court if he tried to implement such a ban or some of his other controversial proposals unilaterally.

“I would sue any president that exceeds his or her powers,” Ryan said in a back-and-forth about Trump's claims that he could implement a Muslim ban or build a Mexican border wall without congressional approval.

Ryan said he wasn't sure of the "legal question" of whether Trump could institute a Muslim ban on his own as president.

“That’s a legal question that there’s a good debate about,” he said, citing the 1952 Immigration and Nationality Act.

"On the broader question, are we going to exert our Article I powers and reclaim this Article I power no matter who the president is? Absolutely," Ryan said. He also said he discussed the limits of the executive power with Trump.

In the interview, Ryan said his endorsement of real estate mogul did not give Trump “a blank check,” and that he was still trying to achieve "real unity" between the presumptive nominee and his caucus.

"I am going to keep being who I am, I am going to keep speaking out on things where I think it's needed, where our principles need to be defended, and I am going to keep doing that, I hope it's not necessary," Ryan said. "But the last thing I want to see is a another Democrat in the White House"


17th June 2016, 11:58 AM
They're just letting all the other vested jew semites from across the globe like yourself know that Trump is well under heel/hoof and to move forward with full vestment into Trump PR campaigns.



17th June 2016, 12:25 PM
They're just letting all the other vested jew semites from across the globe like yourself know that Trump is well under heel/hoof and to move forward with full vestment into Trump PR campaigns.

So are you ready?...



17th June 2016, 01:17 PM
What other choice does a halfling semite such as yourself have, Really?!

17th June 2016, 01:50 PM
What other choice does a halfling anti-semite such as yourself have, Really?!

There is no other choice for an anti-semite like myself. If the US doesn't become a sovereign country again, nothing matters.

17th June 2016, 02:38 PM
There is no other choice for an anti-semite like myself. If the US doesn't become a sovereign country again, nothing matters.

Pickup thy Rainbow flag from half mass and march to sovereigntEE_, brah.


17th June 2016, 02:55 PM
Pickup thy Rainbow flag from half mass and march to sovereigntEE_, brah.

Will this help?


17th June 2016, 04:21 PM
Will this help?


How Original,

May want to take that to "The Apprentice" reality show, to see if there are any takers.

17th June 2016, 05:05 PM
How Original,

May want to take that to "The Apprentice" reality show, to see if there are any takers.

Okay, but I'll have to wait until the new season with white nationalist Arnold Schwarzenegger starts. I'll keep ya posted if I get any takers.
I'm going to count on you to handling the marching with the rainbow flag thingy. I can't help you.

Arnold Schwarzenegger’s ‘Celebrity Apprentice’ Premiere Date Revealed
TV | By Tony Maglio on June 8, 2016 @ 1:01 pm Follow @tonymaglio

The Governator takes over from the GOP presidential candidate to host Season 8
NBC famously has a new “Celebrity Apprentice” host, and now the highly-anticipated rebooted version’s got a premiere date and time.
Arnold Schwarzenegger‘s tenure will officially kick off Monday, Jan. 2, 2017 at 8/7c on NBC, network reality boss Paul Telegdy told TheWrap exclusively. So, Happy New Year, everyone!


19th June 2016, 12:04 PM
Paul Ryan helping out Chuck Todd and the Liberal Democrat machine. This piece of shit really needs to go!

Ryan can't even say Trump is the nominee. Ryan also mentions that Hillary will appoint a "bad" judge? Are some judges bad...bad how?
I know Ryan caused a lot of shit over Trump saying judge Curiel was a bad judge, so Ryan accuses Hillary to appoint a bad judge?


19th June 2016, 12:34 PM
Paul Ryan helping out Chuck Todd and the Liberal Democrat machine. This piece of shit really needs to go!

Ryan can't even say Trump is the nominee. Ryan also mentions that Hillary will appoint a "bad" judge? Are some judges bad...bad how?
I know Ryan caused a lot of shit over Trump saying judge Curiel was a bad judge, so Ryan accuses Hillary to appoint a bad judge?


This fag always looks baked. Who would let him go out like that? Allergic to eye drops?

19th June 2016, 12:37 PM
You're off your rocker EE_

Presidents rarely provide any sovereignty, quit assuming it will be so with Trump.

He's already attacked the second amendment.

In fact if there were any president that came along and Provided sovreignty to you, it would be UnAmerican.

19th June 2016, 04:37 PM
You're off your rocker EE_

Presidents rarely provide any sovereignty, quit assuming it will be so with Trump.

He's already attacked the second amendment.

In fact if there were any president that came along and Provided sovereignty to you, it would be UnAmerican.

Maybe so, but a president Hillary damn sure won't do anything close to securing the country, or putting America first.
I won't assume anything with Trump, unless he gets elected. Until then, there is no debating this.
No Trump did not attack the second amendment.

You're hoping GB stays in the European Union, aren't you?

19th June 2016, 05:33 PM
No Trump did not attack the second amendment.

You're hoping GB stays in the European Union, aren't you?

I didn't even know Britain was in the E.U. to begin with.

Trump is for removing the gun rights of anyone on the No-Fly list, that's a head-on attack of the second ammendment.

If you support that, I'd call you a gay Englishman.

Where's Book when u need him to digup that old thread where u disavowed anymore Trump support?

I'm starting to think he's just blowing red smoke, and he wins either way if hillary gets in or not. he's not just politically incorrect that'd be o.k. he's a politically reactionary dunderhead.

19th June 2016, 05:42 PM
I didn't even know Britain was in the E.U. to begin with.

Trump is for removing the gun rights of anyone on the No-Fly list, that's a head-on attack of the second ammendment.

If you support that, I'd call you a gay Englishman.

Where's Book when u need him to digup that old thread where u disavowed anymore Trump support?

Trump has said a lot of bullshit to get the vote. Don't mean anything but election angles.

19th June 2016, 05:44 PM
Trump - is The empty can that rattles the most


19th June 2016, 05:49 PM
Trump has said a lot of bullshit to get the vote. Don't mean anything but election angles.

You don't tread on the Constitution and expect to gain U.S. sovereignty.

pennies should cover his eyes.

19th June 2016, 05:59 PM
He covered faggots, no fly and guns, and also the false flag events. He is towing the jew line to get into office. What other choice does the USi stand a chance with... Hillary? We are fucked nomatter what but I like the idea of someone totally hated by establishment. Throw in faggot Ryan also. Why they hate Trump so much? Has to be a reason.

How did Putin get in is my question...

19th June 2016, 06:21 PM
He covered faggots, no fly and guns, and also the false flag events. He is towing the jew line to get into office. What other choice does the USi stand a chance with... Hillary? We are fucked nomatter what but I like the idea of someone totally hated by establishment. Throw in faggot Ryan also. Why they hate Trump so much? Has to be a reason.

How did Putin get in is my question...

I only concern myself in the immediate to short terms anymore, its more than obvious to me that any long terms NWO plans (which both these candidates work towards) are fairly well doomed. What most often has been the case is there's a split in governement so only paid for laws get passed anyways. Neither will have any great effect or only control of their little lumps of discretionary spending.

I don't think Trump realizes how very little weight the U.S. has to throw around, until he gets there. Neither he nor Hillary will name their weakness upon entering. Which is what needs to happen, not a continuation of hopium smoking.

20th June 2016, 03:26 AM
Either way I like Trumps smoke and mirrors much better than the alternate, much more entertaining.

20th June 2016, 06:47 AM
Ryan peaked with The Munsters years ago. He has no future in Washington DC.

20th June 2016, 06:53 AM
Ryan peaked with The Munsters years ago. He has no future in Washington DC.


20th June 2016, 11:08 AM

22nd June 2016, 02:21 PM
I thought Trump was the party leader?

U.S. House Speaker Ryan unveils Republican alternative to Obamacare

WASHINGTON, DC - JUNE 16: House speaker Paul Ryan speaks to reporters during his weekly press briefing on June 16, 2016 in Washington, DC

U.S. House of Representatives Speaker Paul Ryan unveiled a Republican healthcare agenda on Wednesday that would repeal Obamacare but keep some of its more popular provisions.

The proposal is part of Ryan's blueprint, titled "A Better Way," which offers a Republican alternative to the Democratic Party on policy issues ahead of the Nov. 8 election.

Earlier this month, Ryan, the country's highest-ranking elected Republican, released initiatives on national security and combating poverty. Proposals on regulation, tax reform and constitutional authority are expected in the coming weeks.

Republicans have challenged President Barack Obama's signature healthcare law, the Affordable Care Act, since it was enacted in 2010 after a bitter fight in Congress.

"Obamacare has limited choices for patients, driven up costs for consumers, and buried employers and health care providers under thousands of new regulations," a draft of the Ryan plan said. "This law cannot be fixed."

But Ryan's proposal would keep some popular aspects of the law, including not allowing people with pre-existing conditions to be denied coverage and permitting children to stay on their parents' coverage until age 26.

The Obama administration says some 20 million Americans have become insured as a result of the Affordable Care Act.

The Ryan plan recycles long-held Republican proposals like allowing consumers to buy health insurance across state lines, expanding the use of health savings accounts and giving states block grants to run the Medicaid program for the poor.

For people who do not get insurance through their jobs, the Republican plan would establish a refundable tax credit. Obamacare, by contrast, provides subsidies to some lower-income people to buy insurance if they do not qualify for Medicaid.

The Republican proposal would gradually increase the Medicare eligibility age, which currently is 65, to match that of the Social Security pension plan, which is 67 for people born in 1960 or later.

Like Obamacare's so-called Cadillac tax on expensive healthcare plans offered by employers, the Republican proposal would cap the tax deductibility of employer-based plans.

The Republican plan includes medical liability reform that would put a cap on non-economic damages awarded in lawsuits, a measure aimed at cutting overall healthcare costs.

Under Obamacare, many states expanded the number of people eligible for Medicaid. The Republican plan would allow states that decided to expand Medicaid before this year to keep the expansion, while preventing any new states from doing so.
