View Full Version : Listen up all you right wing extremist derelicts

midnight rambler
15th June 2016, 05:26 PM
You've been deemed the domestic equivalent of radical moozlems by DHS -


15th June 2016, 05:35 PM
Give up your guns? Drudge takes on DHS: 'You go first!'

Agency also worried 'right wing extremists' pose same threat as 'Islamic extremists'

Published: 2 hours ago http://www.wnd.com/files/2014/07/Chelsea-Schilling_avatar-96x96.jpg Chelsea Schilling (http://www.wnd.com/author/cschilling/) About | Email (cschilling@wnd.com) | Archive (http://www.wnd.com/author/cschilling/?archive=true) Chelsea Schilling is a news and commentary editor for WND and a proud U.S. Army veteran. She has a bachelor's degree in journalism and also worked as a news producer at USA Radio Network and
http://www.wnd.com/files/2016/06/Drudge-TW.jpgMatt Drudge of The Drudge Report

Just months after Department of Homeland Security advisers claimed “the threat from right-wing extremists domestically is just as real as the threat from Islamic extremism,” DHS Secretary Jeh Johnson is now suggesting his department should be in charge of implementing gun control.

But media pioneer Matt Drudge reacted to Johnson’s comments with his own demand.
He insisted the DHS secretary give up his own guns first.

“Homeland Jeh says Give up Your Guns!” Drudge tweeted Wednesday. “You go first, Brah.”

http://www.wnd.com/files/2016/06/Drudge-tweet.jpg (https://twitter.com/DRUDGE/status/742872933681397760)
As WND reported (http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/homeland-floats-national-security-as-excuse-to-take-guns/), after the terrorist attack in Orlando, Florida, Johnson told CBS News’ “This Morning” on June 14 that he believes implementing gun control in America is critical to protecting homeland security.

“We have to face the fact that meaningful, responsible gun control has to be part of homeland security as well, given the prospect of homegrown, home-born violent extremism in this country,” Johnson said.

“We need to do something to minimize the opportunities for terrorists to get a gun in this country, and this is now something that is critical to homeland security as well as public safety,” he told the show.

He also argued that another issue “that has to be addressed” is stopping Americans on the federal no-fly list from buying guns.
Watch Johnson’s comments:
WND also reported (http://www.wnd.com/2016/06/heres-how-to-sound-off-on-obamas-newest-anti-gun-plan/)that there’s a pending public comment period for a proposed rule that would strip gun rights from an estimated four million or more Americans, without any adjudication.

President Obama’s newest plan would be to abruptly take Second Amendment rights away from a vast class of Social Security and government benefit recipients – anyone with help managing their government benefits and a wide range of other individuals. The change would make it a crime, instantly, for those individuals to have guns.

“The regulation promises to aggressively search for and take away the gun rights of Social Security Disability recipients with PTSB, ADHD, post partem depression, Alzheimer’s, etc.,” a report from Gun Owners of America said.
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Also this week came news of the DHS comments concerning right-wing extremists, which were made during the Homeland Security Advisory Council’s January meeting – only one month after Muslim terrorists Syed Rizwan Farook and Tashfeen Malik killed 14 Americans in an attack in San Bernardino, California, in December 2015.

“Member [Austin Police Chief Art] Acevedo reminded the Council that the threat from right-wing extremists domestically is just as real as the threat from Islamic extremism,” the official meeting minutes state (https://www.dhs.gov/sites/default/files/publications/Meeting%20Minutes%201%2021%2016%20Final.pdf).
Johnson apparently agreed with Acevedo’s sentiments, the official records noted.

“Secretary Johnson agreed and noted that CVE (the Subcommittee on Combating Violent Extremism), by definition, is not focused solely on one religion,” the minutes say.

That’s when another council member, Cardinal Point Strategies CEO Paul Goldenberg, chimed in:

“Member Goldenberg seconded Member Acevedo’s remarks and noted the importance of online sites in right wing extremist communities, not only in America but worldwide.”