View Full Version : New movie about 4chan and 6 gorillion

19th June 2016, 04:46 AM
Didn't the Jews already make the world their own with the 6 gorillion agenda?


Why release this now...

Comments are golden, while they last



19th June 2016, 04:47 AM
This is the director in the above pic. The movie is about the trial against David Irving. They just can't stop beating down that poor old man. Watch this:

>David Irving - Talking Frankly

>The story starts at 51:00 and ends at 57:00

>David Irving's eldest daughter, Josephine, was a lovely girl but she suffered from schizophrenia, and the Jews loved to make fun of David Irving for this because they thought that it was so ironic that a nazi sympathizer like David Irving ended up with a daughter that Hitler would've euthanized.
>In 1996, she tried to commit suicide by hurling herself from a building, luckily she survived, but she ended up with her back and all of her limbs completely crushed and had to have her limbs amputated.
>She lived with schizophrenia and no limbs and a broken back for 3 years, until the Jews threw her out of a 2 story building and successfully killed her this time.
>The funeral was set 2-3 weeks before the big holocaust denial trial that Deborah Lipstadt and her 40 lawyers and historians had brought against him with her libel suit.
>1 hour after the funeral a courier came up and delivered him a fancy and very expensive wreath with a letter attached to it.
>The letter read "Truly a merciful death" and it was signed by "Phillipp Bouhler and friends".
>If you know the history of the third reich you know that "Merciful death" (barmherzigen Tod) was the German euphemism for euthanasia, the killing of the disabled. Philipp Bouhler, who had apparently signed this card had been dead since 1945. He was Hitler's left-hand man. He was head of the euthanasia programme
>This letter was sent to destabilize David Irving before the big trial that sent him to prison, not for holocaust denial but for "Portraying Adolf Hitler in a favorable light"

19th June 2016, 04:47 AM
>Jews sense that Holocaust propaganda is losing effectiveness
>nobody watches it
>annoy more people with an 80 year old legend
>lose tons of shekels

kek they never learn

19th June 2016, 10:53 AM
Comments are golden, while they last

There apparently is zero damage control yet. Maybe they are goung to round all the commenters up.

19th June 2016, 11:48 AM
Never forgot the 66 trillion.

We Goyim can't be reminded enough of our role in lampshading the 666 gazillion..

19th June 2016, 12:35 PM
Wake n bake.

19th June 2016, 01:38 PM

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcQ3GMUc5Okf49quKg9sUDjO0FrEE4_Of 4VKNNFU35KthZyTBOsc