View Full Version : Anoother fake Trump scam?

19th June 2016, 11:20 AM
Donald J. Trump (http://javascript<strong></strong>:void(0))

Sponsored (http://javascript<strong></strong>:void(0)) ·

I did a good thing during the Republican primary. I didn’t ask my supporters for a single dime. Not one.
We ran the most efficient, most successful Presidential race in the history of our great country!

Make no mistake - it’s that kind of leadership and budgetary tenacity that I’m going to bring to the office of President of the United States. But first, we have to beat Crooked Hillary. We can’t let her back into the White House ever again. I need your help to do so.

https://external-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/safe_image.php?d=AQAAWi53XJRJYGpr&w=476&h=249&url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.facebook.com%2Fads%2Fimage%2 F%3Fd%3DAQLrUzaVa5BdgJs00XP_PaRrFVPazHa5t0UbTbc57p 4DT9jlzmt0X1nYVr5ANThaCp6UcUShKMV7b-WB54nYH8VQXNEVRyMr9mcXgcEurf5QSTj_KqlmO3G03tKQhfn5 KhAVg9IGjUKuLXKvG3G_1_3h&cfs=1&upscale=1
Donate Today To Help Make America Great Again!
(https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fsecure.donaldjtrump.com%2Fdo nate%2F%3Futm_source%3Dfacebook%26utm_medium%3Dcpc %26utm_campaign%3DDRMFB%26utm_term%3D616GPBP&h=-AQGFiTO0&enc=AZMIUpDfYKLk37k9ho0T2cxknsJzBapnakQmsY3UmzDivH nUfohx2GDhkbuY01sQzQBJK7vzRDplSTGsNQ3cVhe5tw1V95D7 lGB8NgOwUd2aMPTGWe_4mbvonRbh37mznfwALwnwQLERk49aci CwQmcQlDFXjKxzBb076OLF5AxO7ZjNkLTcL4v-X7bkdvTwll7y0eHH3vfnmPX7D6G96Xim3ysD08QXCjnJ2RQreP LhngijHhJuYI5hxL9l_S-ziz-p2CefflAu5IGIhL2OMSgrGF6XHOsNxc344P0UP0ZE3454_37Vb HbvaRTXUansQU2Lv5sRIgUBxVM4vmUCwV3r&s=1)
I’m asking every single one of my supporters to invest in the future of America - whether it’s $1,000 or $1. Your donation will show the liberals, the professional pundits, and the Washington establishment that this campaign is about you.


midnight rambler
19th June 2016, 11:26 AM
Not only does that not sound at all like Trump, such a spiel is out of character for him.

ETA: It is apparently Trump's website.


19th June 2016, 12:29 PM
If you search that link it comes up with this:

Donald J. Trump for President, Inc. (https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate/)

20th June 2016, 09:30 AM
I don't trust it and neither should anyone else

21st June 2016, 01:38 PM
I have received at least three of these over the last monty. They are still claimng to be the "very first"

http://msgfocus.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/trump_logo.png (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117klj6t49XUw3ld9oEXvh0JR)

This is the first fundraising email I have ever sent on behalf of my campaign. That's right. The FIRST ONE.

And, I'm going to help make it the most successful introductory fundraising email in modern political history by personally matching every dollar that comes in WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS, up to $2 million! (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kpirOuTjpu25p0Y3jefCPs)

this means any donation you make between $1 and $2,700 (the maximum allowable contribution) will be matched, dollar-for-dollar.

Help make history by giving one of the amounts below:

$10 DONATION [$20 WITH MATCH] (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kxh8vmm0ppZzMK6Q0GcR0E)

$20 DONATION [$40 WITH MATCH] (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kBgtQN5lUnYjYBGempbt6f)

$25 DONATION [$50 WITH MATCH] (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kFfPcdOHplX4atfCI8a5bQ)

$50 DONATION [$100 WITH MATCH] (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kJfaxEy2UjVOmkP13R8Hhr)

$100 DONATION [$200 WITH MATCH] (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kNevT5hophUyycoppA7jn2)

ANOTHER AMOUNT TO MATCH (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kRdRew0JUfTiK3XNLj5VsD)

Even without this match, this initial effort would have been the most successful first fundraising email in history. I am certain of this. But let me tell you why I decided to match your donations.

The Democrats are desperate, and they're throwing everything they have at me. They just keep failing and losing.

Now they've sent out a very nasty email attacking me, all to raise a measly $250,000. They even promise that a group of "all-star Democrats" will match every dollar raised.

They will say and do anything to elect Hillary Clinton, but I am standing in the way.

I'm fighting back against Crooked Hillary and her pathetic cronies, as well as the dishonest liberal media, and I need your help (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kVdczWK5pdS2VVxc724xye).

We can't let her back into the White House ever again.

The bottom line – Crooked Hillary has been a DISASTER for our country, and we must win against her this fall, James.

Let's make history again, and keep winning, by making this the most successful first fundraising email ever.

Double your impact by donating today (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117kZcxVntqUbQN7N6AsL39DP).

Let's show the liberals, the professional pundits, and the Washington establishment that this campaign IS NOT ABOUT ME. It's a movement of hardworking, patriotic people who want to MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN.

Best Wishes,
http://mail.geniusmailer.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/Donald-Trump-Signature-small.png (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117l3bTgOcMp9PxjEFYOu1LJq)
Donald J. Trump
Candidate for President of the United States

P.S. Help me make my first ever fundraising email the most successful fundraising email ever sent in the history of modern politics. Remember, I will PERSONALLY match your donation, but we must receive it WITHIN THE NEXT 48 HOURS.

Please stand with me today (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117l7beCeW7U7Ohvwfnad0nP1).

DONATE NOW (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117lf9Vj6oOU3LLTfo9REXC0d)

***By participating, you consent to receiving automated text messages from the campaign. Standard messaging rates apply.***

Click Here (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117lj9gEx8ap1Kw56XydnWe5O) To Stand With Donald Trump and


If you would like to purchase official campaign gear, click here. (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117ln8BZXRvTZJggYwWz6UQbp)

http://msgfocus.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/ico_1_tw.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-msg-load://FDDAA2E9-684D-4CFA-94D7-E95D698C85BD/#soc_tw) http://msgfocus.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/ico_2_fb.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-msg-load://FDDAA2E9-684D-4CFA-94D7-E95D698C85BD/#soc_fb) http://msgfocus.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/ico_3_ig.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-msg-load://FDDAA2E9-684D-4CFA-94D7-E95D698C85BD/#soc_ig) http://msgfocus.com/files/amf_prosper/workspace_65/ico_4_yt.png (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-msg-load://FDDAA2E9-684D-4CFA-94D7-E95D698C85BD/#soc_yt)

www.DonaldJTrump.com (http://mail.donaldjtrump.com/c/117lr7XloARoXI0sQ6kUPTsh0)

725 5th Avenue New York, NY 10022 (http://gold-silver.us/forum/x-apple-data-detectors://18)

Paid for by Donald J. Trump for President, Inc.

21st June 2016, 02:52 PM
Not only does that not sound at all like Trump, such a spiel is out of character for him.

ETA: It is apparently Trump's website.


I'd check that the url leads to where it SUGGESTS it leads to. IE I can make this nice reassuring looking link (which also has the benefit of obvious Truthiness, but I digress);

https://secure.PatColo-Is-Gods-Gift-to-Women.com (http://kitco.com)

but you find you're only looking at the friendly/readable aspect of the link, which is actually coded to go to kitco.com.

Generally you can mouse-over a link, and the actual url will appear at the bottom of your browser. Unless they're real slick like dinjoogle/tube. Enter Kitco into dinjooogle, and the top result returned ought to appear: "Kitco: Live Gold Prices | Gold News | Gold Market Insights". Mouse-over it, and your browser will even say it points to http://kitco.com -- but right click the link, "copy address/target" (or however your browser's right-click menu says it), and paste what's copied into your browser's address field-- you find it's actually a mile-long dingoogle tracking url which it just passes through in a split second & then redirects you to the url you anticipated. IOW, dinjoogle spoofs or tricks your browser somehow, so your browser misreports where an url points when you mouse-over that url. :(

Click on what appears in your email as https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate/ -- you'll prolly find you land on a different (though still "official" looking) url. That's the (fraudulent?) url you want to scrutinize. Double check that the url you land on doesn't play tricks like d0na1djtrump.com (swapping the letter 'o' with a zero '0', or the letter 'l' with a one '1'.

21st June 2016, 04:31 PM
I'd check that the url leads to where it SUGGESTS it leads to. IE I can make this nice reassuring looking link (which also has the benefit of obvious Truthiness, but I digress);

https://secure.PatColo-Is-Gods-Gift-to-Women.com (http://kitco.com)

but you find you're only looking at the friendly/readable aspect of the link, which is actually coded to go to kitco.com.

Generally you can mouse-over a link, and the actual url will appear at the bottom of your browser. Unless they're real slick like dinjoogle/tube. Enter Kitco into dinjooogle, and the top result returned ought to appear: "Kitco: Live Gold Prices | Gold News | Gold Market Insights". Mouse-over it, and your browser will even say it points to http://kitco.com -- but right click the link, "copy address/target" (or however your browser's right-click menu says it), and paste what's copied into your browser's address field-- you find it's actually a mile-long dingoogle tracking url which it just passes through in a split second & then redirects you to the url you anticipated. IOW, dinjoogle spoofs or tricks your browser somehow, so your browser misreports where an url points when you mouse-over that url. :(

Click on what appears in your email as https://secure.donaldjtrump.com/donate/ -- you'll prolly find you land on a different (though still "official" looking) url. That's the (fraudulent?) url you want to scrutinize. Double check that the url you land on doesn't play tricks like d0na1djtrump.com (swapping the letter 'o' with a zero '0', or the letter 'l' with a one '1'.

Copy the link and put a search into it. Could be legit since the primary is over but find it suspect since he don't mention it anywhere.

21st June 2016, 07:15 PM
I am wondering if it might be a PAC in Trump's name organized by others, not by Trump himself?

21st June 2016, 07:21 PM
apparently Trump is struggling on the funding front. Raising about 10% of the fund Hillary is getting. As a result he can't run media in many states to counter the Clinton camp, who are basically getting a free run and looking like the only game in town.

He's going to need much more help to get up from here.