View Full Version : The Nigger in the White House Angry at Immigration Reform struck down.

23rd June 2016, 12:09 PM
The white house Nigger and the wicked lesbian witch use the ruling to attack Trump

Clinton: SCOTUS Immigration Decision ‘Could Tear Apart’ Families
Posted Just A Moment Ago

ABC News(WASHINGTON) -- Hillary Clinton, who has pledged throughout her campaign to take on immigration reform in her first 100 days as president, called Thursday’s Supreme Court ruling "heartbreaking and "unacceptable."

"Today's heartbreaking #SCOTUS immigration ruling could tear apart 5 million families facing deportation. We must do better," she tweeted.

The Supreme Court’s 4-4 deadlock blocked the Obama administration policy that would have offered more than four million undocumented immigrants a chance to remain in the country without fear of deportation.

In a statement released in both English and Spanish, the presumptive Democratic nominee also reiterated her belief that President Obama is within his constitutional rights to use executive actions. She said the decision underscores the high stakes in the presidential election.

"This decision is also a stark reminder of the harm Donald Trump would do to our families, our communities, and our country. Trump has pledged to repeal President Obama’s executive actions on his first day in office. He has called Mexican immigrants 'rapists' and 'murderers.' He has called for creating a deportation force to tear 11 million people away from their families and their homes," she said.

Trump has yet to react to Thursday’s decisions.

Clinton has said she will do everything she can to protect the president's executive actions and that she plans to "go further" should she win the White House in November.

Meanwhile, Clinton called the high court’s decision upholding the University of Texas’ admissions policies as a “win for all Americans.”

The 4-3 ruling rejected a challenge by Abigail Fisher, a white Houston resident, who was denied admission to the University of Texas in 2008 and filed a lawsuit challenging the university’s consideration of race in admissions.

"Having a student body with diverse experiences and perspectives breaks down barriers, enriches academia, and prepares our young people to be leaders and citizens in our increasingly diverse country,” Clinton said in a statement.


Don't worry, it's cool to call Obama a nigger now.


mick silver
23rd June 2016, 12:18 PM
it no longer matter what the well of the people want...President Obama is within his constitutional rights to use executive actions. She said the decision underscores the high stakes in the presidential election.

23rd June 2016, 12:36 PM
That thread title.

23rd June 2016, 12:45 PM
A win is a win, I'll take that start.

23rd June 2016, 02:00 PM
"Today's heartbreaking #SCOTUS immigration ruling could tear apart 5 million families facing deportation. We must do better," she tweeted.

They don't have to be torn apart, they can all just go back together.

23rd June 2016, 02:50 PM
The white house Nigger and the wicked lesbian witch use the ruling to attack Trump

Don't worry, it's cool to call Obama a nigger now.

We all should try to refrain from saying african america, black or negro any more that we have to and just say nigger.

Harold Covington explains it very well why we should do this in this video. The Jews don't like it. ;D


23rd June 2016, 02:54 PM
LOL Franks, love it....... we already have one Cuban to many........ Ponce<---------packing his bag and getting his water raft ready.


23rd June 2016, 03:02 PM
We all should try to refrain from saying african america, black or negro any more that we have to and just say nigger.

Harold Covington explains it very well why we should do this in this video. The Jews don't like it. ;D


So what should I call a gay black Jewish man?

23rd June 2016, 03:07 PM
So what should I call a gay black Jewish man?

any one or all of the words he mentioned should about cover it.

23rd June 2016, 03:12 PM
We all should try to refrain from saying african america, black or negro any more that we have to and just say nigger.

Harold Covington explains it very well why we should do this in this video. The Jews don't like it. ;D


That video is quite mind changing.

23rd June 2016, 03:37 PM
any one or all of the words he mentioned should about cover it.

Or I could call him Obama. Gay, Half Black, with Jewish mother.

23rd June 2016, 07:38 PM
LOL Cebu.........no wonder you are acting go weird, now I know......just kidding, I know that's only your usual state of mind.


23rd June 2016, 11:21 PM
LOL Cebu.........no wonder you are acting go weird, now I know......just kidding, I know that's only your usual state of mind.


You'll never know why I act wierd, it's natural from another cause.

24th June 2016, 05:44 AM
Or I could call him Obama. Gay, Half Black, with Jewish mother.

That would be Kosher and very pleasing to the Jews.