View Full Version : US airstrikes kill at least 250 ISIS fighters in convoy outside Fallujah, official sa

29th June 2016, 05:16 PM
US airstrikes kill at least 250 ISIS fighters in convoy outside Fallujah, official says


Published June 29, 2016 FoxNews.com (http://www.foxnews.com/)

Iraq: Fallujah 'fully liberated' from ISIS

A series of American airstrikes killed at least 250 ISIS fighters driving in a convoy outside Fallujah on Wednesday, a senior U.S. defense official confirmed to Fox News

The strikes occurred on the outskirts of the Iraqi city in "southern Fallujah," a second U.S. defense official told Fox News.

"There was a strike on a convoy of ISIS fighters trying to leave a neighborhood on the outskirts of southern Fallujah that we struck," the official said.

At least 40 vehicles were destroyed in the airstrikes, a U.S. official told Reuters, which was first to report the air assault.

The U.S. airstrikes come roughly 24 hours after the Istanbul airport bombings where ISIS is considered the prime suspect, according to top U.S. officials.

CIA Director John Brennan on Wednesday said the attack "bears the hallmarks of ISIL's depravity."

"If anybody here believes the U.S. homeland is hermetically sealed and that ISIL would not consider that, I would guard against it," Brennan said, using another acronym for the group.

Earlier this month, Brennan told Congress that the U.S. battle against the Islamic State has not yet curbed the group's global reach and that they are expected to plot more attacks on the West and incite violence by lone wolves.

He said ISIS has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially act as operatives for attacks in the West.
Fox News' Lucas Tomlinson and the Associated Press contributed to this report.

29th June 2016, 05:33 PM
I file these reports under, "government controlled content", and don't put much faith/credibility in these types of announcements.....

midnight rambler
29th June 2016, 05:40 PM
I file these reports under, "government controlled content", and don't put much faith/credibility in these types of announcements.....

My conclusion as well, I regard these sort of pronouncements as 'marketing'.


7th trump
29th June 2016, 06:17 PM
My conclusion as well, I regard these sort of pronouncements as 'marketing'.


And when russia does something similar you chalk it up as Christ leading the gospel....and dont try and get out of this....watched you do this so many times I lost count.

Hahahahahaha.......just move back to your beloved jewish state of russia already!

29th June 2016, 06:19 PM
totally legit --

He said ISIS has a large cadre of Western fighters who could potentially act as operatives for attacks in the West.

29th June 2016, 06:34 PM
Falujah was captured by Iraqi and allied forces that are non US Allied, more than a week ago. They have been conducting clean up operations, removing booby traps and so on, since then.

My guess is, if this attack happened it was a strike against those allied forces.

Like the US, uses drone strikes to take out certain groups like christians or independent, non US puppet leaders, and calls it either a mistake or an enemy funeral procession. Yes christians and freedom loving people are the enemy, and fog of war provides ample cover.

edit: People are suggesting that the US refused to attack the ISIS forces and the Iraqis had to go it alone.

midnight rambler
29th June 2016, 07:23 PM
And when russia does something similar you chalk it up as Christ leading the gospel....and dont try and get out of this....watched you do this so many times I lost count.

Hahahahahaha.......just move back to your beloved jewish state of russia already!

Know what you have in common with your mentor Satan? You're both accusers. He's taught you well.

29th June 2016, 07:27 PM
I am sooooooooo tired of reading so much bullshit from the government.........


7th trump
29th June 2016, 07:40 PM
Know what you have in common with your mentor Satan? You're both accusers. He's taught you well.

Really...you're the GSUS resident soviet communist. Communism is a jewish politic. Jews worship the Talmud, a satanic book. Jews profess to worship satan.

Jews lie, accuse and twist everything around....just like you demonstrate.

29th June 2016, 07:48 PM
My guess is, if this attack happened it was a strike against those allied forces.



edit: People are suggesting that the US refused to attack the ISIS forces and the Iraqis had to go it alone.

Looking at this a bit more, it was an ISIS convoy that was hit and there is a lot of chatter that the US refused to strike them. Iraqi forces and Syrian news are making this claim. The convoy was traveling through or from Anbar province (?) heading to Syria.


midnight rambler
29th June 2016, 08:16 PM
Looking at this a bit more, it was an ISIS convoy that was hit and there is a lot of chatter that the US refused to strike them. Iraqi forces and Syrian news are making this claim. The convoy was traveling through or from Anbar province (?) heading to Syria.


From the description of the video you posted, certainly appears that Uncle Satan is laying claim to hitting this convoy:

The complete destruction of an ISIS convoy in the desert west of Fallujah: Footage of the attack carried out by MI-28 Havoc's belonging to the iraqi army Aviation, aftermath. The terrorists were apparently retreating from the recently liberated city of Fallujah. June 28, 2016.

29th June 2016, 09:14 PM
From the description of the video you posted, certainly appears that Uncle Satan is laying claim to hitting this convoy:

It says

Footage of the attack carried out by MI-28 Havoc's belonging to the iraqi army Aviation, aftermath

Iraq forces. Not US.

And yes it does claim retreating by the poster. I posted this from YT as it is the only source you can embed here. You cannot embed Live Leak. So my apologies everyone. If you chase the video down at LiveLeak you will find both sides claiming it's their work, but the Iraqis are claiming their forces had to do the job and Syrian news is also claiming that the Iraqis had to do the job, because the target was not being engaged by the US. They also claim the forces were moving toward Syria, so transiting Iraq. Given that Fallujah was captured and cleared more than a week ago I'd suspect these forces were fresh forces from somewhere else moving across Anbar ? province which is where Fallujah happens to be.

the US does not appear to be clearly allied with Iraq at the moment. Claiming to be but not acting in support of those words when it comes to ISIS forces.