View Full Version : DWI Driver Who Impaled Pedestrian and Drove Home Is Illegal Alien…

30th June 2016, 08:24 AM

Perhaps you’ve read or heard about the 29-year-old California driver, Stacey Sanchez, who was driving drunk, hit a pedestrian, and continued driving home with most of his body impaled in the front windshield. One of 69-year-old Jack Ray Tenhulzen’s severed legs was also sticking out the back window when Sanchez parked and went inside her home to sleep. Story Here (http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-3663953/DUI-suspect-kept-driving-MILE-dead-pedestrian-wedged-windshield-severed-leg-trunk-night-bar-hopping.html)

If you read yesterday’s local media update to the horrific story, when Ms. Sanchez appeared in court, way down at the bottom of the article (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/jun/29/driver-dui-body-windshield-arraigned/) you’ll find this:
[…] Superior Court Judge James Mangione kept Sanchez’ bail at $1.5 million. She also has an immigration hold, which means that if she were to be released she would be turned over to immigration authorities to determine whether she may be deported. (link (http://www.sandiegouniontribune.com/news/2016/jun/29/driver-dui-body-windshield-arraigned/))

Yes, Ms. Sanchez is an illegal alien.

30th June 2016, 08:25 AM