View Full Version : Looks like the jews have some competition for the title of Best Trained ME Terrorist.

30th June 2016, 10:00 AM
If we simply remove Israel from the map and relocate the jews to some small Pacific island these poor kids will then be free to actually get an education rather then train for war!


30th June 2016, 10:19 AM
If we simply remove Israel from the map and relocate the jews to some small Pacific island these poor kids will then be free to actually get an education rather then train for war!


Preppers (most people here including you, I suspect) are PREPARING FOR WAR

Duh! Props to Israel, where the teachers can carry firearms (not in AmeriKA) to keep children safe and at the SAME TIME trains them to KEEP SAFE with the same!!

If and when someone posts some KID who shot some niggers with a gun trying to rob their house, you would be one of the first people to give props to the parents for PROPERLY training their children to defend themselves and their property with a gun!

30th June 2016, 11:25 AM
Gold? I hope that the Bible that you carry with you is bullet proof, you are going to need it.