View Full Version : Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist

2nd July 2016, 03:51 AM

If you thought your hate for leftshits couldn't go any deeper, here's something you need to read.


>Elite K-8 school teaches white students they’re born racist

>An elite Manhattan school is teaching white students as young as 6 that they’re born racist and should feel guilty benefiting from “white privilege,” while heaping praise and cupcakes on their black peers.

>They complain the K-8 school of 430 kids is separating whites in classes where they’re made to feel awful about their “whiteness,” and all the “kids of color” in other rooms where they’re taught to feel proud about their race and are rewarded with treats and other privileges.

>“Ever since Ferguson, the school has been increasing anti-white propaganda in its curriculum,” said a parent who requested anonymity because he has children currently enrolled in the school.

>Bank Street has created a “dedicated space” in the school for “kids of color,” where they’re “embraced” by minority instructors and encouraged to “voice their feelings” and “share experiences

>Meanwhile, white kids are herded into separate classrooms and taught to raise their “awareness of the prevalence of Whiteness and privilege,”

>Some kids come home in tears, saying, “I’m a bad person.”

>They say white kids are being brainwashed into thinking any success they achieve is unearned. Indeed, a young white girl is seen confessing on a Bank Street video: “I feel guilty for having a privilege I don’t deserve.”

>believes even white babies display signs of racism, so she encourages parents to talk to their kids about race as early as kindergarten

>She defends segregating minority children by race by arguing they need a safe place where they can share their “ouch moments,” including “micro-aggressions.”

2nd July 2016, 03:56 AM
Gentlemen, you can practically map how things will go from here.

>white kids taught to cut themselves and whip themselves for their white privilege
>white kids not allowed to graduate school until their family houses immigrants, 1 for each grade they want to pass
>whites banned from going to school to even the wage gap
>whites must now attend camps designed to cull the white population (read; death camps)

Sounds really promising, doesn't it?

2nd July 2016, 07:36 AM

>Yolanda Ferrell-Brown, Chair
>Felice Friedman, GS '76
>Sarah Gund, GS '73
>Kenneth B. Lerer
>Adam H. Litke
>Elizabeth S. Pforzheimer, Vice Chair
>Howard S. Stein, Treasurer (top kek)
>Lynn G. Straus, GS '57, Vice Chair
>Jeffrey I. Sussman, Vice Chair
>Debbie Zlotowitz

[OLD (((people)))]

Those dislikes...


>Race is a social construct
>White people are bad

>Whites shouldn't be proud of their history, nationalism is stupid and racist
>Black should be proud of their history, it's important celebrate their heritage and why black history month is important

>Gender is a social construct
>Little Timmy plays with dolls? Aw, she's exploring her new identity!
>I'm a woman but I identify as a male - Therefore I must grow a beard, drink beer, play sports, and have muscles

>These studies say Republicans are stupid, LOL!
>These studies say Blacks are stupid, this is deeply problematic because...

>I love Democracy, it's important for everyone to vote!
>Why the fuck did Brexit win?! Democracy is fucking broken, this isn't fair when I don't win!

>Christianity tells women to obey their husbands, gays are immoral, and that abortion is wrong - Only idiots are Christians! I love when the mainstream media makes fun of them, LOL!
>Islam tells women to obey their husbands (or die), gays are immoral (and must die), and that abortion is wrong (and if you get one you will die) - Islam is the religion of peace! They should be free of any and all criticism, don't provoke them! #NotAllMuslims

>He went to a bar and got drunk, drove his car, and killed a woman - He needs to be behind bars, he has a problem!
>She went to a bar and got drunk, made sexual advances, and fucked a man - He needs to be behind bars, he has a problem, rape!

2nd July 2016, 08:21 AM
Normies are responding to their Facebook:

2nd July 2016, 08:45 AM
I understand such concerns and those have my empathy, but just krishnamurti puts it: if we can answer "this one" question, all others are answered.

most people are sinking in an ocean of duality that they cannot address conflicts anymore, hence become irrational/aggressive/passive or embrace denial.

Each human will have to achieve the freedom from slavery on his own (in thought essentially), its first step before any group action can find any long term validation.

2nd July 2016, 10:46 AM

2nd July 2016, 11:01 AM
If people are going to continue trying to mold our children like this and they refuse to stop, they must be forced to stop by any means necessary. Steps need to be taken otherwise we have no one but ourselves to blame.

Twisted Titan
2nd July 2016, 11:35 PM
If you are not willing to draw the line for the sake of your children......when will you??

Your child is trusting you to protect them for the evils of this world until they can do it for themselves.

woe be until the parents that are derelict in this duty.

3rd July 2016, 12:30 AM
I understand such concerns and those have my empathy, but just krishnamurti puts it: if we can answer "this one" question, all others are answered.

most people are sinking in an ocean of duality that they cannot address conflicts anymore, hence become irrational/aggressive/passive or embrace denial.

Each human will have to achieve the freedom from slavery on his own (in thought essentially), its first step before any group action can find any long term validation.

You don't think being brainwashed from an early age impacts your ability to even realize you are a slave?

This schools situation apparently doesn't create much outrage. Imagine if a school did the same thing grouped the white kids into one group and the minorities in another, but did the opposite. Told the white group how good they were, while accusing the minorities of having too much privilige/quotas/benefits (actually this is truer to reality).

Twisted Titan
3rd July 2016, 02:16 AM
Imagine if a school did the same thing grouped the white kids into one group and the minorities in another, but did the opposite. Told the white group how good they were, while accusing the minorities of having too much privilige/quotas/benefits

and that is what never ceases to amaze me........the moment you put the show on the other foot or in this case "the white foot".their is this collective moment of clarity as to not just how wrong it is.but erroneously wrong it is

Twisted Titan
3rd July 2016, 03:16 AM
holy cow I just watched that vid on YT.

It took me about 5 minutes to realize that this was not some type of satire skit

she talks like she is between her medication doses.

3rd July 2016, 07:25 AM
I understand such concerns and those have my empathy, but just krishnamurti puts it: if we can answer "this one" question, all others are answered.

most people are sinking in an ocean of duality that they cannot address conflicts anymore, hence become irrational/aggressive/passive or embrace denial.

Each human will have to achieve the freedom from slavery on his own (in thought essentially), its first step before any group action can find any long term validation.

This all sounds like a huge crock of bullshit to me. I have no idea what your point is

4th July 2016, 03:58 AM
This all sounds like a huge crock of bullshit to me. I have no idea what your point is

She blames the victims instead of the perpetrators... In a passive aggressive manner! LOL

4th July 2016, 06:36 AM
Any white person that teaches this to children should be shot simply on principle

mick silver
4th July 2016, 08:57 AM
at one time in this country this person would of been run out of town . once people stop paying for this shit and rise up then it may stop but we here know the other side will use force