View Full Version : Elie Wiesel is dead

2nd July 2016, 02:46 PM
Mr Geysers of blood is now dead. One less swindler pushing the myth.


2nd July 2016, 03:33 PM
True, but (((they))) will milk it for all it's worth.

2nd July 2016, 08:08 PM
True, but (((they))) will milk it for all it's worth.

I wonder what horrendous new laws will be passed to "honor his memory".

2nd July 2016, 09:37 PM
quick, check his corpse for his make-believe tattoo before (((they))) cremate him!!


2nd July 2016, 11:20 PM
quick, check his corpse for his make-believe tattoo before (((they))) cremate him!!


He is an oven dodger after all!

Twisted Titan
3rd July 2016, 12:27 AM
“He neither flaunted his Jewishness nor presumed to impose it on others


3rd July 2016, 12:34 AM
“He neither flaunted his Jewishness nor presumed to impose it on others


Tell that to the innocent Nazi's he drove to a premature death!

3rd July 2016, 04:56 AM
He is an oven dodger after all!

this'n too,

The holocaust summed up in 18 SECONDS!!! (http://whoolisblog.blogspot.com/2016/07/the-holocaust-summed-up-in-18-seconds.html)



3rd July 2016, 05:29 AM
“He neither flaunted his Jewishness nor presumed to impose it on others. Rather he sought to explain its mysteries and to convey his love of the Jewish religion, of Jewish culture and tradition, of Jewish mysticism and Jewish mysteries.”

The Occult Magic of the Jewish Cabala

He said furthermore unto me, Son of man, seest thou what they do? even the great abominations that the house of Israel committeth here...?

Kabbalism is a system of Jewish mysticism and magic and is the foundational element in modern witchcraft. Virtually all of the great witches and sorcerers of this century were Kabbalists.

In the decades of the 70s, 80s, and 90s, the hottest spiritual trend was the New Age movement. As we move forward through the first decade of the 21st century, the latest cure-all spiritual phenomenon bought by the gullible masses seems to be the Jewish Cabala (or Kabbalah). The newfound popularity of this end-time sorcery is not by accident. Its emergence is a carefully planned Illuminati event.

The Cabala is not new. It’s been around for centuries. The Cabala is actually ancient magic. It is an exotic blend of devilish, sometimes fanciful, New Age mystical practices topped by a philosophical bent of Jewish supremacism. Orthodox Judaism, or phariseeism, is rife with cabalism, and Jewish rabbis are the Cabala’s greatest promoters.

Celebrities and Cabala

The explosion in mainstream interest in cabalism is boosted by many big-name celebrities who have recently been hawking cabalism as the miraculous answer to all of man’s problems. An undercover BBC reporter who infiltrated a London Cabala group witnessed singer Madonna and Guy Ritchie chanting mystic spells in a vain attempt to "cleanse" Chernobyl, the site in Ukraine of a nuclear plant disaster in 1986. Other news accounts link entertainers Paris Hilton, Britney Spears, Roseanne Barr, Demi Moore, Shirley MacLaine, Ashton Kutcher, Sandra Bernhard, Barbra Streisand, Dianne Keaton, Gwyneth Paltrow, Goldie Hawn, Elizabeth Taylor, Michael Jackson, Mick Jagger, Diane Ladd, Laura Dern and a legion of other "stars" with practice of Cabala.

Look closely when you see any of these people on TV or pictured in magazines and you’ll often see the characteristic red string wristband they wear. Lately, former President Bill Clinton’s been spotted wearing it—he’s a cabalist—and so has Florida politician Katherine Harris, who became a famous household icon as Florida’s Republican Secretary of State during the bizarre 2000 election snafu. Republican big-wig and former House Speaker, Newt Gingrich, is reported to be a Cabala advocate, and some say conservative talk show host Rush Limbaugh and his rabbi are also into the Cabala.


Republican Party spokesman and former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, shown here wearing his Judaism skull cap, is into New Age cabalistic magic and is a paid spokesman for Zionist interests.

Among the most notorious of cabalists are the TV comedy stars of the once #1-rated "The Jerry Seinfeld Show." The producer of the Seinfeld show was Larry David, a Jew, all four of the cast were Jews, and cabalistic hand signs, occult language, and magic rituals were covertly planted in many episodes.

Jason Alexander, who played the loveable loser "George Costanza" on the show, posed for TV Guide magazine in a blatantly cabalistic body pose. Plus, his left and right hands gave the "El Diablo" horned devil sign in an "As Above, So Below" gesture, signifying the occultic Secret Doctrine.

Michael Richards, who portrayed the klutzy "Kramer" in Seinfeld, also seems to relish giving cabalistic and Masonic hand signs and gestures. Richards was pictured on the front cover of the Scottish Rite Journal. Inside the publication, he told of how pleased he is to be a Freemason.

Again we discover the comedy team from Seinfeld teaming up to present cabalistic messages. Observe the V in Michael Richards’ ("Kramer") leg and in Julia Louis-Dreyfuss’ ("Elaine") arm; the circle that Richards makes with the fingers of his left hand, the "X" made by the intersecting hands and wrists of Richards and Louis-Dreyfuss; the descendant triangle sign of Jason Alexander’s ("George") hands, and so on.
Star Trek’s Leonard Nimoy ("Mr. Spock") is constantly sighted in cabalistic poses. His famous Vulcan hand sign on the TV series was actually the Hebrew letter, Shin. Its display is part and parcel of Jewish religion. So, every time viewers observed Mr. Spock (Nimoy) giving the sign, they were unknowingly being made a participant in a cabalistic occult ritual.

Mr. Spock, a Star Trek character played by actor Leonard Nimoy, became famous for giving the Vulcan greeting with his right hand. Nimoy, a Jew, says that the sign is the same gesture given in Jewish synagogues when the rabbi and elders bring out the Holy of Holies. It is based on the Hebrew letter "shin." In essence, on the popular TV show, every time Spock gave the "shin" Vulcan greeting hand sign, he was invoking cabalistic magic.

Sodom, Egypt, and 21st Century Judaism

In one of the most controversial of all the many video documentaries I have produced, Cauldron of Abbadon, I stated, "From Jerusalem and Israel flow a torrent of satanic evil and mischief, endangering the whole world." Zionist Jews and their cohorts in the Christian Zionist community were angered over what I said, but they had no response to the mountain of facts presented in the video proving my point.

It is undeniable that God Himself, in Revelation 11:8, declares that in the last days just prior to Christ’s return, one of the most wicked places on earth will be Jerusalem and Israel. In the book of Revelation God calls Jerusalem "Sodom and Egypt."

The question is, why? Why is Jerusalem, the capital of the Jewish nation of Israel, spiritually "Sodom and Egypt?" I believe it is because of the apostate Jewish religion, a religion diametrically opposed to the Old Testament faith of Moses, Isaac, Jacob, and the prophets.

From the days of the Jews’ captivity in Babylon to today, the religion of the Jews has increasingly grown more dark and more wicked. Jesus openly castigated the Jewish religionists. He called them "blind guides," "fools, hypocrites." He said, "Ye devour widows’ houses, and for a pretense make long prayer...Ye compass sea and land to make one proselyte, and when he is made, ye make him twofold more the child of hell than yourselves." (Matthew 23:14-15)

Children of hell, that’s what Jesus called the Jewish religious teachers. That was almost 2,000 years ago. Well, guess what? The Jewish religionists are even worse now, in the 21st century. They’ve had almost 2,000 years more to practice and perfect their evil religion. Today, those who practice satanic cabalism and believe in the Talmud are the children of hell a hundred times over.

In my latest exposé book, Codex Magica, I report on some of the almost unbelievably wicked Talmudic and Cabalistic practices of the Jews. It is important to understand that the horrific nature of the Jews’ religion lie in its man-made traditions. In reality, these traditions are satanic in origin. I refer especially to the Jewish Talmud, the legalistic law traditions of the rabbis, and to the Jewish Cabala (also Kabbalah or Quaballah), which are the mystical teachings and traditions of the rabbis and sages.

The philosophy and doctrines of the Jewish Cabala are the wellspring of virtually every wicked, occult sect, satanic secret society, and witchcraft cult that has arisen in the past one thousand years! The Cabala brings together in one neat package the core of all the Mystery teachings of the ancients. Indeed, the Holy Bible gives evidence that the Jewish elders had brought the Mysteries into the Temple and had conducted secret ceremonies in hidden chambers as far back as the days of the prophet Ezekiel (see Ezekiel 8). God called these teachings and rituals "abominations."

Chaim Potok, Hasidic Jewish writer and novelist, creates a headcovering of cabalistic magic. This sign is also reminiscent of the fourth sign in the initiation for the Select Master’s Degree (see Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry, p. 85). (Photo: Newsweek, August 5, 2002)
The Masonic Lodge, The Illuminati and The Cabala

Freemasonry has long praised the Cabala, and its top officials have admitted that the Lodge’s rituals and teachings are but the offspring of the Jewish tradition. Albert Pike, former Sovereign Grand Commander of the Scottish Rite, wrote: "One is filled with admiration, on penetrating into the Sanctuary of the Cabala."

In 1855, the renowned Rabbi Isaac Wise wrote: "Freemasonry is a Jewish establishment, whose history, grades, official appointments, passwords, and explanations are Jewish from beginning to end."

The Jewish Tribune newspaper, in 1927, in an editorial, stated: "Freemasonry is based on Judaism. Eliminate the teachings of Judaism from the Masonic ritual and what is left?"

In Richardson’s Monitor of Freemasonry (p. 64), this symbol is used to illustrate the Royal Arch Degree. Masonic literature is replete with examples of the Jewish Star of David and other Cabalistic tokens, symbols, emblems, and signs.

Ray Novosel, writing from Australia in 2004, states: "Zionist world leaders, men in influential positions with the various Masonic organizations everywhere, have worked ‘hand in glove’ for a universal world revolution, which will bring in the One World Church and a One World Government. Many Masonic Lodges are exclusively Jewish, as are the controlling B’nai B’rith Lodges—the mother of the infamous and very dangerous Anti-Defamation League (ADL)."

Albert Pike maintained that, "Every Masonic Lodge is a temple of religion; and its teachings are instruction in religion." Pike also asserted that the true meanings of the mysterious and arcane symbols of Freemasonry are found in the occult philosophy of the Jewish Cabala, that Freemasonry owes all its secrets to the Cabala, and that Freemasonry is a religion based on the Cabala.

Regrettably, few Christian leaders have the courage to even mention the Jewish Cabala, let alone expose it. Timid, little cowards, they are too frightened, worried they will be reported to the Jewish ADL thought police and that they might (horrors!) be branded an "anti-Semite."

Here at Power of Prophecy, however, we choose to serve God with boldness and courage. Truth is its own reward, and we know that, no matter what the evildoers try to do to us, God is our shield and our protector. The Cabala is a supreme work of darkness, and Ephesians 5:11 commands we unmask darkness. That is enough for me.

Demons, Magic, and Mysticism in the Cabala

Cabalism is pure Illuminism because it teaches the twisted and perverted secret doctrine that, ultimately, the higher level adept embraces: That the Holy Serpent is the true God; that all the evil that a person does, through alchemy, is magically transformed into righteousness; and that, yes, Lucifer is Lord. Satan is the true and only god. That is the essential doctrine of Cabalism. That, dear friends, is the horror and the shame of the Jewish Cabala.

Sorcery is common-place in the depraved religious rituals of cabalistic Judaism. Here a rabbi is seen carrying a chicken off to be sacrificed in a voodoo/ Santeria-type ritual during the Jewish festival of Yom Kippur. (Photo: Israel, A Photobiography, by Micha Bar-Am, New York: Simon & Schuster, 1998)

Here are the eye-opening comments of a number of knowledgeable authorities on the Jewish Cabala:

The Cabala contains such power and demonic teaching, it is more than enough to give the ideology and driving force needed to lead the world astray and to keep such an evil conspiracy alive through the centuries...The Cabala is a teaching source of the Freemasons as well as for other groups.

Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from the sorcery of ancient Babylon and...Pharaoic Egypt.

The Hebrew Cabala is a series of occultic writings that are as demonic as any incantation ever uttered in witchcraft. Webster’s Dictionary tells us the Cabala (sometimes spelled Kabbala) is "an occult religious philosophy developed by certain Jewish rabbis..."

Comment from webservant of Jesus-is-Savior.com...

Thank God for Pastor Texe Marrs! I bought Texe's book, CODEX MAGICA, and it has been such a wonderful blessing. Few people, including believers, realize the extent to which Satanism and the occult have infiltrated society.

Many people used to like the song, The Candy Man, until they read in Texe's book that Sammy Davis Jr. was a member of the Church of Satan. Who would have ever suspected that the "Candy Man" song was a tribute Satan.

CODEX MAGICA is a dictionary of occult information, and something that I firmly believe every Christian should be aware of. Some Christians foolishly believe that we should not educate ourselves with such things. Tragically, they are the same ones walking around whistling the Candy Man and voting for Satanic presidents.

If you don't want to unknowingly further Satan's work, then you need to know the TRUTH. This book will educate you, so that you may be sober and vigilant, because your adversary the Devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour (1st Peter 5:8).

3rd July 2016, 05:38 AM
Ever wonder why so much attention is directed to the negative side of the (so called) Holocaust, yet on the positive side, the bigger story is the creation of the Jewish state...the center of global power and world dominance. Many have died in wars, but no religion/race was as lucky as the Jews, to be given their own land, the power to rule the world and with the protection of the US military. The loss of a few sure seems trivial compared to the gain of so many.

3rd July 2016, 07:11 AM
Never heard of this guy

3rd July 2016, 07:21 AM
Never heard of this guy

No need to hear about this Zionist Kabbalist piece of garbage either. He did the world a favor by dying.

Twisted Titan
3rd July 2016, 10:17 AM
. An undercover BBC reporter who infiltrated a London Cabala group witnessed singer Madonna and Guy Ritchie chanting mystic spells in a vain attempt to "cleanse" Chernobyl, the site in Ukraine of a nuclear plant disaster in 1986.

It's funny I saw a Ted talk one day about a village of Russian women who NEVER left Cher nobly and not only have these women survived they have thrived and the land is recovering to the point that long forgotten wildlife is returning.

So the long and the short of it is they didn't need their Jewish wickedness

Alex Drone
3rd July 2016, 10:38 AM
I remember reading Wiesel's book as a high school assignment in English class.

3rd July 2016, 10:51 AM
the only paragraph that is worth it in the whole article

of course the article does not ask: why those "numbers" in all religious teachings and myths? why do we find The "Eye of Odin", "the three of life", the 9 Realms in norse mythology?

exactly why we may be doomed

Kabbalah: The sacred books of black magic of Orthodox Judaism which form a large part of the basis of the western secret societies, from Rosicrucianism to Freemasonry and the OTO. Kabbalism is itself derived from the sorcery of ancient Babylon and...Pharaoic Egypt.

3rd July 2016, 11:35 AM
the only paragraph that is worth it in the whole article

of course the article does not ask: why those "numbers" in all religious teachings and myths? why do we find The "Eye of Odin", "the three of life", the 9 Realms in norse mythology?

exactly why we may be doomed

May be doomed? Just look at what the world and society have become...we are on a fast train to doomdom. There's nothing that can derail this train from it's destination.
This has all been decided long ago. Society will end like all the others have.


3rd July 2016, 03:35 PM
Explosion Near the Site of Elie Wiesel's Funeral in Manhattan Severs Man's Foot (http://gawker.com/explosion-near-the-site-of-elie-wiesels-funeral-in-manh-1783046098)

3rd July 2016, 11:43 PM
quick, check his corpse for his make-believe tattoo before (((they))) cremate him!!


I wondered when & what Carolyn Yeager who operates the above site, would have to say:


Posted on July 2, 2016 at 1:10 pm

Elie Wiesel is dead (http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/elie-wiesel-is-dead/)
Elie Wiesel receives a standing ovation during Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Congress speech, March 3, 2015. To the left, his wife Marion, far left, lawyer Alan Dershowitz. AFP photo

Haaretz (http://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/1.575072) announced that Elie Wiesel died today, Saturday, July 2 at the age of 87. Saturday is the Jewish Sabbath when Orthodox Jews are prohibited from any kind of work. The article did not give any indication of how, why, where but is a long history of his life and “achievements.”

His death was announced by a spokesman for Israel’s Holocaust memorial, Yad Vashem on Saturday. “Yad Vashem mourns the passing of Elie Wiesel-Holocaust survivor, Nobel laureate, renowned author,” the museum said on Twitter.

The New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/2016/07/03/world/europe/elie-wiesel-auschwitz-survivor-and-nobel-peace-prize-winner-dies-at-87.html?_r=0)writes that Wiesel “died at his home in Manhattan” and that “Menachem Rosensaft, a longtime friend and the founding chairman of the International Network of Children of Jewish Survivors, confirmed the death in a phone call.”
NBC News (http://www.nbcnews.com/news/world/elie-wiesel-nobel-laureate-holocaust-survivor-night-author-dies-87-n603006) wrote:

Tributes for Wiesel immediately started pouring in Saturday, with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu calling him a “beacon of light to the humanity of people who believed in the good of everyone.”

The World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder said in a statement that Wiesel “was more than a revered writer. He was also a teacher for many of us. He taught us about the horrors of Auschwitz. He taught us about Judaism, about Israel, and about not being silent in the face of injustice.”

Jerusalem Mayor Nir Barkat, who a few months ago gave Wiesel the medal of Honorary Citizen of Jerusalem, said of the author: “Instead of giving in to despair, the face of evil and cruelty that at the time was the darkest of humanity, he carried all the way through the message of tolerance and peace for all peoples of the world.”

And on and on it will continue.

My question is: Will he be buried in Israel? We will know fairly soon.



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18 Comments to Elie Wiesel is dead

Elie Wiesel private funeral took place Sunday morning (http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/elie-wiesel-private-funeral-took-place-sunday-morning/)

(http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/EW-FUNERAL.jpg)Outside the Orthodox 5th Avenue Synagogue on July 3, 2016, Wiesel’s coffin is placed into the back of the hearse. Wiesel died in New York on July 2nd at age 87. KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images

Elie Wiesel is already in the ground. Seems so fast, but is in keeping with the Jewish tradition of burying a person with expediency, according to the New York Times

A hearse was seen outside the Orthodox Jewish synagogue and mourners were arriving around 10 a.m. Among them was former national director of the Anti-Defamation League Abraham Foxman, as reported by CBS.

From the NYTimes –

The funeral was a gathering of his family and close friends, held on Sunday at a synagogue on the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Inside the Orthodox Fifth Avenue Synagogue, about 100 people attended the ceremony. In a wheelchair, his widow, Marion, listened as Mr. Wiesel was eulogized by his son Elisha, a partner at Goldman Sachs. A young grandson, Elijah, also spoke about his grandfather. In attendance was Sheila Johnson Robbins, a member of the board of the Elie Wiesel Foundation for Humanity.

Around noon, the coffin with Mr. Wiesel’s body was wheeled from the synagogue surrounded by a dozen mourners, a simple pine box that is customary in Jewish funerals, a blue velvet cloth draped over it. Later that day, he was interred at Sharon Gardens cemetery, in the Westchester County town of Valhalla. At the burial in Valhalla on Sunday afternoon, family members and friends shoveled dirt onto the coffin, as is Jewish tradition.

http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ew_pine-box-coffin.jpg (http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ew_pine-box-coffin.jpg)
Here you can see the unadorned pine wood box with blue velvet covering that holds Wiesel’s remains as it is placed into a waiting hearse outside the Fifth Avenue Synagogue on July 3, 2016 in New York. KENA BETANCUR/AFP/Getty Images)

From the New York Daily News –

Inside the small sanctuary, Wiesel’s son struggled with his father’s death.

“I thought I was ready for this,” he said. “I thought I prepared myself. But I wasn’t ready. The newspapers were ready.”

Unlike his father, Shlomo Elisha Wiesel said he was not a man of faith.

“My father questioned God’s decisions,” he said. “I questioned his existence.”

“So can someone please help me? How is my father right now sending me his love while he’s no longer alive?” he asked as tears rolled down his face.

From People Magazine –

Also at the funeral, Wiesel’s son Elisha, a partner at Goldman Sachs, spoke about his father’s compassionate character to help others.

“My father raised his voice to presidents and prime ministers when he felt issues on the world stage demanded action. But those who knew him in private life had the pleasure of experiencing a gentle and devout man who was always interested in others, and whose quiet voice moved them to better themselves,” he said in a statement.

“I will hear that voice for the rest of my life, and hope and pray that I will continue to earn the unconditional love and trust he always showed me.”

http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ew-funeral4n--1024x768.jpg (http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/ew-funeral4n-.jpg)
A private gathering of about 100 family members and friends come at short notice to mourn Elie Wiesel’s passing inside the Orthodox 5th Avenue Synagogue Sunday morning. [photo courtesy People magazine]

Strangely, during the funeral, a man walking in Central Park, which is close by the synagogue, stepped on a device on the ground that exploded and blew up his foot! You can read about it here (http://www.nydailynews.com/new-york/blast-elie-wiesel-funeral-central-park-severs-man-leg-article-1.2697682). He is now said to be a tourist.

No Comments (http://www.eliewieseltattoo.com/elie-wiesel-private-funeral-took-place-sunday-morning/#respond)

Twisted Titan
4th July 2016, 01:25 AM
Wiesel’s son Elisha, a partner at Goldman Sachs.........

still profiteering off that cottage industry

4th July 2016, 02:41 AM

5th July 2016, 08:07 PM

5th July 2016, 09:04 PM
I just heard AushwitzLand is going to have a 3D E.Weasel hologram in each toll booth, somberly accepting your shekels. :)

< 1 min:


6th July 2016, 02:31 AM

There's no business like Shoah business!