View Full Version : Trump tweets out VP shortlist

4th July 2016, 12:23 PM




4th July 2016, 01:53 PM
They all appear to be vets and anti-immigration.


Cotton seems to be a big war hawk.

Pence has anti-gay things in his past, supported Cruz. No charisma.

Joni may not bring a stabilizing/intellectual element to the campaign, potentially could potentially be viewed as a Palin figure. I don't know much about her.

The main issue is I think with Cotton, Trump would be in danger because the neo-cons would be salivating at the chance of him being president imo.

some info on Joni:

I've been calling Joni Ernst for a while. Makes sense:

She's a woman so she can fight off sexism claims
She is from an important swing state (Iowa) and can appeal to women in PA, OH, VA, and MI. This election will come down to old white suburban women in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Virginia, etc. etc.
She has a pretty good record outside of spending bills (she is anti-illegal, anti-common core, and anti-Obamacare)
She is young (46) and cute
She is a Senator, albeit without much experience
She has military experience, including being deployed to Iraq (or Kuwait?) in 2004. Huge supporter of vets
She has support of the Establishment and Conservatives
Only thing is she is a little weird ("make pigs squeal") and may give some people Sarah Palin vibes https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9Y24MFOfFU

She also got involved in some controversy by saying we may have to have an armed take over of the government soon lol.