View Full Version : Biospheres, Bio-Diversity groups, Clintons' sale of Our recources

7th July 2016, 10:18 AM



From the days of the UN Bio-Diversity treaty federal over reach has grown by leaps and bounds.

Another interesting person testifying for the Prosecution will be Kieran Suckling. Kierán Suckling is a founder and the executive director of the Center for Biological Diversity and known agitator whom Carol Bundy, will quickly tell you is the group that started this fight between them and the BLM in 2014.

Suckling came to the Malheur Refuge to protest the Occupation and almost incited a riot according to some witnesses. Suckling is disliked by many, including some of his peers who say Suckling has done more harm than good in the environmental movement;

Ted Williams is proud of his credentials as an environmental provocateur and he uses those credentials to defend his criticism of Center for Biological Diversity in an article in High Country News (1). He expresses his opinion that CBD is motivated by money. He points out that CBD has filed hundreds of suits against the federal government, using environmental laws, such as the Endangered Species Act, and that every time it wins it collects attorney fees from the federal government. The cost and number of these suits has become a major obstacle to US Fish & Wildlife and the Environmental Protection Agency in fulfilling their mandate to protect rare species.

Suckling has his own ideas about how he and the CBD will rule the world someday according to milliontrees.me – an environmental group dedicated to saving trees in the San Francisco Bay area (https://milliontrees.me/2012/11/13/center-for-biological-diversity-is-about-power-and-control/): If you read the article we have attached here Suckling even goes so far to say that his group hopes to ban all foreign trees from being planted in America and get rid of what is already here by hunting them down and burning them all to the ground.

Mr. Suckling implies that CBD’s control of the environment is only temporary until the new order is established in which plants and animals are in control. This reminds us of a similar fantasy about a new social and economic model which was originally proposed by Karl Marx. In creating the concept of communism, he envisioned a temporary dictatorship of elites which would eventually be ceded to a “dictatorship of the proletariat.” The world has now witnessed many attempts to install communism as the governing economic model, but we have not seen the dictatorship of elites willingly cede their power to the people.

This quote of CBD’s Executive Director from Ted Williams’ article, also helps us to understand why CBD sues the federal government to achieve their goals:

“’They [employees of federal agencies] feel like their careers are being mocked and destroyed—and they are,’ he told the High Country News. ‘So they become much more willing to play by our rules.’” In other words, suing—and the threat of suit—is CBD’s means of controlling the federal agencies that are responsible for protecting the environment, i.e., forcing them to do what CBD wants.


The plublic lands are not federal lands to give. The public lands belong to We the People. Nowhere in any public record is there evidence We the People have transferred title to the UNITED STATES, United States, Inc., the United States of America, Inc., The United States of America, Inc., or whatever name the theives in the District of Columbia have hidden behind.

These same scoundrels have convinced you all that you are US Citizens, or United States Citizens, citzens of the District of Colombia.

Until a sufficient number of us quite participating in Social Security, accepting driving priveleges (commercial) TITLE 49 USC, registering to vote as US Citzens and stepping into the other traps they may have set us and expatriate from the statutory UNITED STATES and reclaim our natural citizenship as native born state-nationals nothing will change.

These federal agencies are nothing more than incorporated agencies of an incorporated municipal government of the District of Columbia selling us government services we neither want or need.

The court system of the corporate District of Columbia, including the State courts are administrative corporate courts all under the corporate charter of the District of Columbia.

As long as Joe Six Pack follows their marching orders the country's recources will be sold off to the highest bidder through criminals such as th Clinton Foundation.

It is up to us to change things. It is our duty.

Mis dos centavos . . . Mis dos centavos y dos dolares puede comprar una taza de café en Starbucks también.

7th July 2016, 02:15 PM

I find this quite interesting. So the UN has control of the park and it's no longer a national park? Who enforces anything there the UN, State boys or County? Can you get a DUI from anyone other than the UN jackboots? I briefly looked and can't really figure much out in regards.

7th July 2016, 03:17 PM
I think the Federal Park Rangers are still law enforcement. This all came to pass under the Clinton presidency in the 1990's. Probably most of the population is unaware.

7th July 2016, 03:20 PM
I think the Federal Park Rangers are still law enforcement. This all came to pass under the Clinton presidency in the 1990's. Probably most of the population is unaware.

Yep !

Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

13th July 2016, 04:02 PM
GAY OLD PERVS platform committe wants feds to turn over Public Lands to the states


GOP Platform Committee Wants Feds To Turn Fed Lands Over To States ASAP

AP Photo / Dave Killen

In a nail-biting vote Monday, the committee tasked with writing the Republican Party's 2016 platform voted to include language calling on Congress to return federal lands to the states immediately.

The amendment was so close that instead of being recorded by voice vote, Sen. John Barrasso (R-WY) asked members of the platform committee to stand to show their support.

The amendment has new resonance this year after dozens of anti-government protestors took over the Malheur Wildlife Refuge in Oregon in January to protest federal control of lands. Many affiliated with that takeover had argued the federal government had no business managing federal lands. In 2014, a ragtag group of vigilantes (some of whom also participated in the Oregon standoff) went out to assist rancher Cliven Bundy as he sought to defy BLM officials who were rounding up his cattle, which he had illegally been grazing on federal lands.

The issue of how much land the federal government should control has bled into mainstream Republican politics. A 2012 Utah law (http://www.nytimes.com/2012/03/24/us/utah-bill-asks-government-to-give-back-more-than-20-million-acres-of-land.html?_r=0) actually called for the feds to immediately return lands to the state. Nothing has actually happened since the law passed.

The final draft of the GOP's Party Platform will still have to be voted on at the GOP convention.

27th June 2017, 07:57 AM
Utah blames fires on environmentalists. I don't want to start a new thread for a one time event . . . .

State and local politicians blame the spread of the Brian Head fire on environmentalists (http://cedarcityutah.com/news/archive/2017/06/26/tds-state-and-local-politicians-blame-the-spread-of-the-brian-head-fire-on-environmentalists/)

BRIAN HEAD – State and local politicians are blaming the Brian Head fire in part on environmentalists who, they said, are responsible for the quick-growing fire that in just a week has destroyed nearly 50,000 acres of forest and several structures.
http://stgeorgeutah.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017_06_26- (http://stgeorgeutah.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/2017_06_26- Brian Head fire continues to burn on the northeast side as more than 1,100 firefighters work to contain it, Iron County, Utah, June 26, 2017 | Map courtesy of Great Basin Incident Management Team 4, St. George News / Cedar City News“When we turned the Forest Service over to the bird and bunny lovers and the tree-huggers and the rock-lickers, we turn our history over,” Rep. Mike Noel, R-Kanab, said during a news conference Monday in Brian Head.

“And the fire is going to do more damage because we’re going to lose our watersheds. We’re going to lose our soils. We’re going to lose our wildlife. We’re going to lose our scenery – the very things you people (environmentalists) wanted to protect. It’s just plain stupidity.”

Watch video top of this report.

Noel said he believes President Donald Trump and Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke will now “fix this problem.”

In an emotional plea to the public, Noel showed several pictures taken by Garfield County Sheriff Danny Perkins of the fire area. The pictures showed what Noel said was an unlogged area destroyed by the fire, while another picture of tree stumps among unburned trees represented the results of logging.

The Utah representative pointed fingers at “The Friends of the Dixie National Forest,” for stopping the logging in 1993 via a lawsuit in U.S. District Court and in turn, Noel said, allowed the beetles to overtake the forest.

“The Friends of the Dixie National Forest,” was an environmental group that stated its goal was to protect the natural and scenic values of the forest. However, many locals now blame the organization for the fire.

Where are the Friends of Dixie now?

“Where are the Friends of Dixie now?” Noel asked. “Where’s the Grand Canyon Trust? Where’s the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance? They’re not here when this disaster happens.”

Echoing Noel’s sentiments, Lt. Gov. Spencer Cox said he agreed that the inability to manage the forests has “led to more destruction.”

The cost of the Brian Head fire is quickly approaching $10 million but could rise as high as $20 million, possibly making it the most expensive fire in the state, Cox said. The U.S. Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management are sharing the costs since some of the fire is not only on state and local lands but also federal lands.

However, Cox admitted that price tag does not include future costs that may result from the fire’s aftermath.

it’s absolutely correct that we’ve mismanaged our forest

“Then there’s the costs that come after that (the fire),” Cox said. “The erosion that happens, the landslides that happen. The roads … So yes, yes, it’s absolutely correct that we’ve mismanaged our forest and it’s leading to more of these catastrophic fires.”

Meanwhile, fire crews were busy working the fire scene Monday afternoon as the red flag warning helped to spread the fire to 46,000 acres, nearly another 3,000 acres from this morning when officials reported it at 43,436.

The fire remains 10 percent contained with most of that in the Brian Head area where the fire began June 17.

More than 300 firefighters joined the 37 crews Monday making the total number of firefighters 1,427. There are now 67 fire engines, 18 more than in the morning, along with 13 helicopters.

The Type 1 Incident Management team also officially began work Monday morning and is now overseeing the fire suppression on the east side of the Brian Head fire from Panguitch. The Type 2 team remains in command of the western side of the fire from Parowan. Tim Roide is the incident commander for the Type 2 team while Kim Martin is the incident commander for the Type 1 team. The two teams will coordinate closely to ensure the safety of the public and the firefighters.

Southwest winds returned to the area Monday causing the fire to increase in activity, officials said.

On the northern perimeter of the fire, wind gusts around 30 mph fanned 100-foot flame lengths and caused spotting of a half mile.

Red Flag weather conditions are expected through Wednesday, indicating a high potential for extreme fire behavior.

Fire crews are looking several miles north of the fire perimeter, to where the fuels change from old-growth timber to sage and grass, before they expect more successful suppression efforts.

Employees from the Department of Transportation and local utility companies worked in Parowan Canyon to assess damage from the fire and make infrastructure repairs in anticipation of opening Brian Head soon.

The town continues to have power; however, other utilities are still disrupted and the roadway requires some minor attention, a news release issued by Color Country Fire Interagency stated. Additionally, officials are concerned about falling trees and other debris regarding safe travel up the mountain. To solve this issue, numerous dead trees located adjacent to the highway will be cut down to ensure they do not block travelers.

Firefighters plan to work off the constructed dozer line Tuesday, along with the southern flank of the fire to clean up remaining hot spots and strengthen the containment line. They will also continue to secure and mop up any hot spots that remain around structures in the Panguitch Lake area.
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Current evacuations – The following communities remain evacuated per local law enforcement: Upper Bear Valley, Panguitch Lake, Horse Valley, Beaver Dam, Castle Valley, Blue Springs, Rainbow Meadows, Mammoth Creek, Dry Lakes, Second Left Hand Canyon, and the town of Brian Head. Evacuees can contact the Red Cross for shelter information. If you live in an area affected by wildland fires, officials recommend familiarizing yourself with the Ready, Set, Go Program (http://twitter.us16.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=2f40ba3681fa7a4ef3ca47bfe&id=68b5df07c3&e=7877e27270) (http://wildlandfirersg.org/ (http://twitter.us16.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2f40ba3681fa7a4ef3ca47bfe&id=034c361f21&e=7877e27270)).

Closures –Highway 143 is closed from the cemetery in Parowan to milepost 50 outside of Panguitch. Mammoth Creek Road is closed at the junction with Highway 143. The north side gate of 143/148 is closed. The Dixie National Forest has expanded its area closure to include Forest lands north of Highway 14. Check your route before planning recreational activities. Maps of the closure area are posted at https://inciweb.nwcg.gov/incident/5253/ (http://twitter.us16.list-manage1.com/track/click?u=2f40ba3681fa7a4ef3ca47bfe&id=c68896ab8e&e=7877e27270).

Twitter: @tracie_sullivan (http://www.twitter.com/tracie_sullivan)
Copyright St. George News, SaintGeorgeUtah.com LLC, 2017, all rights reserved.

27th June 2017, 09:23 AM
This was all done by unamended treaty, which means it's unconstitutional and can be undone.

27th June 2017, 09:54 AM
This was all done by unamended treaty, which means it's unconstitutional and can be undone.

Like so many of the other things government has done.

22nd July 2018, 05:08 AM
Green groups, including the Bundy’s nemesis the Center for Biological Diversity are in the news again.

Lawmakers Suggest Lawsuit-Happy Environmentalists Help China, Hurt National Security