View Full Version : Six more women allege that Roger Ailes sexually harassed them

10th July 2016, 06:41 AM
There was a lot of talk on Fox news about Trump's feud with Megyn Kelly and not a peep about this scumbag Roger Ailes?
I hope to see this bullshit liberal propaganda Faux News station go down!

What Ailes had to say about Trump, Aug 2015...

Fox News CEO and Chairman Roger Ailes on Tuesday called for Donald Trump to apologize for his "unprovoked attack" against host Megyn Kelly, after the Republican presidential candidate made a series of disparaging comments about "The Kelly File" host on Twitter the previous evening.

"Donald Trump rarely apologizes, although in this case, he should," Ailes said in a statement. "We have never been deterred by politicians or anyone else attacking us for doing our job, much less allowed ourselves to be bullied by anyone and we're certainly not going to start now."

Maybe Ailes needs to apologize to the dozen women he sexually harassed?

Six more women allege that Roger Ailes sexually harassed them
The Cut
Jul 9th 2016 1:52PM


Fox News host Gretchen Carlson may be the highest-profile woman to accuse Roger Ailes of sexual harassment, but she is not the first. In my 2014 biography of the Fox News chief, I included interviews with four women who told me Ailes had used his position of power to make either unwanted sexual advances or inappropriate sexual comments in the office.

And it appears she won't be the last, either. In recent days, more than a dozen women have contacted Carlson's New Jersey-based attorney, Nancy Erika Smith, and made detailed allegations of sexual harassment by Ailes over a 25-year period dating back to the 1960s when he was a producer on The Mike Douglas Show. "These are women who have never told these stories until now," Smith told me. "Some are in lot of pain." Taken together, these stories portray Ailes as a boss who spoke openly of expecting women to perform sexual favors in exchange for job opportunities. "He said that's how all these men in media and politics work — everyone's got their friend," recalled Kellie Boyle, who says Ailes propositioned her in 1989, shortly after he helped George H.W. Bush become president, serving as his chief media strategist.

Six of the women agreed to speak with New York publicly for the first time. Two spoke on the record; the others requested anonymity for reasons that include shame and fear of retribution. "I didn't tell my husband, it was so mortifying," said Marsha Callahan, a former model who says Ailes harassed her in the late '60s, shortly before he became Richard Nixon's media adviser.

Ailes is clearly trying to keep these stories out of the press and the courts. Late on Friday, his lawyers filed a motion in federal court in New Jersey seeking to move Carlson's lawsuit to arbitration, which would prevent witnesses from being called in court. "Plaintiff's ploy of filing in Superior Court to justify her shameless publicity campaign against Roger Ailes should not be countenanced," Ailes's lawyers argued. Carlson's lawyers responded in a statement: "Roger Ailes is trying to force this case into a secret arbitration proceeding...Gretchen never agreed to arbitrate anything with Mr. Ailes."

Ailes's spokesperson Irena Briganti did not respond to requests for comment.

Here are the women's accounts:

Kellie Boyle, 54
Former Republican National Committee field adviser

This was back in 1989. I was 29 and living in New Jersey. My husband worked at CNBC and he said, 'Roger Ailes is coming in to be interviewed, would you like to meet him?' I said yes! I'd worked in political communications for the Republican National Committee; so Roger Ailes was like a God. I'd read his book, You Are the Message, and I used it for a lot of training I did for candidates. I introduced myself in the green room and he was very charming and said, 'Would you like to visit my office downtown sometime?' A week or two later I went in and mentioned to him I was going down to D.C. the following week to sign a major contract with the National Republican Congressional Committee. He said, 'I'm going to be in D.C. too. Would you like to have dinner before you go in?' So we had a nice dinner at a restaurant in Union Station. There was nothing untoward about it at all. He had a driver and a car, and after dinner he said, 'Can I take you to your friend's?' So we get in the car and that's when he said, 'You know if you want to play with the big boys, you have to lay with the big boys.' I was so taken aback. I said, 'Gosh I didn't know that. How would that work?' I was trying to kill time because I didn't know if he was going to attack me. I was just talking until I could get out of the car. He said, 'That's the way it works,' and he started naming other women he's had. He said that's how all these men in media and politics work — everyone's got their friend. I said, 'Would I have to be friends with anybody else?' And he said, 'Well you might have to give a blowjob every once in a while.' I told him I was going to have to think about this. He said, 'No, if you don't do it now, you know that means you won't.' The next morning I show up to get my assignment and was told the guy I was supposed to be meeting with was unavailable. Back in New Jersey I got a call from Roger Ailes. He said, 'How'd your meeting go?' I said, 'Actually he wasn't available and I'm hoping to hear back from him.' He said, 'Ah, well, I'm sure you will. Have you changed your mind yet?' I said, 'I'll have to pass, Roger. I'm married and really committed to my husband. No offense.' He said, 'Well, we'll be in touch.' And that was that. A couple weeks later, I called a friend who was very high up in the RNC and I asked him what happened. He said, 'Word went out you weren't to be hired.'

Marsha Callahan, 73
Former model

This was either '68 or '67. At the time he was producing The Mike Douglas Show, and I had a call from my modeling agency about the show. I got a call directly from Roger asking me to come down and to make sure I wore a garter belt and stockings. This was right after pantyhose came into use, and I said, 'Why would you want me to do that instead of pantyhose?' He said, 'If your legs look good in a garter belt, I'll know you have great legs.' So I go into his office and right away he says, 'Sit on the sofa and lift your skirt up.' I had to do these different poses. And then, I recall very clearly, he said he'd put me on the show but I needed to go to bed with him. I was a really shy girl, but I was a little cheeky so I said, 'Oh yeah, you and who else?' And he said, 'Only me and a few of my select friends.' I said, 'Well, if you think I have star quality and you can make money off my looks, I don't think it'd matter if I went to bed with you or not.' And he said, 'Oh, pretty girls like you are a dime a dozen.' The interview ended quickly. I was called in to do the show and I remember passing Roger in the hallway. He pretended not to know who I was.

Susan*, 66
Former model

I was 16 years old living in Radnor, Pennsylvania. I was sent over for a walk-on part on The Mike Douglas Show in the winter of 1967. It was 6:30 in the evening and the place was totally closing up. Ailes took me into this big office and locked the door with a key. He reclined on a couch in a seating area under a map that had flags of all the cities they were syndicated in. He proceeded to pull down his pants and very gingerly pull out his genitals and said, "Kiss them." And they were red like raw hamburger. He was pretty meticulously dressed, with long white shirttails coming out. It was like he was just at the end of a long day and I was supposed to know what to do. I was a kid, I'd never seen a man's privates before. I jumped up, but the door is locked and nobody's out there. He chased me around the office and at some point it dawned on him that this just wasn't going to happen. He finally pulled up his trousers. He was very angry and rushed over to his desk, pulled open a door and had a reel-to-reel tape recorder going. He said to me, 'Don't tell anybody about this. I've got it all on tape.' I think he knew I was sixteen.

Jane*, 62
Former model/actress

It was around 1984; I was about 30. I had just arrived in New York. My agent was hoping to get me into broadcasting. I had an appointment with Ailes. He had a camera set up and a little desk and a script for me. It was a cooking kind of thing, talking about food and what not. After he taped me, he locked the door and said he didn't want any interruptions. I figured out pretty quickly there was no job and this was just ruse. He pulled out a garter belt and stockings and told me to put them on. I was very nervous; I didn't know what to do. He was standing there and I put them on. He wanted me to model them for him. After that, something sexual took place, but I blocked it out of my mind. I don't know if I engaged with him orally or he engaged with himself. I felt I was being used for his sexual satisfaction. I felt very threatened. He wanted me to take the lingerie home for the next time. I said, 'No thank you, I don't want to keep it for the next time.' I left and I knew I'd never return. Through the years I felt like a horrible person because I allowed this to happen to me and I didn't just say fuck off and walk out of the room. My husband doesn't even know.

Diane*, 69
Media consultant

This is something I've carried with me and haven't told anybody. I was just appalled to read about Gretchen's story and see how he's behaving after 50 years. This was so long ago. I was in college doing some modeling work with an agency in the Philadelphia area. This would have been late '65 or early '66; I would have been 18 or 19 years old. A bunch of us girls at the agency were called over to audition for him for some sort of skit on The Mike Douglas Show. He had a room and one by one he would take us behind closed doors. When my turn came I went in and he didn't waste any time. He grabbed me and had his hands on me and he forced me to kiss him. When I recoiled he said, 'Well, you know no girls get a job here unless they're cooperative.' I just pushed him away and ran out of there. He was like, whatever. So, no job for me. He did hire several of the girls from the group, but I don't know what they had to do to get the job.

Pat*, 65
Former TV producer

It was 1975. I had a degree in mass communications. A college friend said, 'Come to New York.' I got an interview with Roger Ailes. I remember I met him not at some big TV office; it was at his apartment on Central Park South. I don't remember his exact words, but his message was: If you want to make it in New York City in the TV business, you're going to have to fuck me, and you're going to do that with anyone I tell you to. I was afraid he was going to pin me down. He was a big guy and I'm not big at all. He could have overpowered me. I remember running out of that apartment like my hair was on fire and standing on the sidewalk crying, thinking, What's that guy think I was, a prostitute? In one second my dreams were shot. He's going to blackball me everywhere, I'll never get another interview, I'm not good enough — all that stuff a 20-something girl thinks. It wasn't, that guy's a son of a bitch and I should have kicked him in the balls.

http://www.aol.com/article/2016/07/09/six-more-women-allege-that-roger-ailes-sexually-harassed-them/21427473/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl14%7Csec1_lnk3%26pLid%3D19159594 55_htmlws-main-bb

10th July 2016, 07:00 AM
sexual harassment stories are a dime a dozen....yawn

10th July 2016, 07:58 AM
this is pervasive in all of the j-tainment industry -- music, tv, movies. if you want in, you have to put out -- males and females

these stories portray Ailes as a boss who spoke openly of expecting women to perform sexual favors in exchange for job opportunities. "He said that's how all these men in media and politics work — everyone's got their friend,"

10th July 2016, 08:00 AM
this is pervasive in all of the j-tainment industry -- music, tv, movies. if you want in, you have to put out -- males and females

these stories portray Ailes as a boss who spoke openly of expecting women to perform sexual favors in exchange for job opportunities. "He said that's how all these men in media and politics work — everyone's got their friend,"

Sex drugs and rock and roll baby!

19th July 2016, 12:35 PM
Megan Kelly acuses Roger Ailes,


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Bombshell Report: Megyn Kelly has Told Murdoch Lawyers that She too was Sexually Harassed by Roger Ailes

image: https://cdn.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2016/Jul/19/LiveLeak-dot-com-9a4_1468947658-megyn_kelly_and_roger_ailes_split_0_1468947684.jpg .resized.jpg?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b 4db65f5e99818bdd19e4441dcde4a7e&ec_rate=230 (https://cdn.liveleak.com/80281E/ll_a_s/2016/Jul/19/LiveLeak-dot-com-9a4_1468947658-megyn_kelly_and_roger_ailes_split_0_1468947684.jpg ?d5e8cc8eccfb6039332f41f6249e92b06c91b4db65f5e9981 8bdd19e4441dcde4a7e&ec_rate=230)
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It looks like the biggest shoe in the Roger Ailes’ Sexual Harassment Scandal has just dropped.

According to New York Magazine’s Gabriel Sherman, Fox New’s Star Anchor Megyn Kelly, has told investigators hired by the Murdoch Family that she has also been sexually harassed by Fox News CEO Roger Ailes.

Specifically, Sherman has two sources who claim that “Kelly has told investigators that Ailes made unwanted sexual advances towards her about ten years ago when she was a young correspondent at Fox.” The sources say that she described the alleged harassment by Ailes in great detail.

Another juicy tidbit in Sherman’s piece: Apparently his sources also say Ailes has “received advice on strategy from both Donald Trump and former NYC Mayor Rudy Guiliani” for beating the rap on sexual harassment, which adds a whole new layer to this intriguing saga.

If Kelly really has spilled the beans on Ailes to the investigators, then it would explain why she’s been so silent about the case. Other Fox News personalities, in contrast, have been adamant about defending their longtime boss.

The trouble for Ailes and Fox News started when longtime Fox & Friends co-host Gretchen Carlson filed a lawsuit against Ailes for sexual harassment. Afterward, at least six other women came forward to also claim they were harassed by Ailes.

On Monday this week, Sherman came out with a report saying that the Murdochs had decided to fire Ailes and were only debating the timing of when it would happen.

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Added: 2 hours ago Occurred On: Jul-19-2016
By: tr0705 (http://www.liveleak.com/c/tr0705)
In: Other News (http://www.liveleak.com/c/News), WTF (http://www.liveleak.com/c/Entertainment)
Tags: Megyn Kelly (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Megyn%20Kelly), Fox News (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Fox%20News), Roger Ailes (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Roger%20Ailes), Sexual Harassment (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Sexual%20Harassment), Lawsuit (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Lawsuit), Investigators (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Investigators), Donald Trump (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Donald%20Trump), Rudy Guiliani (http://www.liveleak.com/browse?q=Rudy%20Guiliani),
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19th July 2016, 12:43 PM
Pics or it didn't happen!

19th July 2016, 12:53 PM
Pics or it didn't happen!

Your a sick dude!

midnight rambler
19th July 2016, 01:00 PM
Have to be pretty desperate to hit on that skank. Ugh.

19th July 2016, 01:03 PM
Have to be pretty desperate to hit on that skank. Ugh.

Her penis might become a problem but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

19th July 2016, 01:07 PM
Reminds me of lady gaga



19th July 2016, 01:09 PM
Her penis might become a problem but I'll cross that bridge when I come to it

Kind of like that Arcturian poontang.. huh?


19th July 2016, 04:35 PM
ok so she told the boss? her boss?

it wouldn't surprise about gaga. The name would make more sense. Deliberately using the word Lady and well gag-a.

21st July 2016, 04:36 PM
Good news everybody. This just in

Adios Ailes (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-21/roger-ailes-resigns-fox-chairman-and-ceo-rupert-murdoch-becomes-acting-ceo)

Roger Ailes Resigns From Fox News; Rupert Murdoch Takes Over As Acting CEO
Following a barrage of allegations of sexual misconduct involving Fox News' iconic CEO Roger Ailes, it seemed like it was only a formality before the departure was announced, and sure enough, moments ago it became official when Fox announced that Ailes has resigned as CEO and Chairman.
Full release:

Roger Ailes Resigns as Chairman and CEO of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, and Chairman Fox Television Stations

Rupert Murdoch to Assume Role of Chairman and Acting CEO of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network

21st Century Fox (NASDAQ:FOXA) today announced that Roger Ailes, Chairman and CEO of Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, and Chairman of Fox Television Stations, has resigned from his role effective immediately.

blah blah hooray

ZH (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-07-21/roger-ailes-resigns-fox-chairman-and-ceo-rupert-murdoch-becomes-acting-ceo)

Only down side is the company didn't to a Theranos. Ah well we live in hope.

21st July 2016, 07:40 PM
i research this stuff more than most. basically it comes down to this -- if she/he is a paid performer that makes good money, she/he is a sex slave to the pervs that run the thing

the exceptions are the fellow duals -- they get there by good old fashioned discrimination and nepotism

actors/actresses/singers are mostly talentless dipshitz. the best actors are in politics and the best singers are in churches all across america

rappers? fucked in the ass by gay duals. actresses? passed around from dual to dual after getting 'trained' at charm school. models? the dual mafia controls them.......and all of their holes

on and on....

it's stories like this that peel away one layer for the blind to see (if they choose to)

21st July 2016, 07:47 PM
Still if unwanted remains unwanted.

Tho for some to keep a good job, ?

Power rules , but there can and should be blow back..

If abused..

Pray our gov learns this, but not holding my breath.

22nd July 2016, 04:15 AM
Kind of like that Arcturian poontang.. huh?


Why yes...yes it is!

18th May 2017, 11:20 PM
seeing some smoke around this story - he died from a fall? strange way to go, esp with all of the lawsuits and drama going on...


20th May 2017, 10:30 AM
I'd rather be remembered for being a skirt chaser than for sucking dick (see millennial LGBT BS)! This guy would actually be a hero back in the day! RIP!