View Full Version : Putin Promises Russian State Backing for Hyperloop

10th July 2016, 06:49 PM
The promise came in a meeting with Hyperloop One.

Bloomberg reports (http://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2016-07-07/putin-mind-melds-with-elon-musk-as-russia-funds-hyperloop-dream) that Russian President Vladimir pledged state support for the ultra-high-speed transportation concept outlined by Tesla founder Elon Musk. The authoritarian leader’s pledge came in a meeting with Hyperloop One co-founder Shervin Pishevar, and was confirmed to Bloomberg by a Putin spokesman.

Bloomberg does not report that any new formal agreement emerged from the meeting, but Hyperloop One already has a compact with the Russian Transportation Ministry to study building a route between the Russian port in Zarubino and Jilin province in China. Hyperloop One’s major investors include Russian logistics and energy billionaireZiyavudin Magomedov (http://fortune.com/2016/06/21/hyperloop-one-moscow-magomedov/).

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Its relationship with Russia knits Hyperloop One into a much larger project—that between the Chinese government and a coalition of allies to build a Silk Road Economic Belt (http://news.xinhuanet.com/english/2016-05/15/c_135360904.htm). The goal of the initiative is to better connect western China with Europe, Russia, and Africa using modern transportation technology.

Musk’s 2013 Hyperloop white paper outlined a concept for moving passengers in a capsule levitating through an evacuated tube, at speeds of 700 miles per hour or more. But Hyperloop One, led by Peshavar and former Cisco (http://fortune.com/fortune500/cisco-systems-54/) executive Rob Lloyd, has said it will focus on initially using the technology to move freight. That’s assuming, of course, that it can make what is still an exploratory technology work in the real world.



10th July 2016, 07:00 PM

Snake oil sells so well. I guess my greatest weakness is ethics. I have some.It's a curse I know. I could be rich and surrounded by babes and drive flash cars. Except for that one thing.

They will use vacuum tubes or evacuated tubes? It sounds like a big bowel. I can imagine a big toilet plunger at one end pushing in and out, pulling people closer to their destination.

I think this is a likely as joe public going into space on Virgin Galactic. And why is this guy named after a cartoon character? And why would Putin be meeting with these kinds of "business men"?

10th July 2016, 07:29 PM
I don't see anything real here...

10th July 2016, 11:50 PM
Apparently there were a test that went "kinda well"


Hyperloop tubes are displayed during the first test of the propulsion system at the Hyperloop One Test and Safety site, Las Vegas, Nevada, May 11.DAVID BECKER/GETTY IMAGES

Russia may become the first country to introduce a Hyperloop network, after officials signed a memorandum of understanding to build the transonic transport system in Moscow.


10th July 2016, 11:56 PM
So its like a big pumpkin cannon?

but they just ran a sled test, using a method of propulsion that was nothing like the proposed method and they used a water pond to arrest the sled and splash some spectacular water.

Well. I'm convinced.

I think I'm gonna have to refill my bucket of cynic-Al. It's getting low.

11th July 2016, 12:07 AM
potato gun,

Co-founder Mr. Pishevar the very model of a modern major general.


Ellis Island Medal of Honor (2016)
Outstanding American by Choice (2012)

11th July 2016, 06:55 AM
Looks like one of those rocket sleds of the 50's. No new ideas here that I can see

11th July 2016, 11:06 AM
I think this is a goodwill gesture from Putins side. Elon Musk is an important opinion maker in the west. With pledging the support of the Russian state for this idea/project, he gets the good will of Elon Musk, and it won't cost that much if anything for a considerable time. Besides it seems like a good idea, once the kinks have been worked out. For sure huge infrastructure investment, but traveling at jet airline speed at 1/100th of the energy (I would imagine) requirements, would be interesting to any investor. The project needs state support at this point or nothing would happen...

11th July 2016, 03:47 PM
I hate to use this franchise to illustrate my point....but