View Full Version : The sleeper tech that will turn your world upside down with the flip of a switch

midnight rambler
11th July 2016, 03:32 PM
Proven in Desert Storm and pretty much covers all of CONUS (wherever cell sites are) -


The ONLY way to beat this is to know yourself and know God.

"A man is responsible for the thoughts he chooses* to entertain." --Richard Alan Miller quoting a Hopi Indian quote

*yes, one has a choice wherever or not regarding 'the voices' in one's head

7th trump
11th July 2016, 03:37 PM
Wont work on everybody.

midnight rambler
11th July 2016, 03:40 PM
Wont work on everybody.

That's what I pointed out numbskull, however I'm convinced YOU are already hearing voices in your head. There's still time for you to seek professional help with that.

And while I fully realize 'it won't work on everyone' it WILL work on enough people to be a major problem for those of us who pick up on what's really going on.

midnight rambler
11th July 2016, 04:25 PM
Interesting true story: a couple of months ago I paid a visit to my fave opthamologist who has this wicked, dry, deadpan sense of humor. In his office they have this new machine that takes a digital image of the interior of one's eyeballs. By this means they are able to do the interior exam in lieu of dilating and shining a light into one's eyes. Much better!

So I'm chatting with my eye Doc and we're looking at the images of the interiors of my eyeballs on his computer monitor as he's explaining everything to me. He said, "This all looks good, what you want to be seeing, no issues" as he's pointing out different aspects. THEN he says, "...and all this area over here is evil thoughts." I exclaimed, "Really!?!??" A moment later I'm laughing and asking him, "How many people do you get to fall for THAT one??" To which he answered, "I get a lot of, 'They're not THAT bad!'"

11th July 2016, 04:59 PM
Interesting true story: a couple of months ago I paid a visit to my fave opthamologist who has this wicked, dry, deadpan sense of humor. In his office they have this new machine that takes a digital image of the interior of one's eyeballs. By this means they are able to do the interior exam in lieu of dilating and shining a light into one's eyes. Much better!

So I'm chatting with my eye Doc and we're looking at the images of the interiors of my eyeballs on his computer monitor as he's explaining everything to me. He said, "This all looks good, what you want to be seeing, no issues" as he's pointing out different aspects. THEN he says, "...and all this area over here is evil thoughts." I exclaimed, "Really!?!??" A moment later I'm laughing and asking him, "How many people do you get to fall for THAT one??" To which he answered, "I get a lot of, 'They're not THAT bad!'"

The evil eye huh?

They can tell a lot from those eyeball image machines. They can identify a lot of diseases and even if you need to get your heart looked at - which is usually pretty urgent if they can see it.

11th July 2016, 05:03 PM
The evil eye huh?

They can tell a lot from those eyeball image machines. They can identify a lot of diseases and even if you need to get your heart looked at - which is usually pretty urgent if they can see it.

Yep !

11th July 2016, 08:09 PM
Yep !

and do you know WHY that is?

As with everything else...you NEED to go to THE book (you know the one)

Matthew 6:22 The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be full of light.
Matthew 6:23 But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

midnight rambler
23rd March 2017, 05:57 PM