View Full Version : Love Trumps Hate' Billboard Goes Up in Cleveland

16th July 2016, 09:52 AM
'Love Trumps Hate' Billboard Goes Up in Cleveland
A billboard erected by LGBT activists near the site of the 2016 Republican convention depicts Donald Trump and Ted Cruz engaged in a kiss.


A prominent billboard depicting GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump kissing erstwhile opponent Ted Cruz and trumpeting the slogan "Love Trumps Hate. End Homophobia" went up today near the site of the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland, Ohio.

The billboard is the work of LGBT activist group Planting Peace, which says in a statement on its web site that it hopes to send a message to the Republican Party, which is widely perceived as being hostile to gay rights:

16th July 2016, 10:05 AM
Battle of billboards in days leading up to RNC in Cleveland

CLEVELAND, Ohio-- From both sides of the abortion debate, to Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton supporters and their opposition, the battle of the billboards in Northeast Ohio has people talking.

Billboard ahead of RNCOne billboard, located just across the Lorain/Carnegie bridge and paid for by the National Institute for Reproductive Health, states on its website that these billboards are strategically placed throughout the city in an attempt, they say, to educate the public about the RNC platform's implications for women who have abortions.

Just off the shoreway heading west, another billboard, reads ‘Trump ‘16....stay on his good side.”
Along I-71, another reads, “Dear Hillary, we have your back....The Media.” That one was paid for by media research center.

And then there's one which seems to not have a party affiliation, but created with the
RNC in mind. It reads, "Need campaign financing?" Then on the bottom in small quotations, "We're not going to live forever, so why should the earth."

Its creator, Andrew Farrington, spoke with FOX 8 via Skype, to explain his message.

Farrington said, “"It's not about Republican versus Democrat. A Republican or Democrat didn't send your jobs to China. An American businessman sent your jobs to China to make more money.”

He goes on to say, “"I don't like either of my choices. I mean, why do I have to choose between a multi-millionaire and a billionaire to be the person that represents me? We need more people to go out, buy mom and pop companies and go out and run for political positions that represent the masses."

Farrington said he paid about $12,000 for the billboard which had to be approved and it will remain until the end of the July.

And he said it just happens to be located near the end of one of the reported protest routes.

We are also told Cleveland’s billboard space is entirely sold out through the month of July, apparently prime locations for the thousands of people who drive past them every day.





16th July 2016, 09:10 PM

Honestly that one might do her much more harm than good!

16th July 2016, 10:14 PM
where's the billboard with the hundreds of negroes and mexicans attacking trump speech spectators?