View Full Version : Allahu Akbar ! Germany today.

18th July 2016, 04:06 PM
A man wielding an axe has left at least four people injured on a train after going on a rampage and has been shot by police.

Police said it is too early to determine a motive or whether the incident might be terrorism related.

18th July 2016, 04:23 PM
A 17 year old "minor". A so called "young and lonely asylum seeker" which in the eyes of the marxists are people that deserve special rights because they are oppressed and we should all feel bad for them for being victims in wars the marxists themselves start. It's so blatantly obvious what the eternal jew is doing by letting in tonnes of young men into Europe... he wants to create competition between the males and breed out the locals. They scream about so called equality, but doesn't bother making the amount of men and women equal, they don't even care about children or the elderly, it's just this particular group that gets special attention. It's so bizarre.

All these nutjobs are a consequence of this type of politics. The city of Oslo is currently buying private apartments at the west side at an average price per unit of 400k USD to house these type of immigrants and this year alone they've bought an apartment per day, even going as far as to say that it "doesn't affect the market". A Norwegian welfare recipient can't expect anything close to this luxury. Germany has the same style of social-democracy, the jew has managed to force his will in the same manner there as he has here.