View Full Version : Netanyahu and Son Investigated for Using False Passport, Money Laundering

19th July 2016, 11:28 AM
gotta LOVE this... sure doesnt mean that he will be indicted. wait and see

Netanyahu and Son Investigated for Using False Passport, Money Laundering Via Panama Account
19 July 2016 GMT
Winston Churchill said after one of the earliest Allied victories during WWII: this is not the end, not even the beginning of the end. Rather it’s the end of the beginning. I think we’re more advanced in the case of Netanyahu. We may have just entered the beginning of the end of his seemingly endless reign over Israeli politics.

Israeli social media has lit up with news of a new investigation of Bibi Netanyahu, his son Yair, and the PMO’s former chief of staff, Ari Harow. This story has not yet been reported by an Israeli mainstream publication and I don’t have an inside reliable source to confirm it, as I usually do when I post these stories. So what I’m reporting is based on what readers are sending me and what’s posted at Israeli social media sites. Despite not being able to affirm with certainty the reliability of the reports, they are important enough, and repeated enough for me to believe that there is a “there” there, to paraphrase Gertrude Stein.’

more/ MANY hyperlinks

Report: PM likely to face interrogation on corruption claims
Police mull making Netanyahu’s former chief of staff a state’s witness if he agrees to testify against his ex-boss
By Times of Israel staff July 15, 2016,

19th July 2016, 11:30 AM
Together they look like en evil horde

19th July 2016, 12:08 PM
OK Gang, time for a picture!

On the count of three ... "MANY SHEKELS!"

19th July 2016, 12:59 PM
Proof positive that demons can smile...

21st July 2016, 08:30 AM
case closed...

‘Israel’s parliament (Knesset) has passed a controversial bill that allows authorities to suspend legislators critical of the Tel Aviv regime’s policies toward Palestinians, with critics arguing that the law is meant to target opposition Arab lawmakers.

The law, which was supported by Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, was passed on Tuesday night following an intense debate with 62 votes in favor and 47 against. Several members were absent.

The legislation stipulates that the Knesset can kick out a parliamentarian for “incitement to racism and support of armed struggle” against the Israeli regime if a total of 90 members of the parliament vote in favor of the expulsion.’

Read more: Israeli parliament passes law that allows expulsion of critical MPs