View Full Version : Grant County, only UN Free County in Oregon

20th July 2016, 07:14 AM
Bradley Steffy is an Oregonion who while working away from his home enroute to home for the weekend decided to make a side trip to Burns, Oregon to learn firsthand what was happening at the Malheur Reserve. Brad is an excellent writer and has written several first calss reports on the Malheur protest and rural Oregon political corruption.

Edit: Watch the video at the end. Ron Gibson, an engineer and expert in Constitutional Law and Mining and Land Patent Law gives a captivating speech that really drives his message home.
Chris Briels also speaks. The video is nearly an hour long.

Just posted on his Qregon Wide Open facebook page

https://fbcdn-profile-a.akamaihd.net/hprofile-ak-xpf1/v/t1.0-1/c17.0.100.100/p100x100/12661771_433533773506623_7727811708663132207_n.jpg ?oh=f109a641af341930aa55b8fc44d8962f&oe=57EED045&__gda__=1478463877_6e86851eddde477b0ad0c821e0d4e0d 1

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Brad Steffey 07/17/2016

On July 8th, 2016 I attended a town meeting in John Day Oregon. There were members of the town of John Day, members of Grant County in which the town resides and Members from Harney County, Baker County, Josephine County, Jackson County and Clackamas County.

Why would so many people travel from distances so far ( my trip was 300 miles and 6 1/2 hours, Josephine County is 7 hours) to attend a town meeting in a small town like John Day?

Because there is a problem. We all know there is a problem, some try and dispute it, some choose not to acknowledge it but everybody knows it's there whether they admit it or not.

It is not a problem with Grant County alone, it is everywhere.

Three key questions emerge for those with the fortitude and responsibility to admit it.

1. What is the problem
2. Who/what/where is the source
2. How do we fix it

No problem can be solved until there is recognition in the first place. Knowing there is a problem isn't enough, it has to be acknowledged. Most people are cognizant that something doesn't seem right but we cling to the notion that everything is ok because it's normal. see Normalcy Bias Cognitive Dissonance:

When we see other people asking the same questions as we are, we become intrigued and empowered to learn more. We're social creatures so learning that others are feeling the same gives us resolve to explore and define the problem.

One of the problems we're faced with is identifying the source. We keep trying to vote our way out of trouble and hope new faces will improve our government.

What we're failing to recognize is that we aren't reaching the top of the chain. This may be confusing to some but the reality is that WE are at the top of the chain! WE ARE THE PROBLEM! The clowns we put into office are like children and need our guidance on a daily basis. Without We the People there is no effective form of government. It becomes a free for all.

Our system of government was brilliantly designed with all the components to succeed. We managed to do a pretty good job for a couple hundred years but then we let our Kids get out of line. When we failed to discipline them they became arrogant, bossy and became like a bunch of spoiled teenagers thinking they know everything and we know nothing.

They found power in numbers and recognized us as distracted, divided and too busy to pay attention. They began realizing that if they increased their numbers, kept us distracted and broadened the division, they could then completely control us.
Bottom line is, we are as free as we decide to be. If we take us, the American people out of the government, it's a flawed system. We were intended to do more than vote. We were intended to be the 4th branch of government.

Freedom requires effort. It requires constant responsible management. We may have been tricked into this and manipulated by these clever Kids but WE are ultimately the top of the chain and it's our responsibility to take back control.

They've really done a masterful job of usurping our authority, staging distractions and leading us astray, but the sooner we come to recognize that the accountability is ours, the sooner we can begin to fix it.

Many speak of revolution or Civil War which is eventually where we're headed if we don't take responsibility now but we don't have to get to that point.

No one wants anarchy and chaos but a very small faction of idiots.

They have managed to do a great job of dividing us to prevent us from regaining authority. If they can keep us fractured into two or three camps, they think we have no single division with enough might to control them. This is where they are wrong.
There are plenty of us to begin the process of a ground up correction. It doesn't require anything drastic or unusual, it only requires people to take responsibility for their own government, their own communities, their own Counties.

One such County which seems to be getting it right is Grant County. In this recorded meeting you'll hear Ron Gibson from Josephine county make some very clear strategic points and Chris Briels from neighboring Harney County define it from a common sense platform.

Ron is extremely well educated on Land Patents and constitutional law. Chris is the former Fire Marshall for Harney County and has been hard at work in Harney County with an assembly of local residents who are gaining momentum in influencing their County matters.

There were folks from Baker County who are actively beginning the process of making change in their County and two people in particular from Grant County who have been diligently working on flushing out corruption.

Tad Houpt organized the meeting. He also had organized a similar meeting in January in which the key members of the refuge occupation were en route when they were shot and arrested.

I was able to meet with him and Jim Sproul after the meeting and was amazed at the level of corruption, twisted deals, and false allegations against influential people sensitive to their efforts.

Jim is a 5th generation resident of Grant County and is very active in County matters. He and Tad are influential in getting several initiatives and ordinances passed to limit Federal control of lands in Grant County.

It was remarkable to see how the efforts of just two people can have a lasting effect. It seems the residents in Grant County in general have a better than average handle on their own destiny and together they exhibit a great example of how to be involved and be effective.

They were robbed of their opportunity to hear Ammon Bundy and LaVoy Finicum address a room of 400 in January. Even though this was a much smaller group on the heels of the 4th of July weekend, they showed that they are accountable to their own responsibility of claiming their town, their County and the government employees who they voted in to serve.
One clear example of their resolve is the recent recall effort of Boyd Britton as County Commissioner. They successfully collected well in excess of the required number of signatures for the recall. Now it is up to him to resign or force a recall vote within 35 days of the June 28 filing of the recall.

Many are unhappy with him for refusing to launch an investigation into the Canyon Creek Complex fire last year as well as several other allegations of inappropriate use of his position for financial gain.

In the complaint they alleged:

- He failed to represent constituents "on road and access issues."

- He would not call for an investigation of the Canyon Creek Complex fire "despite the overwhelming continued request by the majority of his constituents."

- He failed to recuse himself as a commissioner when dealing with agencies that he has benefited from personally and financially.

- He "deliberately misrepresented his intentions of attending a community meeting on Jan. 26, 2016 acting in the capacity as Grant County Commissioner."

Regardless of the outcome of the recall, the residents of Grant County are taking it upon themselves to identify what is wrong and making an effort to fix it.

From a County who 14 years ago was the only County in Oregon who voted in a U.N. free initiative, it's not at all surprising.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= (https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3DYywOiczGi2I&h=jAQHAvGITAQG82UTCnDxLJUk7SQzBqeHeLG5f3WGW6wx20g&enc=AZPfda4XQy64ZngsN8sJqZYo6GSMbjOLmhBGDOpHq6jN2m UP92FjxFzrJEjy-3iZQbjWVjEqlVls0rwKjCAz-Ci7xfRoLR6N5ky7hi1epm5BjO9TOKpz2xideex9VKWz5djMmhD _jP_cT43C_Wqvgym3V_UxvWS2Tt7iMynKFbr7O1AHIy9BluPiE oqM2T73PLb2vauPHVFrTcTeOrxurB9G&s=1)


Grant County June 2016 (https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv% 3DYywOiczGi2I&h=WAQHtWEzN&enc=AZNb0NQA6A3qEXQkb3lXlS27nJWmnTKFYZC0O3Vo0MuGom T8maVp23Uha5LYrUHTNblVk2OQdXiH1FfFr7vUaH6uazw9eUiK Lj5pyS24ghZnVEHW2SUYR48AmOOL5uty1azSjcI9zbD-WczvF09Mw7xIooAxco40Ga9ZJANJAbhgsaYOa1-8tK7Kb6LKZ8R3dAs23xbmYhQP7WV95TRC3sJL&s=1)

This is a presentation by Judge Darby and Ron Gibson, with a follow on talk by Chris Briels. The section with Judge Darby did not record therefore this is ju...

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