View Full Version : Trump as a role model?

24th July 2016, 02:13 PM
Before you judge, look at the fine young men, his sons, he has produced.
In a world where so many males have been feminized and left behind in their careers, do you think Trump is what these young males need?
It it were up to Hillary, you know she would have all young males wearing dresses and sucking each other's cocks.

What Kind of Male Role Model Would a President Trump Be?
By Mark Tapson

No one in the public eye is currently driving more media attention and polarized debate than presidential aspirant, reality TV star, and billionaire real estate mogul Donald Trump. His arrogance inspires rabid admiration and visceral disgust in equal measure. Many are horrified by the prospect that, as President, the bullying Trump might prove to be a Putin-style authoritarian; many find that same cocky aggressiveness to be electrifyingly, refreshingly virile. This raises an interesting, overlooked question: As a man, what kind of a role model would a President Trump be for our sons?

In her recent City Journal article “Coarsener in Chief,” Heather MacDonald addresses that very question. She is not a fan; after condemning Trump as “the most gratuitously nasty public figure that this country has seen in living memory” and “the very definition of a bully,” she urges his conservative supporters to consider Trump’s “effect on civilized mores”:

Boys in particular need to be civilized. That task will be more difficult with Trump in the White House. . . . Any parent trying to raise a boy to be respectful, courteous, and at least occasionally self-effacing will have a hard time doing so when our national leader is so reflexively impolite, just as it is harder to raise girls to be sexually prudent when they are surrounded by media role models promoting promiscuity. The culture has been coarsened enough already. It doesn’t need further degradation from a president.

Amid quite a few uncivil ad feminem responses from Trump supporters that followed MacDonald’s article were comments along these lines: “For seven years, my family and friends have been waiting for a big, strong man to take center stage and say, ‘This way, men!’—a man who can provide inspiring leadership for America.” And this one, which seemed to sum things up nicely:

I wish Ms. Mac Donald had avoided making this into an issue where nasty, loutish boys must be “civilized.” Frankly, one of the problems we have been facing for the last half-century is the feminization of society. . . . Because the pendulum has swung so far in that direction, a loudmouth buffoon like Trump seems authentic to a surprising number of people.

Those commenters won’t get any argument from me about the feminization of America, a half-century process (since the beginning of second wave feminism) which has left too many young American men in a state of confusion and helplessness about the definition and proper ideals of manhood. Nor would I deny that America is sorely in need of an inspirational leader in the White House who exudes strength and confidence and can restore American superpower. But are they correct that our current state of affairs makes a “loudmouth buffoon like Trump” seem authentically masculine? Is boorishness the mark of a leader of men? While I don’t think Trump’s quiet competition for the presidency, Dr. Ben Carson, is presidential material, is he any less manly because he doesn’t resort to bullying or trumpeting (pun intended) his impressive achievements?

Manliness is many things, and a fair subject for debate, but at its core, the basic ideals of manliness are simple: it is confidence, not loudmouthed cockiness. It is humility—not weakness, but humility—and service, not egotism and self-aggrandizement. It is chivalry, not bullying. It is leadership, not demagoguery. It is maturity and wisdom, not pettiness. Navy SEALs, whom no one would argue are feminized or unmanly or pushovers, are the epitome of such masculine characteristics.

These qualities today, along with manners and gentlemanliness, are too often considered old-fashioned and passé, and they are confused with weakness. Pop culture today, from the concert arena to the sports arena, sadly celebrates the brash, the egotistical, and the self-promoting, while the strong but quietly humble get overlooked. That doesn’t make the former manlier. Arrogance does not equate to masculine strength. If anything, arrogance proves to be nothing more substantial than bluster when the chips are down.

Heather MacDonald is correct that boys need to be civilized as they are raised (although these days girls, who are surrounded by all the wrong kinds of feminist role models, seem to need a strong civilizing influence themselves). But while our culture currently strives to sand down the rough edges of boys too far, there is a difference between civilizing boys and feminizing them. Too many of the commenters beneath MacDonald’s article, who seem eager to have a crass American Putin in the Oval Office, don’t seem to understand that, and that is an alarming commentary on our cultural confusion about manhood.


24th July 2016, 02:43 PM
We know Hillary is a terrible role model for young women. No sense of style, no class, angry, feminist, moralless, unethical, thief, liar, supports cheating scumbag husband, murderer, criminal. Can you imagine women all over our country mimicking Hillary's fashion sense, a gunny sack made out of carpeting? Viagra sales would skyrocket!
On the other hand, the dresses Melania and Ivanka wore at the convention, were sold out online within an hour. What do all these women, young and old see in her?

Why Hillary Clinton Is A Horrible Role Model For Women

Remember that blue dress? And probably many others?

Putting the politics aside for a moment, let’s talk about Hillary Clinton. She is an apparent role model for girls across the nation, but why? I understand the appeal of a female president based on the sexist history of America, but why did we choose Hillary? The commander in chief of the United States is the most powerful and respected position in the world, and for a woman to hold that would speak volumes; I get that. I agree with the idea that having an awesome female president would be great—someone tough who gets the job done. What I don’t agree with is that Hillary Clinton would be the woman for the job.

Like I mentioned, we’re putting politics aside. Let’s look at the character of Hillary Clinton. Is she strong-willed and independent? Some may say she is, looking at her past accomplishments. Helping to provide low cost health care to children and families, fighting for women’s and LGBT rights, and so forth are all things she’s done that make her seemingly strong-willed. However, those are all political. On a more personal level, take a look at her relationship with Bill Clinton.

Hillary and Bill Clinton have been married since 1975, (how nice). Yea, that’s a long time, and quite frankly, too long. If Hillary is so independent and dedicated to women’s rights, then why does she let her husband walk all over her? Time and time again, rumors of Bill Clinton’s numerous affairs with multiple women have popped up, (Monica Lewinski, Gennifer Flowers, Elizabeth Ward Gracen, etc., etc.). And, interestingly enough, time and time again Hillary has swept it all under the rug. I don’t know about all of you ladies, but I don’t think that someone who let's their husband cheat on them all the time is a great representation of strength. Now, I don’t mean to say that a girl is weak if she goes back to someone who betrays them. Everyone’s situation is different, but that isn’t the point. Women should do whatever they want if it comes to that, and I personally respect whatever choice they end up making. But, do I think that someone who lets that happen year after year and doesn’t put an end to it would make a great leader of my country? No, I do not.

I would feel so much differently about Hillary if she had ended to their relationship years ago. It would be way cooler if she was a single candidate, rather using the appeal of a married candidate. It also speaks volumes if she didn't care so desperately about the bad publicity of a divorce, or her image in general. Girls shouldn’t look up to a woman who turns a blind eye to her husband’s extensive list of affairs. Girls should idolize women who know they deserve the best, and don’t settle. When you decide who you're going to vote for, put aside the politics for a second. What type of person do you want running our country? Someone who embodies all of the qualities of a successful leader-- like strength, independence and bravery? Or Hillary Clinton?

8th September 2016, 02:41 PM

8th September 2016, 08:33 PM
EE a reply please?

20th February 2019, 12:37 PM
EE a reply please?

Instead of voting for who is the lesser of evils, like we've been doing for the past 5 decades, we should just vote for the worst candidate possible. There's no way out but to accelerate the collapse. (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203832331/#q203833435)

21st February 2019, 07:46 AM
Instead of voting for who is the lesser of evils, like we've been doing for the past 5 decades, we should just vote for the worst candidate possible. There's no way out but to accelerate the collapse. (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203832331/#q203833435)

False Messiah Al Gore! Trump is just there to pave the way for him!

According to Gore a gas pipeline is “environmental racism”...

Stop Making Cents
21st February 2019, 01:25 PM
Yes, Trump IS a good role model and I proudly watch his speeches and videos with my children and show them what a real man looks like fighting back against liberal faggots. Fact is, we probably won't have many more white male Presidents in our lifetimes, at least ones that aren't cucks, so i want my kids to soak it up while they can. Just like i fondly remember growing up with Reagan in charge, i want them to remember Trump in the same way. It has a lasting effect. And yes, he may be a Jew lover, but Trump is the driving force turning the tide against multiculturalism in Europe and other white nations. If it's "ok" for America to have a nationalist President, then they will believe it too. Trump's election got the ball rolling and the pendulum moving in the other direction. America is fucked, no question, because of open borders but Europe can still be saved.

2nd March 2019, 07:28 AM
Yes, Trump IS a good role model and I proudly watch his speeches and videos with my children and show them what a real man looks like fighting back against liberal faggots. Fact is, we probably won't have many more white male Presidents in our lifetimes, at least ones that aren't cucks, so i want my kids to soak it up while they can. Just like i fondly remember growing up with Reagan in charge, i want them to remember Trump in the same way. It has a lasting effect. And yes, he may be a Jew lover, but Trump is the driving force turning the tide against multiculturalism in Europe and other white nations. If it's "ok" for America to have a nationalist President, then they will believe it too. Trump's election got the ball rolling and the pendulum moving in the other direction. America is fucked, no question, because of open borders but Europe can still be saved.

Trump is a Zionist. He has done nothing to turn any tide. He has made noises, but that is all. Zionism and the overthrow and destruction of Western Man (European Man) are joined at the hip.

2nd March 2019, 07:35 AM
Instead of voting for who is the lesser of evils, like we've been doing for the past 5 decades, we should just vote for the worst candidate possible. There's no way out but to accelerate the collapse. (https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/203832331/#q203833435)

In this insane world, this may be the sanest solution. Just as in martial arts, enabling the enemies' attack, may allow you to use that very same momentum to cause over-reach and an ensuing decisive attack of your own. It is also a common and elementary chess strategy. However, I fear that 'they' have planned for all contingencies and to accelerate the decline would just mean an even quicker demise for Western Man.

I still believe that a chain of teaching reality to others is the only thing left for us. The more they try to shut the truth down with laws, the more obvious the truth becomes.