View Full Version : The Bernie Sanders Conspiracy

27th July 2016, 02:54 PM
After looking at everything that's happened, how this whole thing is playing out, I'm pretty convinced that Sanders was a plant from day 1

When the Clintons ran for the Presidency in 1992, they had a grass roots, countrywide bus tour. They gained a lot of support from people who were sick of the Republican agenda of the Bush and Reagan years. In this election cycle, there was virtually no grass roots campaigning by Hillary. She spent all her time running around getting big money donors from overseas and wall street.

Sanders enters the race. He's an "independent" from a super liberal state like Vermont. He appeals to the downtrodden masses by promising a chicken in every pot, all paid for by everyone else. He makes claims and promises that don't really add up but never the less, he attracts a huge segment of the population.

The money that Sanders receives goes into a general fund that is used by the DNC. His campaign is constantly fighting the Clinton juggernaut and now emails prove that even the media was being instructed how to run stories. The entire campaign, Bernie never attacks Hillary but more so focuses on what life could be like under his version of socialist utopia, rather than fighting against his opponent hillary Clinton, even saying "I'm sick of hearing about your damn emails" - in a sense defending her criminality.

Now the emails surface proving that the fix was in and what does he do - the anti-establishment candidate tells his supporters to vote for the establishment candidate that he was supposedly campaigning against. He switches it up to focus on "anyone but Trump" (the other anti-establishment candidate)

I believe that Sanders is facing his toughest sell - twisting his followers vision so that they shift their support for Hillary. His reward will probably be a cabinet position in her administration if he's successful.

The payoff so far;
* Goes down in history as a Presidential candidate
* Financial rewards from donors that he owes no favors in return
* Notoriety and possibly high speaking fees at events
* A possible administrative position where he can move higher if he serves Hillary well

I think Sanders did what Sanders was supposed to do - organize and gather grass roots money while his future boss Hillary scoops up money from big donors expecting a payback. The DNC was a co-conspirator and willing accomplice, using their media connections and influence.
The emails are very telling...

28th July 2016, 03:21 PM
The payoff so far;
* Goes down in history as a Presidential candidate
* Financial rewards from donors that he owes no favors in return
* Notoriety and possibly high speaking fees at events
* A possible administrative position where he can move higher if he serves Hillary well

Don't forget the Audi!


29th July 2016, 08:56 AM
So, was Trump also a Clinton plant?

29th July 2016, 11:46 AM
Will there even be a new election?....I don't thinkkkkkkk so, something will happen to cancel the whole thing.....that will be the only way to avoid Trump from being our new president........will the new war start because of the South China sea?....who knows.