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27th July 2016, 04:07 PM
New “Reparations” Website Asks Whites to Pay Black People’s Rent to Relieve Their Guilt

Self-loathing whites offer to clean for, massage & be shouted at by blacks to atone for slavery.


A new “reparations” website asks white people to pay black people’s rent and give them money to relieve their white guilt.

The website (http://www.reparations.me/), started by Seattle-based “conceptual artist” Natasha Marin, suggests a number of ways in which white people can atone for the fact that 1.4 per cent of white people owned black slaves in the United States over 150 years ago.

Examples on the site’s ‘about (http://www.reparations.me/#!about/cjg9)’ page include;

POC 3: I need groceries.

White Person 3: “I’ll get them for you. PM me and I’ll send an Amazon Fresh or Safeway delivery. You just pick out what you want. I have a $200 limit.”

POC 4: I’m too upset to make dinner. I live in Seattle.

White Person 4: “Come over to my house for dinner, bring a friend if you like. PM me and I’ll send you the address, or can I order delivery to you? What kind of food do you like?”

POC 6: I want to scream and cuss at someone.

White Person 6: “I volunteer as tribute. How do we set this up?”

POC 7: I want to escape this cruel world in a *Specific Videogame* but can’t afford it on Steam right now. This is not a crisis, I just don’t trust people easily and want to see if this works.

White Person 7: Thank you for giving me the chance to do something concrete and relatively easy. I was quietly hating myself for doing nothing.

Numerous white people beset with self-loathing have already offered a number of goods and services, including the free use of a car, house cleaning, massages, “catharsis,” and straight-up cold hard cash.

Black people have also posted messages on the site with requests for free laptops, a Kindle EBook Reader and recording studio access.

“I want my project fully funded or at least my phone paid for from here till December so I can stay in Boriken writing about Amerikkkan colonialism,” another man demands on the ‘Reparations’ Facebook page.


Someone else asks for recording studio time so they can record, “an album entitled “White Boys” to vent out my frustration on, well, white boys.”


Before you say it, no this is not a joke, despite the fact that it’s absolutely hilarious. Every offer or request on the website links to the individual’s personal Facebook profile.

Marin says the website is a way for white people to “extricate themselves from the guilt they are mired in” but that it is in “no way a pardon for years of systemic abuse” (presumably Marin is not talking about the kind of “systematic abuse” that leads to figures like white people being 27 times more likely to be violently attacked by black people than vice-versa).

Marin asserts that the fight for a widescale, government-sanctioned reparations program is “totally legitimate” and should continue outside the confines of her website.

There is no indication yet on whether the website will spawn a copycat catering for white people upset at the Barbary slave trade, a far longer and more brutal period of slavery under which both blacks and whites were brutally oppressed by Arabs.


The concept will no doubt be lauded by ‘Black Lives Matter’ organizer Ashleigh Shackelford (pictured above), who has written a series of articles demanding that white people give her money for being a “fat black bitch”

After explaining how she was triggered by white people attending BLM rallies, Shackelford said that that they would be better served writing checks and giving up their car keys.

Reparations.me as well as Marin’s Facebook page gives white guilt-ridden leftists the chance to do precisely that.


27th July 2016, 04:30 PM
slavery has been around since humans have been on Earth.

The word "slave" comes from slav.

Word History: The derivation of the word slave encapsulates a bit of European history and explains why the two words slaves and Slavs are so similar; they are, in fact, historically identical. The word slave first appears in English around 1290, spelled sclave. The spelling is based on Old French esclave from Medieval Latin sclavus, “Slav, slave,” first recorded around 800. Sclavus comes from Byzantine Greek sklabos (pronounced sklävhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/omacr.gifs) “Slav,” which appears around 580. Sklavos approximates the Slavs' own name for themselves, the Slovhttp://cache.lexico.com/dictionary/graphics/AHD4/GIF/ecaron.gifnci, surviving in English Slovene and Slovenian. The spelling of English slave, closer to its original Slavic form, first appears in English in 1538. Slavs became slaves around the beginning of the ninth century when the Holy Roman Empire tried to stabilize a German-Slav frontier.

In Bede's Ecclesiastical History it is recorded that beautiful blond children were being sold as slaves:

A famous story recorded by Bede, an 8th-century monk who wrote a history of the British Church, relates that Gregory saw fair-haired Anglo-Saxon slaves from Britain in the Roman slave market and was inspired to try to convert their people. Supposedly Gregory inquired about the identity of the slaves, and was told that they were Angles from the island of Great Britain. Gregory replied that they were not Angles, but Angels.[37] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_mission#cite_note-40)[38] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_mission#cite_note-Harting57-41) The earliest version of this story is from an anonymous Life of Gregory written at Whitby Abbey about 705.[39] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_mission#cite_note-Fletcher112-42) Bede, as well as the Whitby Life of Gregory, records that Gregory himself had attempted to go on a missionary journey to Britain before becoming pope.[40] (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gregorian_mission#cite_note-Markus29-43) In 595 Gregory wrote to one of the papal estate managers in southern Gaul, asking that he buy English slave boys in order that they might be educated in monasteries.

Blacks use their slavery heritage as an excuse for their laziness:

Neither liberals nor conservatives, however, have bothered to consider that maybe black dysfunction is due to the nature of these people. In other words, blacks do what they do because it’s who they are. To put it another way, the rotten, degrading ghetto culture of blacks, including their uncivilized and dysfunctional ways, is but a reflection of who these people are inherently. They produce so much destruction and societal problems wherever they reside in large numbers, and no matter how much resources are spent attempting to bring them to educational and economic parity with whites, they always manage to screw it up. http://www.ambrosekane.com/2013/08/11/what-does-black-failure-tell-us-about-blacks/

27th July 2016, 04:45 PM
slavery has been around since humans have been on Earth.

The word "slave" comes from slav.

In Bede's Ecclesiastical History it is recorded that beautiful blond children were being sold as slaves:

Blacks use their slavery heritage as an excuse for their laziness:

Most of these niggers are just lazy and wanting a handout. They're literally too fucking stupid to even research their own history to know that the first LEGAL slave owner in America was a black man named Anthony Johnson.

In the case of Johnson v. Parker, the court of Northampton County upheld Johnson’s right to hold Casor as a slave, saying in its ruling of 8 March 1655:

“This daye Anthony Johnson negro made his complaint to the court against mr. Robert Parker and declared that hee deteyneth his servant John Casor negro under the pretence that said negro was a free man. The court seriously consideringe and maturely weighing the premisses, doe fynde that the saide Mr. Robert Parker most unjustly keepeth the said Negro from Anthony Johnson his master … It is therefore the Judgement of the Court and ordered That the said John Casor Negro forthwith returne unto the service of the said master Anthony Johnson, And that Mr. Robert Parker make payment of all charges in the suit.”

In a 1916 article (http://archive.org/stream/freenegro00russrich#page/28/mode/2up), John H. Russell wrote, “Indeed no earlier record, to our knowledge, has been found of judicial support given to slavery in Virginia except as a punishment for a crime.”


Instead they'll just say "GIBBS ME DAT!!!" and the gullible whites who never owned a slave, and whose ancestors most likely never even owned a slave are going to fork over money, time and "free shit" for some imaginary white guilt pushed by the Jew.

27th July 2016, 05:55 PM
Here's my retort...


Throw in the bitch referenced in my avatar and I'll give the quantity discount!

Twisted Titan
27th July 2016, 06:58 PM
POC 6: I want to scream and cuss at someone.

White Person 6: “I volunteer as tribute. How do we set this up?”

Do you know tribute is in prison slang?

Basically your the new jack that gonna get his ass busted wide open by the Thug of the cell block or prison tier

27th July 2016, 07:05 PM

27th July 2016, 07:23 PM
If a white own a home the should invite a black family to move in with them....or a Cuban, me me me me MEEEEEEEEE, damn lazy Ponce.


27th July 2016, 07:40 PM
So how do I set up one of these web pages? I need some munny and its on the internet after all. I can be what ever I want to be. Get some SJP to kick me some cash.

27th July 2016, 07:47 PM
What about white people who have never owned slaves at any point in their family history? Or worse, who were slaves? Like Irish people.

midnight rambler
27th July 2016, 08:08 PM
So how do I set up one of these web pages? I need some munny and its on the internet after all. I can be what ever I want to be. Get some SJP to kick me some cash.

Come up with a catchy domain name/twitter handle/fakebook presence and go for it.

Oh yeah, you need to find an image of some needy looking kneegro to put up as your avatar.

27th July 2016, 11:38 PM
So how do I set up one of these web pages? I need some munny and its on the internet after all. I can be what ever I want to be. Get some SJP to kick me some cash.

Your website would be excellent to crowdfund! Regressives loves that stuff! After you get the cash, do the opposite, expose lazy violent destructive negroes

27th July 2016, 11:51 PM
Come up with a catchy domain name/twitter handle/fakebook presence and go for it.

Oh yeah, you need to find an image of some needy looking kneegro to put up as your avatar.

I think this one symbolizes the oppression of the black man perfectly...

28th July 2016, 05:16 AM
I think this one symbolizes the oppression of the black man perfectly...

Billy Ray Valentine, Capricorn

28th July 2016, 06:04 AM
Re: New “Reparations” Website Asks Whites to Pay Black People’s Rent

^ the whole "story" smells like bageley agitprop. :rolleyes:

"As a gefilte fish gobbling dinjoo OPPRESSED BLACK MAN, I think all you slave trading/owning/abusing dinjooz WHITE GENTILES :D owe us!!"

http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/macklemore5-800x445.png (http://www.renegadetribune.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/macklemore5.png)
Undercover Goy (http://www.renegadetribune.com/undercover-goy/)

July 23, 2016 (http://www.renegadetribune.com/undercover-goy/) thermostat6 (http://www.renegadetribune.com/author/thermostat6/) 7 Comments


Since I finally grew up to the biggest issue in the history of mankind I asked myself what can I do to help save the world. I woke up my parents and my best friend, I’m working on my aunt and will work on my cousins when I will see them in the summer, but it’s not enough for me. I still ask myself what can I do to make our movement better. We have people who created websites, videos on jewtube, documentaries, podcasts, memes, books, white man marches, banners and so on. So should I create another website? Another meme with Soros disguised as a sith lord? No, no we need something new.

Getting our message to the world is the most important thing. But while we are doing it we have to deal the consequence of the Jewish system and the brainwashing that is going on every level against us. Innocent people get insulted, robbed, killed just because their white. There is a lot of anger in this world. I think it’s our duty to push it in the right direction.

Jews have made all people, but especially black people, very easily triggered with some words like “slave” or “nigger” and I think we should use what they have created against them. In judo we use the strength of the opponent against him. So let’s use this.

Jews love so much to pretend to be white for pushing their agenda – that we must acknowledge white supremacy, and be sorry for slavery and for what the Nazis did. So I don’t see why we whites shouldn’t pretend to be Jews to push our agenda to free the world.

Every white nationalist should have a Jewish alter ego that will go on all social networks (faceberg, jewtube, twitter) and spread the truth.

For example:

Fucking niggers you are soooo dumb, we Jews put you into slavery and run the slave trade, you even write books about it like Dr. Tony Martin but you still blame white people for what we did! Hahaha monkeys!


As a Jew I beg Israel to take every number of refugees there is! Israel is a country for people who flee warzones like we did after the Second World War.

How awesome it would be to see David Greenberg or Sarah Silverstein with a big star of david as a profile picture posting comments like this? Imagine every black people video on youtube with these types of comments, along with the responses from angry black people. I hope that a lot of them will search about the subject after being triggered and will find some material like The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews.

We need to push activism among our people! Some people donate money, others put flyers in mailbox. If you cannot do it, what about a simple comment on youtube? Every day you put this little comment on someone’s video. Every day you put this on a jewish website.

And of course we can do this stuff by replacing black people with Latinos, Asian, Muslims, etc.

Thank you for reading.
