View Full Version : How international jewry wants to shape Islam
2nd August 2016, 12:44 AM
Lecture by Imam Anwar Al Awlaki.. a person the US government considered to be such a threat that they used a hellfire missile on his home in Yemen in spite of him being a US citizen.
In this lecture he talks about a book written by jewess Sheryl Bernard for Rand Corporation entitled Civil Democratic Islam.
2nd August 2016, 10:27 AM
Lecture by Imam Anwar Al Awlaki.. a person the US government considered to be such a threat that they used a hellfire missile on his home in Yemen in spite of him being a US citizen.
In this lecture he talks about a book written by jewess Sheryl Bernard for Rand Corporation entitled Civil Democratic Islam.
So what are your views on this lecture, I just listened to? Do you consider yourself a "modern, moderate, Rand Muslim", or do you consider yourself a "real Muslim"? Do you want shariah law for Norway? Surah instead of democracy? should Christians have to pay a special tax to stay Christian in Norway. Or is this only acceptable after Muslims in Norway have outbred or converted the Christian host population to Islam.
I found it interesting that Christians and Jews are only allowed to maintain churches and synagogues, not build new ones according to Sharia law in Muslim dominated countries. While Muslims scream religious oppression in western countries if they are not allowed to build their mosques wherever they want. Quite a double standard don't you think?
What do you think of death penalty for Muslims converting to other faiths like Christianity?
I am sincerely interested where you stand on these issues...
2nd August 2016, 10:43 AM
7th August 2016, 07:45 AM
Jewry created Islam. Both answer to the same Boss - the Devil himself.
A "radical" Muslim will behead you.
A "moderate" Muslim will stand by and watch.
A decent Muslim will object, and be killed with you.
Therefore, the number of decent Muslims is self-limiting.
7th August 2016, 07:53 AM
I do think if Jewish "modern" civilization holds, Islam will be a cucked religion in 20-30 years. The current radicalism is more of a last hoorah. There has been a lot of degeneracy in Muslim countries where things are secularized/Liberalised more. This feminization a lot has to do with technology detaching people from reality, then Jewish ideals seep in and cuck people left and right.
Found this interesting, Styx (he's an Occultist, but a well of knowledge) explains how the cucking process of Islam is going on:
Skip to 10:20 ( ( ( ( (
7th August 2016, 08:24 AM
Pagan Origins of Islam:
8th August 2016, 04:16 AM
So what are your views on this lecture, I just listened to? Do you consider yourself a "modern, moderate, Rand Muslim", or do you consider yourself a "real Muslim"? Do you want shariah law for Norway? Surah instead of democracy? should Christians have to pay a special tax to stay Christian in Norway. Or is this only acceptable after Muslims in Norway have outbred or converted the Christian host population to Islam.
I found it interesting that Christians and Jews are only allowed to maintain churches and synagogues, not build new ones according to Sharia law in Muslim dominated countries. While Muslims scream religious oppression in western countries if they are not allowed to build their mosques wherever they want. Quite a double standard don't you think?
What do you think of death penalty for Muslims converting to other faiths like Christianity?
I am sincerely interested where you stand on these issues...
Your post reads more like a rant than questions. I didn't post this video to anwser personal questions about me, but to point out how internatioal jewry has taken a special interest in forming islam into something they find acceptable - as in a continuation of their scam that is democracy and what criterias they have made to differentiate between a normal muslim and a rand muslim. To those aware of the jewish question this should be an interesting and eye opening video, that is why i posted it.
8th August 2016, 04:20 AM
Jewry created Islam. Both answer to the same Boss - the Devil himself.
A "radical" Muslim will behead you.
A "moderate" Muslim will stand by and watch.
A decent Muslim will object, and be killed with you.
Therefore, the number of decent Muslims is self-limiting.
You keep telling yourself that.. or rather repeat what the jewsmedia has told you.
8th August 2016, 04:42 AM
So what are your views on this lecture, I just listened to? Do you consider yourself a "modern, moderate, Rand Muslim", or do you consider yourself a "real Muslim"? Do you want shariah law for Norway? Surah instead of democracy? should Christians have to pay a special tax to stay Christian in Norway. Or is this only acceptable after Muslims in Norway have outbred or converted the Christian host population to Islam.
I found it interesting that Christians and Jews are only allowed to maintain churches and synagogues, not build new ones according to Sharia law in Muslim dominated countries. While Muslims scream religious oppression in western countries if they are not allowed to build their mosques wherever they want. Quite a double standard don't you think?
What do you think of death penalty for Muslims converting to other faiths like Christianity?
I am sincerely interested where you stand on these issues...
Norweger just now refused to answer these questions and instead points his finger at the jews. You nailed him Neuro.
...I didn't post this video to anwser personal questions about me, but to point out how internatioal jewry...
8th August 2016, 07:47 AM
I just wonder if this satanist kid is ever gonna move out of his Mom's house. :rolleyes:
8th August 2016, 09:09 AM
Norweger just now refused to answer these questions and instead points his finger at the jews. You nailed him Neuro.
It was very straight forward questions. Norweger do you think you deserve death if you'ld decide to leave Islam?
8th August 2016, 09:19 AM
Your post reads more like a rant than questions. I didn't post this video to anwser personal questions about me, but to point out how internatioal jewry has taken a special interest in forming islam into something they find acceptable - as in a continuation of their scam that is democracy and what criterias they have made to differentiate between a normal muslim and a rand muslim. To those aware of the jewish question this should be an interesting and eye opening video, that is why i posted it.
It is interesting. It is also interesting that a Muslim wouldn't answer the question if he is a "Rand" Muslim or a "normal" Muslim, after posting a video about it...
12th August 2016, 10:48 PM
You keep telling yourself that.. or rather repeat what the jewsmedia has told you.
Norweger, ambassador of Taqiyya.
13th August 2016, 07:51 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Brian Wright asks Kevin Barrett about Islam
Author and libertarian activist Brian Wright is curious about Islam. He understands that the Islamophobia industry has influenced, maybe even brainwashed, Americans – including more than a few of his fellow liberty activists, and even some 9/11 truthers. But what's the reality beneath the hype?
Since I, Kevin Barrett, used to teach Islamic Studies at the University of Wisconsin and Edgewood College of Madison – before the politicians decided my research on 9/11 was unacceptable (without bothering to look at it or argue against it) – I would be a reasonable choice to try to sum up Islam 101 in an hour. In a university setting, it takes 16 weeks and requires you to read six or seven books. So here you (and Brian Wright) are getting the short, easy version.
In this interview I tiptoe between two perspectives: The Religious Studies perspective that I used to teach in universities, and my own personal perspective as a convert to Islam since 1993. So in this interview you'll hear a slightly different and more personal take on Islam than the students in my classes heard. (Since I'm not being paid to do it any more, you're just going to have to take what you can get!)
Kevin Barrett at 6:33 PM
must listen via player console down the page a bit at:
13th August 2016, 08:09 PM
Tuesday, July 26, 2016
Brian Wright asks Kevin Barrett about Islam
Author and libertarian activist Brian Wright is curious about Islam. He understands that the Islamophobia industry has influenced, maybe even brainwashed, Americans – including more than a few of his fellow liberty activists, and even some 9/11 truthers. But what's the reality beneath the hype?
Since I, Kevin Barrett, used to teach Islamic Studies at the University of Wisconsin and Edgewood College of Madison – before the politicians decided my research on 9/11 was unacceptable (without bothering to look at it or argue against it) – I would be a reasonable choice to try to sum up Islam 101 in an hour. In a university setting, it takes 16 weeks and requires you to read six or seven books. So here you (and Brian Wright) are getting the short, easy version.
In this interview I tiptoe between two perspectives: The Religious Studies perspective that I used to teach in universities, and my own personal perspective as a convert to Islam since 1993. So in this interview you'll hear a slightly different and more personal take on Islam than the students in my classes heard. (Since I'm not being paid to do it any more, you're just going to have to take what you can get!)
Kevin Barrett at 6:33 PM
must listen via player console down the page a bit at:
>Islamophobia Industry
From PatColo's link (
Wow, so powerful. He's really fighting against the system.
14th August 2016, 02:46 AM
Norweger, sharia for Norway?
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