View Full Version : Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigratio

2nd August 2016, 11:56 AM
Panic Mode: Khizr Khan Deletes Law Firm Website that Specialized in Muslim Immigration
by MATTHEW BOYLE2 Aug 2016 Washington, DC744

Khizr Khan, the Muslim Gold Star father that Democrats and their allies media wide have been using to hammer GOP presidential nominee Donald J. Trump, has deleted his law firm’s website from the Internet.

This development is significant, as his website proved—as Breitbart News and others have reported—that he financially benefits from unfettered pay-to-play Muslim migration into America.

A snapshot of his now deleted website, as captured by the Wayback Machine which takes snapshots archiving various websites on the Internet, shows that as a lawyer he engages in procurement of EB5 immigration visas and other “Related Immigration Services.”

The website is completely removed from the Internet, and instead directs visitors to the URL at which it once was to a page parking the URL run by GoDaddy.

The EB5 program, which helps wealthy foreigners usually from the Middle East essentially buy their way into America, is fraught with corruption. U.S. Senate Judiciary Committee chairman Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) has detailed such corruption over the past several months, and in February issued a blistering statement about it.

“Maybe it is only here on Capitol Hill—on this island surrounded by reality—that we can choose to plug our ears and refuse to listen to commonly accepted facts,” Grassley said in a statement earlier this year. “The Government Accountability Office, the media, industry experts, members of congress, and federal agency officials, have concurred that the program is a serious problem with serious vulnerabilities. Allow me to mention a few of the flaws.”

Grassley’s statement even noted that the program Khan celebrated on his website has posed national security risks.

“There are also classified reports that detail the national security, fraud and abuse. Our committee has received numerous briefings and classified documents to show this side of the story,” Grassley said in the early February 2016 statement. “The enforcement arm of the Department of Homeland Security wrote an internal memo that raises significant concerns about the program. One section of the memo outlines concerns that it could be used by Iranian operatives to infiltrate the United States. The memo identifies seven main areas of program vulnerability, including the export of sensitive technology, economic espionage, use by foreign government agents and terrorists, investment fraud, illicit finance and money laundering.”

Khan spoke alongside his wife Ghazala Khan at the Democratic National Convention last week in Philadelphia, and they were honoring their son U.S. Army Captain Humayun Khan—a hero who lost his life to a suicide bomber in Iraq in 2004. On behalf of Hillary Rodham Clinton, the Democratic nominee for president, Khizr Khan ripped into Donald Trump’s policies on immigration—specifically bashing his plan to bar Muslim migration from regions afflicted with rampant terrorism into America temporarily until the United States can figure out what’s going on.

Khan even brought out a pocket Constitution, claiming inaccurately that Trump’s plans were unconstitutional. That’s not true, as Congress has already granted such power to the president under the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1952—allowing the president to bar migration of any alien or class of aliens the president sees as a threat to the United States for any reason at any time. Such a class of aliens could be Muslims, or it could be people from a specific region of the world, or any other class—such as someone’s race, weight, height, age, national origin, religion, or anything else.

The media, along with Hillary Clinton and her supporters throughout the Democratic Party establishment, has pushed the line of attack against Trump for days. Now on Tuesday, President Barack Obama has said that Trump is “unfit” to serve as President over the matter. Even a group of anti-Trump congressional Republicans has gone after Trump on the matter.

But as Breitbart News and other new media have exposed Khan’s various deep political and legal connections to the Clintons—and to Muslim migration—the attack line has crumbled. Now, with Khan deleting his website in an apparent effort to hide his biographical information, the attack is falling apart even more.

What’s perhaps interesting is that also on this website that he has now deleted, Khan revealed that he spent nearly a decade working for the mega-D.C. law firm Hogan & Hartson—now Hogan Lovells LLP—which connects him directly with the government of Saudi Arabia and the Clintons themselves. Saudi Arabia, which has retained the firm that Khan worked at for years, has donated between $10 million and $25 million to the Clinton Foundation. Hillary Clinton, despite the repeated urging of Trump, has refused to return the Clinton Cash money to the Saudis. What’s more, Hogan Lovells also did Hillary Clinton’s taxes—and helped acquire the patents for parts of the technology she used in crafting her illicit home-brew email server that the FBI director called “extremely careless” in handling classified information.

What’s more, the entire mainstream has proven negligence with regard to this matter as none of them even thought to look into this Khan guy’s law practice before bandying him about as some kind of magic elixir that cures the country of Trump.


midnight rambler
2nd August 2016, 11:58 AM

Too late jackass! Your lameass godaddy website lives on!


2nd August 2016, 12:02 PM
The problem is that only the people who go to Breitbart know about this. Everyone else will be kept in the dark.

2nd August 2016, 12:03 PM
I'm sure if he wants to Trump can introduce it into the conversation

2nd August 2016, 11:06 PM
I'm sure if he wants to Trump can introduce it into the conversation

Yes but it is still only Trump followers who will hear about it. The rest of the Internet social media says that Trump is a evil meanie for wanting deportation of hoards of angelic Muslim heroes, which is the story that reaches 90% of the population unfiltered, rammed down their throats!

3rd August 2016, 07:37 AM
Yes but it is still only Trump followers who will hear about it. The rest of the Internet social media says that Trump is a evil meanie for wanting deportation of hoards of angelic Muslim heroes, which is the story that reaches 90% of the population unfiltered, rammed down their throats!

Then simply prepare for life under a Clinton regime....it's as simple as that. Most people I know have been prepping for some time now

3rd August 2016, 09:12 AM

Khizr Khan Believes the Constitution ‘Must Always Be Subordinated to the Sharia’

Notwithstanding his war-hero son’s genuinely patriotic example, Khizr M. Khan has published papers supporting the supremacy of Islamic law over “man-made” Western law — including the very Constitution he championed in his Democratic National Convention speech attacking GOP presidential nod Donald Trump.

In 1983, for example, Khan wrote a glowing review of a book compiled from a seminar held in Kuwait called “Human Rights In Islam” in which he singles out for praise the keynote address of fellow Pakistani Allah K. Brohi, a pro-jihad Islamic jurist who was one of the closest advisers to late Pakistani dictator Gen. Zia ul-Haq, the father of the Taliban movement.

Khan speaks admiringly of Brohi’s interpretation of human rights, even though it included the right to kill and mutilate those who violate Islamic laws and even the right of men to “beat” wives who act “unseemly.”

3rd August 2016, 09:18 AM
Then simply prepare for life under a Clinton regime....it's as simple as that. Most people I know have been prepping for some time now

Nothing will happen until people start to go hungry to a freezing bed... Clinton=Obama=Bush=Clinton that's the controlled reality...

3rd August 2016, 09:29 AM
Yes but it is still only Trump followers who will hear about it. The rest of the Internet social media says that Trump is a evil meanie for wanting deportation of hoards of angelic Muslim heroes, which is the story that reaches 90% of the population unfiltered, rammed down their throats!

They are playing the time game. We have three months until the election. The chances of this getting out to enough people in three months is small enough that they're willing to take the chance of being exposed, but only after the election. At that point it is pretty much too late.