View Full Version : Donald Trump won’t endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain

2nd August 2016, 04:40 PM
I love it, Trump sticking Ryan's words right up his ass!

Back-stabbing Donald Trump won’t endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain even though they supported him for President
Updated: Tuesday, August 2, 2016, 6:43 PM

Donald Trump said he won't endorse a pair of Republican Party leaders who have grudgingly endorsed him after his primary win, taunting House Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) and Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) in a Tuesday interview.

Trump told the Washington Post that he's "not quite there yet" on endorsing Ryan after praising the House Speaker's primary rival, Paul Nehlen, and claiming that Ryan has sought his endorsement.

That language mocks the language Ryan used as he dragged his feet on a Trump endorsement before he eventually relented and threw his support behind his party's nominee.

"I like Paul, but these are horrible times for our country," Trump said. "We need very strong leadership. We need very, very strong leadership. And I'm just not quite there yet. I'm not quite there yet."

INTERACTIVE FEATURE: See how the Daily News has covered Donald Trump's scandals for 30 years
The two have long had a tense relationship. Ryan has criticized Trump from the start, from his plan to ban Muslims from entering the U.S. to his recent attacks on the parents of fallen Muslim-American soldier Humayun Khan.

Ryan's team dismissed the idea that he'd asked Trump for his support.

"Neither Speaker Ryan nor anyone on his team has ever asked for Donald Trump's endorsement, and we are confident in a victory next week regardless," Ryan campaign spokesman Zack Roday said in a statement.

He was even rougher with McCain, who he mocked a year ago for being captured while he was in the Air Force in Vietnam. McCain took his strongest shot at Trump this week over his attacks on the Khan family.

"I've never been there with John McCain because I've always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets," Trump continued. "He has not done a good job for the vets and I've always felt that he should have done a much better job for the vets. So I've always had a difficult time with John for that reason, because our vets are not being treated properly. They're not being treated fairly."

Both McCain and Ryan are expected to win their primaries, though McCain's is looking more competitive. McCain faces a tough reelection race in Republican-leaning Arizona, largely because Trump's presence at the top of the ticket is galvanizing Latinos in the state.


2nd August 2016, 05:56 PM
The blackmail runs deep...

2nd August 2016, 06:10 PM
If Trump is galvanising Latino's not to vote republican for McCain then it sounds like good news all round.

And of course, no Bias from the commentator. Mr Joseph.

2nd August 2016, 10:18 PM
C'mon... Back-stabbing Donald Trump won’t endorse Paul Ryan and John McCain

Like these guys were friends? Who is doing the back stabbbing anyways?
Fuck latinos, fuck the jews and Fuck the white people, who does this article want to target? Really when you look at it then it's another complete joke.

2nd August 2016, 11:53 PM
Sounds like the beginnings of a new Anarcho-capitalist party.

or U.S.ukraine

3rd August 2016, 12:30 AM
Sounds like the beginnings of a new Anarcho-capitalist party.

or U.S.ukraine

Doesn't matter, Trump is killing any support for the long run!

Cock gun shoot oneself in foot!

I sorta like him, but unless he has support from both house's as for the last many years not a dam thing will change!

His mouth is his worse enemy!

All he has done is drive away any chance that the other elected critters will support or could!

Majority support is required to get any thing done, and he is killing any Chance!

One rule and the first and biggest is get reelected!

Remember they do want to get reelected,!

Loving the shakeups, rember fokes I have stated I am in the general middle politically!

Remember I do not care for the left nor right, as I have posted before but a combination of both!

Got popcorn?

I cry to see that we as a nation has fallen this low in my lifetime

More than sad!

I cry more to see some to rejoicing because that it is!

They may and do may call themselves American but are not in the heart of heart's!

Some could and would call them traitors!

Some sick puppy's here!


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

3rd August 2016, 02:07 AM
His mouth is his worse enemy!

I don't think you understand how it works. Trump could say the sky is blue, and then the media will misquote him, and magically turn it into him supporting gassing all the Jews or something. The media flat out makes shit up and lies, and they keep doing this over and over again.

This stuff always works on stupid people. Just tell a lie, and repeat it over and over again with 24-7 news coverage on all the news channels and most people will believe it. You have to have a brain filter where anytime you see the media does shit like this you realize it's bullshit. Sadly few people can do that.

This is done around the entire mainstream media, so the only places that can refute it are Breitbart and Infowars, and the only people who read those websites are Trump voters anyways.

There's literally nothing Trump can say or do to prevent this. If he were a Democrat saying the exact same things nothing would happen, he'd only get praise. It's a complete hatchet job.



This is why I stopped debating people, and now use memes. The intelligence levels have dropped so low that it's the only way to attack back at this point.

This is also why I'm starting to embrace the Black Pill (Nihilism). There's no good change that can come since the media just has to lie about shit, and 50%+ believes whatever it is.

3rd August 2016, 02:50 AM
Loving the shakeups, rember fokes I have stated I am in the general middle politically!

Remember I do not care for the left nor right, as I have posted before but a combination of both!

You don't get to play the "middle politically" of this election...the middle is the same as a vote for Hillary and the end of our country.

Too much riding on this election to sit out, or play the "middle"-->(Hillary)

Just in the news, the 'nigger in the white house' pays $400 million ransom to terrorist Iran, also gives amnesty to 8,000 possible terrorist refugees.

Wait until you see what a Hillary-->(middle) would do to this country.

The choice is, hand the country over to the 'fucked in the head' liberals-->(middle/combination), or support/vote for the candidate that millions of conservatives support. It doesn't matter what you think of Trump, or Hillary-->(middle)...what matters is the millions of Americans and who they support.

See middle-->(Hillary) people here:


3rd August 2016, 02:59 AM
Doesn't matter, Trump is killing any support for the long run!

Cock gun shoot oneself in foot!

I sorta like him, but unless he has support from both house's as for the last many years not a dam thing will change!

His mouth is his worse enemy!

All he has done is drive away any chance that the other elected critters will support or could!

Majority support is required to get any thing done, and he is killing any Chance!

One rule and the first and biggest is get reelected!

Remember they do want to get reelected,!

Loving the shakeups, rember fokes I have stated I am in the general middle politically!

Remember I do not care for the left nor right, as I have posted before but a combination of both!

Got popcorn?

I cry to see that we as a nation has fallen this low in my lifetime

More than sad!

I cry more to see some to rejoicing because that it is!

They may and do may call themselves American but are not in the heart of heart's!

Some could and would call them traitors!

Some sick puppy's here!


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

The traitors are in the political middle in congress and senate. They ran your country consistently down the drains since you were young, but you prefer to point your finger at us, that have the nerve to point it out, while you comfortably remain in the corrupt political middle.

Well done Dogman!

3rd August 2016, 05:55 AM
"He who stands for nothing, will fall for anything."

I wonder what the 'middle' people approve of in the liberal platform. Please point out the issues that you agree with.
A few off the top of my head...

1. Abortion up to day of birth
2. global governance, loss of sovereignty
3. mass immigration and amnesty for all unvetted illegals and refugees from terrorist countries
4. welfare state
5. tax increases to pay for more welfare
6. government (common-core) education that includes homosexual programs in schools
7. cuts to military spending at home and abroad
9. the banning of firearms and abolishment of the 2nd ammendmant
10. obamacare
11. perpetual war
12. blatant government corruption and cover-ups
13. war on men, mostly white men
14. gay marriage, transgender bathrooms
15. political correctness and hate speech laws
16. funneling cash to terrorist countries

3rd August 2016, 06:33 AM
I have said I do not like the bitch, but I equally do not care for trump, sadly compared to some here I am a humanitarian when some here are not. This year I very much doubt I will vote, in the past I have voted for the "Less" evil or smelly of the choices given.

As I have said before , I do like trump, and it is all because how he is shaking the tree here and also shaking that tree at a time the tree has been over due to be shaken. Which = waking people up, which is a + , sadly the - side is the way he is doing it, which is totally pissing off the greater majority which = not good.

His mouth, and thin skin and sadly ignorance of how other people think and live is not a way to win the hearts and minds of the majority, and he needs the majority to win.

If he does get elected, I suspect both houses of gov will be against him, which = he can do nothing, unless those same two houses are cleaned out so the majority elected critters think like him.

I do not like the bitch at all, but sadly she is the so called less evil of the two, which is why I will not vote this year and eat popcorn..;D

Trump because of his mouth and ego is his major weakness and his disrespect for others, which mirrors many members here have demonstrated on a daily basis here is sad, and mostly why I do not care for him. The only good thing is he is shaking the tree.

Sadly the world is changing, part of the problem is because of technology , which is bringing the world closer human wise than any other time. Which could be another long post from me on how I see things happening.get over it ! Mainly because there is not a frigging thing anyone here can do about it. We (loose term) are a minority, a very small minority and as everything in life when humans get together it will be the majority that will dictate the path we take, and for the majority here , they will be dragged kicking and screaming.

Have fun proving me wrong....


I do not give a flying crap and or hoo hoo, how some or most here think and most here probably will out live me and nothing you all can say or do can change anything other than give you y'all a common target, which is good because the normal past time is going at each others throats acting like adolescent locker room kids ! All said with a grin and


3rd August 2016, 06:34 AM
Doesn't matter, Trump is killing any support for the long run!

Cock gun shoot oneself in foot!

I sorta like him, but unless he has support from both house's as for the last many years not a dam thing will change!

His mouth is his worse enemy!

All he has done is drive away any chance that the other elected critters will support or could!

Majority support is required to get any thing done, and he is killing any Chance!

One rule and the first and biggest is get reelected!

Remember they do want to get reelected,!

Loving the shakeups, rember fokes I have stated I am in the general middle politically!

Remember I do not care for the left nor right, as I have posted before but a combination of both!

Got popcorn?

I cry to see that we as a nation has fallen this low in my lifetime

More than sad!

I cry more to see some to rejoicing because that it is!

They may and do may call themselves American but are not in the heart of heart's!

Some could and would call them traitors!

Some sick puppy's here!


Sent from my Nexus 7 using Forum runner

...and then there's Clinton

3rd August 2016, 06:42 AM
...and then there's Clinton

Do not care for the bitch..

The fucked up thing is the choices, which are slim and none..!

Hell I may vote for one of the other two, the libertarian or the other one, (green ?) at least they have less smell about them.. They will not win, but at least they both are less smelly than the two main players.


out of this thread,

Have fun guys!

3rd August 2016, 06:55 AM
I do not like the bitch at all, but sadly she is the so called less evil of the two, which is why I will not vote this year and eat popcorn=good for Hillary..;D

Remember I do not care for the left nor right, as I have posted before but a combination of both!

Got popcorn Hillary?

Everything you stated is a personal problem you have with Trump, not mentioning the policies/issues.
If you say you are in the middle regarding policies? Which liberal policies do you condone?
You say Hillary is the least of two evils, does that include supreme court justices?

Eating popcorn = support for Hillary and the assured destruction of our country.

3rd August 2016, 07:03 AM
Another 8 years of Democrats will turn American into Brazil.

At that point it will be a 1 party system.

"B-b-b-but the TeeVeee said he said mean things, so I can't support him."

3rd August 2016, 07:07 AM
Another 8 years of Democrats will turn American into Brazil.

At that point it will be a 1 party system.

"B-b-b-but the TeeVeee said he said mean things, so I can't support him."

It already is!!!!!!

3rd August 2016, 07:07 AM
Everything you stated is a personal problem you have with Trump, not mentioning the policies/issues.
If you say you are in the middle regarding policies? Which liberal policies do you condone?
You say Hillary is the least of two evils, does that include supreme court justices?

Eating popcorn = support for Hillary and the assured destruction of our country.

Seems like you are willing to burn your house down to get rid of one mosquito that is irritating you is the only immediate solution.

Go ahead, and do it..As I have stated I see the good and bad on both sides of the spectrum , and am pragmatic enough to walk the middle ground, because the minority will be trumped (hehe) by the majority.

Last post on thread, kick an scream all you wan like a cranky baby wanting its tit/bottle...;D

Will not argue with you,

What happened on your ride with kros during her "Magical mystery (ride ?) tour" going to see Zap , that she avoided you like the plague after and maybe made/helped her leave the forum later other than the great oracle maggy here that started attacking her and was loved by so many here ?

3rd August 2016, 07:33 AM
Seems like you are willing to burn your house down to get rid of one mosquito that is irritating you is the only immediate solution.

Go ahead, and do it..As I have stated I see the good and bad on both sides of the spectrum , and am pragmatic enough to walk the middle ground, because the minority will be trumped (hehe) by the majority.

Last post on thread, kick an scream all you wan like a cranky baby wanting its tit/bottle...;D

Will not argue with you,

What happened on your ride with kros during her "Magical mystery (ride ?) tour" going to see Zap , that she avoided you like the plague after and maybe made/helped her leave the forum later other than the great oracle maggy here that started attacking her and was loved by so many here ?
It is you kicking and screaming like a baby. You are incapable of defending your decision to follow to the point what the talking heads at teevee tells you to think, thus your constant unrelated attacks on the membership here!

You are not a humanitarian you are a mindless drone, who wasted your life!

Do you want cheese with your fuckin whine?

3rd August 2016, 07:41 AM
It already is!!!!!!

We are 60% White. Brazil is about 45%.


Our ancestors were smart to wipe out most of the Siberian Americans, but they were dumb not to finish the job. The Spanish that conquered South America were dumb enough to integrate with the shitskins, and mostly got wiped out as a result.

3rd August 2016, 08:05 AM
In past elections, when both parties candidates are cut from the same cloth, I always voted constitution party. This year I have to vote for the person that has the best chance of beating Clinton. I'll admit That voting for Trump could be risky but voting my conscience this year isn't an option.

3rd August 2016, 03:03 PM
I dont think traitors are in "the middle" the entire arena is so tilted to the left or special interests that the middle has vanished.

Or the middle part way between the individual and his government. (Which is ALL that matters I might add.)

Trump does something for individuality, but blows it on regulations and his notion of force when in office.

A travesty in most respects of character.

3rd August 2016, 04:57 PM
Oh the Vets, Oh the Farmers, Oh the Women (pregnant ones too), Oh the children, Oh the Blacks, Oh the Whites, Oh the Gays, Oh the Muslims!

This U.S. is what happened when you exchanged an individual's Liberty for special group interest's drawing rights.

Its been over for quite a while now.