View Full Version : Scripted smearing of Trump continues. Nuke usage.

3rd August 2016, 12:07 PM
This allegedly happened 3 months ago.

Trump asks why US can't use nukes: MSNBC


Then there is the Ruler of the Frogs whining about the dead Muslim "hero.

3rd August 2016, 01:57 PM
I agree with the foundational basis of the question, why not if the situation warrants. Only country to ever unleash them. From what I've read over the years they were not needed when used, "we" just wanted to make a "statement".

The purpose of having such military power is to "kill people and break shit". We ain't doing such a good job at it.

Elect me president and I'll bring all the troops home from overseas........ after I finish the Fuki'n job. Of course the MIC wouldn't like me very much for killing their golden goose.

3rd August 2016, 02:57 PM
The father of the fallen Muslim "hero" attacked Trump for something he didn't say. Trump set the record straight, and now Trump owes this person a public apology according to some republican Jews, for dishonoring this liar. And according to MSNBC, most other media, the entire Demcrat party and significant parts of the repub elites Trump is the villain for it?

Personally I am divided re Trumps actual policies, some of them good (like enforcing immigration law), some of them terrible (like being Israels best friend for ever and tearing up the Iran settlement). But the political establishments drive to demonize him at every opportunity with lies is something out of the ordinary. The character assassination, etc. Apart from his nationalist proposals, his policies are pretty much similar to Clinton's, not particular extreme center of the line policies re taxes, social security, etc...

To me he smells like the fall guy to guarantee Hillary's presidency. Sorry! I don't think this is real...