View Full Version : Correct the Record

3rd August 2016, 10:14 PM

It's time to come clean.

I don't know what you did to me, /pol/. But god damn. Being here as unironicly changed me. For better or worse, I'm not sure. I still like Bernie over everyone else, but I'm voting Trump.

I'm sure as all of you guys know, Correct The Record is spamming the board like nogs do for no-strings gibs. Here's more confirmation. I was one of the guys in charge of organizing this shitshow, so I can offer some hard numbers. Believe me at your own peril.

About 95% of the #mentallyhill shilling? CTR. The other 5% is assorted shitposting. I kid you not. There are SJWs, jews, and pissy Bernouts on here 24/7 trying to earn dem pennies. Funny thing? Most of them only like Hillary ironically, or not at all. It's the easy money they're after. And yes, they are paid extra for replies that distract from topics CTR doesn't like. DO NOT REPLY TO SHILLS.

The fucky polls? If what I heard from the CTR Clinton foundation contact was right, then most of the news polls are cooked if the result doesn't favor Hillary. Lodsa money is trading hands because that's all CTR / Clinton Foun can do. Throw money at problems. There's no strats, no thinking things through, no trying new things, it's just LOL BRIBE THEM.

Why is CTR trying so hard? Because places like /pol/ scare them. Most normies on facebook and twatter will take what is said to them at face value, but /pol/ throws logic and dedication to beliefs back at shilling. Shilling has always worked before, but now it's not. It's frightening to them. That fright turned to true horror when /pol/ started to leak into other places like facebook. That's why CTR got such a huge budget raise. To fight here and on other boards / websites all at once. The onboarding for more shills is still ongoing, so It's only going to get worse.

Stay strong and keep dispensing red pills, /pol/. $hillary has no real support and can't win if you keep pushing back.

Tl;dr : CTR is real and is here. Sorry for helping them.

3rd August 2016, 10:18 PM

Basically if you haven't figured it it out, there's an organization called "Correct the Record", which is ran by the Hillary campaign to spread disinfo, and shill for Hillary Clinton. It's also meant to make Trump supporters lose hope so they don't vote in Novemeber. it's a very real thing that's going on, and there's a shit ton of them flooding 4Chan and /pol/ right now, as well as comment sections where Conservatives usually hang out.

If you don't believe me here's from a Liberal publication admitting how it was being done on Facebook and Reddit.

3rd August 2016, 10:20 PM

3rd August 2016, 10:26 PM
Click for full screen


3rd August 2016, 10:29 PM
Click for full screen


4th August 2016, 07:55 AM
https://s31.postimg.org/5fe3lqz0b/1470318673185.png (https://postimg.org/image/6ufoah03b/)

https://s31.postimg.org/cjvwus69n/1470317658132.png (https://postimg.org/image/o8zwiqx87/)

https://s31.postimg.org/8c14m14u3/1470317557184.png (https://postimg.org/image/3q50dojav/)

14th August 2016, 12:35 PM

List of paid hill shills CTR


14th August 2016, 12:58 PM
These fucktards are either dumb and/or have such chutzpah that they make it easy to dox them. The concept of nom de guerre is apparently unknown to them. But so much the better for us.

20th August 2016, 12:18 PM

20th August 2016, 12:25 PM
https://s31.postimg.org/5fe3lqz0b/1470318673185.png (https://postimg.org/image/6ufoah03b/)

https://s31.postimg.org/cjvwus69n/1470317658132.png (https://postimg.org/image/o8zwiqx87/)

https://s31.postimg.org/8c14m14u3/1470317557184.png (https://postimg.org/image/3q50dojav/)

Someone doxxed her parents. I know where that address is as that is my old home town.

6th October 2016, 06:46 PM
someone at glp posted the fec url for "correct the records" expenses (https://beta.fec.gov/data/disbursements/?two_year_transaction_period=2016&disbursement_purpose_categories=other&committee_id=C00578997&min_date=01/01/2015&max_date=08/05/2016).

They paid a lot of money out to the shyster, David Brock. Bonner Group and The Franklin Forum are prominent at the top of CTRs payouts. AMERICAN BRIDGE 21ST CENTURY tops the list.

CTR does spend a lot for payroll processing too.
Money Laundering Scheme Exposed: 14 Pro-Clinton Super PACs & Non-Profits Implicated (http://www.zerohedge.com/news/2016-09-20/money-laundering-scheme-exposed-14-pro-clinton-super-pacs-non-profits-implicated)

23rd October 2016, 02:39 AM
You'll now get banned on 4chan for mentioning Ben Fischbein, the head of Hillary Clinton's Correct the Record.


Here's how to change your IP address for PC users for you guys that don't know:

You'll need to be using a router though, so don't do it if your modem is directly connected to your computer.

23rd October 2016, 04:33 AM