View Full Version : Priceless: Killery's rattled look of sheer terror on the stump

midnight rambler
4th August 2016, 02:12 PM
So who's unfit for the office?

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4th August 2016, 03:22 PM
WTF was that?? Was she having another seizure?? That black dude sure rushed to her aid super fast. "You're ok... keep talking..."

Wow, it's like he was coached that she might seize up and he needed to bring her back to reality.

midnight rambler
4th August 2016, 03:29 PM
WTF was that?? Was she having another seizure?? That black dude sure rushed to her aid super fast. "You're ok... keep talking..."

Wow, it's like he was coached that she might seize up and he needed to bring her back to reality.

Animal rights protesters of all things got her to panic.

midnight rambler
4th August 2016, 05:56 PM
Now it's on top. lol

Satan let his guard down and got rattled. Hard to imagine Satan having a lapse of continuity on his most precious project.

4th August 2016, 06:00 PM
She was going to transform into her reptilian self... the negro calmed her down.

midnight rambler
4th August 2016, 06:04 PM
She was going to transform into her reptilian self... the negro calmed her down.

You can tell the super-sized nignog holds Killery in very high regard.

4th August 2016, 07:13 PM
I've seen so many weird pictures of hillary I'm starting to wonder if they are all the same person. I'm wondering if she has a couple of doppelgangers in play.

4th August 2016, 08:41 PM
Hillary must be thrilled to consider that ALL the lifeforms that support her are retards

4th August 2016, 08:58 PM
Hillary must be thrilled to consider that ALL the lifeforms that support her are retards

She depends on that

5th August 2016, 06:43 AM
Animal rights protesters of all things got her to panic.

I don't think so, that looked to me like she was starting to seize up. "Animal rights protesters" scaring her is just an excuse someone made up. The huge black dude was right there waiting in case this happened, and he was ready to shake her out of her lapse. If it was a protester holding a sign, her black bodyguard wouldn't have rushed so fast to her aid.