View Full Version : Could somebody splain me about the old fifties and hundreds vs. new currency

5th August 2016, 11:46 AM
Okay, I heard this guy named William Mount say that one day they are just going to tell us that our old fifty and hundred dollar bills are no good and only new bills of same denomination with red line that says "federal reserve" on them can be used for money.

He talks about it in this video...


at about 13:20 into the video

Anyway, I went through my cash and I have quite a few of the old bills and I need to spend them right away, I guess, and make sure I only get the new kind from the bank from now on.

But I can't find any elaboration on this matter anywhere on the web. Sure would appreciate you gold and silver experts sharing your info and some links.

P.S. Off topic but in that same video a little before the 13:20 mark Mount mentions that Israel is responsible for oil-rich Saudi Arabia's Wahabi religion which sifts down to Saudi country going broke while selling gobs of oil and making gobs of money. This is probably material for another thread but is very important because the "problems" with the Muslims these days are to some degree "Israeli" -caused problems.

5th August 2016, 11:56 AM
Anyway, I went through my cash and I have quite a few of the old bills and I need to spend them right away, I guess, and make sure I only get the new kind from the bank from now on.

Spend them on silver . . .

5th August 2016, 01:08 PM
When the government actually invalidates cash that's when we'll see the dam break. As said above.....turn your paper into gold and silver

5th August 2016, 01:19 PM
I know you guys specialize in supporting gold and silver, but that is not what I am interested in. I have all the gold and silver I want. I want immediately spendable cash when the SHTF.

The price of gold and silver is manipulated just as the dollar is manipulated. I could get ripped off big time trying to spend silver coins AFTER the SHTF.

I do not want to lose my cash currency WHEN they start doing this thing mentioned in the video - like one day just declaring that the old currency is no longer spendable nor will it be accepted.

We are in meltdown right now. SHTF is happening right now.

I want to guard against losing cash via the scenario mentioned in the video.

At the risk of being DachsieDowner, another thing besides gold and silver being manipulated and the dollar exchange of dollars being manipulated and prices on stuff we need to live being manipulated is that we are not that far away from military and cops busting down our doors and confiscating whatever they want including gold and silver.

I do thank you for your replies so far but that is not the kind of counsel that meets my needs. I need to converse with someone who knows about the specific scenario mentioned in the video.

5th August 2016, 01:22 PM
I haven't heard anything about the OP video claims, can you exchange the old for new at the bank a little at a time?

5th August 2016, 01:26 PM
I know you guys specialize in supporting gold and silver, but that is not what I am interested in. I have all the gold and silver I want. I want immediately spendable cash when the SHTF.

The price of gold and silver is manipulated just as the dollar is manipulated. I could get ripped off big time trying to spend silver coins AFTER the SHTF.

I do not want to lose my cash currency WHEN they start doing this thing mentioned in the video - like one day just declaring that the old currency is no longer spendable nor will it be accepted.

We are in meltdown right now. SHTF is happening right now.

I want to guard against losing cash via the scenario mentioned in the video.

At the risk of being DachsieDowner, another thing besides gold and silver being manipulated and the dollar exchange of dollars being manipulated and prices on stuff we need to live being manipulated is that we are not that far away from military and cops busting down our doors and confiscating whatever they want including gold and silver.

I do thank you for your replies so far but that is not the kind of counsel that meets my needs. I need to converse with someone who knows about the specific scenario mentioned in the video.

Yeah I get it. I have cash stashed out of the banking system too but I'll tell ya...I'm not getting my panties in a bunch worrying what version of $100 bills I have. If the system changes that drastically things won't end well anyway and paper may indeed be worthless...strip or no strip. No one knows how it will all shake out so I try to spread wealth out as far as possible so I'll have some in any scenario.

5th August 2016, 01:30 PM
I have all the gold and silver I want. I want immediately spendable cash when the SHTF...


I keep only newish 20s in my bugout bag. $500 fits nicely in each 6.5"x3.5" envelope.

Grocery checkout won't be checking the date on our real silver dimes wtshtf...lol.


5th August 2016, 01:41 PM

I keep only newish 20s in my bugout bag. $500 fits nicely in each 6.5"x3.5" envelope.

Grocery checkout won't be checking the date on our real silver dimes wtshtf...lol.


No, they will be wanting to scan your government food card.

5th August 2016, 01:49 PM
Okay, I heard this guy named William Mount say that one day they are just going to tell us that our old fifty and hundred dollar bills are no good and only new bills of same denomination with red line that says "federal reserve" on them can be used for money.

I don't think they will just out of nowhere tell us they're no good anymore. More likely, if they even do this, the plan will be to phase them out over time, and announce that after a certain date they won't be accepted any more. There are too many old bills floating around for them to just declare them worthless without any notice. People, businesses, banks, etc. all have old bills circulating around. Hell I got an old $10 the other day at the bank, series 1969.

5th August 2016, 01:49 PM
red line that says "federal reserve" on them
A 'line' that says something? And it is read ('red')?

can be used for money
Color of money?

I suppose you might use a hammer for a screwdriver if you were Polish?

5th August 2016, 01:52 PM
I got an old $10 the other day at the bank, series 1969.

I got an 1862 $5 U.S. note. Damn! I helped fund the (un)civil war. But this thing
1. is good for a 1/4 oz of gold
2. is part of the debt of the federal government that totals $346,681,016 (as opposed to the current trillion dollar debt level of the National government).

I keep it around for shits and giggles. Anyone who says it is no good must be considered a debtor whereas I stand as a creditor.

5th August 2016, 01:56 PM
I have heard William Mount and Jim Willie (GoldenJackass.com) and Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) mention about this one-day switch-over of currency.

I just do not know how likely it is to happen, but Jim Willie is very smart on money matters.

I want to do something with my old bills right now if that is the move I should make. Guess I can't lose if I go ahead and get rid of the old bills as fast as I can.

I really believe we are RIGHT NOW IN THE MELTDOWN. Things have sort of been gradual over the last few years but putting in the new money and policies has sped up in many ways over the last few months, so the idea that one day they will just make a big chunk of our old money null and void does not seem implausible or inconceivable.

I have been trying to operate more and more with cash over the last couple of years but cash is being not taken at more and more places. Several hotels no longer take cash, especially in northeastern U.S. states. I recently tried to pay a contractor house appliance repair guy with cash and the company said I could only pay with credit card.

I guess what I will do is pay the next few big bills I have by going to my bank and purchasing with those old fifties the amount of a cashiers check to the payee for the bills and just snail mail the cashiers check with the bill stub to the billing companies.

5th August 2016, 02:24 PM
If the "Golden Jackass" is spouting this rhetoric, just do the opposite. What are they wanting you to buy? Do they have sponsors or advertisers on their respective sites?

5th August 2016, 02:26 PM
here is an article that goes more in depth...

New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply

By Anonymous Patriots

For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury. If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) with new currency. We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is unredeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.

As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them. Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and strategies for going forward.

In this article, you will learn:

How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);
How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;
How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;
How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our banking and government systems;
How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;
A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a flood-fire-flood on Water Street;
Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;
How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;
How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill.



5th August 2016, 02:38 PM
$100 Note
Issued 2013 - Present
All U.S. currency remains legal tender, regardless of when it was issued.



The banks probably will quietly pull the old bills out of circulation replacing them with the current issue.

5th August 2016, 02:41 PM
here is an article that goes more in depth...

New U.S. Currency Already in Our Money Supply

By Anonymous Patriots

For those of you that are stressing about the collapse of the U.S. dollar and the Federal Reserve, please take faith that initial measures have been taken to insure a not-so-hard landing when the Federal Reserve Note will be retired out of circulation, being replaced by notes printed and backed solely by the U.S. Treasury. If you have been putting your money under the mattress for the last few years, you will want to take the time to read this article so that you can replace the old fiat currency of the Federal Reserve Note (FRN) with new currency. We believe that those who do not start taking action will find in the near future that their fiat currency is unredeemable. This is particularly true of the billions of dollars that are held in cash outside of the United States, most of which will not be redeemable once the transition is made.

As our readers know, our articles can be a bit lengthy, but we like to fully educate you on our topics so that you can take the message and disseminate to your constituency in a manner that will resonate with them. Not everyone will need to know all the details, but for those reading this article, you are at the top level of the underground information pyramid for the New Fourth Estate and will need to know background and strategies for going forward.

In this article, you will learn:

How the 2009 $100 bill series is a hybrid of the old FRN and the new USTN (US Treasury Note);
How the old $50 FRN has been replaced with a new USTN $50 bill;
How to protect your cash stash if you are still holding old FRNs;
How Benjamin Franklin created fiat currency and why his image will be destroyed on the $100 FRN as a symbol of the We the People choosing to govern ourselves again and eliminating Globalists from our banking and government systems;
How the new USTN is backed by the gold-silver standard;
A hidden symbol in the new USTN that explains how U.S. wealth was wiped out in 2009 with a flood-fire-flood on Water Street;
Why you can’t get a title to your real estate once you have paid off your mortgage;
How We the People are instrumental in completing the process of making the big switch;
How our money supply will become a mixture of digital, paper, and metals in the near future as long as We the People wake up and see the writing on the $100 bill.



This is what Karen Hudes has been publishing for a couple of years now. Supposedly new US Treaury notes will be printed in Texas.

5th August 2016, 02:54 PM
This is what Karen Hudes has been publishing for a couple of years now. Supposedly new US Treaury notes will be printed in Texas.

That lady is bat shit crazy.

5th August 2016, 02:55 PM
This is what Karen Hudes has been publishing for a couple of years now. Supposedly new US Treaury notes will be printed in Texas.

Okay we have a conflict of interest, the OP says we need FRNs and the above says we need TNs. I have not seen any TN's yet, all say federal reserve notes. This sounds similar to what JFK did, had the treasury print money and pull the FRNs off the market, but then Jackie blew his fucking head off!

5th August 2016, 03:35 PM
Okay we have a conflict of interest, the OP says we need FRNs and the above says we need TNs. I have not seen any TN's yet, all say federal reserve notes. This sounds similar to what JFK did, had the treasury print money and pull the FRNs off the market, but then Jackie blew his fucking head off!

Like Osoab says Karen Hudes is batshit crazy.

5th August 2016, 03:38 PM
batshit crazy. Must be contiguous , lots of that shit is going around..

5th August 2016, 03:56 PM
I have heard William Mount and Jim Willie (GoldenJackass.com) and Greg Hunter (USA Watchdog) mention about this one-day switch-over of currency.

As long as banks have old bills, they won't do this. Banks hold more old bills than the general population does.

5th August 2016, 03:57 PM
I got an 1862 $5 U.S. note. Damn! I helped fund the (un)civil war. But this thing
1. is good for a 1/4 oz of gold
2. is part of the debt of the federal government that totals $346,681,016 (as opposed to the current trillion dollar debt level of the National government).

I keep it around for shits and giggles. Anyone who says it is no good must be considered a debtor whereas I stand as a creditor.

Honest question, who will give you 1/4 oz of gold for your 1862 $5 U.S. note? Because I have one too and if someone will give me 1/4 oz of gold for it, I'll redeem it for sure.

5th August 2016, 04:16 PM
Honest question, who will give you 1/4 oz of gold for your 1862 $5 U.S. note? Because I have one too and if someone will give me 1/4 oz of gold for it, I'll redeem it for sure.

If I remember the law that brought these paper instruments into being (ification) it took $20 to redeem. Waiting to get the other $15. It is a factor that places me 'in the mean time'.

5th August 2016, 04:44 PM
Regarding cash, old bills or new bills, they will all be accepted during an emergency or collapse. Personally, I only keep about 3-4 months worth of living expenses in cash. Any extra cash gets spent on more preps, or pm's. I figure if the digital card system goes down, cash money will be worthless within that 3 months, probably less. If hyperinflation hits, cash will be worthless as well. If there's a massive depression, cash or digital currency would work as long as the system stays online.

So, I personally don't have a lot of cash. Also, as another stated, it's all in small denominations, $20, $10, $5, $1. I traded all my 100 FRN's already for metal, I do have some 50's left.

The other thing I do, that some might disagree with here, is I use my credit card a lot. For almost all gas and food purchases, normal stuff. I pay the full amount each month, so no interest charges. I figure it's unsecured debt, plus I fly under the radar and look like everyone else using their cards all the time. If my one card gets hacked, the card company has to deal with it. I never use an atm card for purchases. If it's taken out of your bank account, you are the one who's lost it.

Any purchases I don't want tracked, cash only though.

Another thing I do, is I recently bought a bullhide belt with a hidden zipper compartment in it. It keeps cash for emergencies hidden on the person. Plus, this belt is awesome, so well made it will probably last the rest of my life. I highly recommend it.


5th August 2016, 04:58 PM
I use cash for 99% of my transactions and receive a lot of old bills. I always trade them in at my credit union, along with those stupid gold colored dollar coins. The only reason I do is the younger generation is dumb as fuck and don't know what they're looking at, and I've read too many stories where the cops are called because suspected counterfeit cash is being passed. Check this shit out.

http://www.blacklistednews.com/Student_Arrested_After_Using_%242_Dollar_Bill_To_B uy_Lunch_At_School/50903/0/38/38/Y/M.html