View Full Version : Think Trump Is Losing? He Just Set An ALL TIME RECORD

5th August 2016, 12:24 PM
Donald Trump released his financial statements for his campaign for the month of July. The numbers that showed up were staggering. They included a record breaking month, that of course other news outlets weren’t reporting on.

For the month of July, the Trump campaign raised $80 million. That is absolutely nothing to sneeze at, and it turned out that it was nearly $30 million more than what was raised in June. You would think that other news outlets would want to report on these numbers. Well that couldn’t be more wrong.

The Washington Post reported that Hillary Clinton’s campaign raised $63 million, and was praising the amount that they raised. Well correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t $80 million more than $63 million? Or do I need to go back to school?

If Trump did raise all of this money, then why isn’t it being reported? Well the answer could be because the media is so against Trump. You can be assured that if Clinton raised this much money then it would be all over every news station.

The reason for all of this money raised can be attributed to a couple reasons. One being that the Republican National Convention was held. When they announced that Trump would be their candidate, then people probably started donating more to him.

The other potential reason could be that the people of the United States are tired of hearing about all the scandals that the Democratic Party has had. Who could possibly blame them? It came out that they were all for Clinton and tried to rig the elections.

Well people, most likely Bernie Sanders supporters, grew tired of all the lies and corruption and probably started donating to the Trump campaign.

A statement released by the chairman of the Donald J Trump for President reads as follows: “We are extremely proud of our 69% growth in small dollar donations which shows the broad based support of over one million donors across America. Our volunteers and contributors are clearly committed to electing Donald J. Trump as President in November.”

This is an important improvement because finally it is just Trump against Clinton. There are no more primaries, no other candidates, nothing else. Based on the numbers for July, it seems more people are donating to the Trump campaign, and that is the momentum he needs to continue having.

Share this article and show people that Trump actually did a better job at raising money than Clinton did. The media sure won’t.


5th August 2016, 12:45 PM
The world has gone mad over Trump. Everyone is out to get him, even Fox News. Polls are all rigged and everyone in the media is lying.

Rallies are bigger then ever for Trump and no excitement for Hillary. I'm ready for Trump to go rogue against the republican party and call them all out.

The establishment is forcing Trump to endorse Ryan tonight in Green Bay. Ryan and the other RINO's won't be there in protest. I really hope he doesn't endorse.

Everything we knew about the two parties has been unveiled for all to see.

If Trump doesn't win, prepare for revolt and sustained attacks against the republican party.

midnight rambler
5th August 2016, 01:10 PM
do I need to go back to school?

Apparently so 'cause you don't know the new math aka results oriented math.

5th August 2016, 01:55 PM
Everything we knew about the two parties has been unveiled for all to see.

If Trump doesn't win, prepare for revolt and sustained attacks against the republican party.

Agree, if Trump doesn't win, the republican party is as good as dead.

5th August 2016, 07:57 PM
The parties only show what they want to show you,

the goal appears to be to get mexico and china to go to income tax and nanny welfare state just like the U.S.

More aid to vets, fix universal healthcare. s.s. type statist bologna shiney ships in the harbor and more parts for bombers.



6th August 2016, 09:58 AM
anybody who doesnt grasp the "power game" set him/herself up for a major deception

polarization of thoughts = absolute danger

After initial reluctance Trump endorses Ryan, McCain and Ayotte for reelection

6th August 2016, 06:54 PM
Y'all realize Donnie is "Emmanuel Goldstein," right? "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." The Jewsmedia spew about his "racism" and "fraudulent business schemes," ad nauseam, is all feigned.

Billy Boy asked long-time friend Donnie to run for President, with the sole purpose of sweeping the field for Hillary. Even the Jewsmedia has acknowledged Billy Boy's and Donnie's phone call "about politics" just before Donnie announced:


(if you believe they didn't talk about the election, then you also believe Billy Boy and Loretta Lynch didn't talk about Hillary)

Donald Trump is not a stupid man. Hence, the grotesque errors he has made can only be counted as deliberate fu##-ups. Comparing losing money to losing one's son and more recently, bragging about "I've always wanted a Purple Heart." The smart person must conclude Donnie is not serious, or worse, purposely damaging his own campaign against the nearly-unelectable Hillary I.

And, don't forget, Donnie met with Satan's boy to discuss "foreign policy":


The outcome of the "election" is already clear: we're fu##ed.


6th August 2016, 07:23 PM
Y'all realize Donnie is "Emmanuel Goldstein," right? "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." The Jewsmedia spew about his "racism" and "fraudulent business schemes," ad nauseam, is all feigned.

Billy Boy asked long-time friend Donnie to run for President, with the sole purpose of sweeping the field for Hillary. Even the Jewsmedia has acknowledged Billy Boy's and Donnie's phone call "about politics" just before Donnie announced:


(if you believe they didn't talk about the election, then you also believe Billy Boy and Loretta Lynch didn't talk about Hillary)

Donald Trump is not a stupid man. Hence, the grotesque errors he has made can only be counted as deliberate fu##-ups. Comparing losing money to losing one's son and more recently, bragging about "I've always wanted a Purple Heart." The smart person must conclude Donnie is not serious, or worse, purposely damaging his own campaign against the nearly-unelectable Hillary I.

And, don't forget, Donnie met with Satan's boy to discuss "foreign policy":


The outcome of the "election" is already clear: we're fu##ed.


Bullshit, conjecture and oppinion. I don't share any of what is in your post.

6th August 2016, 07:37 PM
Y'all realize Donnie is "Emmanuel Goldstein," right? "The best way to control the opposition is to lead it ourselves." The Jewsmedia spew about his "racism" and "fraudulent business schemes," ad nauseam, is all feigned.

Billy Boy asked long-time friend Donnie to run for President, with the sole purpose of sweeping the field for Hillary. Even the Jewsmedia has acknowledged Billy Boy's and Donnie's phone call "about politics" just before Donnie announced:


(if you believe they didn't talk about the election, then you also believe Billy Boy and Loretta Lynch didn't talk about Hillary)

Donald Trump is not a stupid man. Hence, the grotesque errors he has made can only be counted as deliberate fu##-ups. Comparing losing money to losing one's son and more recently, bragging about "I've always wanted a Purple Heart." The smart person must conclude Donnie is not serious, or worse, purposely damaging his own campaign against the nearly-unelectable Hillary I.

And, don't forget, Donnie met with Satan's boy to discuss "foreign policy":


The outcome of the "election" is already clear: we're fu##ed.


Trump put up his own money and the reputation of his nice family. He is an outlaw candidate and a maverick and the whole world is trying to take him down. Does he seem like a guy to you, that likes losing?

Trump will build the wall and stop the unbridled flow of illegal's/refugees...he built his campaign on this issue. He will be held to it!

2. He is a strong proponent of the 2nd amendment

What else do you want?

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 07:42 PM
I tell everyone I come in contact with, "You have to ask yourself: WHY do they (the oligarchs and billionaires) hate Trump SO MUCH??"

6th August 2016, 07:43 PM
Trump IS the art of the jew deal, he has no problem telling the people what they want to hear.

Everyone here must know how "the art" is practiced.

6th August 2016, 07:47 PM
Trump IS the art of the jew deal, he has no problem telling the people what they want to hear.

Everyone here must know how "the art" is practiced.

So, Hillary? Is that your final answer?...or do you want to call a friend?

6th August 2016, 08:00 PM
Bullshit, conjecture and oppinion. I don't share any of what is in your post.

That's fine. Addicts rarely accept good advice. I will be patient with you.



It is understandable that you deny all you know, to Believe. You are desperate for hope, as are many. It is my painful duty to tell you that your "hope" is fake.

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 08:03 PM
It is understandable that you deny all you know, to Believe. You are desperate for hope, as are many. It is my painful duty to tell you that your "hope" is fake.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion just like everyone is entitled to be wrong.

6th August 2016, 08:07 PM
Trump put up his own money and the reputation of his nice family. He is an outlaw candidate and a maverick and the whole world is trying to take him down. Does he seem like a guy to you, that likes losing?

You are making many assumptions. What you fail to account for is that he craves attention. He lusts for attention. Whether he "wins" or "loses" he is already satisfied. In fact, if the rumor going around that he might drop out is true, such an unprecedented event would bring him attention also unprecedented. "Why?"

Trump will build the wall and stop the unbridled flow of illegal's/refugees...he built his campaign on this issue. He will be held to it!

LOL, sure he will. And what exactly will you or anyone do if he doesn't keep his promises?

2. He is a strong proponent of the 2nd amendment


Donnie boy just recently supported the anti-constitutional "No-fly List" being used to deny Second Amendment rights.

What else do you want?

Name the Jew, and not as in "I love Jews and will have a 'beautiful' Jewish grandbaby."

Not be a long-time friend of the Clinton Crime Family.

Shall I go on?

6th August 2016, 08:08 PM
I tell everyone I come in contact with, "You have to ask yourself: WHY do they (the oligarchs and billionaires) hate Trump SO MUCH??"

Why does Big Brother "hate" Emmanuel Goldstein?

6th August 2016, 08:09 PM
Trump IS the art of the jew deal, he has no problem telling the people what they want to hear.

Everyone here must know how "the art" is practiced.

Trump is a 666th Degree Black Belt in Jew-Jitsu.

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 08:10 PM
Why does Big Brother "hate" Emmanuel Goldstein?

The big difference between you and me is that I allow for the possibility that I could be wrong whereas you don't. lol

6th August 2016, 08:11 PM
So, Hillary? Is that your final answer?...or do you want to call a friend?

Whether lesser or greater, voting FOR evil is still voting for evil.

Voting is consent, and I do not consent. If you vote, no matter who for, you have given your consent to be fu##ed over by the System. You play their game, you obey their rules.

6th August 2016, 08:11 PM
Everyone is entitled to their opinion just like everyone is entitled to be wrong.

With all due respect, it troubles me that you didn't learn your lesson with Ron Paul.

6th August 2016, 08:14 PM
The big difference between you and me is that I allow for the possibility that I could be wrong whereas you don't. lol

I gave Trump a chance from the start, and he hung himself high with a Kosher rope. You insist on denying that he is a Judeophile and long-time "liberal." Why?

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 08:16 PM
With all due respect, it troubles me that you didn't learn your lesson with Ron Paul.

I 'learned my lesson' a looooong time ago. I haven't participated as a 'registered voter' for nearly 30 years.

6th August 2016, 08:19 PM
Whether lesser or greater, voting FOR evil is still voting for evil.

Voting is consent, and I do not consent. If you vote, no matter who for, you have given your consent to be fu##ed over by the System. You play their game, you obey their rules.

This is the most important election of our lives. Not voting Trump is a vote for the worst possible evil America has ever seen. There will be no chance for recovery in our lifetime.

6th August 2016, 08:19 PM
So, Hillary? Is that your final answer?...or do you want to call a friend?

Everyone has their own answers, I don't find many in any of these candidates only lip service.

6th August 2016, 08:20 PM
I 'learned my lesson' a looooong time ago. I haven't participated as a 'registered voter' for nearly 30 years.

Am I wrong in perceiving that you support / advocate for / hope for a Trump Presidency?

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 08:22 PM
I gave Trump a chance from the start, and he hung himself high with a Kosher rope. You insist on denying that he is a Judeophile and long-time "liberal." Why?

I'm convinced that naysayers like yourself are jumping to conclusions without all the evidence being in. I've never denied that Trump is surrounded by jooish influence and has shown 'liberal' tendencies, however I mostly see those 'liberal' tendencies to be in line with my own *classical liberal* tendencies which have NOTHING to do with this 'progressive' shit where the wicked have hijacked the term.

I suggest you wait until all the evidence is in.

"If ye have the faith of a grain of mustard seed ye can move mountains."


6th August 2016, 08:22 PM
You are making many assumptions. What you fail to account for is that he craves attention. He lusts for attention. Whether he "wins" or "loses" he is already satisfied. In fact, if the rumor going around that he might drop out is true, such an unprecedented event would bring him attention also unprecedented. "Why?"

LOL, sure he will. And what exactly will you or anyone do if he doesn't keep his promises?


Donnie boy just recently supported the anti-constitutional "No-fly List" being used to deny Second Amendment rights.

Name the Jew, and not as in "I love Jews and will have a 'beautiful' Jewish grandbaby."

Not be a long-time friend of the Clinton Crime Family.

Shall I go on?

So you are saying all Jewish people are bad?
Trump was only playing the game with the most powerful crime family in American history, the Clinton's.

6th August 2016, 08:23 PM
This is the most important election of our lives. Not voting Trump is a vote for the worst possible evil America has ever seen. There will be no chance for recovery in our lifetime.

There hasn't been an "important" election in our lives. "Elections" are charades, where the real rulers provide the illusion of "choice." Vote "incorrectly," and the vote is rigged or invalidated, or, the "incorrect" candidate himself is "invalidated." Not voting for Trump means one has rejected the controlled "opposition." When Trump takes a ride through Dealey Plaza, you can tell me that he's not part of the Problem.

But, yes, there will be no chance for recovery. Not in our lifetimes, either. EVER. This is the End.

Accept that America's time has passed. All Empires die.

midnight rambler
6th August 2016, 08:24 PM
There hasn't been an "important" election in our lives. "Elections" are charades, where the real rulers provide the illusion of "choice." Vote "incorrectly," and the vote is rigged or invalidated, or, the "incorrect" candidate himself is "invalidated." Not voting for Trump means one has rejected the controlled "opposition." When Trump takes a ride through Dealey Plaza, you can tell me that he's not part of the Problem.

But, yes, there will be no chance for recovery. Not in our lifetimes, either. EVER. This is the End.

Accept that America's time has passed. All Empires die.

"BE the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi

6th August 2016, 08:25 PM
I suggest you wait until all the evidence is in.

I shall be pleased to declare I was very wrong, foolishly wrong, just as soon as President Trump follows through on his promises.

However, I am not quivering in fear about having to ever do that.

6th August 2016, 08:26 PM
Everyone has their own answers, I don't find many in any of these candidates only lip service.

Well then just vote for the wall and to stop the flow of illegals, make it simple.
We can get your/everyone's dream candidate in there in 4 or 8 years.

6th August 2016, 08:27 PM
"BE the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi

Yep, all prepped and ready to start living in the world I know is inevitable.

6th August 2016, 08:28 PM
There hasn't been an "important" election in our lives. "Elections" are charades, where the real rulers provide the illusion of "choice." Vote "incorrectly," and the vote is rigged or invalidated, or, the "incorrect" candidate himself is "invalidated." Not voting for Trump means one has rejected the controlled "opposition." When Trump takes a ride through Dealey Plaza, you can tell me that he's not part of the Problem.

But, yes, there will be no chance for recovery. Not in our lifetimes, either. EVER. This is the End.

Accept that America's time has passed. All Empires die.

Okay, lets call this the most important charade of our lifetime, with a Trump victory.

6th August 2016, 08:28 PM
I gave Trump a chance from the start, and he hung himself high with a Kosher rope. You insist on denying that he is a Judeophile and long-time "liberal." Why?


Trump endorsed McCain yesterday. Making America Great Again.

McCain. Great. Again.



https://i.ytimg.com/vi/j-J1k6tE7_I/hqdefault.jpg http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/03/21/23/3270041400000578-3503573-image-a-11_1458604055477.jpg

6th August 2016, 08:29 PM
So you are saying all Jewish people are bad?
Trump was only playing the game with the most powerful crime family in American history, the Clinton's.

No, not all ethnic Jews are bad. Here's a good Jew who loves the Almighty and Truth:


Sadly, we've seen clearly how non-biological Jews can sometimes "out-Jew" ethnic Jews. Trump is an example.

6th August 2016, 08:31 PM
"BE the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi

I am the change I want to see in the world.

All "elections" are fraudulent.

All governments are of the Devil.

The ONLY hope is in Jesus Christ.

I shall continue to declare that. No matter how unpopular.

6th August 2016, 08:32 PM
Okay, lets call this the most important charade of our lifetime, with a Trump victory.

I won't be laughing if Trump signs off an amnesty bill, does nothing to build a wall, and promotes "free" trade, possibly even endorsing the TPP.

6th August 2016, 08:38 PM
"BE the change you want to see in the world." --Gandhi

Look to "The Don" for your hopes and dreams of Greater US-Rael.

Don USrael has a certain idk, coif to it.

6th August 2016, 08:43 PM
Look to "The Don" for your hopes and dreams of Greater US-Rael.

Don USrael has a certain idk, coif to it.

Does anyone here really have a doubt that either Hillary I or CEO of USA, Inc. Donald won't start a war for "Israel's" interests? After all, we're well-overdue for a "human resources reducing" world war. The Georgia Guidestones plan entered the final phase in 2012.

6th August 2016, 08:48 PM
I won't be laughing if Trump signs off an amnesty bill, does nothing to build a wall, and promotes "free" trade, possibly even endorsing the TPP.

Then the reputation he's built over his lifetime for him and his family will be shit. Would you sell out your family?

Is there a price you'd sell out your children's future?

6th August 2016, 08:51 PM
Does anyone here really have a doubt that either Hillary I or CEO of USA, Inc. Donald won't start a war for "Israel's" interests? After all, we're well-overdue for a "human resources reducing" world war. The Georgia Guidestones plan entered the final phase in 2012.

I'd rather see Trump start a war that kills a bunch of muzzies rather then our country invaded by them and the illegals.

With Hillary you will get both war and our country invaded.

6th August 2016, 08:59 PM
I'd rather start a war that kills a bunch of muzzies rather then our country invaded by them and the illegals.

too late

6th August 2016, 09:25 PM
Then the reputation he's built over his lifetime for him and his family will be shit. Would you sell out your family?

Is there a price you'd sell out your children's future?



Believe your own goy eyes EE.


6th August 2016, 10:36 PM
Then the reputation he's built over his lifetime for him and his family will be shit.

His "reputation"? Trump University? Trump Steaks? Trump Taj Mahal? Trump Airlines? Trump Mortgage? I could go on. And on.

His "greatest achievement" is being a Talmudvision show host! LOL

Would you sell out your family?

Is there a price you'd sell out your children's future?

The fact I am here, going against the "consensus," indicates I have no price to betray that which God has willed. I'd rather die than help "them."

As for Trump, how is he selling out his now-literally-Jewish bloodline?

6th August 2016, 10:38 PM
I'd rather see Trump start a war that kills a bunch of muzzies rather then our country invaded by them and the illegals.

With Hillary you will get both war and our country invaded.

Yet another meatgrinder war = more Aryans dead and maimed. Mission Accomplished!

You make a great assumption that Trump is telling you the truth, that he says what he really feels and intends to do, rather than what he knows you want to hear.

6th August 2016, 10:43 PM
As for Trump, how is he selling out his now-literally-Jewish bloodline?


Trump will re-attach his grandson's foreskin after the election. He is just pretending to embrace the jews so he can get elected...then he will go all Hitler and exterminate his jew in-laws and Make America Goy Again.


6th August 2016, 10:51 PM

Trump will re-attach his grandson's foreskin after the election. He is just pretending to embrace the jews so he can get elected...then he will go all Hitler and exterminate his jew in-laws and Make America Goy Again.


Heil Drumpf!


7th August 2016, 04:17 AM
Heil Drumpf!


All I know, if Trump wins, seeing/hearing all the liberal shrieks and cries will be totally worth it!

If you really want to stop the Jews, stop supporting them, quit using Jew money, Jew internet, Jew TV, eating Jew taxed food, paying Jew taxes, Jew mortgage, shop at Jew stores, use products from Jew corporations, maybe even work for a Jew owned company too. Quit being such a Jew supporter!

http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2016/02/24/17/31843B1D00000578-3462406-Trump_has_a_great_potential_First_Family_Trump_s_w ife_Melania_is-m-64_1456333485454.jpg

Or this?

midnight rambler
7th August 2016, 04:37 AM
If you really want to stop the Jews, stop supporting them, quit using Jew money, Jew internet, Jew TV, eating Jew taxed food, paying Jew taxes, Jew mortgage, shop at Jew stores, use products from Jew corporations, maybe even work for a Jew owned company too. Quit being such a Jew supporter!

Indeed. Throwing stones and a glass house.

7th August 2016, 06:08 AM
All I know, if Trump wins, seeing/hearing all the liberal shrieks and cries will be totally worth it!

Thank you for finally admitting your motivation! It's purely emotional. Not rational.

Funny, emotionalism is usually a "liberal" trait. How you "feel" matters over how one thinks.

If you really want to stop the Jews, stop supporting them, quit using Jew money, Jew internet, Jew TV, eating Jew taxed food, paying Jew taxes, Jew mortgage, shop at Jew stores, use products from Jew corporations, maybe even work for a Jew owned company too. Quit being such a Jew supporter!

You fail to grasp the irony of your post!

It is implicit in what you say here that you yourself do not want to "stop the Jews" since you yourself are using the "Jew internet" to support Trump.

EE_ loved Big Brother.

7th August 2016, 06:09 AM
Indeed. Throwing stones and a glass house.

Posting on the "Jew internet" you are.

7th August 2016, 07:41 AM
Thank you for finally admitting your motivation! It's purely emotional. Not rational.

Funny, emotionalism is usually a "liberal" trait. How you "feel" matters over how one thinks.

I will enjoy your liberal screams of anguish along with all your liberal friends!

I've learned along time ago not to argue with a liberal, you will end up sounding like a liberal too. I may make an exception in your case...

You fail to grasp the irony of your post!

It is implicit in what you say here that you yourself do not want to "stop the Jews" since you yourself are using the "Jew internet" to support Trump.

EE_ loved Big Brother.

Everyone here knows I'm very vocal in outing the evil Jews. I don't deny the Jew has taken a big runny shit on our world. Do you?

7th August 2016, 07:49 AM
I will enjoy your liberal screams of anguish along with all your liberal friends!

I've learned along time ago not to argue with a liberal, you will end up sounding like a liberal too. I may make an exception in your case...

You are certifiably retarded to accuse me of being a "liberal."

Everyone here knows I'm very vocal in outing the evil Jews. I don't deny the Jew has taken a big runny shit on our world. Do you?

Why are you here on the "Jew internet" (your term)?

Do you have a "beautiful" Jewish grandbaby like your messiah, Trump?

7th August 2016, 07:52 AM
You are certifiably retarded to accuse me of being a "liberal."

Why are you here on the "Jew internet" (your term)?

You are the one thinking you can solve the Jew problem by helping Hillary get elected. You are the one in denial that everything you touch and do has the stench of Jew.

Just so you know, I use 'liberal' as the most vulgar word known. Definition of a 'Liberal' = worse then a 'Feltcher'.

7th August 2016, 08:02 AM
The only thing I see preferable in Trump as opposed to Hillary, is the republican meme that he will reduced tax burden and regulations. But then again Trump has so many plans to increase .gov spending I find it hard to fathom how both could be done in any term.

Maybe it will come from all the Mexicans he has plans to turn legal? Through his great wall with door.

7th August 2016, 08:05 AM
The only thing I see preferable in Trump as opposed to Hillary, is the republican meme that he will reduced tax burden and regulations. But then again Trump has so many plans to increase .gov spending I find it hard to fathom how both could be done in any term.

Maybe it will come from all the Mexicans he has plans to turn legal? Through his great wall with door.

And being a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment?

7th August 2016, 08:16 AM
And being a strong supporter of the 2nd amendment?

imo, D.C. has run into a dead end with those, or if they do place anymore laws near the books with regards to Type of firearms they will get state friction.

the vetting process to purchase them still remains vulnerable, but Trump also appears a great vetting supporter.

the states themselves could ones to watch for changing laws there.

7th August 2016, 09:38 AM
imo, D.C. has run into a dead end with those, or if they do place anymore laws near the books with regards to Type of firearms they will get state friction.

the vetting process to purchase them still remains vulnerable, but Trump also appears a great vetting supporter.

the states themselves could ones to watch for changing laws there.

If not the states then the people themselves. We've got 2 recent examples of citizens refusing in mass to register their arms. New York and Connecticut are the 2 that come to mind where their own citizens told the state government to pound sand when it came to registering their guns.

In liberal run hell holes like those states it's very telling that if they can't even get their populations to register their guns what does that say for the states in "fly over" country and in the south?

7th August 2016, 10:11 AM
Here's an interesting one. There's at least one homeless guy who supports Trump in San Francisco, one of the most liberal politically effed up cities in America. He had a sign that said "Give me one dollar and I will vote for Trump".

7th August 2016, 10:17 AM
Here's an interesting one. There's at least one homeless guy who supports Trump in San Francisco, one of the most liberal politically effed up cities in America. He had a sign that said "Give me one dollar and I will vote for Trump".

Thats pretty expensive. Dems can usually get the dead to vote for free.

7th August 2016, 10:41 AM
You are the one thinking you can solve the Jew problem by helping Hillary get elected. You are the one in denial that everything you touch and do has the stench of Jew.

Just so you know, I use 'liberal' as the most vulgar word known. Definition of a 'Liberal' = worse then a 'Feltcher'.

Many Christians think the worse things get, the closer Jesus is to coming back and solving the world's problems.

This is why the worse things get, the more passive and submissive Christians get, since they think they are winning.


7th August 2016, 11:23 AM
Many Christians think the worse things get, the closer Jesus is to coming back and solving the world's problems.

This is why the worse things get, the more passive and submissive Christians get, since they think they are winning.


Fair to say me and Shami have dismissed (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Lzu12-BRa6o/UxxWOhfsRGI/AAAAAAAACsA/oj44Uj_xCKA/s800/ChristiansWelcomeRefugees.jpg) and mocked (https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/pope-francis-foot-washing-migrants-photos-01.jpg?quality=75&strip=color&w=838) the still-believing Christians. Would be a real help to me if Crimethink created a new thread in our GSUS Religion Section making a case for still "believing" in 2016. The handful of still-believing GSUS Christians here (you know who you are) can collectively chime in and demonstrate that He does indeed exist.


7th August 2016, 11:50 AM

Fair to say me and Shami have dismissed (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Lzu12-BRa6o/UxxWOhfsRGI/AAAAAAAACsA/oj44Uj_xCKA/s800/ChristiansWelcomeRefugees.jpg) and mocked (https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/pope-francis-foot-washing-migrants-photos-01.jpg?quality=75&strip=color&w=838) the still-believing Christians. Would be a real help to me if Crimethink created a new thread in our GSUS Religion Section making a case for still "believing" in 2016. The handful of still-believing GSUS Christians here (you know who you are) can collectively chime in and demonstrate that He does indeed exist.

You actually were a Christian for a long time ago. I figured that shit out when I was 8 years old (turned atheist), and going to Christian school. I had no one tell me this either, so no one "brainwashed" me, I just have a natural sense to smell out bullshit and figure things out. I didn't even know what I was, until I heard the word "atheist" the first time when I was 13. I just came to the conclusion on my own. I viewed religion as Santa Claus for adults, since my parents used Santa Claus to blackmail me into being good. I figured it was just a scam by TPTB/Government to make society good, compliant, and help prevent crimes.

I turned into a militant atheist when I encountered Rick Warren from Saddleback Church first hand, and that totally set me off through my teens into being a major anti-Christian crusader until I stopped giving a fuck in my early 20s.

7th August 2016, 12:48 PM
You actually were a Christian for a long time ago. I figured that shit out when I was 8 years old (turned atheist), and going to Christian school. I had no one tell me this either, so no one "brainwashed" me, I just have a natural sense to smell out bullshit and figure things out. I didn't even know what I was, until I heard the word "atheist" the first time when I was 13. I just came to the conclusion on my own. I viewed religion as Santa Claus for adults, since my parents used Santa Claus to blackmail me into being good. I figured it was just a scam by TPTB/Government to make society good, compliant, and help prevent crimes.

I turned into a militant atheist when I encountered Rick Warren from Saddleback Church first hand, and that totally set me off through my teens into being a major anti-Christian crusader until I stopped giving a fuck in my early 20s.

I know the creator exists, I just don't think he cares if you call yourself a Christian, Jew, or Muslim. Not going into any details and really the relationship you have is between you and the creator. If you want one. You have the ultimate gift of free will.

7th August 2016, 07:48 PM
Many Christians think the worse things get, the closer Jesus is to coming back and solving the world's problems.

Our betters lost the war in 1945. To pretend we are anything near their greatness is to place us in the range of psychoses; delusions of grandeur on a nearly unimaginable scale.

I have studied the Bible, and what it has predicted is coming true. I know your "career" is dependent upon Christianity not being true, so I understand why you reject it.

An old man on an island gives a description of things that could only happen in this current era, far, far beyond the imagination of he or even the Roman Caesar and his best scientists. Yet fools want to relegate St. John's visions to "superstition." Yeah, you're welcome to regard me as a mindless idiot willing to "surrender" in the face of things only Someone with unlimited power can solve.

This is why the worse things get, the more passive and submissive Christians get, since they think they are winning.


It's not like you are actually fighting "them." You recently admitted you are a "nihilist," which is the same thing as a Bolshevist. Someone who rejects values. In the past, you have described yourself as a "degenerate."

Your livelihood is running an "anything-goes" Sexual Bolshevism arena for the most debased souls in cyberspace. How, exactly, is this "winning the war" against Talmudism and its satanic wares and machinations? How, exactly, is providing such a venue for freaks, perverts, and, indeed, degenerates, different than what Jew pornographers provide to their Goy customers? Is it building up anything? Is it furthering the cause of beauty, wholesomeness, and goodness? Oh, that's right, you don't believe in "goodness."

7th August 2016, 07:50 PM
Fair to say me and Shami have dismissed (https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-Lzu12-BRa6o/UxxWOhfsRGI/AAAAAAAACsA/oj44Uj_xCKA/s800/ChristiansWelcomeRefugees.jpg) and mocked (https://timedotcom.files.wordpress.com/2016/03/pope-francis-foot-washing-migrants-photos-01.jpg?quality=75&strip=color&w=838) the still-believing Christians. Would be a real help to me if Crimethink created a new thread in our GSUS Religion Section making a case for still "believing" in 2016. The handful of still-believing GSUS Christians here (you know who you are) can collectively chime in and demonstrate that He does indeed exist.

Proof of God exists for those who are open to believing. It exists everywhere.

7th August 2016, 07:51 PM
I know the creator exists, I just don't think he cares if you call yourself a Christian, Jew, or Muslim.

Exactly what the Lodge believes!

7th August 2016, 08:01 PM
I know your "career" is dependent upon Christianity not being true, so I understand why you reject it.

I was more of a militant atheist when I was into the culinary field. My current career actually made me relatively pro-Christian since I view it as a lesser of evils. Christianity is a dead religion to me, and no threat. 99% of Christians have no backbone, and will accept anything that is shoveled in front of them if told to accept it.

You recently admitted you are a "nihilist," which is the same thing as a Bolshevist.

I said I was slipping in that direction. I basically think I should abstain from politics if things continue getting worse with Communism taking over. I really can't though, since I care too much sadly. I think I'd just be happier if I could give up my empathy somehow.

Someone who rejects values. In the past, you have described yourself as a "degenerate."
I'm just honest about it. Most Christians are attracted to the religion since they feel guilty for doing something wrong, and need someone to pat them on the back and tell them everything is going to be okay. This is why you get so many pedophiles becoming Priests and Pastors. I accept I'm fucked up, and go from there. I'm a lot more moral than most Christians. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't gamble, I don't steal, I don't do all sorts of things many Christians do, who can show up at church with a clean conscience, get out of jail free card since they are "Saved".

Your livelihood is running an "anything-goes" Sexual Bolshevism arena for the most debased souls in cyberspace.
This shit is inevitable.
See my thread here:

I'd rather make money off of it, and have an awesome life where I can play videos games, shitpost online, and masturbate to 2D anime waifus (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87341-Rick-Wilson-is-Mad-I-Masturbate-to-Anime-and-Vote-Trump). I'm a lot happier and smarter than the Christian men getting married, having to work non-stop to come home to nagging wives, who will divorce them and make them pay alimony/child support.

I used to feel guilt for it, but I don't anymore. I come first, and the world is second. Altruism should always be secondary if you can't keep your own house in order. Men are treated as expendable. We are supposed to sacrifice everything for people who despise us, and parasite off of us. Fuck that. I come first.

We should really move religious discussion to the Religion Section.

7th August 2016, 08:15 PM
I'm just honest about it. Most Christians are attracted to the religion since they feel guilty for doing something wrong, and need someone to pat them on the back and tell them everything is going to be okay. This is why you get so many pedophiles becoming Priests and Pastors. I accept I'm fucked up, and go from there. I'm a lot more moral than most Christians. I don't drink, I don't do drugs, I don't gamble, I don't steal, I don't do all sorts of things many Christians do, who can show up at church with a clean conscience, get out of jail free card since they are "Saved".

Their degeneracy is not a reason you should not strive for something better, higher, more noble.

This shit is inevitable.
See my thread here:

I'd rather make money off of it, and have an awesome life.

To what end? Being part of the Problem?

I don't accept the degeneracy of this world. I will stand in its way, even if it kills me. If we don't even try to arrest it, we guarantee it.

I used to feel guilt for it, but I don't anymore. I come first, and the world is second. Altruism should always be secondary if you can't keep your own house in order. Men are treated as expendable. We are supposed to sacrifice everything for people who despise us, and parasite off of us. Fuck that. I come first.

Fuck "the world." Stand for something great(er). There are values which are eternal, no matter if the Earth is here or not.

7th August 2016, 08:31 PM
I'd rather make money off of it, and have an awesome life where I can play videos games, shitpost online, and masturbate to 2D anime waifus (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87341-Rick-Wilson-is-Mad-I-Masturbate-to-Anime-and-Vote-Trump). I'm a lot happier and smarter than the Christian men getting married, having to work non-stop to come home to nagging wives, who will divorce them and make them pay alimony/child support.

I used to feel guilt for it, but I don't anymore. I come first, and the world is second. Altruism should always be secondary if you can't keep your own house in order. Men are treated as expendable. We are supposed to sacrifice everything for people who despise us, and parasite off of us. Fuck that. I come first.

http://dsbbsuploads.s3.amazonaws.com/optimized/3X/e/1/e1146ecb3537270a5ae355f48798669823613491_1_500x500 .jpg

7th August 2016, 08:32 PM
I'd rather make money off of it, and have an awesome life where I can play videos games, shitpost online, and masturbate to 2D anime waifus (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?87341-Rick-Wilson-is-Mad-I-Masturbate-to-Anime-and-Vote-Trump).

Shami, that's not an awesome life. Playing video games all day, posting online, and jerking off may be a comfortable life.

It's a "safe" life. It's the "path of least resistance" life. It's not an awesome life. This is why testosterone levels in men keep declining. They give up. Conform, embrace technology. It's what the globalists want. Men, at home, on the computer.

Why? control.

7th August 2016, 09:18 PM
Shami, that's not an awesome life. Playing video games all day, posting online, and jerking off may be a comfortable life.

It's a "safe" life. It's the "path of least resistance" life. It's not an awesome life. This is why testosterone levels in men keep declining. They give up. Conform, embrace technology. It's what the globalists want. Men, at home, on the computer.

Why? control.

Watch what's going on in Japan. (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?80655-Mouse-Experiment-Helps-Reveal-Decline-of-Humanity&p=847784&viewfull=1#post847784) Japan is just ahead of us. They are like 60%+ males there that are like this.


We are... the Beautiful Ones.

I don't think this is all some secret NWO conspiracy. It's a result of technology and urbanization. The same thing happened with the mouse population in John Calhoun's experiment. No Jews to scapegoat there. What's going on is built into our DNA to basically wipe ourselves out if we don't have any natural predators.

This stuff happens with all races and cultures. When they are rural, and have primitive societies, they breed like rats. Once they move into the cities and are clustered up, the drive to reproduce drops like a rock.

Jews just speed this shit up, since it's in their nature to degenerate everything they encounter at hyper velocities.

7th August 2016, 09:36 PM
I think Shami's is a case of not enough alcohol, at least try the wine :)



7th August 2016, 09:37 PM
I think Shami's is a case of not enough alcohol, at least try the wine :)

I come from a family of severe alcoholics. I'm the only introvert in my family too.

7th August 2016, 09:54 PM
I come from a family of severe alcoholics. I'm the only introvert in my family too.

I'm just shooting in the dark here, but some early life demons could be what you were turning away from, not God.

Those can only be defeated through looking squarely in the face then eating them.

God helps with that.

7th August 2016, 10:14 PM
I don't think this is all some secret NWO conspiracy. It's a result of technology and urbanization. The same thing happened with the mouse population in John Calhoun's experiment. No Jews to scapegoat there. What's going on is built into our DNA to basically wipe ourselves out if we don't have any natural predators.

This stuff happens with all races and cultures. When they are rural, and have primitive societies, they breed like rats. Once they move into the cities and are clustered up, the drive to reproduce drops like a rock.

Jews just speed this shit up, since it's in their nature to degenerate everything they encounter at hyper velocities.

You may be right - this is the natural course of things, resulting from the negative effects of technology. Jews are caustic agents destroying only that which is degenerate. Those social bodies (communities, nations, races) without immune systems.

However, one does not need to - should not - embrace it.

Fight it! Stand against it! Stand for something Better.

20th August 2016, 05:28 PM
An interesting website with several scenarios, state by state forecast, electoral votes, popular votes.


Electoral votes

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


Popular vote

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


How the odds have changedWe'll be updating our forecasts every time new data is available, every day through Nov. 8.

20th August 2016, 05:34 PM
An interesting website with several scenarios, state by state forecast, electoral votes, popular votes.


Electoral votes

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


Popular vote

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


How the odds have changed

We'll be updating our forecasts every time new data is available, every day through Nov. 8.

That pole will have Hillarys head on it.

21st August 2016, 05:58 AM
That pole will have Hillarys head on it.

Now that's a statement I can believe in

21st August 2016, 06:41 AM
An interesting website with several scenarios, state by state forecast, electoral votes, popular votes.


Electoral votes

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


Popular vote

Hillary Clinton


Donald Trump


Gary Johnson


How the odds have changedWe'll be updating our forecasts every time new data is available, every day through Nov. 8.

That site is updated and maintained by Nate Silver. He's shilling hard for Hillary. Just add it to another poll that cannot be trusted.

21st August 2016, 06:46 AM
Polls! https://29.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_lka3ob1J5i1qdaaw6o1_500.gif