View Full Version : Us made chinese air force jets

5th August 2016, 05:50 PM
US MADE CHINESE AIR FORCE JETS https://www.softwar.net/sar.html
It may come as a shock to many but the US provided the Chinese Air Force a fleet of aircraft equipped with special ground tracking radars designed to monitor troop movements. The aircraft were sold to a firm known to be a Chinese Air Force front by the Clinton administration.
According to Seattle-based Boeing Aircraft Corp., the Chinese army air force obtained 10 civil 737-300 jet transports in 2000 through a purchase by China United Airlines. U.S defense official documentation confirmed that the Chinese Air Force is operating the 10 Boeing civil airliners as military jet transports and long range military surveillance aircraft.
The documents, obtained by using the Freedom of Information act, show that the Clinton administration was aware that China United was actually owned and run by the Chinese Air Force. However, the sale took place anyway with no authorization for the US jets to be used for military purposes - required by law along with Congressional notifications.
"China United Airlines (CUA) is a commercial entity of the PLA Air Force," states a 1994 report on the Chinese military issued by Lt. Col. Dennis Blasko, former U.S. defense attaché to Beijing.
More at link.

5th August 2016, 05:52 PM
Clinton....damn!!! there's that name again!!

5th August 2016, 05:57 PM
Bill Clinton sold the Chinese much of our technology when he was president. The younger voters don't know that, the older voters have forgotten.

Edit: There was a political cartoon of two men fishing in a rowboat, mushroom cloud rising in the background, the caption "Buba sold the Chinese WHAT?"

midnight rambler
5th August 2016, 06:01 PM
One Communist government helping out another Communist government. What else is new?