View Full Version : LEAKED: Hillarys Private Meetings With Muslim Brotherhood Officials Secretly Recorded

8th August 2016, 10:54 AM
(Fury) – It has become widely known that Huma Abedin is connected directly to the Muslim Brotherhood. As it turns out, she has been secretly recording meetings with Hillary Clinton and some of the videos have been intercepted by anonymous black-hat hackers.

Julian Assange, infamous hacker and founder of WikiLeaks, has been announcing for weeks that more leaks are coming soon. He foretells that the next leak will be enough evidence to convict Hillary Clinton of treason and it looks like he may be right.

We have been able to confirm that the substance of the leaks will be evidence of a vast conspiracy within our government. It appears that Huma Abedin secretly recorded Hillary Clinton giving names of everyone involved in this conspiracy to subvert our nation.

Huma Mahmood Abedin has worked with Clinton since 1996 where she began as an intern in the west wing. For most of the past 20 years, Huma has served as Clinton’s “body–woman”, which is basically a glorified lady’s maid. She now sits as the vice chair in Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign.

In 2012, she was accused by U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann of being a mole for the Muslim Brotherhood. Bachmann then says during a live broadcast interview that the infiltration of our government is much wider than anyone expected.

“It appears that there has been deep penetration in the halls of our United States government by the Muslim Brotherhood,” Bachmann stated during a radio interview. “It appears that there are individuals who are associated with the Muslim Brotherhood who have positions, very sensitive positions, in our Department of Justice, our Department of Homeland Security, potentially even in the National Intelligence Agency.”

Hillary Clinton has often expressed her fondness of Huma. She brought Huma with her to the State Department and has referenced Huma as her “second daughter”. It is easy to imagine the sort of top-secret information Huma has been privy to while working so close to Clinton during her role as Secretary of State.

In my previous article posted on Fury News, I detail a conversation between anonymous forum users and an FBI informant. The anonymous informant hints at the deep conspiracy by saying, “The problem is with the entire government. [Hillary Clinton] is one component of that government.”

“There already is enough to indict,” the FBI informant claims. “this case would explode into a million other cases if fully brought to light. there has been deep penetration in the halls of our United States government by the Muslim Brotherhood.”

Since this conversation with the anonymous FBI informant, we have seen several rounds of leaked emails by Assange and a promise for more evidence of Clinton’s corruption. Confidential sources say that time is almost here. On Saturday, Wikileaks will release the leaked videos and their contents will shock everyone.

The videos were secretly recorded for the Saudi Royale by Huma Abedin and intercepted by Anonymous while she was transferring them via a well known file sharing site. The hackers confronted Huma about the videos and she agreed to give the anonymous hacker information about the Democratic National Committee from a DNC insider, if he would agree not to expose her. The insider she introduced him to was none other than Seth Rich, the DNC employee who was recently found murdered in July.

Although Clinton and her gang tried to stop Seth Rich from leaking any incriminating evidence, they were too late. Rich turned over the DNC emails that were leaked recently and the hacker immediately gave them to Wikileaks along with the intercepted videos.

The only other pieces of information that my source was able to give is that the “meetings will show treason and they will show who is involved. Hillary names names.” The source also says that this scandal is worldwide and that Angela Merkel is one of the names spoken by Hillary Clinton.

The videos are scheduled to be released on Saturday, August 6th by Wikileaks. I will be watching for them and I hope you are too. Everyone in America will want to know what our government has been involved in. However, the biggest step will be deciding how to fix the quagmire that the Clinton Mafia has woven throughout our government and the world.



8th August 2016, 11:04 AM
Snowden implemented "something" last week, as well. Another dump? He tweeted "It's time" and a string of numbers, either a digital signature or perhaps a key.



8th August 2016, 11:05 AM
Snowden implemented "something" last week, as well. Another dump? He tweeted "It's time" and a string of numbers, either a digital signature or perhaps a key.

Some people speculated that it was a deadmans switch. But Glenn Greenwald said that Snowden is still alive. He deleted the tweet shortly after that.

Interesting times.

The leaks haven't been released yet from what I can tell. Still searching.

8th August 2016, 11:48 AM
Found the files.





PDF document within the leak is infected with something, BE VERY CAREFUL. Do not download if you do not know how to protect yourself or your system from possible infection.

8th August 2016, 12:00 PM
Be careful, my Mac's AV lit up like a Christmas tree when I downloaded it from Mediafire and blocked it immediately

8th August 2016, 12:06 PM
Be careful, my Mac's AV lit up like a Christmas tree when I downloaded it from Mediafire and blocked it immediately

Confirmed, my AV is showing the PDF document to be infected.

8th August 2016, 12:30 PM
After Trump assumes the office of POTUS in 2017 he will instruct the US Attorney General to indict Hillary Clinton on grounds of Treason. If I were Barack Obama, I would be very nervous. All of the Muslim Brotherhood infiltration of our government is Obama's doing and responsibility. If Trump is to have any legitimacy, he will have to make an example of Clinton, at minimum.

8th August 2016, 12:33 PM
Nothing will happen.

"Trump is racist" is enough to wash this away.

8th August 2016, 01:12 PM
Nothing will happen.

"Trump is racist" is enough to wash this away.


8th August 2016, 03:16 PM
Nothing will happen.

"Trump is racist" is enough to wash this away.Shami is right. There are too many "minorities" and too many cucked white people in this country who don't care. The real minority of concerned people who do care isn't enough.

8th August 2016, 03:45 PM
Big infighting among the oligarchs, think Trump would even have got this close if there wasn't? Right now they are so worried about which way things will go they are turning on each other and the Shit's flying through the air. There are way too many things going on at once to even name them. The little USI is just an ink splot of whats happening all at once throught the world.

The Greatest show on Earth!

8th August 2016, 03:48 PM
Confirmed, my AV is showing the PDF document to be infected.

I downloaded and copied all the files, ran chkrootkit and lynis audit system, didnt find anything bad.

8th August 2016, 03:55 PM
I downloaded and copied all the files, ran chkrootkit and lynis audit system, didnt find anything bad.

where did you download it from?

8th August 2016, 03:58 PM
where did you download it from?

http://www.mediafire.com/download/ex...EDIN+FILES.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/exvj5ry95lxuczv/HUMA+ABEDIN+FILES.zip)

https://mega.nz/#!rRV2UI4I!Wo6rLGiJx...tlVd9jbQuiH-Kc (https://mega.nz/#%21rRV2UI4I%21Wo6rLGiJxx5fxhBSipqFGi0-Z6GfFtlVd9jbQuiH-Kc)

both sites. I didn't open the .rar. file from the first site, I only opend the .rar file frrom the second site.

8th August 2016, 04:13 PM
http://www.mediafire.com/download/ex...EDIN+FILES.zip (http://www.mediafire.com/download/exvj5ry95lxuczv/HUMA+ABEDIN+FILES.zip)

https://mega.nz/#!rRV2UI4I!Wo6rLGiJx...tlVd9jbQuiH-Kc (https://mega.nz/#%21rRV2UI4I%21Wo6rLGiJxx5fxhBSipqFGi0-Z6GfFtlVd9jbQuiH-Kc)

both sites. I didn't open the .rar. file from the first site, I only opend the .rar file frrom the second site.

I downloaded from all links that were available and my Avast AV software flagged them all the same way. It won't even let me open the rar file

8th August 2016, 04:18 PM
I downloaded from all links that were available and my Avast AV software flagged them all the same way. It won't even let me open the rar file

In windows xp or whatever progs take control of difft files I am able to explore the files without opening them. Kinda cool but I still wouldn't try it with a possibly known corrupted deal.

8th August 2016, 04:21 PM
In windows xp or whatever progs take control of difft files I am able to explore the files without opening them. Kinda cool but I still wouldn't try it with a possibly known corrupted deal.

The only reason I downloaded and tried to open them is because I use a Mac. The Mac OS is much less prone to virus attacks and the AV software blocks everything (so far anyway) that's been a threat

8th August 2016, 04:38 PM
No issue with IPAD. Did have to install IPad version of win zip to open. Downloaded from the media fire link.

8th August 2016, 04:39 PM
No issue with IPAD. Did have to install IPad version of win zip to open. Downloaded from the media fire link.

Ahhh, no worries....the pdf(s) should be finding its way around the interwebs soon enough

8th August 2016, 05:09 PM
Big infighting among the oligarchs, think Trump would even have got this close if there wasn't?

Trump is controlled "opposition" created just for you. If he were for real, he'd have had a bullet-sized hole in his cranium long ago.

8th August 2016, 05:10 PM
In windows xp or whatever progs take control of difft files I am able to explore the files without opening them. Kinda cool but I still wouldn't try it with a possibly known corrupted deal.

I did something similar with a linux program Archive Manager

Then I veiwed each file with a KDE .pdf viewer Okular and saved copies.

8th August 2016, 06:34 PM
Hillary's medical records getting leaked as well.



8th August 2016, 07:28 PM
Hillary's medical records getting leaked as well.



Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

8th August 2016, 07:30 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

Definitely a HIPPA violation.

8th August 2016, 07:33 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.Might be fake. Letterhead not convincing. All the medical group letterheads I've seen had the name of the practice and a list of the member doctors. Yes, f'ed up to release someone's medical records it may be. But the internet and hackers have rendered that fine point all but moot, particularly for public officials running for high office.

8th August 2016, 07:33 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

they don't have to run....they know everything and anything can come out

8th August 2016, 09:04 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

She got away with keeping her emails private - I'd say the world deserves this and more in return :cool:

8th August 2016, 09:09 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

Twitter has taken down the page hmm now that makes me think this could be real

8th August 2016, 09:34 PM
Revealing personal medical records... That's kind of fcuked up I think.

This is the creature that will ignite a war which could kill billions. I couldn't care less if they dumped all her medical records onto the Internet.

8th August 2016, 09:36 PM
Yes, f'ed up to release someone's medical records it may be.

Man, are you people for real?! We're not talking some random woman down the street who's records have been exposed.

This woman is pure evil, and these records (if genuine) demonstrate she is woefully unfit to be National Command Authority.

9th August 2016, 05:44 AM
We'll see if this is real or not. By taking down the page they could have been told that they would be tracked down and prosecuted for liable. That would make them cease and desist quickly if the information is not authentic

9th August 2016, 10:21 AM
Man, are you people for real?! We're not talking some random woman down the street who's records have been exposed.

This woman is pure evil, and these records (if genuine) demonstrate she is woefully unfit to be National Command Authority.

You don't get it do you... there are so many wicked things she has done and the media is not talking about it. Do you think revealing this personal crap is going to make any difference... There are places you do not have to go to reveal what wicked persons are doing... Hilda-beast is protected... we should be going after the media. If anything they will spew fire at Trump for this and keep Hillary clean... wake up.

And random persons down the street will have their records exposed because idiots think it is no OK to do so now.

9th August 2016, 12:57 PM
You don't get it do you... there are so many wicked things she has done and the media is not talking about it. Do you think revealing this personal crap is going to make any difference... There are places you do not have to go to reveal what wicked persons are doing... Hilda-beast is protected... we should be going after the media. If anything they will spew fire at Trump for this and keep Hillary clean... wake up.

There is nothing that is off the table in "dealing" with Her Majesty. She will "fundamentally transform" America and the West far worse than Obama has.

If her genuine medical records are released, are you going to pretend they will not go viral? Do you pretend they will not, singlehandedly, do more damage to the Jewsmedia narrative, than any other single thing, including "revealing (other) personal crap" like her "private" emails?

And random persons down the street will have their records exposed because idiots think it is no OK to do so now.

You apparently take this matter very personally, for some reason. Surely you know HIPAA exempts all government agencies from knowing everything about you, so why the obsession with "poor Hillary" being targeted? Their is no motive for the "random person down the street" to be exposed.

HIPAA is one of the worst mistakes in the history of legislation. It stemmed from the homosexual agenda of giving deadly disease "civil rights." Fags and other perverts didn't want people knowing what public health threat they pose, and got the First Nigger President (Clinton) to sign off on it. I've seen "HIPAA in action," and how it harms both patients and their family members when trying to obtain needed information.

And here again, HIPAA is used to shield someone of very ill repute, preventing the public from knowing what they have a right to know.