View Full Version : germany: holycost propaganda is failing

12th August 2016, 04:32 PM

Israeli footballer is subjected to vile Holocaust songs and Heil Hitler! salute by German fans

Supporters shouted a vile chant about Itay Shechter' joining 'the six million' Jews killed during WWII

German football authorities have promised to stamp out racism in the stands after an Israeli football player was subjected to Heil Hitler! salutes and sordid chants about the Holocaust at a training game.

Germany's Football Federation the DFB said it 'will not tolerate anti-Semitic or racist attacks' after a small group of people verbally abused Israeli player Itay Shechter during a Kaiserslautern practice session

The group gave the Heil Hitler! salute, shouted out 'sieg Heil' - the Nazi party greeting during the Third Reich - and shouted a vile chant about him joining 'the six million'.

This is a reference to the number of Jews exterminated by the Nazis during World War II.

'Together with the president we want to underline that the DFB will not tolerate such actions and we must act decisively,' said Wolfgang Niersbach, who is due to become the new DFB boss next month.

The Israeli embassy in Berlin made a complaint about the abuse suffered by one of its citizens

Police have launched an investigation to identify those involved while the club, which has called on fans to help identify the people involved, condemned the incident saying those responsible were not football fans.

'The players understood the feelings, views and fears of the fans,' Kaiserslautern chairman Stefan Kuntz said on Tuesday on the meeting with the Kaiserslautern fans.

The German government's own survey revealed earlier this month that anti-Smitism is on the rise, particularly among the young.

more at link..

12th August 2016, 04:40 PM
The German government's own survey revealed earlier this month that anti-Smitism is on the rise, particularly among the young.

Of course anti-shemite-ism is on the rise amongst the young. They're on the internet and they have access to informatio and they read and think. They know or at least suspect that Holohoax is a hoax.

12th August 2016, 05:43 PM
Fuck the jews. If Hitler was allowed to finish his work the world would be a much better place. Yeah, I said it

12th August 2016, 08:21 PM
At some point the US military will leave Germany. Right away after that, a new German government will replace the puppet government and one of the first things they will do is to create a commission to look for Eisenhower's mass graves of POW's from 1945.

Eisenhower, in a typical two-faced jewish style, refused to allow these POW's to be called POW's (Prisoner of War), but renamed them Disarmed Enemy Troops, and pretended that he was therefore immune from Geneva conventions concerning POW's and Red Cross inspections. Upwards of two million German POW's were put in open barbed wire fields (night and day, no latrines, no bunks, no shelter of any kind) and allowed to die of starvation, thirst, filth, cold, and exhaustion from the outdoor elements. Machine gun nests were posted to shoot at any sympathetic civilians who would try to bring food, water, or some kind of comfort to the POW's.

This was probably the most dishonorable, vengeful, and despicable, war crime ever committed by any victorious warring nation against a surrendering force.

This new REAL German government (finally freed for the first time in nearly a century), will use the latest sonic and seismic equipment to look under and around tree groves planted after 1945, and, they will make a very studious, and highly publicized (in Germany and all Europe, anyway) attempt to identify the hundreds of thousands of remains.

They will publish catalogues where the details, hidden until then, will be fleshed out and articles, even novels, will be published depicting this horrible war crime, committed by Eisenhower and his followers.

These publications will sink into the depths of the German soul (and other Europeans, also), and, it will simmer for a period of time before a 4th Reich will come into being. These new Germans, under an even more fierce leader than Hitler, will not be willing to forget this war crime against their recent ancestor-soldiers, who surrendered under the Geneva conventions, but were then literally murdered en mass by Eisenhower, as approved by Truman and the US government.

Germans are a very intelligent and honorable folk - they also have a very long memory. We should never have allowed this to happen, nor go unpunished. Patton was killed because he opposed it and was all set to come home and widely publicize Eisenhower's massive war crime.

I wonder how many readers on this thread are aware of this Eisenhower war crime committed against German POW's.

12th August 2016, 08:29 PM
At some point the US military will leave Germany. Right away after that, a new German government will replace the puppet government and one of the first things they will do is to create a commission to look for Eisenhower's mass graves of POW's from 1945.

Eisenhower, in a typical two-faced jewish style, refused to allow these POW's to be called POW's (Prisoner of War), but renamed them Disarmed Enemy Troops, and pretended that he was therefore immune from Geneva conventions concerning POW's and Red Cross inspections. Upwards of two million German POW's were put in open barbed wire fields (night and day, no latrines, no bunks, no shelter of any kind) and allowed to die of starvation, thirst, filth, cold, and exhaustion from the outdoor elements. Machine gun nests were posted to shoot at any sympathetic civilians who would try to bring food, water, or some kind of comfort to the POW's.

This was probably the most dishonorable, vengeful, and despicable, war crime ever committed by any victorious warring nation against a surrendering force.

This new REAL German government (finally freed for the first time in nearly a century), will use the latest sonic and seismic equipment to look under and around tree groves planted after 1945, and, they will make a very studious, and highly publicized (in Germany and all Europe, anyway) attempt to identify the hundreds of thousands of remains.

They will publish catalogues where the details, hidden until then, will be fleshed out and articles, even novels, will be published depicting this horrible war crime, committed by Eisenhower and his followers.

These publications will sink into the depths of the German soul (and other Europeans, also), and, it will simmer for a period of time before a 4th Reich will come into being. These new Germans, under an even more fierce leader than Hitler, will not be willing to forget this war crime against their recent ancestor-soldiers, who surrendered under the Geneva conventions, but were then literally murdered en mass by Eisenhower, as approved by Truman and the US government.

Germans are a very intelligent and honorable folk - they also have a very long memory. We should never have allowed this to happen, nor go unpunished. Patton was killed because he opposed it and was all set to come home and widely publicize Eisenhower's massive war crime.

I wonder how many readers on this thread are aware of this Eisenhower war crime committed against German POW's.

I suspect the movies of bodies being buried in mass graves they made us watch in high school were starved German POW's.

12th August 2016, 08:38 PM

13th August 2016, 05:58 AM
Fuck the jews. If Hitler was allowed to finish his work the world would be a much better place. Yeah, I said it

Yeah, but what you said sends another mixed, ambiguous message. Similar to your reply in the social media hellary/trump thread (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?91877-Every-Social-Media-Poll-Shows-Trump-Landslide-Victory-Every-TV-news-Clinton-winning&p=848559&viewfull=1#post848559),

http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/misc/quote_icon.png Originally Posted by Joshua01http://gold-silver.us/forum/images/buttons/viewpost-right.png
(http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?p=848548#post848548)How do you guys think the millions and millions of people who have made their feelings known by their presence at all these Trump rallies are going to react when Hitlery wins by 100 electoral votes?

tsk tsk tsk, for propagating that dinjoo-engineered "Hitler = epitome of EEEEEvil" memeplex!

I know I know; Hillar.. & Hitler... are kinda close in sound & spelling... so it it's natural to want to mock her name that way; but once you deprogram from the dinjooz' "Hitler = epitome of EEEEEvil" black majik mind kontrol spell... you don't make that mistake anymore.

Thread: Adolf Hitler- The greatest story NEVER told! (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?63370-Adolf-Hitler-The-greatest-story-NEVER-told!)

Hitler was anti dinjoo world odor; we fought the wrong side of WW2. Consequently, today we can only dream of a Hitler-esque leadership.

Just to clear up the ambiguity Joshua, could you plz say what you believe about the dinjooz' holohoax narrative? (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?54461-Introduction-to-the-Holocaust%99-Hoax) Like, when you say "If Hitler was allowed to finish his work"; what "work" are you referring to? :|~