View Full Version : Milwaukee Chimpout

13th August 2016, 10:16 PM

















14th August 2016, 12:03 AM
Colin Flaherty cover's tonight's race riots.


14th August 2016, 01:00 AM
guy gives his version of the events, gunshots near end of vid


14th August 2016, 01:03 AM

14th August 2016, 01:37 AM

14th August 2016, 02:21 AM
They are all whitey "crisis actors" in blackface trying to make the Black folk look bad.

14th August 2016, 03:25 AM
Mark Dice commentary:



14th August 2016, 03:54 AM
Literally targeting White people:


midnight rambler
14th August 2016, 04:15 AM
Yea! We got a victory for our people!

guy gives his version of the events, gunshots near end of vid


14th August 2016, 04:26 AM
Riots? I watched the news this morning and they only talked about protests.

Not sure what it will take before they start rounding up niggers and export them to africa.

midnight rambler
14th August 2016, 04:28 AM
WATERMELONS 1/2 mile ahead



Celtic Rogue
14th August 2016, 05:34 AM

Half Sense
14th August 2016, 06:31 AM

14th August 2016, 07:04 AM

I'll take "The reason we can't have nice things for 500 Alex."

14th August 2016, 07:56 AM
http://cache2.asset-cache.net/gc/161022193-for-the-crew-at-denver-fire-station-6-gettyimages.jpg?v=1&c=IWSAsset&k=2&d=GkZZ8bf5zL1ZiijUmxa7QRU5VN3OdIbPxr3iYcPdRp1wngT8 gTzcvqhVTPgOKIr%2FHTf0P2mSdjuk3Vwh9yMuyg%3D%3D
Pass the tatters Bob. Let it burn...

Yep...that gas station is a goner...this smartphone screen resolution is great!


14th August 2016, 10:48 AM
cops again forced to let them chimpout all they wanted -- just like baltimore


Around 100 protesters massed at 44th Street and Auer Avenue between 8 and 9 p.m., surging against a line of 20 to 30 officers. The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reported that officers got in their cars to leave at one point and some in the crowd started smashing a squad car's windows. Another police car was set on fire. The newspaper reported that one of its reporters was shoved to the ground and punched.

Around 11 p.m., police with shields and helmets moved slowly into the intersection, telling a crowd of about 50 people to disperse. Some threw rocks and debris at police, who held up their shields. People in the crowd also threw objects at a business a half-block from the intersection. A nearby traffic light was bent over and bus shelters overturned.

A bank, a gas station, an auto parts store and a beauty supplies shop were burned in the violence. Firefighters held back from the gas station blaze because of gunshots.

Three protesters were arrested....

The protesters were largely black, and Alderman Khalif Rainey - who represents the district - said early Sunday that the city's black residents are "tired of living under this oppression." Nearly 40 percent of Milwaukee's 600,000 residents are black, and heavily concentrated on the north side.

14th August 2016, 10:54 AM
the city's black residents are "tired of living under this oppression."

Back to Africa then.


14th August 2016, 11:02 AM
getting a little bit of coverage


Several videos recorded during last night’s riot in Milwaukee appears to show black rioters hunting down white passerby to attack.

Multiple videos recorded by locals show a crowd of people apparently checking the race of passing drivers when deciding what cars they should attack. A collection of these videos were combined and uploaded to LiveLeak Sunday morning.

video at link....

================================================== =====


Shock Video–Milwaukee Rioters: ‘They Beatin’ Up Every White Person!’

The clip shows angry rioters chanting “black power!” before asking “is they white?” as cars slowly drive past.

“Yeah they white!” states someone else, prompting the mob to run towards the vehicle.

“Yeah they white, get their ass!” screams another.

“Hey they beatin’ up every white person!” exclaims another rioter.

“He white – beat his head – bitch!” he adds.

The footage appears to show the mob attacking cars and trying to drag out the drivers.

The footage then cuts to an upper floor window before the person shooting the video states, “I think they just beat some white bitch ass for no reason – they bust open the window.”

Local reporters were also targeted for violent assaults, including a Milwaukee Journal-Sentinel reporter, who was “thrown to the ground and punched”.

WTMJ was forced to pull its reporters from the ground altogether because of violent threats from the mob.



‘They’re Beating Every White Person’: Riots, Fires After Fatal Shooting Sparks Chaos In Milwaukee

14th August 2016, 11:10 AM
could be interesting tonight


Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has requested the National Guard be called in to quell the violent riots in his city.

Sheriff Clarke said he spoke with Gov. Scott Walker and Major General Donald Dunbar before requesting the Guard be mobilized on Sunday.

“We cannot allow for a repeat of what happened last night. I am going to utilize all available resources to accomplish that,” the sheriff, famous for his no-nonsense approach to fighting crime, said in a press release.

Read more: http://www.bizpacreview.com/2016/08/14/milwaukee-rioters-forget-sheriff-david-clarkes-shut-379001#ixzz4HKc5RaLq

14th August 2016, 11:13 AM
gibs me dat


14th August 2016, 11:16 AM
some crappy video...does have gunshots


midnight rambler
14th August 2016, 11:45 AM
Alderman Khalif Rainey - who represents the district - said early Sunday that the city's black residents are "tired of living under this oppression."

I have the PERFECT solution! Migrate back to your native lands, the lands of your ancestors and BE FREE of that nasty whitey oppression*.

*the 'oppression' that certainly includes TONS of entitlements with no strings attached, the entitlements that allow you maggots to thrive when you couldn't survive otherwise

14th August 2016, 11:48 AM

14th August 2016, 11:51 AM
Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke has requested the National Guard be called in to quell the violent riots in his city.

I bet it really burns the savage animals that a civilized Black man doesn't play along with their thuggery.

If Trump needs a Secretary of Homeland Security, Clarke is the candidate.

midnight rambler
14th August 2016, 11:53 AM
If Trump needs a Secretary of Homeland Security, Clarke is the candidate.

Clarke would be a most excellent choice for that office.

14th August 2016, 11:53 AM
*the 'oppression' that certainly includes TONS of entitlements with no strings attached, the entitlements that allow you maggots to thrive when you couldn't survive otherwise

They wouldn't exist without White-funded welfare. Never been born, let alone survive and thrive.

14th August 2016, 12:28 PM
new cartoon by AWM:


14th August 2016, 12:35 PM

Best thing that can happen for the Trump campaign is our cities burning before the "Election".

14th August 2016, 01:00 PM
cop that killed the black is black. they do have video

14th August 2016, 01:08 PM
shocked that milwaukee has a white police chief. more purging left to do..


14th August 2016, 02:28 PM
Tonight will probably be even worse burning and looting. Hot august nights, it's not supposed to dip below 70 degrees the whole night in Milwaukee.. Plus, word is out about last night.

Nothing makes sense with these people. Black cop shoots black thug, so all the blacks burn their own black neighborhoods while looking for white people to blame and beat up.

14th August 2016, 03:03 PM
Tonight will probably be even worse burning and looting. Hot august nights, it's not supposed to dip below 70 degrees the whole night in Milwaukee.. Plus, word is out about last night.

Nothing makes sense with these people. Black cop shoots black thug, so all the blacks burn their own black neighborhoods while looking for white people to blame and beat up.

No one has ever accused blacks of being overly intelligent and looking at the actual root cause of their problems.

14th August 2016, 03:25 PM
shocked that milwaukee has a white police chief. more purging left to do..



His son.

14th August 2016, 03:34 PM
No one has ever accused blacks of being overly intelligent and looking at the actual root cause of their problems.

They are their own worst enemy, and it's tough to just sit back and watch. All the info is there for them, to learn, and see the agenda....nope. Let's blame people at random, by race, and destroy our own neighborhoods and take back all the progress from the whole civil rights movement back to zero.

Martin Luther King, Jr. is probably rolling over in his grave because of all this.

14th August 2016, 04:38 PM
Martin Luther King, Jr. is probably rolling over in his grave because of all this.

You do realize King was a total fraud, right? A committed Marxist that used dissimulation as a political weapon.

14th August 2016, 04:47 PM
You do realize King was a total fraud, right? A committed Marxist that used dissimulation as a political weapon.

He was a Christian, so I guess that means he's demonized as a fraud given the current influences on our society today.

14th August 2016, 04:55 PM
He was a Christian, so I guess that means he's demonized as a fraud given the current influences on our society today.

MLK wouldn't be much different than Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. MLK stole money from his own organization to buy drugs and have wild orgies and shit with white hookers, whom he also beat the shit out of. Even the night before he was shot, he beat a white prostitute so badly he broke her jaw and the orbital bone of her eye socket. I am dead serious, look it up. He would be no different than any other race baiter who's gotten busted for massive corruption and hypocrisy, just he was protected by the establishment, and the unsavory elements have been whitewashed out of mainstream consciousness. On than same note, Mahatma Gandhi was an ultra racist nigger hating child molester who slept with naked little girls.


He also had a commie Jew handler (Stanley Levison of the CPUSA). King was the forerunner of today's popular race baiters.

>B-b-b-but at least he was a Christian.

14th August 2016, 05:13 PM
He was a Christian, so I guess that means he's demonized as a fraud given the current influences on our society today.

Define "Christian."

If you believe he was a "Christian," why does the anti-Christ Federal regime enforce him having his own holiday? In fact, the only individual who has his own holiday (Washington's Birthday is now "President's Day"). Why does every major city have a "Martin Luther King, Jr. Street/Avenue/Boulevard"?

He is lionized by the anti-Christ System because he advocated the globalist ideology.

If you want to know about the real "Dr." King, read his best friend's autobiography, who surprisingly spilled the beans:



The 62-year-old activist, who cradled the dying King after an assassin's bullet cut him down in 1968, did not simply sit still for the criticism. He blitzed through appearances on the morning TV talk shows and sat for a session of Donahue, defending his book at every step. "In all honesty, in all fairness, it happened," he insists. Abernathy's damning charge is that King spent the last night of his life enjoying two successive extramarital liaisons, followed by a knockdown motel-room fight with a third woman. The evening began after King delivered his stirring "I've been to the mountaintop" speech at the Masonic Temple in Memphis. Abernathy writes that afterward he, King and a civil-rights colleague, the Reverend Bernard Lee, went for a late-night dinner at the home of a woman friend of King's. When Abernathy awoke from a postprandial nap in a living-room easy chair at around 1 A.M., he says he found Lee asleep on the couch and King emerging from the bedroom with his female friend.

The three men then returned to the Lorraine Motel, writes Abernathy, where they found King's brother, the Reverend A.D. King, and a black woman legislator from Kentucky who had come expressly to see Martin. King did not disappoint her, according to Abernathy. Finally, at 7 or 8 A.M., King reportedly returned to the room he shared with Abernathy to ask him to help calm a third woman who was, King said, "mad at me. She came in this morning and found my bed empty." Abernathy's implication is clear: King, a married man, had been unfaithful even in his unfaithfulness. When the young woman in question arrived, and her argument with King grew increasingly heated, says Abernathy, the venerated civil-rights leader "knocked her across the bed...and for a moment they were in a full-blown fight, with Martin clearly winning."

midnight rambler
14th August 2016, 05:17 PM
Michael King Jr. had the trifecta of anti-christian - he was an adulterer, a plagiarist, and a Communist.

14th August 2016, 05:19 PM
Define "Christian."

If you believe he was a "Christian," why does the anti-Christ Federal regime enforce him having his own holiday? In fact, the only individual who has his own holiday (Washington's Birthday is now "President's Day"). Why does every major city have a "Martin Luther King, Jr. Street/Avenue/Boulevard"?

He is lionized by the anti-Christ System because he advocated the globalist ideology.

Thanks Crimethink, that is a good point. Also, MLK boulevard is also usually the most crime ridden area of the city.

14th August 2016, 05:20 PM
Thanks Crimethink, that is a good point. Also, MLK boulevard is also usually the most crime ridden area of the city.

Read Abernathy's book, cited in my post above. You'll never think of King in glowing terms again.

14th August 2016, 05:42 PM
Thanks Crimethink, that is a good point. Also, MLK boulevard is also usually the most crime ridden area of the city.

I know that is true in Las Vegas. Highland Drive was called "Nigger Freeway" in the 1970's. It was unsafe in the day time and totally bad after dark.

14th August 2016, 06:43 PM
23-year-old armed man shot and killed by Milwaukee police, Sylville Smith (pictured)

Smith's godmother, Katherine Mahmoud, told the Journal Sentinel: 'I'm not going to say he was an angel. He was out here living his life.'


14th August 2016, 06:50 PM
He a gud boi, he dindu nuffin. He was in skool getin his life together. He just needin mo money fur dem programs.

14th August 2016, 07:13 PM
MLK boulevard is also usually the most crime ridden area of the city

I know that is true in Las Vegas. Highland Drive was called "Nigger Freeway" in the 1970's. It was unsafe in the day time and totally bad after dark.

I can confirm.

A few decades ago, I was a pledge at a fraternity at UNLV. One of the tasks/missions we were forced to successfully complete was to go to an all-black bar on MLK BLVD and order a white russian. Terribly frightening experience getting there, but once we were inside every thing was okay. They were accustomed to white boy fraternities doing this and there were no problems. I think the fact we pulled into the parking lot in a huge Ford 150 with all of us in the back was also intimidating for most in the area. Anyway, yeah, not a good place to be anytime day or night. This was my first time getting hit on by black prostitutes saying, "what u fraid of, shy white boy."

14th August 2016, 07:57 PM

Milwaukee Craigslist right now


14th August 2016, 10:21 PM

Milwaukee Craigslist right now



This black man is tired

I'm a 28 year old black male who goes to work everyday and lives a decent life like normal people. And there are thousands of other decent hard working civilized black people like me.

We also have what we call niggas, and I'm getting very sick of them. You have a criminal committing a crime and waving a gun at cops and when he gets shot you're upset about it. You start rioting before you even get any facts or before any investigation can be done.

I'm so tired right now I hope when the chief calls the National Guard they fire at any idiot who is outside destroying shit. I'm sitting at my house with my AR and I am waiting to defend my property. I'm sick of it and I'm sick of you Niggas making the black race look bad

Decent blacks we have to separate ourselves from these Niggas and start speaking out and calling out the bull shit.

15th August 2016, 05:49 AM
everyone here in wi knows milwuakee is a giant shithole. nobody goes there unless they have too, like for work or something. it's basically a giant hive of welfare, section 8, mlk blvd type roads, and crime. it's like you broke off a piece of southside chicago and dumped it in wisconsin. the whole town should be razed.

15th August 2016, 05:53 AM
everyone here in wi knows milwuakee is a giant shithole. nobody goes there unless they have too, like for work or something. it's basically a giant hive of welfare, section 8, mlk blvd type roads, and crime. it's like you broke off a piece of southside chicago and dumped it in wisconsin. the whole town should be razed.

Pretty much how I felt every time I ended up having to go into Chicago. Hate driving in that shithole town.

15th August 2016, 10:24 AM
interesting national news events..

story 1 - milwaukee - negroes risking their lives to attack any/all white people

story 2 - loosiana - white people risking their lives to save negroes from drowning

15th August 2016, 01:34 PM
dont remember this from january...but wow


By John Diedrich of the Journal Sentinel

A terrorist-style plot intended to kill dozens of people with automatic weapons at a Masonic center in Milwaukee was foiled this week by FBI agents, federal prosecutors said Tuesday.

Samy Mohamed Hamzeh discussed his plan to attack the center with two others, detailing how they would quickly and quietly kill the first people they saw and then methodically move through the building, "eliminating everyone" they encountered, according to a federal criminal complaint.

Hamzeh, 23, has been charged with possessing a machine gun and a silencer. Despite indications of an attempted act of terrorism, Hamzeh is not charged with any terrorism counts.

"We are Muslims, defending Muslim religion, we are on our own, my dear, we have organized our own group," Hamzeh said, according to the criminal complaint, adding he was confident it would trigger more attacks in the United States.

"Such operations will increase in America, when they hear about it. The people will be scared and the operations will increase, and there will be problems all over,... this will lead to people clashing with each other. This way we will be igniting it. I mean we are marching at the front of the war," he said, according to the complaint.

Acting U.S. Attorney Gregory J. Haanstad called it a "detailed plan to commit a mass shooting intended to kill dozens of people."

"(Hamzeh) also said that he wanted this mass shooting to be 'known the world over' and to 'ignite' broader clashes. It is difficult to calculate the injury and loss of life that was prevented by concerned citizens coming forward and by the tireless efforts of the FBI and the Joint Terrorism Task Force."

Hamzeh does not claim a connection to an established, known terrorist group, according to the complaint. At one point he says, "We have our own group, not with Hamas, ... we are here defending Islam, young people together join to defend Islam, that's it, that is what our intention is."

Jeff Cramer, a former federal prosecutor, said a criminal complaint is used to arrest someone and it appears there was urgency to take Hamzeh into custody. Prosecutors still must present the case to the grand jury, when additional charges may be added, including a terrorism-related count, but that will depend on the facts of the case, Cramer said. Such counts generally require approval from the Justice Department in Washington.

Hamzeh — who most recently worked at a downtown gym where he was fired for being too intense, gym owner Delia Luna said — appeared in federal court in Milwaukee Tuesday and remains in custody by order of U.S. Magistrate Judge David Jones. Hamzeh will have court-appointed counsel but an attorney has not been assigned, according to federal defender Daniel Stiller, who did not have further comment on the case.

Hamzeh was planning to attack the Humphrey Scottish Rite Masonic Center, a historic building on N. Van Buren St. in downtown Milwaukee that hosts weddings, conferences, meetings and other special events. The Wisconsin Scottish Rite, which purchased the building in 1912, has been in the community since 1863.

Hamzeh had scouted the Masonic center by taking a tour and spoke in detail about how the attack would occur, the complaint says. A woman in the lobby of the center Tuesday afternoon told a reporter that the staff had no comment.

Hamzeh had been under investigation by the FBI since September, which used confidential informants who secretly recorded him. Undercover FBI agents arrested him this week after he tried to buy automatic weapons from them, the complaint says.

Hamzeh originally had planned to travel to Jordan to attack Israeli soldiers and civilians in the West Bank, but ditched those plans because of logistical issues and focused on attacking a target in the U.S., according to the criminal complaint.

He hatched a plan to attack a Masonic center in Milwaukee with two others, who were actually the informants cooperating with the FBI.

Last week, Hamzeh and the informants went to a local shooting range and practiced firing a handgun. Afterward, they went to the Masonic center and got a tour of the facility. Later, Hamzeh spoke with the informants in detail about the planned attack, according to the complaint.
Detailed plan of attack

During this meeting, which was recorded and translated from Arabic to English, Hamzeh, according to the complaint, said they needed three automatic weapons, each with a silencer, to launch the attack.

According to the complaint:

They would enter with clothes over their heads, he said. It was important to quietly kill the receptionist, the first person they were likely to see, Hamzeh said.

"... If she was alone, it is OK, if there were two of them, shoot both of them, do not let the blood show, shoot her from the bottom, two or three shots in her stomach and let her sit on the chair and push her to the front, as if she is sleeping, did you understand?"

After killing those at the door, one attacker would remain there, Hamzeh said. "...One of us will stay at the door at the entrance and lock the door down, he will be at the main door down, two will get to the lift (elevator) up, they will enter the room, and spray everyone in the room. The one who is standing downstairs will spray anyone he finds. We will shoot them, kill them and get out."

Hamzeh said each of them would have to kill everyone around him, "to annihilate everyone, there is no one left, I mean when we go into a room, we will be killing everyone, that's it, this is our duty."

The exit plan was to leave by the stairs and out the door, quietly and calmly. "We leave, as if there is nothing, no running, no panic, just regular walking."
Global reaction predicted

He predicted the attack could bring global attention, the complaint states.

"I am telling you, if this hit is executed, it will be known all over the world. Sure, all over the world, all the Mujahedeen will be talking and they will be proud of us."

Of the target, he said, according to the complaint: "They are all Masonic; they are playing with the world like a game, man, and we are like asses, we don't know what is going on, these are the ones who are fighting, these are the ones that needs to be killed, not the Shi'iat, because these are the ones who are against us, these are the ones who are making living for us like hell," he said.

"Thirty is excellent. If I got out, after killing thirty people, I will be happy 100% ... 100% happy, because these 30 will terrify the world."

Hamzeh met with undercover FBI agents on Monday. The undercover agents showed two weapons and a silencer to Hamzeh, and told him the weapons were capable of fully automatic fire, the complaint says.

Hamzeh agreed to a price and paid it to the undercover agents, who then handed Hamzeh a bag containing two automatic weapons and a silencer. Hamzeh carried the bag to his car and put the bag in the trunk of the vehicle, the complaint states. He then was arrested.

Robert J. Shields, special agent in charge of the Milwaukee FBI, said the arrest was the result of well-coordinated law enforcement work, "thwarting an attack that could have resulted in significant injury and/or loss of life."

15th August 2016, 01:38 PM

Violence continued for a second night in Milwaukee, as protestors fired shots and attacked police with rocks and bricks.

One victim was shot during the Monday unrest and rushed to a hospital in an armored vehicle. A police officer was injured and also taken to the hospital after a rock broke the windshield of a squad car, according to Milwaukee Police.

.....Sunday when shots were fired in at least three locations. A police car was hit with bricks, rocks and glass bottles. Another car was set on fire.

The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports:

Just after midnight, lines of police began moving down Burleigh St. telling people they were in an unlawful assembly. Several protesters were handcuffed and taken into custody after they refused repeated requests to leave the area.

Early Monday morning, police responded to a car fire at 45th St. and Hadley St.

Order was restored to the area around 2:30 a.m. Monday morning.

15th August 2016, 01:48 PM
Time to separate the races... Blacks have been given bend-over-backwards opportunities for 50 years with no results.

Instead they continue to cry for more goodies from the white man, or threaten violence.

It will never end. Wake up white people. Separate the Races.

the violent rioting that occurred last night in Milwaukee is rich people's fault...
This is embarrassing. #Milwaukee (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Milwaukee?src=hash) pic.twitter.com/It1wkX7eTZ (https://t.co/It1wkX7eTZ)
— Charter (@hoodsonco) August 14, 2016 (https://twitter.com/hoodsonco/status/764711433506394112)
To quote:

"It's sad because you know, this is what happens because they're not helping the black community, like you know, the rich people, they got all this money, and they not, like you know, trying to give us none."
Of course - this lone wolf interviewee does not represent the views of all black Americans, although it appears the focus is not 'the rich' but 'the white' - “They’re beating every white person!” one of the agitators shouted in the video. “They jumpin’ every white person.”

Blacks hunting down whites in streets of #Milwaukee (https://twitter.com/hashtag/Milwaukee?src=hash), the true racists revealed #MilwaukeeUprising (https://twitter.com/hashtag/MilwaukeeUprising?src=hash) #BlackLivesMatter (https://twitter.com/hashtag/BlackLivesMatter?src=hash) pic.twitter.com/OVs2Y65WeY (https://t.co/OVs2Y65WeY)
— Trent B (@Trentsickle) August 14, 2016 (https://twitter.com/Trentsickle/status/764781105891254272)
And Milwaukee Alderman Khalif Rainey was pretty clear...

"This is a warning cry... Black people of Milwaukee are tired. They are tired of living under this oppression."
So despite eight years of a black President's increasing tyrannical exucutive orders, black Americans income inequality has soared to record highs.. and yet they continue to support the handouts-party?

http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/HomicideRatesCities250k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/HomicideRatesCities250k.jpg)
http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities250k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities250k.jpg)
http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ViolentCrimesCities250k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ViolentCrimesCities250k.jpg)

http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/HomicideRatesCities500k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/HomicideRatesCities500k.jpg)
http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities500k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities500k.jpg)
http://www.unz.com/article/race-and-crime-in-america/ (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/ViolentCrimesCities500k.jpg)

15th August 2016, 02:02 PM
Hamzeh, 23, has been charged with possessing a machine gun and a silencer...Hamzeh had been under investigation by the FBI since September, which used confidential informants who secretly recorded him. Undercover FBI agents arrested him this week after he tried to buy automatic weapons from them, the complaint says.

Another retard patsy set up by the FBI.


15th August 2016, 02:09 PM

15th August 2016, 03:58 PM
Time to separate the races... Blacks have been given bend-over-backwards opportunities for 50 years with no results.

Instead they continue to cry for more goodies from the white man, or threaten violence.


15th August 2016, 04:21 PM

She's actually right, they shouldn't be burning down their own neighborhoods. That's self destruction.

The problem, is white people have nothing to do with this whole situation. A black cop shot the black guy. Destroying the burbs and blaming white people is just not accurate at all. They should be protesting black cops instead.

Taking it to white suburbs is just a bad idea though. White folks have guns, and will shoot black attackers who are threatening their homes. All you will end up with, is more dead black folks and a story for the news.

15th August 2016, 04:27 PM
Destroying the burbs and blaming white people is just not accurate at all. They should be protesting black cops instead.

"Dey be rep'sentin' da White powuh structuh!"

Taking it to white suburbs is just a bad idea though. White folks have guns, and will shoot black attackers who are threatening their homes. All you will end up with, is more dead black folks and a story for the news.

And that "story" is exactly what the Jewsmedia and globalist interracists in general want: "African-American community 'outraged' as White vigilantes kill African-American 'youths'."

Jews and other Bolshevists couldn't give one iota of a damn about Blacks, except so far as they are "useful."

15th August 2016, 04:29 PM
Taking it to white suburbs is just a bad idea though. White folks have guns, and will shoot black attackers who are threatening their homes. All you will end up with, is more dead black folks and a story for the news.

Just like the Koreans during the LA riots.

15th August 2016, 05:01 PM
http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/optimized/3X/c/5/c5a9b7e4ca90ec21dfb3adbef449d592c2aa0f95_1_600x400 .png


15th August 2016, 05:03 PM
That's actually pretty intelligent for a Nigger.

midnight rambler
15th August 2016, 05:14 PM
That's actually pretty intelligent for a Nigger.

Recently heard about a nignog dressed as a construction worker complete with hard hat, safety glasses and work boots going to every large toolbox on a highrise project writing down the combinations on all the padlocks (many are lazy and don't reset the padlocks upon opening). Someone noticed his activity and he was escorted off the site

15th August 2016, 05:27 PM

15th August 2016, 05:35 PM
Regarding the Milwaukee chimpout, what is missing from the press, is that all these blacks burning, looting and rioting, and not just in Milwaukee, all of these riots, including domestic terrorists and cop killers over the past several years, are Obama/Hillary supporting liberals/democrats!

The other common factor is that most, if not all the people called in to quell the violence, are conservatives/republicans!

So when you hear of the next riot, or cop shooting, it should be reported as "In a night of riots, burning and terror by Liberals, Conservatives in riot gear are called in to quell the violence"

PS: Trump is going to win by a landslide!

15th August 2016, 05:37 PM

Is this real or a meme? I wouldn't be surprised if this sheboon actually posted this

15th August 2016, 05:38 PM
Is this real or a meme? I wouldn't be surprised if this sheboon actually posted this

It's real. They really are this intelligent.

15th August 2016, 05:39 PM
They are all whitey "crisis actors" in blackface trying to make the Black folk look bad.

If all this is about dark skinned people not happy with the way they're treated why is it that the Indians don't burn down their cities too? I can't figure it out!!

15th August 2016, 05:40 PM
It's real. They really are this intelligent.

This country needs to take a good shit.....flushing all these brown turds is the only answer

15th August 2016, 05:41 PM
If all this is about dark skinned people


15th August 2016, 05:47 PM
Regarding the Milwaukee chimpout, what is missing from the press, is that all these blacks burning, looting and rioting, and not just in Milwaukee, all of these riots, including domestic terrorists and cop killers over the past several years, are Obama/Hillary supporting liberals/democrats!

The other common factor is that most, if not all the people called in to quell the violence, are conservatives/republicans!

So when you hear of the next riot, or cop shooting, it should be reported as "In a night of riots, burning and terror by Liberals, Conservatives in riot gear are called in to quell the violence"

PS: Trump is going to win by a landslide!

Bump this post, for EE.

15th August 2016, 06:22 PM

I do!

15th August 2016, 06:35 PM

15th August 2016, 06:52 PM

Glenn Beck is an asshole of the highest order. He gives real Americans a bad name

15th August 2016, 07:51 PM
Glenn Beck is an asshole of the highest order. He gives real Americans a bad name

Mormons are just like that. The ones in my town cuck to shitskins so hard it's not even funny.

15th August 2016, 08:15 PM
Back on subject...


15th August 2016, 08:18 PM
/pol/ thread:




https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JlpbarxxyG0 (Down)


https://www.periscope.tv/w/1ynJOzyvYbEGR (CURRENTLY DOWN)







>Tim Pool pulls out of Milwaukee do to targeting of whites
>BASED Sheriff's press conference

>Milwaukee Riot compilation

>"They White get they ass"


15th August 2016, 08:25 PM
Back on subject...


Cable and WiFi? Do they mean Internet? Or is the WiFi being actively blocked?

15th August 2016, 08:26 PM

Oh, but Mr. Dreck, I do understand "Black Lives Matter." Just as I understand any other Bolshevist front.

16th August 2016, 07:01 AM
http://bbs.dailystormer.com/uploads/default/optimized/3X/d/9/d90b7a1d7d88bbd38fc0430037948ff6433cd972_1_600x779 .jpg

mick silver
16th August 2016, 08:49 AM
what little bite of time that is left find away to remove yourself and love one's from theys big shit hole citys

mick silver
16th August 2016, 09:03 AM
Milwaukee: Unarmed Teen’s Sister Calls for Violence Against Whites – CNN Edits ClipAndrew Anglin
Daily Stormer
August 16, 2016

Well, here’s that Jewish media again.
The sister of Sylville Smith, the unarmed teen who was shot by a Black cop for drawing a gun on him, whose name is of course Sherelle, called on Blacks to stop burning their own neighborhood and move to White neighborhoods and burn their buildings down. The media edited the statement, reporting that she was calling for peace.
She said:

Show his mama yall sorry for her loss. Burning down shit ain’t gonna help nothin. You’re burning shit we need in our community. Take that shit to the suburbs. Burn that shit down.
We need our shit. We need our weaves. I don’t wear it, but we need it.
She is referring to the fact that they looted and burned an Asian-owned hair-extension shop.
And the suburbs, obviously, are where the White people live.
CNN played this part, from the same speech:

Don’t bring the violence here and the ignorance here.
They then reported on their website (http://www.cnn.com/2016/08/14/us/milwaukee-violence-police-shooting/) that she was calling for peace:

Smith’s sister, Sherelle Smith, condemned violence carried out in her brother’s name, saying the community needs those businesses.
“Don’t bring that violence here,” Smith said, sobbing as she lamented that she would never be able to again hug her brother.
The article was written by – wait for it – (((Emanuella Grinberg))).
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Firefox_Screenshot_2016-08-16T04-53-35.517Z-618x194.png (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Firefox_Screenshot_2016-08-16T04-53-35.517Z.png)
You can visit her on Twitter and ask her to explain it. Maybe she’ll talk to you.

@grinsli (https://twitter.com/grinsli?ref_src=twsrc%5Egoogle%7Ctwcamp%5Eserp%7Ct wgr%5Eauthor)
Local media was even nuttier.
They quoted her saying to go and hurt people “farther out,” but also claimed she was calling for peace.
They literally reported the exact opposite of what she said.
WISN (http://www.waow.com/story/32760258/2016/08/Monday/family-of-man-slain-by-officer-seek-to-quell-violence):

Family members of a man shot and killed by a Milwaukee police officer acknowledged the man’s criminal past but said he didn’t deserve to be killed.
And in front of a couple of hundred people, and with raw emotion, Sylville Smith’s sister called for an end to the violence that was waged after her brother’s death.
“Burning down s*** ain’t going to help nothing,” Sherelle Smith said. “You’re all burning down s*** we need in our community. … You all want to hurt somebody, take that s*** farther out. Don’t bring it here. Don’t bring the violence here and the ignorance here. We need everything we [expletive] got.”
We don’t even have video (yet) of that part of the speech (that I can find), but these are different statements, obviously. She apparently went on for a while about how she wanted people to go burn and hurt White people in another neighborhood.
http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Officer-InvolvedShooting-Milwaukee-04b7e-618x805.jpg (http://www.dailystormer.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/Officer-InvolvedShooting-Milwaukee-04b7e.jpg)

Sylville Smith: Portrait of a good boy who didn’t do nothing, shot by a White racist black cop while he was unarmed with his hands up simply because he pulled a gun.The clip we have was posted on Twitter – 9 hours ago.
At time of writing, CNN and innumerable other websites have not retracted their claim that she was calling for peace. These articles remain on their websites.
And this is not a rare occurrence. It is standard practice for the Jew media.
But they are not keeping up with the changing times – cellphone cameras and the internet.
But maybe it doesn’t even matter. You would think that after something like this – this single event of monumental distortion – no one would ever believe the lying media ever again.
But no.
A significant portion of the population will believe the Jew media, no matter how many times they get caught in these insane lies.

mick silver
16th August 2016, 09:06 AM
The article was written by - wait for it - (((Emanuella Grinberg))).

mick silver
16th August 2016, 09:24 AM
And the suburbs, obviously, are where the White people live.
Please god let these monkeys attack where white people live? Whitey will not stand for it, because whitey is armed to the teeth.
Destroy the libertarian fantasy by bringing these creatures right to their doorstep. Pretty please, with sugar on top, make it happen.....Amen

16th August 2016, 01:55 PM
Not all blacks are dumb fucks and thugs:


16th August 2016, 02:09 PM
Time to separate the races... Blacks have been given bend-over-backwards opportunities for 50 years with no results.

Instead they continue to cry for more goodies from the white man, or threaten violence.

It will never end. Wake up white people. Separate the Races.


http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities500k.jpg (http://www.unzcloud.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/RobberyRatesCities500k.jpg)


Those stats are skewed. Look at the patterns of the White and Hispanic -- there is a correlation. Hispanics can be considered 3 different races. If they need to bring up "the white numbers" a mestizo can be filled in.

16th August 2016, 03:09 PM
Those stats are skewed. Look at the patterns of the White and Hispanic -- there is a correlation. Hispanics can be considered 3 different races. If they need to bring up "the white numbers" a mestizo can be filled in.

He goes over that in great detail. I read the article.

small portion here:

My expectations proved entirely correct, and the correlations between Hispanic percentages and local crime rates were usually quite close to the same figures for whites, strongly supporting my hypothesis that the two groups had fairly similar rates of urban criminality despite their huge differences in socio-economic status. But that same simple calculation yielded a remarkably strong correlation between black numbers and crime, fully confirming the implications of the FBI racial data on perpetrators.
This presented me with an obvious quandary. The topic of my article was “Hispanic crime” and my research findings were original and potentially an important addition to the public policy debate. Yet the black crime figures in my charts and graphs were so striking that I realized they might easily overshadow my other results, becoming the focus of an explosive debate that would inevitably deflect attention away from my central conclusion. Therefore, I chose to excise the black results, perhaps improperly elevating political prudence over intellectual candor.

16th August 2016, 09:06 PM

16th August 2016, 09:42 PM
American Renaissance - The Truth About the Milwaukee Riots


17th August 2016, 04:25 PM
Mark Dice commentary:



18th August 2016, 10:31 AM
dindu nuffin, good boy

he was concealed to carry. day didn evin no he wuz concealed to carry

keer-ee-osity keeled da cat?


18th August 2016, 08:49 PM
Not all blacks are dumb fucks and thugs:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aIc4gsODV-wThis is a good man: intelligent and erudite. BTW, some here probably know that the county sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer in the county, even higher than POTUS. In times of crisis, the county sheriff can become de facto CIC [of the county].

midnight rambler
18th August 2016, 09:50 PM
He wuz a good boi, he wuz concealed to carry.


dindu nuffin, good boy

he was concealed to carry. day didn evin no he wuz concealed to carry

keer-ee-osity keeled da cat?


19th August 2016, 08:46 AM
This is a good man: intelligent and erudite. BTW, some here probably know that the county sheriff is the highest law enforcement officer in the county, even higher than POTUS. In times of crisis, the county sheriff can become de facto CIC [of the county].

He's the right man for the job. We need more people like this in leadership positions across the country

18th December 2016, 11:01 AM
milwaukee sheriff destroys police cheifs' ridiculous claim that concealed carriers are driving up the murder rate in that shithole


In my great home state of Lambeau Field, Miller beer and cheese curds, we have the very liberal, progressive cities of Madison and Milwaukee… then we have the rest of the Dairy State.

Milwaukee County is no exception. We have the very progressive, urban city of Milwaukee, then we have the rest of the county. The law enforcement officials of these two polar opposites are a great example of their vast differences despite their close proximity. Milwaukee County has the no-nonsense leadership of Sheriff David Clarke, Jr. and the city of Milwaukee has the excuses of MPD Chief Ed Flynn.


The city of Milwaukee continues to rapidly decline, and in September, the Police Department announced Milwaukee’s per-capita homicide rate was significantly higher than the homicide rate of the city of Chicago. With a staggering 145 homicides already this year, the city hasn’t been this deadly since July 1991, the same year 11 dismembered bodies were found in Jeffrey Dahmer’s Milwaukee apartment.

Recently, in an attempt to shed some light on the root of his city’s troubles and deflect blame away from his own desk, Milwaukee Police Chief Ed Flynn once again attempted to throw the law-abiding citizens of Wisconsin under the bus.

“I can tell you anecdotally we’re seeing a number of shootings involving concealed-carry permit holders—many of whom have extensive criminal records.” Flynn said. “But I’m not allowed to tell you how many or whom, because the law has been carefully written to prevent analysis of that information.”

In Wisconsin, you cannot get a concealed-carry permit if you have “an extensive criminal record”. In completing the Wisconsin CCP application, before sending it off to be reviewed by the Wisconsin Department of Justice, applicants must sign the following:

I affirm, in accordance with s. 175.60(5)(a) of the Wisconsin Statutes, that: (1) I have read and understand the license requirements; AND (2) I state that the information in this application and any document submitted with the application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I understand that I am ineligible to apply for a concealed carry license if any of the restrictions in s. 175.60(3) apply to me. I understand I may be prosecuted if I intentionally give false information on the application or submit any falsified document. The penalty for making a false statement is a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment of up to 9 months, or both [s. 946.32(2), Wis. Stats.] and for falsifying a document a fine of up to $10,000, imprisonment up to 9 months, or both [s. 943.38, Wis. Stats.]

“I’m not aware of evidence of statistical significance that there are people who gain a permit who are committing crime with guns,” said Wisconsin Attorney General Brad Schimel. “We only give permits to people who are law-abiding, who have no record of anything that disqualifies them from seeking that firearm, and those people don’t tend to commit crimes with the guns.”

What we do know is that since the concealed carry law went into effect in 2011, only 1 percent of permit holders have been revoked, a total of just over 3,500 individuals.

More than 1,200 of those were due to the person moving out of state. 1,000 were due to criminal convictions. Others included those who became or were discovered to be fugitives from justice (63) and those involuntarily committed for mental health treatment (58).

Indeed, if Flynn’s improbable hypothesis is correct, I’d love to know how he was able to get to it since police have failed to make an arrest in 66% of the murders committed with a firearm in Milwaukee this year. We’re talking about 77 out of 117 suspects Flynn can’t even arrest, much less determine whether or not they are indeed a concealed carry permit holder.


“Any fluctuations in crime, increase or otherwise, involve individuals utilizing guns who don’t have the lawful ability to do so,” said James Palmer, Executive Director of the 10,000-member Wisconsin Professional Police Association.

Flynn’s irresponsible and patently false statement also caught the attention of Milwaukee County Sheriff David Clarke, who responded with the following statement to America’s 1st Freedom:

This anti-gun liberal is doing what liberals do best. Blame the law-abiding citizen for incidents of violent crime. He knows no shame as he manufactures fake news about concealed-carry permit holders.

To date, Milwaukee has had 138 homicides, compared to 145 in 2015. This is one of the highest per-capita homicide rates in the country. Many of these are senseless killings in drive-bys; drug- and gang-related incidents; instances of domestic violence; and innocent people becoming caught in a crossfire. You can count on one hand the number of these involving a concealed-carry permit, and of those, most involved self-defense.

These are the second- and third-highest homicide totals in Milwaukee history. That is a pattern. That is a pattern in part due to an inability of Flynn or anti-gun Mayor Tom Barrett to come up with a plan to reduce the pathologies that contribute to violence. Those are generational poverty, failing K-12 public schools, massive black unemployment, and dysfunctional families due to absent fathers. So they blame law-abiding citizens instead.

He is lying about not being able to analyze shootings involving concealed-carry permit holders. His problem is that there are so few, and most of those are justifiable self-defense.
My advice to Flynn: Fix the ghetto, concentrate on career criminals and leave law-abiding gun owners alone.