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18th August 2016, 10:46 AM
How Trolls Are Ruining the Internet
(((Joel Stein)))
August 18, 2016 7:09 AM ET
They’re turning the web into a cesspool of aggression and violence. What watching them is doing to the rest of us may be even worse
This story is not a good idea. Not for society and certainly not for me. Because what trolls feed on is attention. And this little bit–these several thousand words–is like leaving bears a pan of baklava.
But trolling has become the main tool of the alt-right, an Internet-grown reactionary movement that works for men’s rights and against immigration and may have used the computer from Weird Science to fabricate Donald Trump. Not only does Trump share their attitudes, but he’s got mad trolling skills: he doxxed Republican primary opponent Senator Lindsey Graham by giving out his cell-phone number on TV and indirectly got his Twitter followers to attack GOP political strategist Cheri Jacobus so severely that her lawyers sent him a cease-and-desist order.
The alt-right’s favorite insult is to call men who don’t hate feminism “cucks,” as in “cuckold.” Republicans who don’t like Trump are “cuckservatives.” Men who don’t see how feminists are secretly controlling them haven’t “taken the red pill,” a reference to the truth-revealing drug in The Matrix. They derisively call their adversaries “social-justice warriors” and believe that liberal interest groups purposely exploit their weakness to gain pity, which allows them to control the levers of power. Trolling is the alt-right’s version of political activism, and its ranks view any attempt to take it away as a denial of democracy.
18th August 2016, 10:47 AM
Obviously, it's a "problem" that legislators will "have to address."
18th August 2016, 10:55 AM
(((They))) are now freaking out.
18th August 2016, 11:08 AM
love reading msm propaganda with comment sections -- the 'trolls' shredding the lies in the article :)
18th August 2016, 11:12 AM
More fucking whining from another metrosexual I'm-better-than-you-because-I'm-a-progressive thin-skinned libtard:
"oh my, the trolls on line are so mean and scary and they called me bad names! This is all Trump's fault! I'm a victim of hate! OMG." I think what I find most objectionable about the leftists is their passive-aggressive two-faced mock-shocked slimey unprincipled weasily personas. You see, when a whiney leftist calls Trump a violent misogynist chauvinist pig-dog, he is not enaged in hate speech. No no no, he is a sensitive caring progressive who supports unfettered third trimester abortions (champion of women's right don't you know) and is merely helping the reader to understand Trump. When leftists call Trump a nazi and racist, these are not terms of hate. Rather, these are analytic terms employed in the service of the public by a sensitive caring progressive who is incapable of hating anyone.
18th August 2016, 01:50 PM
IF you let them guide you or pat attention to them they mean something but if you really don't pay attention to them, as I do, then they are really nothing..........I don't even know what a troll really is, why hell maybe I am one and don't even know it kekekekekek
18th August 2016, 01:56 PM
IF you let them guide you or pat attention to them they mean something but if you really don't pay attention to them, as I do, then they are really nothing..........I don't even know what a troll really is, why hell maybe I am one and don't even know it kekekekekek
V <<<<< Troll!
18th August 2016, 02:15 PM
I prefer the /Pol/ Time cover myself. :)
18th August 2016, 02:40 PM
author is a flaming racist --- defending jewish control of hollywood and whining about indians moving into his town
In 2008, Stein, being Jewish himself, wrote an article for the Los Angeles Times titled "Who runs Hollywood? C'mon". It attempted to highlight and yet argue against the importance of supposed Jewish control over Hollywood
In July 2010, Stein wrote a humor column for Time in which he expressed his discomfort at the impact immigration of Indians has had on his hometown of Edison, New Jersey.
18th August 2016, 02:49 PM
IF you let them guide you or pat attention to them they mean something but if you really don't pay attention to them, as I do, then they are really nothing..........I don't even know what a troll really is, why hell maybe I am one and don't even know it kekekekekek
It's a creature from Norwegian fairytales.,_1906_(Forest_Troll).jpg
18th August 2016, 05:25 PM
...The alt-right’s favorite....
The Jews are literally telling you they fear the Alt-Right.
Now do you believe me about the Alt-Right being the best movement to wake up Normies to what's going on?
Notice they don't tell you they fear White people who convert to Islam.
18th August 2016, 05:35 PM
You guys know that this jew has been the guy at Buzzfeed behind the last 2-3 articles that talk about "the racist hacker known as 4chan"?
Look up his article history, I schwear to god:
>The Japanese Man Responsible For Meme Culture Now Owns 4Chan
>Behind The Racist Hashtag Some Donald Trump Fans Love (this one is more about 8gag but still relevant)
>I Spent Two Weeks Tracking A Secret Teen White Supremacist Movement (this one is more about /pol/acks and SF'ers organizing on kik, but it's still relevant)
>Trolls Are Already Ruining The Internet's Latest Nice Thing (focused more on 8gag, and how "channers" trolled the French Girls app)
>How A Leftist Finnish Meme Became A White Supremacist Comic Strip (about the origins of spurdo)
>The Surprisingly Mainstream History Of The Internet's Favorite Anti Semitic Image (about the origins of happy merchant)
tl;dr: this kike is literally obsessed with us, our culture, and is stalking us to the point of stalking us off-site so he can make articles about us.
A lot of people think our enemies are smart. They really aren't. If they were smart, they'd by promoting and protecting Whites, and White culture. They are driven to destroy what is good and successful. This means they will get weaker overtime as they and their supporters are more degenerate and backwards. It's easy to win when you're the bad guy since you don't play by the rules. The success of the Alt-Right is understanding that we cannot win if we follow their rules. You have to reject egalitarianism, and speak the truth. Their media is dying, and the Internet is still free. Use this window as an opportunity.
18th August 2016, 07:56 PM
The Jews are literally telling you they fear the Alt-Right.
Now do you believe me about the Alt-Right being the best movement to wake up Normies to what's going on?
Notice they don't tell you they fear White people who convert to Islam.
I wouldn't call it fear; I'd call it hatred of and/or contempt for the blasphemy of Judaism (including the Applied Judaism of Bolshevism).
18th August 2016, 08:02 PM
I wouldn't call it fear; I'd call it hatred of and/or contempt for the blasphemy of Judaism (including the Applied Judaism of Bolshevism).
This: ( ( ( (
19th August 2016, 04:19 AM
Twitter rolls out quality filter setting to all users
During the company’s second quarter earnings call, Twitter chief executive Jack Dorsey responded to complaints around harassment, bullying, and abuse that seemed to be running rampant on the service. He acknowledged that Twitter hadn’t done enough, but promised that it was working on not only improving enforcement of its policies, but also developing new technological solutions to combat the hate.
Twitter’s quality filter had previously only been made available to select people, largely those with verified accounts. It rolled out last year and while it doesn’t delete abusive tweets, it’ll hide them from your list of notifications. When enabled, Twitter will filter out “lower-quality content” such as duplicate tweets or content that appears to be automated. It uses a variety of signals such as the account origin and behavior.
19th August 2016, 06:48 AM
We must be doing some good. Keep up the good work, boys!
19th August 2016, 11:42 AM
If you want a glimpse of how "they" will "solve" this "problem"...
Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke
The SCROTUS will "reinterpret" the First Amendment in the same way they have "reinterpreted" the Second, and "hate speech" will be, officially, "verbal violence," with both civil and criminal penalties.
20th August 2016, 02:41 PM
Left-wing think tank Demos released a new report that conflates Islamophobia with any criticism of Islam Friday claiming that Islamophobic tweets had become so frequent that Twitter should actively engage in censorship to stop the comments. Leaked documents from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) show that George Soros’ organization funded Demos to be able to conduct research over social media platforms like Twitter.
According to the document, “List of European Elections 2014 Projects,” Demos received 129,484 dollars from Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), the European arm of the international foundation. The description of the money claims the funds are to be used to create software to scour data on Twitter. It reads, “Demos will produce tools and techniques, like open source software, that could be used to analyze real time Twitter data, in order to allow campaigners to increase turnout of target groups. These tools will be made available online free of charge.”
Chief Executive Claudia Wood claims that the method developed by Demos could identify “hateful, derogatory, and anti-Islamic” tweets in real time, exactly the features described by the leaked Soros document. The leak also specifies that Demos received the grant from OSIFE in order that they share the software with other groups across Europe. “Demos will also train advocates and civil society groups interested in civic and political participation through a series of two-day face-to-face workshops in France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK,” the document reads.
20th August 2016, 02:43 PM
If you want a glimpse of how "they" will "solve" this "problem"...
Comedian Fined $42,000 by Human Rights Tribunal for Telling a Joke
The SCROTUS will "reinterpret" the First Amendment in the same way they have "reinterpreted" the Second, and "hate speech" will be, officially, "verbal violence," with both civil and criminal penalties.
WTF is a Human Rights Tribunal? Is that like a Nazi SS tribunal we've been sold....errrr....told so much about?
mick silver
20th August 2016, 02:46 PM
The Fires(Prelude to collected Verse)
Men make them fires on the hearth Each under his roof-tree,And the Four Winds that rule the earth They blow the smoke to me.Across the high hills and the sea And all the changeful skies,The Four Winds blow the smoke to me Till the tears are in my eyes.Until the tears are in my eyes And my heart is wellnigh brokeFor thinking on old memories That gather in the smoke.With every shift of every wind The homesick memories come,From every quarter of mankind Where I have made me a home.Four times a fire against the cold And a roof against the rain --Sorrow fourfold and joy fourfold The Four Winds bring again!How can I answer which is best Of all the fires that burn?I have been too often host or guest At every fire in turn.How can I turn from any fire, On any man's hearthstone?I know the wonder and desire That went to build my own!How can I doubt man's joy or woe Where'er his house-fires shine.Since all that man must undergo Will visit me at mine?Oh, you Four Winds that blow so strong And know that his is true,Stoop for a little and carry my song To all the men I knew!Where there are fires against the cold, Or roofs against the rain --With love fourfold and joy fourfold, Take them my songs again!
20th August 2016, 03:14 PM
Left-wing think tank Demos released a new report that conflates Islamophobia with any criticism of Islam Friday claiming that Islamophobic tweets had become so frequent that Twitter should actively engage in censorship to stop the comments. Leaked documents from the Open Society Foundation (OSF) show that George Soros’ organization funded Demos to be able to conduct research over social media platforms like Twitter.
According to the document, “List of European Elections 2014 Projects,” Demos received 129,484 dollars from Open Society Initiative for Europe (OSIFE), the European arm of the international foundation. The description of the money claims the funds are to be used to create software to scour data on Twitter. It reads, “Demos will produce tools and techniques, like open source software, that could be used to analyze real time Twitter data, in order to allow campaigners to increase turnout of target groups. These tools will be made available online free of charge.”
Chief Executive Claudia Wood claims that the method developed by Demos could identify “hateful, derogatory, and anti-Islamic” tweets in real time, exactly the features described by the leaked Soros document. The leak also specifies that Demos received the grant from OSIFE in order that they share the software with other groups across Europe. “Demos will also train advocates and civil society groups interested in civic and political participation through a series of two-day face-to-face workshops in France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, and the UK,” the document reads.
Great. They can blow us up, shoot us, behead us, stone women....all in the name of Allah and Islam, and we can't even use simple words to criticize them for it. What a bunch of BS.
24th August 2016, 08:35 AM
Ana Kasparian's got a message for anyone who's ever posted anything racist on 4chan:
Summed up my words entirely, I wish I could say this to every single one of you.
Original video which mentions 4chan:
24th August 2016, 08:57 AM
Summed up my words entirely, I wish I could say this to every single one of you.
24th August 2016, 09:17 AM
24th August 2016, 11:43 AM
Ana Kasparian's got a message for anyone who's ever posted anything racist on 4chan:
"Your contributions to this show are your boobs, and not your brains."
-- Pastor David Manning
24th August 2016, 01:53 PM
Anna who?
25th August 2016, 05:35 PM
I like to see men like this guy, call out trolls, like he does.
This is a good vid, a good rant, and a good man sharing his mind...
2nd September 2016, 10:09 PM
Feds Spend $499,571 to ‘Combat Online Trolling’
A joint project by Northwestern and Northeastern universities is examining how to create “trolling-free environments” on the Internet. The researchers define online trolls as those who try to influence public opinion by boosting “misleading” and “inauthentic comments.”
3rd September 2016, 11:19 AM
Orwellian: Feds Spend $500,000 to Tap “Extensive Tracking Infrastructure” to “Combat Online Trolling”
September 3, 2016 renegade 0
The grant admits that we are increasingly tracked as our privacy is going extinct on the internet, and it is this built-in “extensive tracking infrastructure” that will be used to combat trolling.
3rd September 2016, 03:44 PM
“extensive tracking infrastructure” that will be used to combat trolling.
Megaphone 2.0.
4th September 2016, 06:14 AM
Looks like a tranny to me
4th September 2016, 12:42 PM
follow the money again
Orwellian: Feds Spend $500,000 to Tap “Extensive Tracking Infrastructure” to “Combat Online Trolling”
September 3, 2016
4th September 2016, 06:05 PM
Looks like a tranny to me
Arm wrestle it...
4th September 2016, 06:07 PM
Looks like a tranny to me
I think it's someone taking the mick (
Because: she's whinny. But she would be.
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