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18th August 2016, 11:35 PM
What went wrong?



16th February 2017, 07:45 AM
Christian university in Texas opens prayer room for Muslim students

February 16, 2017


A Christian university in Texas has created a prayer room for its Muslim students. The Methodist-affiliated McMurry University (http://about.mcm.edu/facts/index.html) dedicated the space in one of the school’s residential dorms for its Muslim students’ daily prayers. Before its creation, Muslim students met for prayer in a nearby hotel, a student who helped establish the new prayer room told The College Fix in an interview.

That student, Joe Yousef, is president of McMurry’s Saudi Student Club. Of the roughly 1,000 students attending McMurry, about 60 are Muslim and many come from Saudi Arabia, Yousef said.

Yousef said now that Muslim students have a prayer room on campus, it will be much easier for them to meet both their religious and scholastic obligations. “On Friday, we get together and sometimes we have to go home to pray and we need to be in university so we don’t have time to go home,” Yousef said. Yousef admitted that some people at McMurry didn’t like the idea of having the prayer room.

Some students are also supportive. “Being Christians, we should be open to free religion and letting everyone do what they want to do and I think the Muslim prayer room gives them that chance,” student Hector Flores told (http://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/news/main-news/new-muslim-prayer-room-at-mcmurry-university/642880120) BigCountry.com.

McMurry’s chaplain, Jeff Lust, and Dr. Mark Waters, professor of religion and director of international education, reportedly helped the students in their effort. Lust did not respond to a request for comment from The College Fix. McMurry’s associate director of communications, Gary Ellison, did not respond to requests for comment either. Lust told (http://www.ktxs.com/news/mcmurry-university-grants-prayer-room-for-muslim-students/274666272) KTXS that the room is “a step in the right direction.”

“We anticipate over time we’ll have students from a variety of countries and possibly different religions,” Lust said. “We need to learn to live and work together in this world that is increasingly diverse and then we can truly become better together.”
The room will also serve as a meeting place for a new interfaith club, which is slated to meet for the first time Feb. 21, according to Yousef.

He said he will help lead the interfaith club in the hopes that it will help students of different faiths understand each other better.
“We are going to talk about faith and belief,” he said. “Some people have their own bias. We want people to get together, so we can help each other out.”



16th February 2017, 08:01 AM
What went wrong?


Whoever drew this is an total IDIOT
Conservative Christian? Seriously?
how about LIBERAL PROFESSING CHRISTIANS and Roman Catholics!!!!!!

That would be the truth, certainly NOT CONSERVATIVE Christians!!
The fact that you posted this shami proves how utterly clueless you are on THIS subject!!

16th February 2017, 09:49 AM
As you know, I'm not a big religion guy but I certainly agree with what you posted here
Whoever drew this is an total IDIOT
Conservative Christian? Seriously?
how about LIBERAL PROFESSING CHRISTIANS and Roman Catholics!!!!!!

That would be the truth, certainly NOT CONSERVATIVE Christians!!
The fact that you posted this shami proves how utterly clueless you are on THIS subject!!

16th February 2017, 12:55 PM
Christian university in Texas opens prayer room for Muslim students

February 16, 2017


A Christian university in Texas has created a prayer room for its Muslim students. The Methodist-affiliated McMurry University (http://about.mcm.edu/facts/index.html) dedicated the space in one of the school’s residential dorms for its Muslim students’ daily prayers. Before its creation, Muslim students met for prayer in a nearby hotel, a student who helped establish the new prayer room told The College Fix in an interview.

That student, Joe Yousef, is president of McMurry’s Saudi Student Club. Of the roughly 1,000 students attending McMurry, about 60 are Muslim and many come from Saudi Arabia, Yousef said.

Yousef said now that Muslim students have a prayer room on campus, it will be much easier for them to meet both their religious and scholastic obligations. “On Friday, we get together and sometimes we have to go home to pray and we need to be in university so we don’t have time to go home,” Yousef said. Yousef admitted that some people at McMurry didn’t like the idea of having the prayer room.

Some students are also supportive. “Being Christians, we should be open to free religion and letting everyone do what they want to do and I think the Muslim prayer room gives them that chance,” student Hector Flores told (http://www.bigcountryhomepage.com/news/main-news/new-muslim-prayer-room-at-mcmurry-university/642880120) BigCountry.com.

McMurry’s chaplain, Jeff Lust, and Dr. Mark Waters, professor of religion and director of international education, reportedly helped the students in their effort. Lust did not respond to a request for comment from The College Fix. McMurry’s associate director of communications, Gary Ellison, did not respond to requests for comment either. Lust told (http://www.ktxs.com/news/mcmurry-university-grants-prayer-room-for-muslim-students/274666272) KTXS that the room is “a step in the right direction.”

“We anticipate over time we’ll have students from a variety of countries and possibly different religions,” Lust said. “We need to learn to live and work together in this world that is increasingly diverse and then we can truly become better together.”
The room will also serve as a meeting place for a new interfaith club, which is slated to meet for the first time Feb. 21, according to Yousef.

He said he will help lead the interfaith club in the hopes that it will help students of different faiths understand each other better.
“We are going to talk about faith and belief,” he said. “Some people have their own bias. We want people to get together, so we can help each other out.”


And just where are the moslem universities creating Christian prayer rooms for their Christian friends?

21st August 2017, 03:49 PM


22nd August 2017, 08:36 AM

"Church" member =/= Christian

Government-licensed 501(c)(3) "churches" exist to keep the "faithful" (to what?) in check on such matters.

After all, a gross perversion of Romans 13 is routinely spewed to demand obedience to the government and its regime of anti-White interracism.

23rd August 2017, 09:02 PM

9th September 2017, 06:04 PM

9th September 2017, 06:56 PM
Pro-Bolshevist Garbage Deleted

Proof God Exists:

https://img.purch.com/w/660/aHR0cDovL3d3dy5zcGFjZS5jb20vaW1hZ2VzL2kvMDAwLzAzNC 81MTkvb3JpZ2luYWwvaXNsZS1vZi13aWdodC1taWxreS13YXkt cG93ZWxsLmpwZw==


9th September 2017, 07:13 PM
Proof God Exists:


9th September 2017, 07:32 PM

Atheism = Judaism for those who think they're really smart.

The proof of the Creator is self-evident in Nature. The Bible is not required. In fact, St. Paul said as much.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

9th September 2017, 10:40 PM
... In fact, St. Paul said as much.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg


10th September 2017, 02:58 PM
Talmudic Garbage Deleted


White Christians No Longer A Major Of U.S. Population, Study Finds


He thanks you for doing his work!


Good Goy!

12th September 2017, 07:57 AM
Atheism = Judaism for those who think they're really smart.

The proof of the Creator is self-evident in Nature. The Bible is not required. In fact, St. Paul said as much.

For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

To believe that the hundreds of different molecules in exact proportions and exact locations that makes up even the smallest bacteria (the simplest of self replicating life) came together by chance in a "primordial soup" is insane. It's like finding a functioning radio in a corner of the universe and assuming it was created by chance molecule distribution in a supernova.

12th September 2017, 11:40 AM
To believe that the hundreds of different molecules in exact proportions and exact locations that makes up even the smallest bacteria (the simplest of self replicating life) came together by chance in a "primordial soup" is insane. It's like finding a functioning radio in a corner of the universe and assuming it was created by chance molecule distribution in a supernova.

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg

You "believe" this?


12th September 2017, 05:14 PM
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg

You "believe" this?

No. No Christian does. That shit is right out of some Talmud Jew's asshole.

Why do you use Jew tactics to attack Christianity?

12th September 2017, 07:15 PM
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg

You "believe" this?


I stated nothing but facts in terms of the conditions required for the making of the simplest of self replicating life forms. It is incredibly complex. Why don't you attempt explaining that instead of playing silly word games?

12th September 2017, 08:06 PM
I stated nothing but facts in terms of the conditions required for the making of the simplest of self replicating life forms. It is incredibly complex. Why don't you attempt explaining that instead of playing silly word games?

So called "atheists" do not deal in reason or facts, despite the fact they like to claim we Christians are the "emotional" ones.

They were wounded by defective parents and/or self-proclaimed "men of god" who misused and misrepresented God, and/or they are unable to handle the fact that a Force exists beyond their ego that has absolute control of their life and destiny.

Even children in Sunday school know that God did not create Adam and Eve "with original sin," yet the idiot meme proclaims that as though it is fact. I need not address the rest.

The force in this world that benefits most from attacks on Christianity is Jewry. The second greatest beneficiary are the materialists, who, of course, practice, consciously or unconsciously, Judaic tenets, and, often, a complete Judaic worldview (so-called "science" for example, which is a direct descendant of Kabbalah).

This modern world of Judeophilia, Babylon economics, and degenerate "culture" was only possible by the dismantling of Christianity in Christendom. Why an "atheist" is an "anti-Semite" is a great mystery, for Talmud Jews are the premiere priests for opposition to the Almighty, deifying themselves instead (as all "atheists" do).

12th September 2017, 08:23 PM
White Christians No Longer A Major Of U.S. Population, Study Finds


He thanks you for doing his work!


Good Goy!

Japan is full of non-Christians and they haven't cucked to shitskin invasions, and they have more porn and degeneracy than America WITHOUT Jews.


Boomer Christ-Cucks are fucking cancer.


12th September 2017, 08:27 PM


12th September 2017, 08:51 PM
https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg

Even children in Sunday school know that God did not create Adam and Eve "with original sin," yet the idiot meme proclaims that as though it is fact. I need not address the rest.

Address the rest.

God cucked Joseph. Why did God bone Mary when he could have just "created" Jesus like he "created" Adam and Eve?


12th September 2017, 11:05 PM
Address the rest.

God cucked Joseph. Why did God bone Mary when he could have just "created" Jesus like he "created" Adam and Eve?


Why would I address your insincere, disingenuous questions?

You're Hell-bent on denying God and denouncing Christianity as rabidly as any Jew.

12th September 2017, 11:16 PM
Japan is full of non-Christians and they haven't cucked to shitskin invasions, and they have more porn and degeneracy than America WITHOUT Jews.

Modern Japan is the product of Mystery America. The foundation of the Yamato nation's faith, the deity of the Emperor, was utterly destroyed by the occupation forces starting in 1945. The Japanese were emasculated for defending themselves from the Elders of Zion's tool, Franklin Rosenfeld.

Imperial, Shintoist Japan was forced to surrender, literally by Jews...via their atomic bombs.

The Jews have targeted the Aryan race for two millennia, both because we are the bearers of God's faith and because we retain the original Image of God from Adam - whose name means "to blush." Nevertheless, the Japanese are nearly as dangerous to their world designs as we are. Hence, they had cultural genocide inflicted on them, and, consequently, slowly, physical genocide:

It’s official: Japan’s population is dramatically shrinking


This creepy shit you routinely post about sex robots - "waifus" you call them - is what the typical Japanese male wants. And no, it's not going to reverse the birthrate decline. A minority of younger Japs will want children - as pets. But healthy families won't be produced by them, robots or otherwise. Certainly not enough for the Yamato Nation to survive more than two more generations.

12th September 2017, 11:24 PM


Cultural Bolshevism =/= Christianity

Christianity =/= Cultural Bolshevism

Christianity was pro-White for nearly 2,000 years, until World War II. What exists now is Judeo-"Christianity." Vatican II broke the back of the most powerful Christian institution, and Jews and their lackeys went to work, effectively, on all other Christian institutions, particularly, seminaries, in the same way they went to work on the West's once respectable, even awesome universities. The products of most seminaries since 1950 are degenerates and defectives, who believe the central point of history is Auschwitz, and the greatest sacrifice for mankind was the Holocaust™ - not the advent and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

This fake "Christianity" was warned about in the Bible. There is no excuse not to understand what is happening, and why.

13th September 2017, 12:24 AM
Why would I address your insincere, disingenuous questions?

You're Hell-bent on denying God and denouncing Christianity as rabidly as any Jew.


13th September 2017, 05:33 AM
...resurrection of Jesus Christ...

https://media.8ch.net/file_store/eeaf539047790475a56501ca0f65ece6fe0006f15459b98e1a 51010ed4cb0251.jpg

More of your fantastical "thinking"...lol.


13th September 2017, 12:36 PM
More of your fantastical "thinking"

The same modern "science" that tells you the Resurrection is "impossible" tells you that the races are all equal.

Why the inconsistency on your part?

13th September 2017, 08:37 PM
The same modern "science" that tells you the Resurrection is "impossible" tells you that the races are all equal.

Why the inconsistency on your part?



12th November 2017, 05:47 PM
Why the inconsistency on your part?


This instead would be someone worthy to follow.


10th January 2018, 05:22 PM

10th January 2018, 05:39 PM
what goes around comes around for you book, and what you spread you reap.

and the reaper not be kind to u. or better let you reap what u have sown

10th January 2018, 06:43 PM
what goes around comes around...you reap what u have sown

our town drunk oughta know

30th November 2018, 12:38 PM

They were all jews.

30th November 2018, 06:09 PM
Address the rest.

God cucked Joseph. Why did God bone Mary when he could have just "created" Jesus like he "created" Adam and Eve?

Unlike Adam, Jesus was the human embodiment of the holy trinity. God had to come to earth in the flesh to be an example to men. God impregnated Mary and the son Jesus is of the father. The lesson He taught us is how a man in the flesh can live a Godly existence in a sinful world: to love his fellow man and forgive unforgivable sin. For your information, the resurrection is the cornerstone of our faith in Jesus Christ and promise of eternal life through him. His resurrection was witnessed by hundreds prior to His ascension to rejoin the Father in Heaven and this is documented in ancient texts. Christian faith is beyond the reach of the singed heart.

Contrast the witnessed and documented life of Christ with modern Darwinian Evolution. The latter is a pack of lies and fabricated fossil records and numerous instances of fraud and fakery. When one examines the so-called fossil evidence for evolution one finds nothing but frauds, fabrications, secrecy and outlandish interpolations. If evolution were at all true, there would be countless intermediary species in the fossil record: a fish doesn't simply crawl onto land and develop lungs and limbs. There are no such intermediary forms in the fossil record, absolutely none! Rather, there are numerous highly distinct species which could not have have come about except through deliberate intelligent design!

In the final analysis, modern scientists have the arrogance and audacity to answer the question of the origin of life with nothing but slick word play: "First there was nothing and then there was something [a big bang] and after a few billion years life 'happened' through stochastic events." What rubbish - an expression of faith in the unprovable and a bending over backwards not to acknowledge a supreme intelligence. I hasten to add that the conditions for life on this earth vis-a-vis temperature, atmosphere, solar radiation etc. are so specific that the probability of this alone occurring through happenstance is less than one in many trillions.

When one examines just a single cell and considers the thousands of molecular reactions and structures and near infinite chemical compounds and macromolecules that work together in harmony to form a self-sustaining living thing, a rational mind should pause to consider the likelihood that such an entity could come about through random recombination. Add to that the additional ability to reproduce itself. Because if life could form though chance alone, unless it can also reproduce itself, it would surely perish in the first generation. When one layers onto the complexity of the cell the added complexity of specialized cells of every shape and variety that must work together in perfect harmony, literally a community of trillions of these cells in a vertebrate, one has to pause and consider the likelihood that such a thing could come to be by happenstance alone. You must acknowledge that there is a higher probability of a tornado passing over a junkyard and creating a fully assembled and functional 747 airliner, even if such an event occurred 10 billion billion times.

30th November 2018, 06:30 PM
...His resurrection was witnessed by hundreds prior to His ascension to rejoin the Father in Heaven and this is documented in ancient texts.


:) You can't even agree on one Bible translation. Listed below are some of the conflicting English language Bible translations on the market today.

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
American King James Version [a modernized KJV]
American Standard Version (ASV)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
An American Translation (AAT) [a paraphrased Bible]
Bible in Worldwide English (BWE) [a paraphrased Bible]
BRG Bible (BRG)
Children’s King James Version (CKJV) [a paraphrased Bible]
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
Common English Bible (CEB)
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Darby Translation (DARBY)
Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT)
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
EasyEnglish Bible (EEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
EHV Bible (EHV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
Expanded Bible (EXB)
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Good News Translation (GNT) also known as Good News Bible (GNB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
International Children’s Bible (ICB)
International Standard Version (ISV)
J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) [a paraphrased Bible]
Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)
King James Version (KJV)
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Lexham English Bible (LEB)
Living Bible (TLB) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Message (MSG) [a heavily paraphrased Bible]
Modern English Version (MEV) [a modernized KJV]
Modern King James Version (MKJV)
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament (MOUNCE)
Names of God Bible (NOG)
New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New Century Version (NCV)
New English Translation (NET Bible)
New International Reader’s Version (NIRV)
New International Version (NIV)
New International Version – UK (NIVUK)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New Life Version (NLV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
New Matthew Bible (NMB)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition (NRSVACE)
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
American King James Version [a modernized KJV]
American Standard Version (ASV)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
An American Translation (AAT) [a paraphrased Bible]
Bible in Worldwide English (BWE) [a paraphrased Bible]
BRG Bible (BRG)
Children’s King James Version (CKJV) [a paraphrased Bible]
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
Common English Bible (CEB)
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Darby Translation (DARBY)
Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT)
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
EasyEnglish Bible (EEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
EHV Bible (EHV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
Expanded Bible (EXB)
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Good News Translation (GNT) also known as Good News Bible (GNB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
International Children’s Bible (ICB)
International Standard Version (ISV)
J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) [a paraphrased Bible]
Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)
King James Version (KJV)
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Lexham English Bible (LEB)
Living Bible (TLB) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Message (MSG) [a heavily paraphrased Bible]
Modern English Version (MEV) [a modernized KJV]
Modern King James Version (MKJV)
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament (MOUNCE)
Names of God Bible (NOG)
New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New Century Version (NCV)
New English Translation (NET Bible)
New International Reader’s Version (NIRV)
New International Version (NIV)
New International Version – UK (NIVUK)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New Life Version (NLV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
New Matthew Bible (NMB)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition (NRSVACE)
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Testament for Everyone (NTE)
New World Translation (NWT) [Jehovah’s Witness Bible]
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
The Passion Translation (TPT)
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
Simple English Bible (SEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Today’s English Version (TEV) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Clear Word Bible (TCW) [Seventh Day Adventist Bible]
Third Millennium Bible [a modernized KJV]
The Voice (VOICE)
Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Updated King James Version [a modernized KJV]
World English Bible (WEB)
Worldwide English (New Testament) (WE)
Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)
New Testament for Everyone (NTE)
New World Translation (NWT) [Jehovah’s Witness Bible]
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
The Passion Translation (TPT)
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
Simple English Bible (SEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Today’s English Version (TEV) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Clear Word Bible (TCW) [Seventh Day Adventist Bible]
Third Millennium Bible [a modernized KJV]
The Voice (VOICE)
Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Updated King James Version [a modernized KJV]
World English Bible (WEB)
Worldwide English (New Testament) (WE)
Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)

30th November 2018, 06:39 PM

:) You can't even agree on one Bible translation. Listed below are some of the conflicting English language Bible translations on the market today.

21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
American King James Version [a modernized KJV]
American Standard Version (ASV)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
An American Translation (AAT) [a paraphrased Bible]
Bible in Worldwide English (BWE) [a paraphrased Bible]
BRG Bible (BRG)
Children’s King James Version (CKJV) [a paraphrased Bible]
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
Common English Bible (CEB)
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Darby Translation (DARBY)
Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT)
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
EasyEnglish Bible (EEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
EHV Bible (EHV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
Expanded Bible (EXB)
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Good News Translation (GNT) also known as Good News Bible (GNB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
International Children’s Bible (ICB)
International Standard Version (ISV)
J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) [a paraphrased Bible]
Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)
King James Version (KJV)
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Lexham English Bible (LEB)
Living Bible (TLB) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Message (MSG) [a heavily paraphrased Bible]
Modern English Version (MEV) [a modernized KJV]
Modern King James Version (MKJV)
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament (MOUNCE)
Names of God Bible (NOG)
New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New Century Version (NCV)
New English Translation (NET Bible)
New International Reader’s Version (NIRV)
New International Version (NIV)
New International Version – UK (NIVUK)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New Life Version (NLV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
New Matthew Bible (NMB)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition (NRSVACE)
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE
21st Century King James Version (KJ21)
American King James Version [a modernized KJV]
American Standard Version (ASV)
Amplified Bible (AMP)
Amplified Bible, Classic Edition (AMPC)
An American Translation (AAT) [a paraphrased Bible]
Bible in Worldwide English (BWE) [a paraphrased Bible]
BRG Bible (BRG)
Children’s King James Version (CKJV) [a paraphrased Bible]
Christian Standard Bible (CSB)
Common English Bible (CEB)
Complete Jewish Bible (CJB)
Contemporary English Version (CEV)
Darby Translation (DARBY)
Disciples’ Literal New Testament (DLNT)
Douay-Rheims 1899 American Edition (DRA)
EasyEnglish Bible (EEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Easy-to-Read Version (ERV)
EHV Bible (EHV)
English Standard Version (ESV)
English Standard Version Anglicised (ESVUK)
Expanded Bible (EXB)
1599 Geneva Bible (GNV)
GOD’S WORD Translation (GW)
Good News Translation (GNT) also known as Good News Bible (GNB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Holman Christian Standard Bible (HCSB)
International Children’s Bible (ICB)
International Standard Version (ISV)
J.B. Phillips New Testament (PHILLIPS) [a paraphrased Bible]
Jubilee Bible 2000 (JUB)
King James Version (KJV)
Authorized (King James) Version (AKJV)
Lexham English Bible (LEB)
Living Bible (TLB) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Message (MSG) [a heavily paraphrased Bible]
Modern English Version (MEV) [a modernized KJV]
Modern King James Version (MKJV)
Mounce Reverse-Interlinear New Testament (MOUNCE)
Names of God Bible (NOG)
New American Bible (Revised Edition) (NABRE)
New American Standard Bible (NASB)
New Century Version (NCV)
New English Translation (NET Bible)
New International Reader’s Version (NIRV)
New International Version (NIV)
New International Version – UK (NIVUK)
New King James Version (NKJV)
New Life Version (NLV)
New Living Translation (NLT)
New Matthew Bible (NMB)
New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised (NRSVA)
New Revised Standard Version, Anglicised Catholic Edition (NRSVACE)
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
New Testament for Everyone (NTE)
New World Translation (NWT) [Jehovah’s Witness Bible]
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
The Passion Translation (TPT)
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
Simple English Bible (SEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Today’s English Version (TEV) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Clear Word Bible (TCW) [Seventh Day Adventist Bible]
Third Millennium Bible [a modernized KJV]
The Voice (VOICE)
Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Updated King James Version [a modernized KJV]
World English Bible (WEB)
Worldwide English (New Testament) (WE)
Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)
New Testament for Everyone (NTE)
New World Translation (NWT) [Jehovah’s Witness Bible]
Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)
The Passion Translation (TPT)
Revised Standard Version (RSV)
Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (RSVCE)
Simple English Bible (SEB) [a paraphrased Bible]
Today’s English Version (TEV) [a paraphrased Bible]
The Clear Word Bible (TCW) [Seventh Day Adventist Bible]
Third Millennium Bible [a modernized KJV]
The Voice (VOICE)
Tree of Life Version (TLV)
Updated King James Version [a modernized KJV]
World English Bible (WEB)
Worldwide English (New Testament) (WE)
Wycliffe Bible (WYC)
Young’s Literal Translation (YLT)

Apparently this man Jesus of Nazareth made quite the impression.

30th November 2018, 07:05 PM
Apparently this man Jesus of Nazareth made quite the impression.


:rolleyes: meanwhile in 2018


30th November 2018, 07:47 PM
DNA research proves the Bible is true



30th November 2018, 07:55 PM
Did a mysterious extinction event precede Adam and Eve?


Michael Guillen (http://www.michaelguillen.com/)November 24, 2018
FILE -- This image shows Earth as seen by NASA's Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC), aboard NOAA's Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) spacecraft. (NASA)

In one of the most provocative and misunderstood studies of the year, scientists in the U.S. and Switzerland have made an astonishing discovery (https://phe.rockefeller.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/FINAL-Human-Evolution-PHE-news-release-spring-2018-002.pdf): All humans alive today are the offspring of a common father and mother – an Adam and Eve – who walked the planet 100,000 to 200,000 years ago, which by evolutionary standards is like yesterday. Moreover, the same is true of nine out of every 10 animal species, meaning that nearly all of Earth’s creatures living today sprang into being recently from some seminal, Big Bang-like event.

Mark Stoeckle at Rockefeller University and David Thaler at the University of Basel reached this striking conclusion after analyzing the DNA “bar codes” of five million animals from 100,000 different species. The bar codes are snippets of DNA that reside outside the nuclei of living cells – so-called mitochondrial DNA, which mothers pass down from generation to generation.

With each reproduction, errors creep into the bar code, as they do when you repeatedly photocopy a document. By measuring the accumulated errors – the blurriness or “diversity” among the bar codes – scientists are able (https://phe.rockefeller.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/Stoeckle-Thaler-Final-reduced.pdf) to infer the passage of time.

That’s how Stoeckle and Thaler concluded that ninety percent (http://www.nationmultimedia.com/detail/Startup_and_IT/30346490) of all animal species alive today come from parents that all began giving birth at roughly the same time, less than a quarter-million years ago. “This conclusion is very surprising,” Thaler avers, “and I fought against it as hard as I could.”

What caused animal life on Earth to be almost completely renewed such a short time ago? For now, it remains a mystery.

It’s possible something far more powerful than H-bombs decimated life and only a single set of parents for each species survived to live and procreate another day. But the last major extinction event we know about – the one that snuffed out the mighty dinosaurs – happened a full 65 million years ago.

It’s also possible there is something in nature that limits the size of an animal population. Perhaps it’s some built-in evolutionary process that when a population gets too big, it crashes and must restart itself from scratch.

In their report, published in Human Evolution, Stoeckle and Thaler offer other possible explanations, including, Thaler explains, “ice ages and other forms of environmental change, infections, predation, competition from other species and for limited resources, and interactions among these forces.” Whatever the explanation, he adds, the takeaway is this: “all of animal life experiences pulses of growth and stasis or near extinction on similar time scales.”

That is, humans, elephants, birds, you name it – Earth’s creatures tend to stand and fall in unison, like the rising and falling of the tides. And even though we don’t know what Svengali is directing the show, we now have scientific evidence that it wipes the slate clean far more frequently than we ever imagined.

Many religious commentators misunderstand this study to mean that species abruptly came into being only recently. To be clear: according to evolutionary biologists, species developed gradually over many millions of years. Stoeckle and Thaler’s discovery is that something happened roughly 100,000 years ago that created entirely new populations from long-existing species.

That said, Stoeckle and Thaler’s study does line up with the Bible in at least two notable ways. First, it affirms that we and our fellow creatures on Earth arose from a recent and profound creation event, orchestrated by some unknown mechanism. And second, the DNA bar codes reveal that species are quantized. Instead of there being a continuum of animal varieties, as one might expect from millions of years of gradual evolution, creatures fall into very distinct, widely separated populations – what the Bible describes as “kinds,” from the Hebrew word min.

“Darwin struggled to understand the absence of intermediates and his questions remain fruitful [to this day],” says Thaler. What the new study discovered, (https://phe.rockefeller.edu/news/wp-content/uploads/2018/05/FINAL-Human-Evolution-PHE-news-release-spring-2018-002.pdf) he explains, is that “If individuals are stars, then species are galaxies. They are compact clusters in the vastness of empty sequence space.”

Above all, Stoeckle and Thaler’s intriguing study serves up hard evidence for the astonishing fragility of life and a humbling lesson for the high-and-mighty among us. It proves we are at the mercy of forces we do not see nor understand; forces that made our existence possible a few hundred thousand years ago and that just as quickly – in the twinkling of an eye – can and will one day take us out.

30th November 2018, 08:17 PM
DNA research proves the Bible is true...

This Shami thread topic is mostly mocking New Testament Christianity. I imagine Monty is now referring to Genesis in the Old Testament? Reminds me that Mamboni still continues insisting that our Earth is flat...

I'm open to the notion of Creation over gradual Evolution.


1st December 2018, 09:43 AM
What went wrong?



Bumping Shami's OP to return us to his original topic.


This just posted today on 4chan: https://archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/195257287/#q195257287

Interracial Christian Dating:

1st December 2018, 02:32 PM
I don't believe God approves of what the Cucks are doing and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when they are eventually confronted with the truth. Bertrand Comparate has the Bible quotes to back it up and a good article to go along with it at this link.


midnight rambler
1st December 2018, 03:58 PM
I don't believe God approves of what the Cucks are doing and there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth when they are eventually confronted with the truth. Bertrand Comparate has the Bible quotes to back it up and a good article to go along with it at this link.


Thou shall not commit adultery.

adulterate - https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/adulterate

End Times
1st December 2018, 07:21 PM

They were all jews.

Talmudic Khazars couldn't defeat Christ the honest way, so they co-opted the language, and then co-opted Him. "He was one of us."

Trouble is, Jesus Christ said otherwise. So much for your theory.

John 8:44, Revelation 2:9 and 3:9 (regarding fake Judeans).

"Jew," "Jews," and "Jewish" didn't exist in the time of Christ. Neither did "Judaism."

Christ and St. John, in particular, always told us who the earthly Enemy is. Most Christians didn't listen.

End Times
1st December 2018, 07:25 PM
You can't even agree on one Bible translation. Listed below are some of the conflicting English language Bible translations on the market today.

Name one major work written in an ancient language that has only one English translation.

End Times
1st December 2018, 07:26 PM

:rolleyes: meanwhile in 2018


"Enter through the narrow gate; for the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it."

-- Jesus Christ

"Popular" is usually synyonmous with "wrong."

1st December 2018, 07:29 PM
"Jew," "Jews," and "Jewish" didn't exist in the time of Christ. Neither did "Judaism."


Oh. Ok. Jesus and his twelve pals were Palestinians.


End Times
1st December 2018, 07:30 PM
DNA research proves the Bible is true



I'd be very careful with this "research." It's not intended to "prove the Bible true," but rather to tell Judeo-"Christians" that Adamic humans and Niggers are "equal" and "the same."

Include the genetic markers for creatures like chimpanzees and the "genetic evidence" will "prove" we "came from lower animals."

Race-mixers have yet to show how Black and Yellow races came from our great ancestor, Mr. Ruddy (the literal English meaning of "Adam").

1st December 2018, 07:35 PM
It's not intended to "prove the Bible true," but rather to tell Judeo-"Christians" that Adamic humans and Niggers are "equal" and "the same."

http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120512062654-bible-story-top.jpg http://kitodiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/download1.jpg

Don't be a hater Fred. Jesus is watching...


End Times
1st December 2018, 07:38 PM

Oh. Ok. Jesus and his twelve pals were Palestinians.


Their descendants are.


Oh, and that image of "Jesus" there, with the beanie...the yarmulke didn't exist for over EIGHTEEN centuries after Christ. Fake...just like "Black Jesus" or "Jewish Jesus." It's newer than the Star of Remphan ("David").

End Times
1st December 2018, 07:40 PM
Don't be a hater Fred. Jesus is watching...

He's watching you, too...watching you preach the teachings of this world as "facts."

"Forgive him, for he knows not what he does..."

End Times
1st December 2018, 07:43 PM
This Shami thread topic is mostly mocking New Testament Christianity. I imagine Monty is now referring to Genesis in the Old Testament?

There's those Jewish talking points again.

There is no "New Testament" and "Old Testament" Christianity. There is Christianity.

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity.

"Judaism" is an invention of the "elders" after they murdered Christ.

I'm open to the notion of Creation over gradual Evolution.

Who initiated the process?

1st December 2018, 07:54 PM
http://i2.cdn.turner.com/cnn/dam/assets/120512062654-bible-story-top.jpg http://kitodiaries.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/download1.jpg

Don't be a hater Fred. Jesus is watching...


You ok with these two devout fellow Christians reading their bibles Fred?

:) say HI when you see them in Heaven

We Love You Brother Fred

1st December 2018, 09:45 PM
I'd be very careful with this "research." It's not intended to "prove the Bible true," but rather to tell Judeo-"Christians" that Adamic humans and Niggers are "equal" and "the same."

Include the genetic markers for creatures like chimpanzees and the "genetic evidence" will "prove" we "came from lower animals."

Race-mixers have yet to show how Black and Yellow races came from our great ancestor, Mr. Ruddy (the literal English meaning of "Adam").

That was what struck me when I first read it. I posted knowing one of you would pick up on that and would be commenting.

End Times
2nd December 2018, 07:25 PM
You ok with these two devout fellow Christians reading their bibles Fred?

Why wouldn't I be?

We were commanded to "preach the Gospel" not just to "our fellow men," but to "every creature."

Do you imagine that refers to bunnies, cows, and fish? Or maybe "creatures" with two legs?

Black genuine Christians, like Black Muslims, are respectable in their own right. No, we aren't "equals," but I can respect them and encourage them to help their own kind.

2nd December 2018, 08:02 PM
Black genuine Christians, like Black Muslims, are respectable in their own right. No, we aren't "equals," but I can respect them and encourage them to help their own kind.


To be clear here...Fred will freely share his brotherly love and Heaven itself with Black (and Brown) Christians. There are no Section 8 zones in your Heaven?


End Times
3rd December 2018, 07:31 PM
To be clear here...Fred will freely share his brotherly love and Heaven itself with Black (and Brown) Christians. There are no Section 8 zones in your Heaven?

I don't pretend to know God's detailed plans for us in the next world. Nor does it matter...only that we know it will be a much, much better life than now.

God's purpose for the Adamic race(s) has been fulfilled. Our primary purpose was to bring forth the Redeemer and then enable the dissemination of the Gospel of that Redeemer to the entire world. No other race could have created the civilization and technology to make that possible. It was our mission. Plenty of good secondary to the mission came along with it...but most of it has been misapplied to the world, bringing misery.

Are you a dog man or cat man, Book? Do you believe that your favorite four-legged buddy will be in the next life with you? If dogs or cats, why not decent two-legged animals? Actually, God plans to give we Adamites new bodies...maybe he'll give Blacks new bodies and human brains. :D

3rd December 2018, 08:00 PM
Are you a dog man or cat man, Book? Do you believe that your favorite four-legged buddy will be in the next life with you? If dogs or cats, why not decent two-legged animals? Actually, God plans to give we Adamites new bodies...maybe he'll give Blacks new bodies and human brains.


He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior but Fred will not love and accept him as a fellow Christian.


4th December 2018, 07:58 PM

He accepted Jesus as his Lord and Savior but Fred will not love and accept him as a fellow Christian.


Bump for Fred


End Times
5th December 2018, 05:24 PM
Bump for Fred


Heil Hitler, Book!

http://i.imgur.com/kaeZKqm.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/df/9a/95df9a279a3e84326dae862460c4ffd3.png


5th December 2018, 08:03 PM
Pontias Pilate’s ring was discoverd at the site of Herodion 50 years ago. The inscription has just now been deciphered.


Nir Hasson (http://gold-silver.us/forum/safari-reader://www.haaretz.com/misc/writers/WRITER-1.4968356) 02.12.2018 | 14:18

Herodion fortress Courtesy of G. Foerster

Ring of Roman Governor Pontius Pilate Who Crucified Jesus Found in Herodion Site in West Bank

The ring was found during a dig led by Professor Gideon Forster from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem 50 years ago, but only now has the inscription been deciphered.

The name of the man who ordered Jesus (https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/.premium.MAGAZINE-jesus-face-discovered-in-ancient-negev-church-1.6640744) crucified and ran his trial, the ancient infamous Roman governor of Jerusalem, Pontius Pilate, has been deciphered on a bronze ring found in excavations at the site of Herodion near the West Bank’s Bethlehem, some 50 years ago.

The ring was found during a dig led by Professor Gideon Forster from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem (https://www.haaretz.com/misc/tags/TAG-jerusalem-1.5598985), a short time after the Six-Day War in 1968-69, as part of preparations to open the site to visitors.
Does northern op mean war? Haaretz WeeklyFindings were recently handed over to the current team that works at the site, led by Dr. Roee Porath, also from Hebrew University.

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The ring was one of thousands of items found in the dig. The famous name on it was discerned after a thorough cleansing, when it was photographed with the use of a special camera at the Israel Antiquities Authority labs. The inscription on what was apparently a stamping ring included a picture of a wine vessel surrounded by Greek writing translated as saying “Pilatus.’”

Pontius Pilate's ring drawing\: J. Rodman; photo\: C. Am

The name Pilatus has been linked to that of Roman governor Pontius Pilate, mentioned in the New Testament as Jesus’ executioner. Pilate was the fifth of Roman leaders in Judah, and apparently the most important of them. He ruled in the years 26 to 36, and some say even from the year 19. The name was rare in the Israel of that era, says Professor Danny Schwartz.

“I don’t know of any other Pilatus from the period and the ring shows he was a person of stature and wealth,” Schwartz said.

A stamping ring of this type is also a hallmark to the status of the cavalry in Roman times, to which Pilate belonged. The ring is quite simple, therefore researchers believe it was used by the governor in day to day work, or belonged to one of his officials or someone in his court, who would use it to sign in his name.
Herodion excavation site Eyal TouegThere has been one other find in Israeli archaeology with the name Pilatus on it, which is also attributed to the infamous Roman. In the 1960s, Prof. Forster found a stone with the name inscribed on it as well.

The Herodion fortress was built by King Herod who also gave it its name. Following his death in the first century, it became a huge burial site. But the upper part of the complex continued to be used by Roman officials ruling over Judea at that time. It is likely that Pilate also used the Herodion as a central government administrative headquarters.

Pilate is a well-known historic figure, whose image was one of a powerful ruler. The historian Josephus says he moved iconic medallions bearing the imperial bust of Caesar into Jerusalem against Jewish law which forbade such idols in the holy city. There was a huge outcry after this act was discovered, which ended when Pilate threatened the protesters with mass slaughter.

“The Jews seemed to have rehearsed it ahead of time, falling to the ground as one, craning their necks to proclaim how they would sacrifice their lives not to violate the teachings of the Torah.” Pilate responded by immediately ordering the statues taken out of Jerusalem, Josephus wrote.
In another instance, Josephus tells of how Pilate used treasures from the holy temple to pay for renovations of the water system Herod had built in Jerusalem.

Researchers point at stories in the New Testament about the Bethlehem region where Herodion later became the site of a large Christian village.

“You can see he had a natural link to the Herodion,” Porath said. “Even for Herod it was more than just a tomb site with a palace. It was also a significant site of government. You can see the unusual significance this site had. “

The research into the ring was led by Professor Shua Amurai-Stark and Malcha Hershkovitz, and an article about it appeared last week in the Israel Exploration Journal.

5th December 2018, 08:04 PM
Heil Hitler, Book!



6th December 2018, 04:07 AM
Heil Hitler, Book!

http://i.imgur.com/kaeZKqm.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/df/9a/95df9a279a3e84326dae862460c4ffd3.png

I nominate this to be the best response of 2018!


midnight rambler
6th December 2018, 08:37 AM
Cannon fodder comes in all colors.

Heil Hitler, Book!

http://i.imgur.com/kaeZKqm.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/df/9a/95df9a279a3e84326dae862460c4ffd3.png


End Times
6th December 2018, 02:07 PM
Cannon fodder comes in all colors.

The difference between the Germans and the All-Lies?

The former admitted they believed in a racial hierarchy!

It is not clear whether Hitler snubbed Owens by refusing to acknowledge his victories. The record suggests this reading is wrong, or at best doubtful. There are reports of a Nazi salute, a wave or a handshake. Yet there is no doubt at all about the hurt inflicted on Owens by the neglect of US President Franklin D Roosevelt.

Owens received no telegram of congratulations for his record-breaking haul of medals. On his return, there was no invitation to the White House to shake hands with the President. That honour was reserved for white Olympians. Owens even had to attend a non-presidential reception in his honour with his mother at the Waldorf Astoria using the goods lift.


I'd bet the Black Africans serving in the Wehrmacht were treated better than Black Americans in the US Armed Forces...note the guy on the chair hanging out with Aryan soldiers.


7th December 2018, 06:00 PM

Joseph was the ultimate Cuck.


7th December 2018, 08:13 PM

10th December 2018, 07:48 AM

Joseph was the ultimate Cuck.

:rolleyes:Nonsense. Luke Chapter 1:

34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.

10th December 2018, 10:31 AM
Nonsense. Luke Chapter 1:

34 Then said Mary unto the angel, How shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
35 And the angel answered and said unto her, The Holy Ghost shall come upon thee, and the power of the Highest shall overshadow thee: therefore also that holy thing which shall be born of thee shall be called the Son of God.
36 And, behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month with her, who was called barren.
37 For with God nothing shall be impossible.
38 And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the Lord; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her.


Mary intentionally with premeditation cucked Joe?


End Times
11th December 2018, 04:38 PM
If his obsession in this thread is any clue, Book's favorite porn is watching women be cuckolded.

13th December 2018, 07:09 AM
There's those Jewish talking points again.

There is no "New Testament" and "Old Testament" Christianity. There is Christianity...

ChristCucks at the Border

Boise faith leaders take part in peaceful protest at border

A reverend from a Boise church was among 32 people who were detained by Border Patrol officers on Monday.

Author: Morgan Boydston

Updated: 10:25 PM MST December 12, 2018

BOISE, Idaho — Hundreds of faith leaders of diverse religions protested at the US-Mexico border in San Diego on Monday. Thirty-two of them were detained by Border Patrol officers.
The event called, "Love Knows No Borders" was a call for migrant justice, to stand with the roughly 6,000-person caravan from Central America that's now landed in Tijuana as people wait weeks, and even months, for their asylum paperwork to be processed.

Six people from churches in Boise attended the event, and a local reverend was among those arrested.

KTVB spoke with two of the people who protested at the wall: Cathedral of the Rockies senior pastor Duane Anders and Boise Unitarian Universalist reverend Sara LaWall, who say immigration is intrinsic in their faith.
They heard of about the peaceful protest and knew it was what they had to do to send hope and support. More than 300 people, many who are faith leaders of diverse religious persuasions across the country, walked a solemn two miles to Border Field State Park to show support for migrants' rights to seek refuge in America. "It was the whole crowd of humanity present,” Anders said.

Organized by Quaker group American Friends Service Committee, Love Knows No Borders called for an end to detaining and deporting immigrants, de-militarizing border communities and protecting migrants seeking asylum in America – particularly those in the Central American migrant caravan now at the U.S-Mexico border.

"Most of us would say in our faith that immigration is part of our faith,” Anders said. “If we look at our stories immigration is just part of our story.” Anders says he felt called and compelled to take part.

“We came together as faith leaders to say to our government: everybody has these rights, rights to immigration and rights to asylum,” he said. “We're a country of immigrants. How can we shut the doors to others who are seeking to build a new life and want to do it the right way?"

Once they marched to the border, Anders says more than a hundred demonstrators tried to push past heavily-armed border patrol agents. Those peaceful protesters were trained and willing to be arrested by border patrol.
“Our goal actually was for all the faith leaders to bring a blessing to the fence,” Boise Unitarian Universalist Fellowship Rev. Sara LaWall said. “We just stayed there and knelt down and prayed and sang and eventually after some warnings border patrol pushed us back."

LaWall says she knew without a doubt this was the right opportunity to go; she’d been watching the situation unfold from afar and has wanted to do something regarding immigration justice for months. She was one of the 32 arrested, and was cited but not jailed.

"I was apprehensive of course and nervous but kept reminding myself of what the migrants on other side were going through,” LaWall said. “It was powerful, it was overwhelming.”
This is all occurring as President Trump fights to pay for the building of a stronger border wall.

"We need border security. The wall is a part of border security,” Trump told House minority leader Nancy Pelosi and Senate minority leader Chuck Schumer in a tense public meeting (https://www.ktvb.com/article/news/nation-world/trump-escalates-shutdown-threat-over-border-wall-in-heated-white-house-meeting/507-622800247) in the Oval Office on Tuesday.
In that meeting, the president said he'd shut down the government if he's unhappy with funding.

"I am proud to shut down the government for border security," he said. "Because the people of this country don't want criminals and people that have lots of problems and drugs pouring into our country. So I will take the mantle. I will be the one to shut it down."

But the day prior, demonstrators say the message was hope.

“Did we get everybody's attention, did it change anything that day?" Anders said. "Well, even if it sent hope to a few people on other side of the border that heard ‘did you know there were hundreds of clergy and laity on the other side that risked their freedom to send a message to their government?’ I think that in itself becomes a message of hope."

The demonstration is meant to launch a national week of action, between International Human Rights Day on Monday, December 10, and International Migrants' Day on December 18.

Linky for Brother Fred


End Times
13th December 2018, 08:14 PM
Boise faith leaders take part in peaceful protest at border

Nice of these fucks to ignore the American homeless of Boise...


13th December 2018, 09:01 PM
Nice of these fucks to ignore the American homeless of Boise...


P.O. Box 6283, Boise, ID. 83707 | Send us an Email (president@homelesscoalitionboise.com)

https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/homeless-coalition-logo.png (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/)

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How many people are homeless in Ada County? There is no easy answer to this question and, in fact, the question itself is misleading. In most cases, homelessness is a temporary circumstance — not a permanent condition. A more appropriate measure of the magnitude of homelessness is the number of people who experience homelessness over time, not the number of “homeless people.”

Studies of homelessness are complicated by problems of definitions and methodology. Nevertheless, the most recent statewide point-in-time count, conducted January 28, 2015, identified 755 homeless men, women, and children in Ada County and 1,966 homeless men, women, and children throughout the State of Idaho. The “Homelessness in Idaho 2015 Point-In-Time Count Report” is available at

Advocates urge use of a Multiplier Effect to more accurately reflect the number of homeless in Boise/Ada County/Idaho. Boise (and Idaho) are among few entities who do not use a multiplier.

How do you define “homeless”? According to the Stewart B. McKinney Act, 42 U.S.C. § 11301, et seq. (1994), a person is considered homeless who “lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate night-time residence; and… has a primary night time residency that is: (A) a supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations… (B) An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or (C) a public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings.” The term “homeless individual” does not include any individual imprisoned or otherwise detained pursuant to an Act of Congress or a state law.” 42 U.S.C. § 11302(c)

The education subtitle of the McKinney-Vento Act includes a more comprehensive definition of homelessness. This statute states that the term ‘homeless child and youth’ (A) means individuals who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence… and (B) includes: (i) children and youth who lack a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence, and includes children and youth who are sharing the housing of other persons due to loss of housing, economic hardship, or a similar reason; are living in motels, hotels, trailer parks, or camping grounds due to lack of alternative adequate accommodations; are living in emergency or transitional shelters; are abandoned in hospitals; or are awaiting foster care placement; (ii) children and youth who have a primary nighttime residence that is a private or public place not designed for or ordinarily used as a regular sleeping accommodation for human beings… (iii) children and youth who are living in cars, parks, public spaces, abandoned buildings, substandard housing, bus or train stations, or similar settings, and (iv) migratory children…who qualify as homeless for the purposes of this subtitle because the children are living in circumstances described in clauses (i) through (iii). McKinney-Vento Act sec. 725(2); 42 U.S.C. 11435(2).

Other federal agencies, such as the Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD), interpret the McKinney-Vento definition to include only those persons who are on the streets or in shelters and persons who face imminent eviction (within a week) from a private dwelling or institution and who have no subsequent residence or resources to obtain housing. This interpretation of homelessness serves large, urban communities where tens of thousands of people are literally homeless. However, it may prove problematic for those persons who are homeless in areas of the country, such as rural areas, where there are few shelters. People experiencing homelessness in these areas are less likely to live on the street or in a shelter, and more likely to live with relatives in overcrowded or substandard housing (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1996).

Who is homeless? Two trends are largely responsible for the rise in homelessness over the past 20-25 years: a growing shortage of affordable rental housing and a simultaneous increase in poverty. Persons living in poverty are most at risk of becoming homeless, and demographic groups who are more likely to experience poverty are also more likely to experience homelessness.

The homeless include: unaccompanied men, unaccompanied women, youth aging out of foster care, families with children, victims of domestic violence, veterans, the unemployed, persons suffering from mental illness, and persons suffering from addiction disorders.

How can I help someone who is homeless? Check out the latest Agency Updates (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/new/resources/agency-updates/) from Coalition Organizations who report monthly on eligibility, availability and contact information for services available to homeless persons. Most local resources and service provider agencies can be found on the Resources (menu) Pages, including the Housing Hot Line (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/new/resources/referral-help/), Boise School District’s Self Rescue Manual (http://selfrescuemanual.com/) and 211 CareLIne (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/new/resources/referral-help/).

The Next Meeting of the Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition will be on the second Wednesday of December: The December Meeting will be held December 12th at Cathedral of the Rockies (717 North 11th St) at 9:30 AM. This meeting is the Annual Meeting of the Homeless Coalition, and will include the Election of Officers. Please consider a leadership role in the Coalition and volunteer to serve on the Executive Committee as an officer. Subscribe to the Coalition’s Mailing List to receive all the latest information. Members receive meeting materials, additional information and help direct the Coalition for the coming year and information about how to get on the ballot to serve as an officer of the organization.

Contact Us Peg Richards, President:
president@homelesscoalitionboise.com ( president@homelesscoalitionboise.com) P.O. Box 6283
Boise, ID, 83707
Visit us on Facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/HomelessCoalitionBoise/)
Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition

Upcoming Events

Renew your Membership in the Boise/Ada County Homeless Coalition (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/event/renew-your-membership-in-the-boise-ada-county-homeless-coalition/) November 20, 2018 @ 8:00 am - March 12, 2019 @ 5:00 pm

View All Events (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/events/)

Hot Topics

Grousing About Housing (and Matthew Desmond: Evicted author) (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/grousing-about-housing-and-matthew-desmond-evicted-author/) October 7, 2018
Ninth Circuit Court says Cities Can’t Ban Homeless Sleeping in Streets, Idaho Statesman, 9/4/18 (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/ninth-circuit-court-says-cities-cant-ban-homeless-sleeping-in-streets-idaho-statesman-9-4-18/) September 5, 2018
5/27/18: PUSH Expo Press Release (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/5-27-18-push-expo-press-release/) May 27, 2018
Guest Opinion: What Can Be Done About the Housing Crisis? (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/guest-opinion-what-can-be-done-about-the-housing-crisis/) May 10, 2018
America’s Housing Crisis is spreading to Smaller Cities (like Boise) (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/americas-housing-crisis-is-spreading-to-smaller-cities-like-boise/) May 6, 2018
Guest Opinion by CEOs of St.Luke’s & St.Al’s; Affordable housing part of what is needed for healthier communiies (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/guest-opinion-by-ceos-of-st-lukes-affordable-housing-part-of-what-is-needed-for-healthier-communiies/) April 17, 2018
3/22/18: Preliminary Point In Time data and Coordinated Entry Update (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/3-22-18-preliminary-point-in-time-data-and-coordinated-entry-update/) April 17, 2018
Helping Idaho’s Homeless-Idaho Homelessness Community Report 2017 (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/helping-idahos-homeless-idaho-homelessness-community-report-2017/) February 7, 2018
2,037 Homeless Individuals According to the 2017 Idaho Point-in-Time Count (https://www.homelesscoalitionboise.com/2037-homeless-individuals-according-to-the-2017-idaho-point-in-time-count/) February 7, 2018

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13th December 2018, 09:32 PM
Nice of these fucks to ignore the American homeless of Boise...


Actually, not only are they currently down at our Mexican border welcoming beaners for Jesus...this Cathedral Of The Rockies regularly serves Boise Homeless the very best, most dignified full-course Roast Beef Dinners anywhere. Real plates and real silverware:https://cathedraloftherockies.org/Portals/7/DNNGallery/uploads/2018/7/27/friendship%20feast%20slider%20copy.jpg

This is why I posted this in our ChristCuck thread here at GSUS. These are clearly the very best Christians living their lives as Jesus preaches. Real Christians. Problem is Fred...they are actively exterminating Whitey in the name of Jesus by welcoming all these illegal beaners.

It's been very easy annoying you with these real-world Christian examples Fred. This is why I remain a heathen...


13th December 2018, 10:59 PM

Actually, not only are they currently down at our Mexican border welcoming beaners for Jesus...this Cathedral Of The Rockies regularly serves Boise Homeless the very best, most dignified full-course Roast Beef Dinners anywhere. Real plates and real silverware:https://cathedraloftherockies.org/Portals/7/DNNGallery/uploads/2018/7/27/friendship%20feast%20slider%20copy.jpg

This is why I posted this in our ChristCuck thread here at GSUS. These are clearly the very best Christians living their lives as Jesus preaches. Real Christians. Problem is Fred...they are actively exterminating Whitey in the name of Jesus by welcoming all these illegal beaners.

It's been very easy annoying you with these real-world Christian examples Fred. This is why I remain a heathen...


This thread is SO Clash of the Titans... :)&

End Times
14th December 2018, 07:28 AM
Actually, not only are they currently down at our Mexican border welcoming beaners for Jesus...this Cathedral Of The Rockies regularly serves Boise Homeless the very best, most dignified full-course Roast Beef Dinners anywhere. Real plates and real silverware[/IMG]

Gee, ain't that grand?! Two meals - out of twenty-one - per week. :rolleyes: ("We serve a hot meal every Sunday at 1pm and every third Thursday at 6pm.")

Until every American in Boise and Ada County is no longer in daily need, they have no business advocating Marxist goals hundreds of miles away at the border.

My local "soup kitchen" serves people daily meals, yet has no political agenda spewing about "refugees" (who demand $50K each to no longer be "fleeing violence").

This is why I posted this in our ChristCuck thread here at GSUS. These are clearly the very best Christians living their lives as Jesus preaches.

Uh, clearly not:

"But if anyone does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever."

Real Christians. Problem is Fred...they are actively exterminating Whitey in the name of Jesus by welcoming all these illegal beaners.

"Real Christians"? How so? By advocating the anti-Christ "gospel" of the United Methodist Church? By acting in concert with the heathen "Unitarian Universalist" so-called "church"?

("United Methodists are not known to be a confessional people in the sense that there is a set creed to which we adhere.")

It's been very easy annoying you with these real-world Christian examples Fred.

The facts - the Truth - do not annoy me.

What annoys me are your willful and gross distortions of reality. You know damn well these "Christians" are working against historical Christianity...and the very teachings of Christianity in the Bible (note the passage from St. Paul, above). The Methodists have betrayed not only Christ but their nominal founder, Wesley. Their pro-fag agenda is the most obvious, but these pompous politically-driven acts are part of it, as well. The "liberation gospel" of the Methodists, et. al., are direct applications of Marxist principles - ironic...since Rabbi Marx called "religion" (i.e., Christianity) the opiate of the Goyim.

This is why I remain a heathen...

You remain a heathen for personal reasons. You simply find new excuses du jour to ignore the real Jesus Christ, glamorizing Jew-concocted "cute" memes that simultaneously mock Him and ease your fears that Christ may be Who and What He claimed to be.

I will give you this, though: the Devil's best allies are those who claim to be "Christians" - and these who advance Marxist, anti-Christ agendas among his favorites.

14th December 2018, 09:52 AM
This thread is SO Clash of the Titans... :)&


Hey BrewTech...update us in a new catch up thread from when you went into the micro-brew business. Long time no see...lol.


14th December 2018, 10:08 AM
...What annoys me are your willful and gross distortions of reality. You know damn well these "Christians" are working against historical Christianity...and the very teachings of Christianity in the Bible (note the passage from St. Paul, above). The Methodists have betrayed not only Christ but their nominal founder, Wesley. Their pro-fag agenda is the most obvious, but these pompous politically-driven acts are part of it, as well. The "liberation gospel" of the Methodists, et. al., are direct applications of Marxist principles - ironic...since Rabbi Marx called "religion" (i.e., Christianity) the opiate of the Goyim...You remain a heathen for personal reasons. You simply find new excuses du jour to ignore the real Jesus Christ, glamorizing Jew-concocted "cute" memes that simultaneously mock Him and ease your fears that Christ may be Who and What He claimed to be.

I will give you this, though: the Devil's best allies are those who claim to be "Christians" - and these who advance Marxist, anti-Christ agendas among his favorites.


Come on Fred. In various threads I have asked you to tell us about YOUR church and apparently this is it. You don't accept anyone else as a "Real Christian". You haven't been spreading any Christian Love at GSUS. This is basically Fred's usual demeanor:


When did Fred ever once post any of this real Jesus stuff:



End Times
14th December 2018, 07:19 PM
Come on Fred. In various threads I have asked you to tell us about YOUR church and apparently this is it.

I have explained repeatedly about the Church vs. your conception of a "church."

You don't accept anyone else as a "Real Christian".

More willful distortion.

There are real Christians here. Rambler, despite my differences of theology with him. Pete (Hitch). Tumbleweed (he and I are likely the closest on theology). There are others.

You haven't been spreading any Christian Love at GSUS.


I've overlooked your deliberate mockery how many times, Book? Each of those is a Christian act. 7 x 70 I shall forgive. And more.

I'm always willing to help out around here, too.

Do you assume that Jesus Christ is merely a faggot pansy, as this current world like to falsely portray Him?

When did Fred ever once post any of this real Jesus stuff:


I think you're starting to break, Book. Good! My missionary work to you is working. :)

14th December 2018, 07:59 PM

I've overlooked your deliberate mockery how many times, Book? Each of those is a Christian act. 7 x 70 I shall forgive. And more.

I'm always willing to help out around here, too.

Do you assume that Jesus Christ is merely a faggot pansy, as this current world like to falsely portray Him?

I think you're starting to break, Book. Good! My missionary work to you is working. :)

Your anger management is master level now Fred. I'll give you that.


End Times
14th December 2018, 08:20 PM
You've anger management is master level now Fred. I'll give you that.


That is ALL due to Jesus Christ and His Holy Spirit. I take no credit. :)

16th December 2018, 10:01 AM

Mary intentionally with premeditation cucked Joe?


Thanks to our founding fathers, a seperation of church and state has afforded tax havens for the holier than thou types.

When compared to jacobite, protestant and cathoilc holocaustal Europe this cuckery is self evident as beneficial. Everyone gets their own booty call.

End Times
19th December 2018, 05:39 AM
Fag Fraud Francis Wants Infiniggers to Flood YOUR Neighborhood


Fag Fraud Francis Wants Infiniggers to Flood YOUR Neighborhood

Roy Batty
Daily Stormer
December 19, 2018

The Pope personally wants you and your kids stabbed, robbed and raped by niggers.

Because it’s the “Christian” thing to do or something.


Pope Francis released his message for the World Day of Peace Tuesday, in which he denounced “political vices” such as nationalism, xenophobia, racism, and lack of concern for the environment.

In his message titled “Good politics is at the service of peace,” the pope sketched his vision of good and bad politics, insisting that good politicians are credible, consistent, and fearless.

Whatever man, I’m not even going to bother commenting on that gobbly-gook.

The pope didn’t remain at the level of abstract principles, however, but waded into specific issues at the heart of current political debates.

Political vices, he said, “undermine the ideal of an authentic democracy, bring disgrace to public life and threaten social harmony.”

Among these vices are corruption, exploitation, and dishonest gain, but also “xenophobia, racism, lack of concern for the natural environment, the plundering of natural resources for the sake of quick profit and contempt for those forced into exile,” he said.

Our times are “marked by a climate of mistrust rooted in the fear of others or of strangers, or anxiety about one’s personal security,” the pope lamented, which is expressed at the political level in “attitudes of rejection or forms of nationalism that call into question the fraternity of which our globalized world has such great need.”

“Political addresses that tend to blame every evil on migrants” are unacceptable, he said, since they manifest a “strategy of fear” and stoke an “escalation of intimidation.”

Pope Francis has made the immigration issue a pillar of his pontificate, urging nations to be as welcoming as possible toward migrants of all sorts and insisting that a failure to welcome migrants is rooted in selfishness and fueled by “populist rhetoric.”

He has also been a vocal supporter of the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) approved in Marrakesh last week.

The GCM provides “a framework for the whole international community,” the pope told pilgrims and tourists gathered in Saint Peter’s Square Sunday, asking for prayers that this accord will lead all nations to work with “responsibility, solidarity, and compassion toward those who, for various reasons, have left their country.”

Basically, the Pope is asking you to sacrifice yourself, your livelihood and your civilization because niggers somewhere in Africa are suffering. That’s it. End of discussion.

My thoughts veer towards Christianity and the whole “martyr” thing. Because shills like to point to stories like this and use them as Christianity as weak because it made a fetish out of self-sacrifice and martyrdom.

This, however, is an incredibly myopic point of view.

If you do not fear death and instead focus on the glory of the afterlife, you can do the right thing when push comes to shove and go out guns blazing, assured in your eternal salvation.

This is a powerful and indeed an inspiring idea.

The ancient Greeks and Romans and all those other ancient peoples saw death as this dark and miserable place underground. In the Odyssey, Odysseus goes to the underworld, where he meets his fallen comrades from the Trojan wars. They want to be alive again, whatever the cost because they hate Hades.

Depressing AF.

The only recourse a Greek had was to achieve earthly glory, so as to live on in some capacity in the world of the living for a few centuries more through the songs of catamite bards.

The concept of Elysium was a vast improvement on the part of the Romans.

Better still was the idea of Valhalla by the Vikangz and other northern pagans. Die in battle to go to an eternal party where you can get drunk, gorge yourself and then fight some more? Great motivation for the troops.

Best of all, however, was the concept of Heaven.

The idea that you could struggle in your daily life and that all people could aim for salvation through self-sacrifice was a powerful motivation for European self-improvement.

It was democratic in the sense that all could find ways to martyr themselves in their daily lives.

In that sense, Christianity was no less war-like or hardcore than Scandinavian Paganism, Roman Paganism or anything else that came before that.

You had the badass warrior route that was still open to you.

But you also had the religious martyrdom route open to you. As a priest, you too could be welcomed into heaven as a martyr for refusing to cuck on your faith. A simple serf could also make his stand and get into heaven, for refusing to convert or for refusing to bend the knee to rapacious foreigners, or for simply refusing to be pressured into sin.

More options, basically.

This whole, “Christianity is weak meme,” is ridiculous and needs to die.

Christianity isn’t weak. Christianity was subverted. But any belief system that gives you the strength to face head-on and work on self-improvement is a powerful vehicle for personal and societal improvement. Far better than Capitalism, Socialism or any other ideology concocted since.

Christianity isn’t weak. Christianity is such a powerful force for European self-improvement that it had to be subverted by homo priests and Jewish infiltrators to disarm the White man morally, and far more importantly, spiritually.

I read every single pronouncement of Pope Francis as words coming from a heretic who deserves to be violently purged from the Holy See.

You should too.

19th December 2018, 06:28 AM
...This whole, “Christianity is weak meme,” is ridiculous and needs to die...

http://www.828ministries.com/populum/uploadnic/jesus-with-guns-jpg_1_20151216-171.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/be/db/3abedb2dbe38e19377d9c39b1ef89376.png

Show us in your bible where Jesus promotes guns and violence Fred. Not that silly whipping jews in the temple nonsense but general macho manliness...



19th December 2018, 01:02 PM
http://www.828ministries.com/populum/uploadnic/jesus-with-guns-jpg_1_20151216-171.jpg https://i.pinimg.com/originals/3a/be/db/3abedb2dbe38e19377d9c39b1ef89376.png

Show us in your bible where Jesus promotes guns and violence Fred. Not that silly whipping jews in the temple nonsense but general macho manliness...



Jimmy Carter is plain wrong. Jesus could have stated that 2000 years ago, he didn’t. There where no guns 2000 years ago either

End Times
19th December 2018, 01:06 PM
Show us in your bible where Jesus promotes guns


End Times
19th December 2018, 01:07 PM
Jimmy Carter is plain wrong. Jesus could have stated that 2000 years ago, he didn’t. There where no guns 2000 years ago either

Jesus overtly endorsed the punishment for Sodom and Gomorrah. And, yeah, Jesus couldn't "promote guns" since they didn't yet exist. Rabbi Book knows that.

19th December 2018, 01:24 PM
None of your posts here at GSUS reflect the universally advertised Love Of Jesus. Why is that Fred?



A world-renowned scholar explores and explains the two views of God in the Bible - the violent God of vengeance and retribution, and the non-violent God who became incarnate in Jesus. Argues that there are sharply conflicting images of God in the Bible and that for Christians the true God can only be the one revealed through the words and actions of the historical Jesus. A combination of world-class scholarship and elegant prose make this book highly appealing both to Christians and to the educated general reader. This brave and provocative book grapples with Scripture's two conflicting visions of Jesus and God - one loving and gracious, and the other punitive and vengeful - and explains how readers can better understand these images in a way that enriches their faith. Many portions of the New Testament introduce a compassionate Jesus who turns the other cheek, loves his enemies, and shows grace to all. But the Jesus we find in Revelation and some portions of the Gospels leads an army of angels bent on earthly destruction. Which is the true revelation of the Messiah - and how can both be in the same Bible? Jesus and the Violence of Scripture explores this question and offers guidance for all who are confused about which version of the Lord to worship. In doing so the author demonstrates that writers of different books of the Bible not only possessed different visions of God but also different purposes for writing, and that for Christians the only God worthy of our worship is the one revealed through the words and action of the historical Jesus.


19th December 2018, 03:21 PM
the universally advertised Love Of Jesus


That's blasphemous to even consider in many sects of Christianity.

You aren't a God, he was. Is a main tenant to.

End Times
19th December 2018, 04:06 PM
None of your posts here at GSUS reflect the universally advertised Love Of Jesus. Why is that Fred?

Why do you persist in disparaging Christianity like a Rabbi?

I love Truth and the facts. I'm not keen on liars.


19th December 2018, 04:27 PM
I love Truth and the facts. I'm not keen on liars.


How about hypocrites?

Apparently it is common (https://www.google.com/search?tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1920&bih=879&ei=ctIaXIaRHOOCk-4P0fmhsAo&q=jesus+tattoo&oq=jesus+tattoo&gs_l=img.3..0l10.1648.5013..5608...0.0..0.125.816. 11j1......0....1..gws-wiz-img.....0.Z2GVrLRXySo#imgrc=_) for bullies and thugs to profess a commitment to Jesus.


End Times
19th December 2018, 04:29 PM
Why Book cannot understand the Bible:

Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,

‘You will keep on hearing, but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become dull,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them.’

I still hope for you that one day you will open your eyes, and be healed, as Scripture states.

Book, despite all your mockery and even hate towards Him, and me, Jesus still loves you. And so do I! I always get over your insults. :)

End Times
19th December 2018, 04:33 PM
Apparently it is common for bullies and thugs to profess a commitment to Jesus.

You assume all advertisement is with candor, and assume those with tattoos are all thugs.

Same "thinking" that assumes all "anti-Semites" are cold-blooded killers.

You think you are Jew-wise, yet you are still mired in the ways of the Jews' father.

19th December 2018, 04:57 PM
Book, despite all your mockery and even hate towards Him, and me, Jesus still loves you. And so do I! I always get over your insults. :)


Sounds kinda like S&M (https://www.google.com/search?q=s+%26+m+jesus&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CcSb06ua6rvJIjgIZ3QZxdUi01O-ZwIk0OVLRyu5fiVT6XBjPCN57t-vey5_1LSdwxCKn6N0THJ-YhJ0Ly-FqfpWO8CoSCQhndBnF1SLTEQFLycewJlCFKhIJU75nAiTQ5UsR 32alBegIVRQqEglHK7l-JVPpcBHeYHhzqKuzhyoSCWM8I3nu3697EYuV7snAU2CZKhIJLn 8tJ3DEIqcRtBKhuXcZqykqEgno3RMcn5iEnRFCagr8y4AUMioS CQvL4Wp-lY7wEZyfznhpcy8f&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnkfeWi63fAhWKjFQKHQR9A7EQ9C96BAgBEBg&biw=1920&bih=879&dpr=1#imgrc=_) to love your abuser Fred.


19th December 2018, 05:17 PM

Sounds kinda like S&M (https://www.google.com/search?q=s+%26+m+jesus&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CcSb06ua6rvJIjgIZ3QZxdUi01O-ZwIk0OVLRyu5fiVT6XBjPCN57t-vey5_1LSdwxCKn6N0THJ-YhJ0Ly-FqfpWO8CoSCQhndBnF1SLTEQFLycewJlCFKhIJU75nAiTQ5UsR 32alBegIVRQqEglHK7l-JVPpcBHeYHhzqKuzhyoSCWM8I3nu3697EYuV7snAU2CZKhIJLn 8tJ3DEIqcRtBKhuXcZqykqEgno3RMcn5iEnRFCagr8y4AUMioS CQvL4Wp-lY7wEZyfznhpcy8f&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnkfeWi63fAhWKjFQKHQR9A7EQ9C96BAgBEBg&biw=1920&bih=879&dpr=1#imgrc=_) to love your abuser Fred.


You two guys are Universal.

Someone get me a hammer.

19th December 2018, 06:57 PM
Why Book cannot understand the Bible:

Jesus answered them, “To you it has been granted to know the mysteries of the kingdom of heaven, but to them it has not been granted. For whoever has, to him more shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him. Therefore I speak to them in parables; because while seeing they do not see, and while hearing they do not hear, nor do they understand. In their case the prophecy of Isaiah is being fulfilled, which says,

‘You will keep on hearing, but will not understand;
You will keep on seeing, but will not perceive;
For the heart of this people has become dull,
With their ears they scarcely hear,
And they have closed their eyes,
Otherwise they would see with their eyes,
Hear with their ears,
And understand with their heart and return,
And I would heal them.’

I still hope for you that one day you will open your eyes, and be healed, as Scripture states.

Book, despite all your mockery and even hate towards Him, and me, Jesus still loves you. And so do I! I always get over your insults. :)

Book, Fred is right, and I say this with all seriousness. We're not putting you down, but hoping you will do an honest non-sardonic self reflection and try to understand what we're trying to say.

End Times
19th December 2018, 07:27 PM

Sounds kinda like S&M (https://www.google.com/search?q=s+%26+m+jesus&tbm=isch&tbs=rimg:CcSb06ua6rvJIjgIZ3QZxdUi01O-ZwIk0OVLRyu5fiVT6XBjPCN57t-vey5_1LSdwxCKn6N0THJ-YhJ0Ly-FqfpWO8CoSCQhndBnF1SLTEQFLycewJlCFKhIJU75nAiTQ5UsR 32alBegIVRQqEglHK7l-JVPpcBHeYHhzqKuzhyoSCWM8I3nu3697EYuV7snAU2CZKhIJLn 8tJ3DEIqcRtBKhuXcZqykqEgno3RMcn5iEnRFCagr8y4AUMioS CQvL4Wp-lY7wEZyfznhpcy8f&tbo=u&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjnkfeWi63fAhWKjFQKHQR9A7EQ9C96BAgBEBg&biw=1920&bih=879&dpr=1#imgrc=_) to love your abuser Fred.

You claim to hate this Jewish-led world, yet your thinking indicates you are a product of it. "S&M"? Really? That's what comes to mind when I say I love you? Our enemies tell us that we "racists" are "haters," because they cannot or will not understand that love is our motivating factor. My love for you is because you are a racial brother, a decent man despite your many faults, and someone I want to be with us in the next life. I want us to both win, together. Whereas you seem to want me to lose because you don't want what I share with you to be right.

Father forgive Book, for he knows not what he does.

Believing it is "S&M" to love someone to the point of wanting them to change for the better is logically-equivalent to the mentally ill teenagers who hate their parents for refusing to embrace their gender dysphoria and saying no way to paying for their mutilation. You are my elder, yet on some issues you have the maturity of a child. I don't hate you or myself because I tell you the Truth.

End Times
19th December 2018, 08:09 PM
Wow, I just understood the "point" of your meme.

You are like a teenage boy going through puberty, giggling about the double entendre he just "discovered" (such "discovery" being his hypersexualized mind projecting itself where it did not exist).

The Elders of Zion have made clear one of the means by which they would conquer the Goyisch schmucks was through the sexualization of everything. They achieved this through Sigmund Fraud and his "work" being made "scientific" in both academia and among the masses. Of which the latter you are clearly among.

Yes, Book, you are a product of a Jewish world. It pains me to think you probably don't even realize it. Even 50 years ago, the majority of White Goyim would not have found perversion of the holy process in such a maxim. The induced degeneration of Goyim is nearly complete. Hence, my certainty we are now in the End Times.

”But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Brother.”

You love Big Shlomo, and don't even know it.

midnight rambler
19th December 2018, 08:12 PM
You love Big Shlomo

Sez the guy who does PRECISELY what Big Shlomo demands him to do TO THE LETTER! lol

Gawd I love irony. Fred and Book are actually holding equivalent views in the matter of adhering to the demands of the state.

19th December 2018, 09:07 PM
Book, Fred is right, and I say this with all seriousness. We're not putting you down, but hoping you will do an honest non-sardonic self reflection and try to understand what we're trying to say.


I'm going to use what Fred just posted as my sig line for awhile Madfranks. Fitting that Fred posted this in Shami's "Christ-Cucks" thread. Let's all ponder this quote for awhile because it might be the root cause of what is so wrong with this world in 2018. Loving our abuser is masochism. Whitey is being exterminated because of this now-pervasive Christian passivity. We all go back over a decade to GIM1 where Fred and I were a regular tag-team. The image above represents the REAL Fred as long as I have known him. Fred and I have been agreeing in thread after thread for years notwithstanding him being a Christian. We still agree in most threads on most topics..............except this recent Jesus Love thingie.

Let's see if Fred continues posting (http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=10054&d=1545147060) like this image above or instead like my new sig line quote below. I miss the old Fred...


End Times
19th December 2018, 09:49 PM
Sez the guy who does PRECISELY what Big Shlomo demands him to do TO THE LETTER! lol

Gawd I love irony. Fred and Book are actually holding equivalent views in the matter of adhering to the demands of the state.

Rambler lives a LARP life in a cyberfantasy world where he doesn't have a Social Security Number, doesn't have a Driver's License, makes his own license plates, and doesn't have to pay taxes.

Off the Internet, however, he does exactly what he has to do to avoid being put in a cage at gunpoint. He does render to Caesar, Caesar's "Federal" Reserve Notes...just like nearly everyone else.

End Times
19th December 2018, 10:04 PM

I'm going to use what Fred just posted as my sig line for awhile Madfranks. Fitting that Fred posted this in Shami's "Christ-Cucks" thread. Let's all ponder this quote for awhile because it might be the root cause of what is so wrong with this world in 2018. Loving our abuser is masochism. Whitey is being exterminated because of this now-pervasive Christian passivity. We all go back over a decade to GIM1 where Fred and I were a regular tag-team. The image above represents the REAL Fred as long as I have known him. Fred and I have been agreeing in thread after thread for years notwithstanding him being a Christian. We still agree in most threads on most topics..............except this recent Jesus Love thingie.

Let's see if Fred continues posting (http://gold-silver.us/forum/attachment.php?attachmentid=10054&d=1545147060) like this image above or instead like my new sig line quote below. I miss the old Fred...

Nothing has changed with me, Book, other than my pathological anger, as you noted earlier. That is solely because of God. I finally gave in. My way didn't, and doesn't, work. His does. I have also received additional peace in accepting that the End Times are here. All of this must come to pass.

Jesus went to the Cross without hatred. He even asked for forgiveness for (((them))), despite the most egregious abuses. He died...and then rose. And conquered the world.

If Jesus doesn't do it for you, then look at Adolf. He finally accepted his life's work, his mission, had failed. Did he yearn to drag down the world with him, his dear Germany? No, he hoped a new German state would arise, that the German Volk would live on. That's the character of an Idealist.

Hatred as motivator is a failure. It is what has driven the Jew for over two millennia. Christ "the demon." Their entire existence, their entire religion, has been focused on raw hatred for the Christ and all things Christian. They are confident they now have total and absolute and eternal control of this planet in their grasp. Hatred leads to hubris not heroism. They have this planet just for a short time more, then Justice will be rendered. Not in hatred, but as you dispatch those who do what they are destined to do...like spraying Raid on cockroaches.

19th December 2018, 11:15 PM
Interesting motions towards the state on thread.

It is apex of jewish religion and main difference from Christianity. Faith in the State is wholly jewish.

I believe that is why you've seen both the state and jeudaism have such large gains over the past century.

As for whites, they have been baited into faith reliance of the state. Something which they've had individual institutions setup to oppose directly in past civilizations.

Those institutions have been iradicated/vanished by mafia Christianity as a whole ostricized into sects never a chance at regaining a foothold and only party to any state.

End Times
20th December 2018, 01:15 AM
It is apex of jewish religion and main difference from Christianity. Faith in the State is wholly jewish.

I believe that is why you've seen both the state and jeudaism have such large gains over the past century.

During the Revolutionary War era, a rallying cry was "No King but Jesus!"

Total government is something loved by urban populations, of whom the Jews are the millennia-old quintessence.

20th December 2018, 07:29 AM
Correct and for Book clarity,

Its Not a clinging of some whites to a fractured splinter sect of christianity that has created our state of things so much as it Is A Faith in the State that is empowering semites and their religion/mafias.

Admit it, jewboo wants the state great again...

20th December 2018, 09:53 AM
Interesting motions towards the state on thread.

It is apex of jewish religion and main difference from Christianity. Faith in the State is wholly jewish.

I believe that is why you've seen both the state and jeudaism have such large gains over the past century.

As for whites, they have been baited into faith reliance of the state. Something which they've had individual institutions setup to oppose directly in past civilizations.

Those institutions have been iradicated/vanished by mafia Christianity as a whole ostricized into sects never a chance at regaining a foothold and only party to any state.


If (((Horn))) were a real White man he would have posted "As for Whites, we have been..."


20th December 2018, 10:13 AM

If (((Horn))) were a real White man he would have posted "As for whites, we have been..."


Stfu, schlomo. I can speak objectively of your "whites" as I am also excluding those indio-asian slavs, wops and latin greeks for you.

They're as splintered as is your "christianity"

20th December 2018, 10:23 AM
I can speak objectively of your "whites" as I am also excluding those indio-asian slavs, wops and latin greeks for you.

They're as splintered as is your "christianity"


Notice (((Horn))) posts "your christianity" not our Christianity.


20th December 2018, 11:01 AM

Notice (((Horn))) posts "your christianity" not our Christianity.


Your Christianity! Jewboo

You're obviously as black as Trump is orange. If I stated our christianity, how would that fly in our personal exchange?

While a jew creation to begin with, not a primary cause for its demise.

Worship of the state the cause for jews faith to rise.

20th December 2018, 11:30 AM
Jesus-Book loves additional border security from the State.

Even his spermatozoa progeny dances to overpopulation hymns and unprotected sex at its funding...


20th December 2018, 11:45 AM

Horn (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)
(http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)Join Date Apr 2010
Posts 24,546

Yet another example of (((Horn))) derailing threads by posting random unrelated music videos


20th December 2018, 11:49 AM
Horn (http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)
(http://gold-silver.us/forum/member.php?3304-Horn)Join Date Apr 2010
Posts 24,546

Yet another example of (((Horn))) derailing threads by posting random unrelated music videos


You were asking for some examples of OUR related christianity...

hence the unrelated post for Your Christian self.

20th December 2018, 11:57 AM
^ some consider Jewboo could be a worthless Christian individual bread eater, I say Not.

I declare him statist faith supporter of and to the Jewish faith in the/OUR State.

Along with those Alt wingers who doth protest for the State both Left and Right - Phony National Acrobats and Globalists Or those in opposition to shit hoarders, self interest individualists, goldbugs confounded xristians

21st December 2018, 08:29 AM
The Pope personally wants you and your kids stabbed, robbed and raped by niggers.

Because it’s the “Christian” thing to do or something.

Political vices, he said, “undermine the ideal of an authentic democracy, bring disgrace to public life and threaten social harmony.”

Among these vices are corruption, exploitation, and dishonest gain, but also “xenophobia, racism, lack of concern for the natural environment, the plundering of natural resources for the sake of quick profit and contempt for those forced into exile,” he said.

Our times are “marked by a climate of mistrust rooted in the fear of others or of strangers, or anxiety about one’s personal security,” the pope lamented, which is expressed at the political level in “attitudes of rejection or forms of nationalism that call into question the fraternity of which our globalized world has such great need.”

“Political addresses that tend to blame every evil on migrants” are unacceptable, he said, since they manifest a “strategy of fear” and stoke an “escalation of intimidation.”

Pope Francis has made the immigration issue a pillar of his pontificate, urging nations to be as welcoming as possible toward migrants of all sorts and insisting that a failure to welcome migrants is rooted in selfishness and fueled by “populist rhetoric.”

He has also been a vocal supporter of the U.N.’s Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration (GCM) approved in Marrakesh last week.

The GCM provides “a framework for the whole international community,” the pope told pilgrims and tourists gathered in Saint Peter’s Square Sunday, asking for prayers that this accord will lead all nations to work with “responsibility, solidarity, and compassion toward those who, for various reasons, have left their country.”

Basically, the Pope is asking you to sacrifice yourself, your livelihood and your civilization because niggers somewhere in Africa are suffering. That’s it. End of discussion.

The leadership of all the christian churches, "The Watchmen" are doing what Isaiah spoke of in the quote below.

Isaiah 56:9-12 King James Version (KJV)

9 All ye beasts of the field, come to devour, yea, all ye beasts in the forest.
10 His watchmen are blind: they are all ignorant, they are all dumb dogs, they cannot bark; sleeping, lying down, loving to slumber.
11 Yea, they are greedy dogs which can never have enough, and they are shepherds that cannot understand: they all look to their own way, every one for his gain, from his quarter.
12 Come ye, say they, I will fetch wine, and we will fill ourselves with strong drink; and to morrow shall be as this day, and much more abundant.

30th December 2018, 04:56 PM
Jesus went to the Cross without hatred. He even asked for forgiveness for (((them))), despite the most egregious abuses.


End Times
30th December 2018, 06:10 PM

Lesser minds mock that which they cannot understand.

In an effort to help you, try pondering this for awhile:


That's "established science." Yet it's absurd, even insane, to conventional thinking.

Eventually, perhaps, you will understand that the Trinity is not absurdity, but simply something you, in a four-dimensional existence, cannot yet fully understand. In the simplest terms, God has three "phases." As with water...ice, liquid, steam...yet all the same water.

The bottom line: you must think. Think beyond what you think you "know." Use that same process you did long ago that made you question the Holocaust™ or any other of the "truths" you were expected to believe because it was "convention."

I, too, once thought the Trinity was something to laugh at.

End Times
30th December 2018, 06:28 PM
My study of science not only did not dissuade me from Christianity, in fact, my specific study of quantum dynamics finally explained some of the "absurdities" that Jewish "scientists" insisted "proved" Christianity was "just superstition." What I - what "we" - thought we knew, we didn't actually know.

As a man who has devoted his whole life to the most clear headed science, to the study of matter, I can tell you as a result of my research about atoms this much: There is no matter as such. All matter originates and exists only by virtue of a force which brings the particle of an atom to vibration and holds this most minute solar system of the atom together. We must assume behind this force the existence of a conscious and intelligent mind. This mind is the matrix of all matter.

-- Max Planck, “Das Wesen der Materie” (The Nature of Matter), speech at Florence, Italy, 1944 (from Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Abt. Va, Rep. 11 Planck, Nr. 1797) [note the year]

Most Catholic "relics" are self-evidently garbage. However, one relic has been proven to have inexplicable paranormal properties via credible scientific analysis. Jewish insistence that it is a "medieval forgery" was shown to be blatantly false.



Jesus Christ has provided proof of His existence for even the most hard-headed and hard-hearted "science-minded" folks. Even down to the last years of this world, revelation appropriate for the age is provided. One only need to listen. There simply is no reason to disbelieve, unless one insists on disbelieving for reasons other than honest skepticism. I, too, was once a doubting Thomas.

30th December 2018, 09:43 PM
... honest skepticism. I, too, was once a doubting Thomas.


At what age did you first learn about Jesus?


midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 09:57 PM
Book, hearing of Jesus, becoming aware of Him, is COMPLETELY different from having that born of the Spirit moment (which is easy to keep but just as easily lost if you don't stay aligned). You should really seek Him and get to experience that before you expire.

30th December 2018, 10:29 PM
Book, hearing of Jesus, becoming aware of Him, is COMPLETELY different from having that born of the Spirit moment (which is easy to keep but just as easily lost if you don't stay aligned). You should really seek Him and get to experience that before you expire.

I dunno. My cousins grew up being told Jesus was in their home. Went to Sunday School. Thanked the Lord before every meal. Never was a time to form their own awareness. That's why I posted that short video clip and asked Fred above...


midnight rambler
30th December 2018, 10:33 PM
Forming one's "own awareness" (of Jesus) does in no way amount to having the born of the Spirit experience.

It's a free agency thing. No one can have the born of the Spirit experience forced upon them. They will most likely reject it. Jesus wants you on your own volition.

31st December 2018, 06:44 AM
I dunno. My cousins grew up being told Jesus was in their home. Went to Sunday School. Thanked the Lord before every meal. Never was a time to form their own awareness. That's why I posted that short video clip and asked Fred above...


So long as they did not lose faith or replace faith into the state all should be well.

And may also well be the reason for the santa claus and miracles testing.

My guess is atleast some faith were placed into the state as a result.

31st December 2018, 06:55 AM
I dunno. My cousins grew up being told Jesus was in their home. Went to Sunday School. Thanked the Lord before every meal. Never was a time to form their own awareness. That's why I posted that short video clip and asked Fred above...


'As the tree is bent, so shall it grow.' I have been saying this for years and I thought perhaps it was in the Bible but I can't even find a quote for it. Closest I can come is Alexander Pope "As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined." Book, you are absolutely right. You've hit the crux of the matter. "Never was a time to form their own awareness." Almost as though something precious was taken from them, the ability or experience of forming their own opinion. I think that many are able to back away from these inflexible teachings and come to their own opinions, but not entirely. They may always suspect that their mind is swayed by the tyranny of early programming and this is most certainly the case. The analogy here that comes to mind is the NPC meme.

The question we should ask ourselves is: Am I a cucker or a cuckee? Am I neither? Am I partly one or partly the other? The mere act of asking these questions could form at least a partial awareness, implying a partial freedom from Cuckdom.

End Times
31st December 2018, 07:49 AM
At what age did you first learn about Jesus?

About the same time I learned about the Jews. And what a misfortune they are for us. Oh, wait, I guess I should discard Jesus because this world says He is fake and the Jews are our blessing. I'm just "ignorant" based on the "prejudices instilled by irresponsible parents." :rolleyes:

End Times
31st December 2018, 07:50 AM
Book, hearing of Jesus, becoming aware of Him, is COMPLETELY different from having that born of the Spirit moment (which is easy to keep but just as easily lost if you don't stay aligned). You should really seek Him and get to experience that before you expire.

Even demons intellectually know everything about Jesus Christ.

The spiritual knowing - the relationship - is indescribably different.

End Times
31st December 2018, 07:52 AM
I dunno. My cousins grew up being told Jesus was in their home. Went to Sunday School. Thanked the Lord before every meal. Never was a time to form their own awareness. That's why I posted that short video clip and asked Fred above...

My family taught me about Jesus Christ, and how He has been our Lord and Friend for generations. That didn't convince me. Christ Himself convinced me years later.

I know you can't understand. But please, open yourself to the possibility of understanding.

End Times
31st December 2018, 08:07 AM
"Never was a time to form their own awareness."

You assume you are entirely immune from the anti-Christianity of Talmudvision, publik skool, (((academia))), and every other instrument of this Jewish System. You believe you "formed your own awareness" in a vacuum.

I say, no, you did not.

Following Jesus Christ - not "church" - now requires a bold step against this world system. It's easy to believe Jesus is a myth, or just a "good guy, a teacher." Those are acceptable to the System. Believing His claims about being God Almighty, and, most especially, that He was serious about Jews and the Talmud...a completely different matter.

Almost as though something precious was taken from them, the ability or experience of forming their own opinion. I think that many are able to back away from these inflexible teachings and come to their own opinions, but not entirely. They may always suspect that their mind is swayed by the tyranny of early programming and this is most certainly the case. The analogy here that comes to mind is the NPC meme.

Religion is for robots. Relationships are for family.

You can not understand the difference unless you experience the latter. 98% of church-goers will never understand that.

The question we should ask ourselves is: Am I a cucker or a cuckee? Am I neither? Am I partly one or partly the other? The mere act of asking these questions could form at least a partial awareness, implying a partial freedom from Cuckdom.

The actual question why must ask ourselves: What is True?

Not what the System says is "true." Not what is easy. Perhaps even what we are told we mustn't believe.

I've asked that question. Generically, countless times. As pertains to God...I received the answer.

The entire "cuck" meme is a defective one, based in materialism. I've never embraced it. I'm of the variety that doing Right is what I must do. "What do I get?" is the modus operandi of a materialist, a child-like mind. Ironically, the concept of "cuckdom" came from defectives on 4Chan and elsewhere, who abhor natural women and usually embrace dysgenic lifestyles. Hence, I eschew it. It's an idiotic euphemism for traitor. Perhaps those who created the meme don't like the concept of traitor, since they themselves are contributing to our demise...a label too close...for comfort...

31st December 2018, 09:56 AM
You assume you are entirely immune from the anti-Christianity of Talmudvision, publik skool, (((academia))), and every other instrument of this Jewish System. You believe you "formed your own awareness" in a vacuum.

I say, no, you did not.

Hold on there Baba Looey! You assume that I assume. Don't make that assumption. I am quite aware of this possibility. I hope that I cannot honestly point out something without looking at all the other ramifications of that thing.

Following Jesus Christ - not "church" - now requires a bold step against this world system. It's easy to believe Jesus is a myth, or just a "good guy, a teacher." Those are acceptable to the System. Believing His claims about being God Almighty, and, most especially, that He was serious about Jews and the Talmud...a completely different matter.

Religion is for robots. Relationships are for family.

You can not understand the difference unless you experience the latter. 98% of church-goers will never understand that.

The actual question why must ask ourselves: What is True?

Not what the System says is "true." Not what is easy. Perhaps even what we are told we mustn't believe.

I've asked that question. Generically, countless times. As pertains to God...I received the answer.

The entire "cuck" meme is a defective one, based in materialism. I've never embraced it. I'm of the variety that doing Right is what I must do. "What do I get?" is the modus operandi of a materialist, a child-like mind. Ironically, the concept of "cuckdom" came from defectives on 4Chan and elsewhere, who abhor natural women and usually embrace dysgenic lifestyles. Hence, I eschew it. It's an idiotic euphemism for traitor. Perhaps those who created the meme don't like the concept of traitor, since they themselves are contributing to our demise...a label too close...

Hopefully I am not totally misunderstood. I am all for that which births the divine spirit of love in a human heart. What you call Christ is obviously that. The problem arises when I say something and am attacked for not expressing it with the same language used by any of a variety of religious beliefs.

As for the term 'Cuck', I think it very accurately describes what we are seeing. We see in myriad instances, all around us, people being obviously used without their knowledge and therefore really, without their consent, to foster and further the designs, the progeny, the very fabric of alien culture, that will end up destroying their own. It is no different in nature than when a cuckoo bird lays it's egg in the nest of another species and they raise that nestling as it kills and destroys their own progeny. The other chicks are pushed out of the nest by the cuckoo nestling and die. The concept of cuckholdry (as in a husband and wife relationship) is a fact that cannot be denied when one looks at the nature of Christianity to Judaism. I think it is an accurate and useful term.

31st December 2018, 10:15 AM
My family taught me about Jesus Christ, and how He has been our Lord and Friend for generations. That didn't convince me. Christ Himself convinced me years later.

I know you can't understand. But please, open yourself to the possibility of understanding.


You just confirmed the point I was making by posting this short video.

Your truthful reply Fred is why we remained buds after all these years at GIM1, GIM2, and now GSUS:



31st December 2018, 10:30 AM
Hopefully I am not totally misunderstood. I am all for that which births the divine spirit of love in a human heart. What you call Christ is obviously that. The problem arises when I say something and am attacked for not expressing it with the same language used by any of a variety of religious beliefs.

As for the term 'Cuck', I think it very accurately describes what we are seeing. We see in myriad instances, all around us, people being obviously used without their knowledge and therefore really, without their consent, to foster and further the designs, the progeny, the very fabric of alien culture, that will end up destroying their own. It is no different in nature than when a cuckoo bird lays it's egg in the nest of another species and they raise that nestling as it kills and destroys their own progeny. The other chicks are pushed out of the nest by the cuckoo nestling and die. The concept of cuckholdry (as in a husband and wife relationship) is a fact that cannot be denied when one looks at the nature of Christianity to Judaism. I think it is an accurate and useful term.

Seems to me you, Woodman, are recently experiencing a very powerful epiphany. I myself am very grateful to Shami for posting this "Christ-Cuck" thread and introducing me to this whole cuck concept. Shami is way further along in understanding than I was at his age. I'm now reading 4chan daily to try and catch up to him...lol.


31st December 2018, 10:48 AM
The actual question we must ask ourselves: What is True?

Amen Brother.



31st December 2018, 12:33 PM
I'm told by a good friend that truth is relative to your position.

I say truth is all the deeds that have gone before. The actual events, not the imaginings of someones mind are what truth consists of.

In the beginning was the word. I'm not a great student of the bible, if it was really important they wouldn't let us read it. It would be a banned book.

They want us to read it.

From a lesser mind to Fred.

Anybody who does not agree with Fred has a lesser mind, that's me.

I think I'll put you back on ignore as you are an insufferable bone head.

End Times
31st December 2018, 05:18 PM
Hold on there Baba Looey!

LOL, I had to look that up!


You assume that I assume. Don't make that assumption. I am quite aware of this possibility. I hope that I cannot honestly point out something without looking at all the other ramifications of that thing.

OK then, my apologies.

I read a two-dimensional perception in this statement, hence my assumption about your assumed assumption (LOL):

"'As the tree is bent, so shall it grow.' I have been saying this for years and I thought perhaps it was in the Bible but I can't even find a quote for it. Closest I can come is Alexander Pope "As the twig is bent, so is the tree inclined." Book, you are absolutely right. You've hit the crux of the matter. "Never was a time to form their own awareness."

Whether a child is exposed to "Jesus is Lord" or "Religion is bullshit," everyone is "influenced" to one degree or another towards or against certain things. No one develops opinions in a vacuum.

Hopefully I am not totally misunderstood. I am all for that which births the divine spirit of love in a human heart. What you call Christ is obviously that. The problem arises when I say something and am attacked for not expressing it with the same language used by any of a variety of religious beliefs.

Trouble is, it seems you are promoting a New Age belief called "Christ Consciousness." Unfortunately, that is part of the "another 'Christ'" phenomenon the Original and True Jesus Christ warned us about.

The Bible makes clear that it is highly discriminatory...highly exclusive. "No man has a relationship with the Father except through Me." It also makes clear that a "divine spirit of love" is exclusively from God via His Holy Spirit. Yes, I am an absolutist and an elitist when it comes to Christ. However, all are invited, so anyone outside may come inside. But the standards of Christ must be adhered to, not the standards of this world. Cafeteria "Christianity" is no Christianity at all. That compromise and weakness is why we have a world of exponentially increasing degeneracy.

As for the term 'Cuck', I think it very accurately describes what we are seeing. We see in myriad instances, all around us, people being obviously used without their knowledge and therefore really, without their consent, to foster and further the designs, the progeny, the very fabric of alien culture, that will end up destroying their own.

I still assert the meme "cuck" has been put forth in an effort to avoid use of the term traitor. I rarely see "race-traitor" used amongst the "alt-right" types. Probably because their fantasies about "Waifus" and even lust for Asiatic females qualify them for the term...at least for us old traditionalists.

Most "cucks" are not being used "without their knowledge" nor "without their consent." Most love it! They have experiences near the level of orgasm to "participate" in Cultural Bolshevist rites, and have literal orgasms when they "get to know" (in the Biblical sense) the non-Adamic hominids...the latter especially among White women. I assert they know what they are doing, and like it!

It is no different in nature than when a cuckoo bird lays it's egg in the nest of another species and they raise that nestling as it kills and destroys their own progeny. The other chicks are pushed out of the nest by the cuckoo nestling and die.

What is happening to the White race is not natural cuckholdry. Among the cuckoos, theirs is a parasitism where the avian victim is not aware. Again: "our" kind engages in willful treason.

The concept of cuckholdry (as in a husband and wife relationship) is a fact that cannot be denied when one looks at the nature of Christianity to Judaism. I think it is an accurate and useful term.

I will take offense at this fact-less assumption.

I've explained countless times now, as have others, that Christianity is inherently "anti-Semitic," and identifies "the Jews" as of the Devil, and the Talmud, the basis for Judaism, as woefully depraved Satanism.

You fail to make the essential distinction between Christianity and Judeo-"Christianity."

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity. The religion of the "traditions of the Elders" is now called Judaism.

End Times
31st December 2018, 05:24 PM
I myself am very grateful to Shami for posting this "Christ-Cuck" thread and introducing me to this whole cuck concept. Shami is way further along in understanding than I was at his age. I'm now reading 4chan daily to try and catch up to him...lol.

Recall what Shami does for a living. :)

When you are Part of the Problem you ARE the Problem. Again, I reiterate why "cuck" has been introduced to replace "traitor."

End Times
31st December 2018, 05:26 PM
Amen Brother.



Without Truth, life is meaningless.

"Freedom is the freedom to say that two plus two makes four. If that is granted, all else follows."

"One word of truth shall outweigh the whole world."

End Times
31st December 2018, 05:34 PM
I'm told by a good friend that truth is relative to your position.

That is what Jewish academics tell us. And expect us to believe. "There is no 'truth'. There is 'your truth' and 'my truth."

In other words, 2 + 2 = 4 or 2.2 or 13...whatever you feel is "true."

The idea there is no Absolute Truth is at the root of why Cultural Bolshevism has taken control of this world.

I'm not a great student of the bible, if it was really important they wouldn't let us read it. It would be a banned book....They want us to read it.



(((Someone))) sure doesn't want people to read it.

And besides, most people don't READ today. They listen to the Talmudvision, to preachers, to fools who claim they "know" when they do not know (the Dunning-Kruger Effect).

"The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read."

From a lesser mind to Fred.

Anybody who does not agree with Fred has a lesser mind, that's me.

You've demonstrated repeatedly you are pig-headed, and operate on emotion, not logic. You don't like to be told what you don't want to hear. Namely, that your "sources" are often lie machines.

I think I'll put you back on ignore as you are an insufferable bone head.

Monkey see no evil. [{baa}]

31st December 2018, 05:34 PM
LOL, I had to look that up!

What is happening to the White race is not natural cuckholdry. Among the cuckoos, theirs is a parasitism where the avian victim is not aware. Again: "our" kind engages in willful treason.

I will take offense as this fact-less assumption.

I've explained countless times now, as have others, that Christianity is inherently "anti-Semitic," and identifies "the Jews" as of the Devil, and the Talmud, the basis for Judaism, as woefully depraved Satanism.

You fail to make the essential distinction between Christianity and Judeo-"Christianity."

The religion of Moses is now called Christianity. The religion of the "traditions of the Elders" is now called Judaism.

That was from a cartoon I haven't seen since the sixties. A horse that rode a horse, Qickdraw McGraw. I can still imitate his 'Hold on there Baba Looey! Remember Yogi Bear? I entertain the grandkids with imitations of his "Lets go steal some picinic baskets Boo Boo. And other stuff.

"I will take offense..."

Don't take offense Fred. No offense meant. I know I get a little snappy at times but I don't mean anything by it. I think we all do. I enjoy our discussion on this forum and my posting is meant to stimulate idea flow. I really do believe it is an apt analogy though, because many Christians are so naïve that they really don't see what is going on. I see all the time where Christians I know idolize the Jews as God's chosen people. They put Israel ahead of any sensible policy of financial or self preservation. They just don't understand the destruction they are fostering through this naïve outlook. I agree that much willful treason is afoot but much of it is not willful and is due to blindness or a desire to fit in or a natural tendency that many have which we refer to as virtue signaling.

End Times
31st December 2018, 06:01 PM
Don't take offense Fred. No offense meant. I know I get a little snappy at times but I don't mean anything by it. I think we all do. I enjoy our discussion on this forum and my posting is meant to stimulate idea flow.

Oh, no worries, I actually wasn't "offended." No NPC shrieking from me. Frustrated is the more accurate term.

I really do believe it is an apt analogy though, because many Christians are so naïve that they really don't see what is going on. I see all the time where Christians I know idolize the Jews as God's chosen people. They put Israel ahead of any sensible policy of financial or self preservation. They just don't understand the destruction they are fostering through this naïve outlook. I agree that much willful treason is afoot but much of it is not willful and is due to blindness or a desire to fit in or a natural tendency that many have which we refer to as virtue signaling.

I'm not too keen on the phrase, but "we will have to agree to disagree" is appropriate for this "difference of opinion." I just can't accept these people are innocently ignorant. I've "enlightened" many and they simply don't want to accept it because their real faith is in their "church" and preacher and not Christ or His Words in the Bible. Alas, more Bible prophecy coming into reality. A great falling away. I John 2:22-23 obliterates any possibility that "Israel" is somehow, "holy."

Maybe I am wrong about them, that they "know not what they do." Perhaps my blessings (IQ, knowledge, wisdom, companionship of the Holy Spirit) have caused me to have a false perception of how "easy" it is to be attuned to the Truth.

I always think back to that Twilight Zone episode, "To Serve Man."


Perhaps I just don't want to accept it's so pathetic how people go to their destruction...sheep to the slaughter.

31st December 2018, 07:06 PM
Maybe I am wrong about them, that they "know not what they do."

William Finck seems to think in Luke 23:34 "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", Jesus is speaking of the Roman soldiers and not the Jews. An excerpt from a podcast he did on this subject and other things.


" The second is the misconception concerning Luke 23:34, where some perhaps well-meaning but poorly studied individuals like to claim that the first sentence of that verse should be read in part “Father forgive them not, for they know what they do.” Yet the Greek sentence in question is correctly translated as it is found in the King James Version, where it reads “Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do.” The Greek grammar proves that the King James Version translation of the sentence is correct, where in all of Luke's writing wherever a verb is accompanied with a negative particle, forming a negative verb, the negative particle precedes the verb which it negates, and never follows it.

However concerning this passage, in truth the earliest manuscripts are divided, and it is not found in the majority of them. Therefore it is most likely that the passage is an interpolation, and for that reason it is not found in the Christogenea New Testament. Many Identity Christians who have not known this have wondered how Christ could forgive his murderers. However even the context is obvious, that the verse saying “And casting lots they divided His garments” refers to the Roman soldiers, and not at all to the Judaeans who brought Christ before Pilate. Therefore if the statement concerning forgiveness is admitted into the narrative it can only refer to the Roman soldiers, and not to the Judaeans. The Judaeans knew what they were doing, as even Pilate knew they wanted Christ executed out of envy (Matthew 27:18, Mark 15:19), and the Roman soldiers were truly ignorant of the entire situation and were only following orders. Christ Himself told Pilate “You do not have any authority over Me if it was not given to you from above. For this reason he who delivered Me to you has greater fault”, fully indicating that the jews alone were primarily responsible for His execution.

31st December 2018, 08:35 PM

31st December 2018, 09:48 PM
Seems to me you, Woodman, are recently experiencing a very powerful epiphany. I myself am very grateful to Shami for posting this "Christ-Cuck" thread and introducing me to this whole cuck concept. Shami is way further along in understanding than I was at his age. I'm now reading 4chan daily to try and catch up to him...lol.



I used to spend a lot of time attacking Christianity when I was younger, but today I see it as a dead religion.

Most people who identify as Christians are openly Feminist. I define a Feminist as being anyone who believes Women should vote. The Church literally has become the Synagogue of Satan as described in the Bible. There are no denominations immune to this except for the Amish, Mennonites, and Pastor Dowell's group in Tennessee. These ones have fertility rates above 6, and practice Patriarchy.

All Leftism is politicized Female Nature.

Let me repeat that: All Leftism is politicized Female Nature.

I've done a lot of research and studied a lot and came to the conclusion the downfall of the West, White people and Christianity is due to the empowerment of Women. You can't find many White people or Christians who understand Women are basically overgrown children who need to be treated and disciplined as such. Women are biologically made to empathize with children to enhance taking care of them, so they think and act like overgrown children.


At this point Islam WILL take over the world by default not since they are smarter or better, but since they take away Women's Rights, and therefore have a high fertility rate. Any civilization that takes away Women's Rights is destined to take over the world at this point. The only groups of White people with high fertility rates belong to Mennonites and the Amish. Mormons are being taken over by Feminism currently, and embracing #RefugeesWelcome as I type this.

This transcends race too. In South America birth rates among all these religious Catholic beaners means nothing as Feminism is spreading like crazy there, and birth rates are dropping like a rock. In fact when these 3rd worlders come into America and the Women learn about their new "rights" they divorce their Men and their birth rates drop like a rock. Non-White people like to emulate White people so are adopting Feminism country by country. There is pressure to do this by Jewish ran NGOs too, but it's frankly just Jews pouring gasoline on a spreading wildfire of Feminism we created and allow to burn out of control.

Christianity is the only religion you can openly bash and discriminate against. This is because it has no "pimp hand" and is metaphorically letting their wives cuckold them with Tyrone. Christians "turn the other cheek" so they are laughable.

What's worse is the current trend I'm seeing where I'm Christianity will commit the final suicide where they fully align with Feminism. Patriarchs are working to create and promote technologies to replace Women like the artificial womb, sex dolls, designer babies as an alternative solution since it seems unlikely Men have the balls to take away Women's Rights. TradCons currently are joining Feminists in the fight against Sex Dolls and these other technological solutions to fix the problems society Feminism has created. Instead of taking Women's Rights away (the solution) they side with the bitches who are ruining everything, and attack the symptoms of Women's Rights. Men are fucking Sex Dolls increasingly since Feminism has made Women so toxic they'd rather go against their biological urges to reproduce and fuck a piece of plastic. You will see more Women enter the Church in leadership positions and see a full merger of Christianity and Feminism. The only sizable Patriarchs left have gone MGTOW, Amish/Mennonite, or are Muslim.


If you noticed there has been a trend in Entertainment, films, TV Shows, video games, tech companies, and so on getting "Woke" where they go full SJW even though it's clearly not profitable. This isn't some Jewish conspiracy, rather it's the natural recourse when you have forced diversity quotas of Women. This forced diversity will and is extending to the Church. In the coming years female politicians will start to outnumber males. Usually Feminism has complete control when 25% of politicians are Female since at least that amount of Male politicians will White Knight for the Female causes.

Also I want to point out it was WHITE MEN who started the Enlightenment. The Enlightenment is where we got the idea of Equality which is what the Jews used to fuck us. Christians also refused to do usury since of their religion, instead having the Jews to do it. This is how the Christians allowed Jews to rule over them and society. Simply put White people are in the predicament we are in since we are fucking weak, and rather die by are retarded egalitarian feel good principles, and have given the Jews the tools and red carpet to enslave and wipe us out. Everyone group besides Whites work in their own self interests. This is why I've come to the conclusion that the main problem isn't the Jews, but White Men's unwillingness to say "No" to our Women, which is the the only way we stop the Jews and save our people.


31st December 2018, 10:30 PM
Shami is way further along in understanding than I was at his age.

Thanks but I doubt you'd accept a lot of what I see, and how to fix the problems.

I know the solutions and how to achieve them. I just have to convince enough people to create a snowball effect (which I'm starting to see build slowly.) You will see Gen Z openly start calling for removing Women's Rights. Boomers and Millennials will scoff and shriek in horror.

Now for the Good News!

We don't need a large population to achieve the technological fixes. With gene editing alone which the Chinks are perfecting we'll have 200 IQ designer babies in 20 years tops, and that alone will save humanity. These fixes will come, but unlikely from the people who SHOULD be doing them.

Gene-Editing will essentially allow Niggers to have high IQ babies, thus making racial differences meaningless. Feminists and TradCons will push to ban this in the West. Chinks don't give a fuck so will do it anyways.

One thing I learned in life is that ends justify the means. People who don't believe this usually lose, and are erased from history (White Europeans.) Chinks understand this, and unironically will likely favor Aryan features so Bio-engineered blue eyed Chink babies will likely take over, and inherit the Earth.


31st December 2018, 11:09 PM
I know the solutions and how to achieve them. I just have to convince enough people to create a snowball effect

Said every young person with little actual life experience ever.

Good luck, noob. LOL

31st December 2018, 11:11 PM
Said every young person with little actual life experience ever.

Good luck, noob. LOL

A sizable percentage of /pol/ already does. It's growing. These things weren't discussed a few years ago.

31st December 2018, 11:33 PM
A sizable percentage of /pol/ already does. It's growing. These things weren't discussed a few years ago.

I agree with much of what you are saying. The downfall of civilization began with the women getting voting rights. Women have proven they cannot be trusted with the reigns of government or determining the direction of society. It is death. Women should be raising children and keeping the homestead, while the men take care of the rest. Men are gullible enough, women are worse.

1st January 2019, 02:21 AM
This "cuck" thing is absolutely real.


"Feminism" really took off around 1970 and JEW media was behind it. Our White women gleefully threw us under the bus. Today an anonymous #METOO accusation can get us instantly fired.

Turn-the-other-cheek love-your-enemy preaching from Jesus is what allowed this "Christ-Cucking" to happen.

https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2e/It%27s_OK_to_be_white.jpg/220px-It%27s_OK_to_be_white.jpg https://i1.wp.com/www.bgdblog.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/white-guys-need-not-apply1.jpg?fit=683%2C500&ssl=1

In 2019 us White men are totally fucked. It's over. We lost.


1st January 2019, 04:55 AM
Thanks but I doubt you'd accept a lot of what I see, and how to fix the problems.

I know the solutions and how to achieve them. I just have to convince enough people to create a snowball effect (which I'm starting to see build slowly.) You will see Gen Z openly start calling for removing Women's Rights. Boomers and Millennials will scoff and shriek in horror.

Now for the Good News!

We don't need a large population to achieve the technological fixes. With gene editing alone which the Chinks are perfecting we'll have 200 IQ designer babies in 20 years tops, and that alone will save humanity. These fixes will come, but unlikely from the people who SHOULD be doing them.

Gene-Editing will essentially allow Niggers to have high IQ babies, thus making racial differences meaningless. Feminists and TradCons will push to ban this in the West. Chinks don't give a fuck so will do it anyways.

One thing I learned in life is that ends justify the means. People who don't believe this usually lose, and are erased from history (White Europeans.) Chinks understand this, and unironically will likely favor Aryan features so Bio-engineered blue eyed Chink babies will likely take over, and inherit the Earth.


I read something years ago, from Sperm Bank experience, that given the choice between beautiful and intelligent almost everyone ends up picking a beautiful donor...

But it may have been because women decided...

End Times
1st January 2019, 03:27 PM
William Finck seems to think in Luke 23:34 "Father, forgive them, for they know not what they do", Jesus is speaking of the Roman soldiers and not the Jews.

Oh, I agree. The "activist" Jews know damn well what they're doing. The latter part of the verse indicates the context: "And they divided up his clothes by casting lots."

End Times
1st January 2019, 05:15 PM

^^ This is a hoax.

I define a Feminist as being anyone who believes Women should vote.

Why should you, for example, be given a vote, but a White mother with six physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy, pure-White children should not?

The Church literally has become the Synagogue of Satan as described in the Bible.

Actually, the Bible says "those who say they are Jews but are not" are the Synagogue of Satan.

I've done a lot of research and studied a lot and came to the conclusion the downfall of the West, White people and Christianity is due to the empowerment of Women. You can't find many White people or Christians who understand Women are basically overgrown children who need to be treated and disciplined as such. Women are biologically made to empathize with children to enhance taking care of them, so they think and act like overgrown children.

These could be the words of: 1) the infamous incel (involuntarily celibate) male; or 2) a faggot who loathes women. (Both?)

Women didn't vote to destroy civilization. MEN DID.

Women didn't "take" any privileges or rights. MEN GAVE THEM TO THEM.

But the most important thing to understand is that the corruption of men led to the corruption of society. If women's "empowerment" is an evil, one must recognize it came about because men allowed it.

Men who wallowed in their own sins refused to man-up and take responsibility. Who, exactly, are the children who don't think of the greater ideals?

At this point Islam WILL take over the world by default not since they are smarter or better, but since they take away Women's Rights, and therefore have a high fertility rate.


Islam is a menace that will easily be neutralized once Jew-led "human rights" are disregarded. The Chinese have a special expertise with that.

Jews pouring gasoline on a spreading wildfire of Feminism we created

"We" created Feminism? Really? Who's "we"?

Christianity is the only religion you can openly bash and discriminate against. This is because it has no "pimp hand" and is metaphorically letting their wives cuckold them with Tyrone. Christians "turn the other cheek" so they are laughable.

No, it's because God's enemies took control of mass media, academia, and then levers of government. Christianity was, is, and shall remain Jewry's most dangerous enemy, since it is based on Whole Truth.

No Christian lets any man "take" his wife, since that would be complicit in grave sin. Any "Christian" who gets his jollies in watching Tyrone "know" his wife is no more Christian than a serial sodomite or someone who runs a pornography website enabling many to sin, for profit.

What's worse is the current trend I'm seeing where I'm Christianity will commit the final suicide where they fully align with Feminism.

Christianity will remain standing until the end. What you refer to is embraced by Judeo-"Christianity," and you should know well the tremendous difference between the two. So the question is, why do you conflate them?

Feminism has made Women so toxic they'd rather go against their biological urges to reproduce and fuck a piece of plastic.

Or takeout a subscription to a porn website, right?

"Women" in the total sense are no more toxic than "men." Real men can find a real woman if they embrace standards that God established. Both women and men expect the unnatural and almost-always unattainable perfection that is presented on Talmudvision and in Holowood pieces. Insisting on "Mr." or "Ms." "Right" guarantees failure. Hence the purpose of the Kashrut meme in the first place! God has appointed one man or one woman for every woman and man, respectively...accepting His Will brings happiness. Embracing the Jewish design brings hardship, strife, and heartbreak.

If you noticed there has been a trend in Entertainment, films, TV Shows, video games, tech companies, and so on getting "Woke" where they go full SJW even though it's clearly not profitable. This isn't some Jewish conspiracy, rather it's the natural recourse when you have forced diversity quotas of Women.

What's your purpose in diminishing, even denying the leading and foremost role of Jews in mass media thought "leadership" and "Feminism"?

It is a Jewish "conspiracy." If it wasn't, the Goyish degenerates would achieve an equilibrium where endless descent into ever-lower insanity was no longer the norm. The Tranny Wave wouldn't exist without Jews.

Pushing the boundaries of morality...and breaching them...has always been of a Kosher nature.

Christians also refused to do usury since of their religion, instead having the Jews to do it. This is how the Christians allowed Jews to rule over them and society.

Christianity, including Catholicism, proscribed usury until the Jews used sinners to overcome that obstacle. The Bible (and Christianity) didn't change. Jews changed Goyish society. And through money, got those in positions of power and influence to buckle on ideals.


2nd January 2019, 09:31 AM
We don't need a large population to achieve the technological fixes. With gene editing alone which the Chinks are perfecting we'll have 200 IQ designer babies in 20 years tops, and that alone will save humanity. These fixes will come, but unlikely from the people who SHOULD be doing them.

Gene-Editing will essentially allow Niggers to have high IQ babies, thus making racial differences meaningless. Feminists and TradCons will push to ban this in the West. Chinks don't give a fuck so will do it anyways.

One thing I learned in life is that ends justify the means. People who don't believe this usually lose, and are erased from history (White Europeans.) Chinks understand this, and unironically will likely favor Aryan features so Bio-engineered blue eyed Chink babies will likely take over, and inherit the Earth.

This sort of thing makes it really hard to try and predict where humanity will be in the next few generations. If it happens in the next 20 years as you say, well there are plenty of White families still around so we certainly won't be gone, even if we will be the minority. And if gene editing brings about a population of 200+ IQ individuals, I can't really predict where that will take humanity.

2nd January 2019, 09:54 AM
This sort of thing makes it really hard to try and predict where humanity will be in the next few generations. If it happens in the next 20 years as you say, well there are plenty of White families still around so we certainly won't be gone, even if we will be the minority. And if gene editing brings about a population of 200+ IQ individuals, I can't really predict where that will take humanity.

Any genetically perfected human would have no need or want to commune. Seppuku would be performed at its age 12-13 bar mitzva.

A slightly less than genetically perfect human would eliminate any process towards genetic perfection, cause jealousy cannot be removed by genetics.

End Times
2nd January 2019, 11:49 AM
This sort of thing makes it really hard to try and predict where humanity will be in the next few generations. If it happens in the next 20 years as you say, well there are plenty of White families still around so we certainly won't be gone, even if we will be the minority. And if gene editing brings about a population of 200+ IQ individuals, I can't really predict where that will take humanity.

We are on the precipice of genetic disaster. The transhumanist fanatics envision a future where everything is genetically-engineered and "integrated" with machines. In fact, we are facing utter dystopia, with "CRISPR in a box" kits selling routinely now. For every wacko "biohacker" who injects himself with a genetically-engineered virus to "improve himself," we move that much closer to a catastrophic release of a genetically-engineered pathogen that will make HIV look like a mild cold. And worse, there are right now plenty studying CRISPR as the means to create pathogens that target specific traits, specific ethnic groups. Both State and non-State actors are working on such things. It's only a matter of time before the Plagues of Revelation, origin and scope of which were inconceivable until recently, are unleashed by the hands of man guided by the gleeful whims of Satan.

Ted Kaczynski was right. Technology is the enemy. But there's no stopping it now. The End Times are being manifested by the choices of man.

2nd January 2019, 02:33 PM
We are on the precipice of genetic disaster...


'No,' Says God

SAN FRANCISCO–For as long as he can remember, 7-year-old Timmy Yu has had one precious dream: From the bottom of his heart, he has hoped against hope that God would someday hear his prayer to walk again. Though many thought Timmy's heavenly plea would never be answered, his dream finally came true Monday, when the Lord personally responded to the wheelchair-bound boy's prayer with a resounding no.

"I knew that if I just prayed hard enough, God would hear me," said the joyful Timmy, surrounded by stuffed animals sent by well-wishing Christians from around the globe, as he sat in the wheelchair to which he will be confined for the rest of his life. "And now my prayer has been answered. I haven't been this happy since before the accident, when I could walk and play with the other children like a normal boy." God's response came at approximately 10 a.m. Monday, following a particularly fervent Sunday prayer session by little Timmy. Witnesses said God issued His miraculous answer in the form of a towering column of clouds, from which poured forth great beams of Divine light and the music of the Heavenly Hosts. The miraculous event took place in the Children's Special Care Ward of St. Luke's Hospital, where Timmy goes three times a week for an excruciating two-hour procedure to drain excess fluid from his damaged spinal column.

Said Angela Schlosser, a day nurse who witnessed the Divine Manifestation: "An incredible, booming voice said to Timmy, 'I am the Lord thy God, who created the rivers and the mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon and the stars. Before Me sits My beloved child, whose faith is that of the mustard seed from which grows mighty and powerful things. My child, Timmy Yu, I say unto you thus: I have heard your prayers, and now I shall answer them. No, you cannot get out of your wheelchair. Not ever."

Paralyzed in a 1996 auto accident that also claimed the lives of both his parents, Timmy has served as a shining example to his fellow churchgoers at Lord In Heaven On High Church, inspiring others with his simple, heartfelt devotion. Now that Timmy has received an answer, Christians the world over are celebrating his story as a stirring testament to the power of faith.

"The Lord has answered a little boy's plea to know if he would ever walk again, and that answer was no," Rev. H. Newman Gunther of the San Francisco School Of Divinity said. "For years, this boy had been plagued by the question of whether or not he would ever walk, and now Our Lord, in his wisdom and mercy, has forever laid to rest any lingering doubt. Young Timmy can rest assured in the immutable truth that the Lord has bestowed upon him. Now and for all time, he finally knows that he will never escape the cruel prison of his chair of iron, for God hath willed it so. Praise be to God!"

Asked for comment, God said: "This kind-hearted child's simple prayer hath moved Me. Never before have I seen such faith. His trusting soul, so full of innocent devotion to Me, hath offered seventy times seven prayers asking, 'God? Can I please walk again?' It was indeed right and fitting that I, in My infinite wisdom, should share with him the One True Answer to this long-repeated question he put before Me."

"My will be done," God added.

Witnesses to the miracle said Timmy begged God for several minutes to change His mind and heal his shattered vertebrae, but the Lord stood firm.

"God strongly suggested that Timmy consider praying to one of the other intercessionary agents of Divine power, like Jesus, Mary or maybe even a top saint," Timmy's personal physician, Dr. William Luttrell, said. "The Lord stressed to Timmy that it was a long shot, but He said he might have better luck with one of them." Despite all the attention he has received, Timmy remains humble in the face of his newfound notoriety as the only human ever to have a prayer directly answered by God Himself. "I know that God loves me, because it says so in the Bible," Timmy said. "So right now, I am just glad that God took the time to answer my prayer. If only I could walk, this would be the greatest day of my life."

The Onion

http://oralsurgery10.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/0/0/6200133/2138827.jpg https://static1.squarespace.com/static/558a1debe4b0d851414753b0/t/572231b8e707ebc46ecd7c6b/1461858762955/



2nd January 2019, 05:17 PM

'No,' Says God

SAN FRANCISCO–For as long as he can remember, 7-year-old Timmy Yu has had one precious dream: From the bottom of his heart, he has hoped against hope that God would someday hear his prayer to walk again. Though many thought Timmy's heavenly plea would never be answered, his dream finally came true Monday, when the Lord personally responded to the wheelchair-bound boy's prayer with a resounding no.

"I knew that if I just prayed hard enough, God would hear me," said the joyful Timmy, surrounded by stuffed animals sent by well-wishing Christians from around the globe, as he sat in the wheelchair to which he will be confined for the rest of his life. "And now my prayer has been answered. I haven't been this happy since before the accident, when I could walk and play with the other children like a normal boy." God's response came at approximately 10 a.m. Monday, following a particularly fervent Sunday prayer session by little Timmy. Witnesses said God issued His miraculous answer in the form of a towering column of clouds, from which poured forth great beams of Divine light and the music of the Heavenly Hosts. The miraculous event took place in the Children's Special Care Ward of St. Luke's Hospital, where Timmy goes three times a week for an excruciating two-hour procedure to drain excess fluid from his damaged spinal column.

Said Angela Schlosser, a day nurse who witnessed the Divine Manifestation: "An incredible, booming voice said to Timmy, 'I am the Lord thy God, who created the rivers and the mountains, the heavens and the earth, the sun and the moon and the stars. Before Me sits My beloved child, whose faith is that of the mustard seed from which grows mighty and powerful things. My child, Timmy Yu, I say unto you thus: I have heard your prayers, and now I shall answer them. No, you cannot get out of your wheelchair. Not ever."

Paralyzed in a 1996 auto accident that also claimed the lives of both his parents, Timmy has served as a shining example to his fellow churchgoers at Lord In Heaven On High Church, inspiring others with his simple, heartfelt devotion. Now that Timmy has received an answer, Christians the world over are celebrating his story as a stirring testament to the power of faith.

"The Lord has answered a little boy's plea to know if he would ever walk again, and that answer was no," Rev. H. Newman Gunther of the San Francisco School Of Divinity said. "For years, this boy had been plagued by the question of whether or not he would ever walk, and now Our Lord, in his wisdom and mercy, has forever laid to rest any lingering doubt. Young Timmy can rest assured in the immutable truth that the Lord has bestowed upon him. Now and for all time, he finally knows that he will never escape the cruel prison of his chair of iron, for God hath willed it so. Praise be to God!"

Asked for comment, God said: "This kind-hearted child's simple prayer hath moved Me. Never before have I seen such faith. His trusting soul, so full of innocent devotion to Me, hath offered seventy times seven prayers asking, 'God? Can I please walk again?' It was indeed right and fitting that I, in My infinite wisdom, should share with him the One True Answer to this long-repeated question he put before Me."

"My will be done," God added.

Witnesses to the miracle said Timmy begged God for several minutes to change His mind and heal his shattered vertebrae, but the Lord stood firm.

"God strongly suggested that Timmy consider praying to one of the other intercessionary agents of Divine power, like Jesus, Mary or maybe even a top saint," Timmy's personal physician, Dr. William Luttrell, said. "The Lord stressed to Timmy that it was a long shot, but He said he might have better luck with one of them." Despite all the attention he has received, Timmy remains humble in the face of his newfound notoriety as the only human ever to have a prayer directly answered by God Himself. "I know that God loves me, because it says so in the Bible," Timmy said. "So right now, I am just glad that God took the time to answer my prayer. If only I could walk, this would be the greatest day of my life."

The Onion

http://oralsurgery10.weebly.com/uploads/6/2/0/0/6200133/2138827.jpg https://static1.squarespace.com/static/558a1debe4b0d851414753b0/t/572231b8e707ebc46ecd7c6b/1461858762955/



Cool story bro.

24th February 2019, 11:55 AM
... Simply put White people are in the predicament we are in since we are fucking weak, and rather die by are retarded egalitarian feel good principles, and have given the Jews the tools and red carpet to enslave and wipe us out. Everyone group besides Whites work in their own self interests. This is why I've come to the conclusion that the main problem isn't the Jews, but White Men's unwillingness to say "No" to our Women, which is the the only way we stop the Jews and save our people...


This devout Christian man seems really popular with today's women Shami.


21st November 2019, 03:55 PM

This devout Christian man seems really popular with today's women Shami.


The biblical root of ChristCuck (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1498507847339.png)


21st November 2019, 05:07 PM
The biblical root of ChristCuck (https://i.4pcdn.org/pol/1498507847339.png)


I don't recall right at the moment where William Finck defines who the foreigners are in the Bible quote link above but the "foreigners" spoken of were the white racial brothers of the Israelites. That nigger bastard in the photo is not even human and those dumb women in the photo have been brainwashed by jews to believe he's something to be desired. The Bible forbids white Israelites having anything to do with apes like that ugly brown nigger piece of shit.

21st November 2019, 07:43 PM
I am posting a link to an article found in the Unz review. Yes Unz is Jewish, but I think his head and heart are in the right place and that is what counts to me. He writes some excellent articles and his site has many more.

Anyway, a very sober interview with Craig Nelson. A good read. It exposes the SPLC amongst other deleterious actors.

From the article:

"In the end, Christianity is to blame, because it was not up to the task of protecting us from such a pernicious, self-destructive morality. Indeed, churches are the worst offenders, and if there is any cause for optimism for those who might want to preserve the West, it might be that the churches are empty. Perhaps we are getting ready to flush the system in order to reemerge with a modernized, upgraded Christianity—a Christianity that doesn’t see the story of Christ as a story of Abrahamic sacrifice, that is to say, a Christianity that doesn’t posit self-abnegation as a moral good."

22nd November 2019, 01:23 AM
This is from a pamphlet by Clifton Emahiser that covers the evil that is going on in the photo of that nigger surrounded by white women.


Diverse Seeds Defile Families Downline Forever & Is Incurable!


We are about to address the Bible’s most serious offense. Everywhere in the Old Testament the Hebrew word for “seed”, “sperm” or “descendant” (i.e., “offspring”) is Strong’s #2233 “zera”, except Lev. 19:19 and Deut. 22:9, where the Strong’s #3610 is used for “seeds”, “diverse kind”, “mingled seed” and “mingled”; (once for “seeds” at Deut. 22:9, and three times as “diverse kind”, “mingled seed” and “mingled” at Lev. 19:19) in the KJV. These two passages, with their four occurrences, are an exception to the rule concerning “seeds” rather than “seed”.

Quoting these verses from e-Sword, with words for Strong’s #3610 underlined along with each of the four KJV renderings:

Deut. 22:9: “Thou shalt not3808 sow2232 thy vineyard3754 with divers seeds3610: lest6435 the fruit4395 of thy seed2233 which834 thou hast sown,2232 and the fruit8393 of thy vine- yard3754, be defiled6942.” [This would apply to man as well.]

Lev. 19:19: “Ye shall keep8104+853 my statutes2708. Thou shalt not3808 let thy cattle929 gender7250 with a diverse kind3610: thou shalt not3808 sow2232thy field7704 with mingled seed3610: neither3808 shall a garment899mingled3610 of linen and wool- en8162 come5927 upon5921 thee.” [This would apply to man as well.]

#H3610 is rendered “divers seeds”, “diverse kind”, “mingled seed”, and “mingled”. #H3610 is an interesting Hebrew word used to denote such “seed”! It is derived from the dual form of #H3608 which means “a prison”. It would appear that what we have here are two individual seeds with dissimilar genetics, imprisoned or locked into one capsule from which neither can escape. In other words, “two, of a twofold kind” imprisoned in a single person, animal or plant.

The pure genetic White Israelites, now known as White Caucasians, were given specific admonishment not to race-mix with nonwhites at Deut. 7:1-3 thusly:

“1 When Yahweh thy Almighty shall bring thee into the land whither thou goest to possess it, and hath cast out many nations before thee, the Hittites, and the Girgashites, and the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Perizzites, and the Hivites, and the Jebusites, seven nations greater and mightier than thou; 2 And when Yahweh thy Almighty shall deliver them before thee; thou shalt smite them, and utterly destroy them; thou shalt make no covenant with them, nor shew mercy unto them: 3 Neither shalt thou make marriages with them; thy daughter thou shalt not give unto his son, nor his daughter shalt thou take unto thy son.”

This same reprimand is repeated at: Exod. 34:15-16; Num. 25:1-9; Josh. 23:12-13; Judg. 3:5-6: 1 Kin. 11:2; Ezra 9:1-2; Neh. 13:25; 2 Cor. 6:14-18!


The following declaration of intent was given in 1912 by a British top-level Communist theoretician, Israel Cohen, as record- ed in the booklet Who’s Who In The World Zionist Conspiracy by James Combs, page 40:

“The ‘Race-Mixing’ program: ‘We must realize that our party’s most powerful weapon is racial tension ... In America we will aim for subtle victory. While inflaming the negro minority against the whites, we will endeavor to instill in the whites a guilt complex for their exploitation of the negroes. We will aid the ne- groes to rise in prominence in every walk of life, in the profes- sions and in the world of sports and entertainment. With this prestige, the negro will be able to intermarry with the whites and begin a process which will deliver America to our cause’.”

In Myron C. Fagan’s booklet UN Is Spawn Of The Illuminati, published October-November, 1966, he elaborates somewhat more in depth concerning this matter on page 16:

“Around 1910, one Israel Zangwill wrote a play which he called ‘The Melting Pot.’The central figure in the play was a very young Jewish boy, who ostensibly was a violinist of wonderful talent. According to the plot in the play, certain people were eager to reveal his great talents to the world and they tried to lease the Carnegie Music Hall for a concert, but the manage- ment of the Carnegie refused, ostensibly because the boy was an [Edomite]-jew. However, very great pressures were brought to bear on the management, and they consented to the engage- ment. Then – and this was still part of the play – it was dis- covered that the young violinist insisted upon a young negro pianist being his accompanist. Again the management exploded – they had a rigid rule against negroes performing in their Music Hall. But, again tremendous pressure was brought to bear on them – and they finally surrendered. [Note: Israel Zangwill wrote a play and book entitled The Melting Pot, and both are a lie, and advance Satan’s agenda from the pits of Hell!]

Another case in point was the very beautiful child prodigy, Shirely Temple, whom the Hollywood Edomite-jews used to break the race barrier. Shirley was the daughter of Gertrude Amelia (Krieger) and George Francis Temple. Her father had English, Dutch, and German ancestry. Her mother had German and Irish ancestry, all of pure White Caucasian European her- itage. We read at the following website:

https://www.questia.com/newspaper/1P2-32586414/bojangles-salutes-tap-dan... (https://www.questia.com/newspaper/1P2-32586414/bojangles-salutes-tap-dancer-who-broke-race-barriers)

'Bojangles' Salutes Tap Dancer Who Broke Race Barriers

“History resonates with images of the smiling tap dancer in black-face, yet few know the price black performers paid to both perpetuate and, ultimately, end these ‘Uncle Tom’ stereotypes. Showtime launches its February Black History month celebration with ‘Bojangles’ (Feb. 4, 8-9:45 p.m.), a movie about the man most knew as Shirley Temple’s tap-dancing partner, Bill ‘Bojan- gles’ Robinson. We read again at the following website:

http://nypost.com/2014/02/11/why-shirley-temple-was-unlike-other-child-s... (https://nypost.com/2014/02/11/why-shirley-temple-was-unlike-other-child-stars/)

“She broke down race barriers: ‘At a time when the South was segregated, Jim Crow was in effect and white audiences reacted with revulsion at any suggestion of too much friendliness between blacks and whites, Temple is believed to have been likely the first white actress ever depicted holding hands with a black man on-screen. The disarming innocence of her famous stair[way] dance with Bill ‘Bojangles’ Robinson in the 1935 film ‘The Little Colonel’ was something of a breakthrough’ ....”

“Disarming innocence?” Hell No! Disarming subterfuge! It is nothing short of child molestation to take advantage of a pretty White, innocent, young girl like Shirley Temple to bring forth the grievous, unforgivable sin of miscegenation on a grandiose scale. And while all of this is happening, we, as a people, are claiming these Edomites are “God’s chosen people”, while in fact they are related to the family of the Edomite, Herod the Great. It is beyond the scope of this short essay to point out the multi-thousands of instances on par with Shirley Temple being utilized for evil!

[Feel free to copy and distribute.]

22nd November 2019, 08:07 AM
Christianity, including Catholicism, proscribed usury until the Jews used sinners to overcome that obstacle. The Bible (and Christianity) didn't change. Jews changed Goyish society. And through money, got those in positions of power and influence to buckle on ideals.


Christianity outsourced usury to Jews since "Muh Principles". This made Jews the wealthiest, and most powerful people on the planet.

If Christians had not done this, the Jews would be still biting, and sucking off bloody baby dicks in desert huts.

25th November 2019, 05:46 AM
...From the article:

"In the end, Christianity is to blame, because it was not up to the task of protecting us from such a pernicious, self-destructive morality. Indeed, churches are the worst offenders, and if there is any cause for optimism for those who might want to preserve the West, it might be that the churches are empty. Perhaps we are getting ready to flush the system in order to reemerge with a modernized, upgraded Christianity—a Christianity that doesn’t see the story of Christ as a story of Abrahamic sacrifice, that is to say, a Christianity that doesn’t posit self-abnegation as a moral good."

THIS (http://gold-silver.us/forum/showthread.php?92023-Christ-Cucks&p=920676&viewfull=1#post920676) cartoon captures the how and why.
