View Full Version : Churches reject Black Lives Matter's platform on Israel

20th August 2016, 01:11 PM

Black Lives Matter as an organization arose to confront the abuse of predominantly, although not exclusively, African-American males by white police officers. The Michael Brown shooting seemed to shock the nation. However, the sad fact is that America has a long history, which some would call a tradition, of white officers shooting unarmed black men.

According to the Washington Post, Philando Castile, who was fatally shot in Minnesota, was the 123rd unarmed black male fatally shot this year by white police officers. And that’s only through July.

We sincerely recognize the value of law enforcement officers and realize that the majority are devoted public servants. However, we also believe that Black Lives Matter plays a vital role in addressing racially driven police abuse in America.

Recently, Black Lives Matter issued a platform of demands. One of the demands called for the elimination of U.S. aid to Israel. Their argument is that Israel is an apartheid state perpetrating genocide against the Palestinians. Most of the platform’s readers are likely unaware that its Israel/Palestine section was written by an activist who was born and raised as a Jew, although Rachel Gilmer says she no longer identifies as Jewish.

The Ecumenical Leadership Council of Missouri, representing hundreds of predominantly African-American churches throughout the state, rejects without hesitation any notion or assertion that Israel operates as an apartheid country. We embrace our Jewish brethren in America and respect Israel as a Jewish state. Jewish-Americans have worked with African-Americans during the civil rights era when others refused us service at the counter — and worse.

Anyone who studies American history will no doubt find the names Michael Schwerner, James Chaney and Andrew Goodman, two Jews and an African-American, who lost their lives trying to provide civil rights for blacks in the south. We cannot forget their noble sacrifices. Neither should Black Lives Matter.

20th August 2016, 01:20 PM
Wow, something I can agree with Black Lives Matter on!

The 501(c)(c) Babylon-licensed "churches" worship the fake "Jews" and are deathly afraid of losing the non-existent "blessing" they supposedly get from blessing the anti-Christ "Jews."

mick silver
20th August 2016, 01:21 PM
what he said

20th August 2016, 03:22 PM
dualism at his best but that is a Natural Law, every obstacle contains an element that can break it apart or lead to something positive. If all points of view could really see that, we'd see that all are complementary by representing one piece of the puzzle.

now CT sez: Wow, something I can agree with Black Lives Matter on!

and here another one... what if blacks ended up doing the job of kicking off muslims or fighting against middle east invasion ;D

but sure the NWO is always several moves ahead because it masters the consequences of dualism. To beat the NWO we have to see very FAR AHEAD.

Leaked Soros Docs: African-Americans Worried Their Children Receiving Less Attention Than Syrian Refugees

Reporter, Associate Editor
8:51 PM 08/19/2016

Read more: http://dailycaller.com/2016/08/19/leaked-soros-docs-african-americans-worried-their-children-receiving-less-attention-than-syrian-refugees/#ixzz4HuhGLade

20th August 2016, 04:37 PM
Just go kill Honky and leave the Jew alone.

20th August 2016, 05:40 PM
One of the demands called for the elimination of U.S. aid to Israel. Their argument is that Israel is an apartheid state perpetrating genocide against the Palestinians. Most of the platform’s readers are likely unaware that its Israel/Palestine section was written by an activist who was born and raised as a Jew, although Rachel Gilmer says she no longer identifies as Jewish.What can we make of this? I don't believe the "Rachel Gilmer no longer identifies as Jewish" statement.

Is she trying to drum up Right Wing support for Israel? What angle is she working?

20th August 2016, 05:41 PM
I saw this on another forum and thought it was pretty good. I don't know who wrote it but it sounds like the truth.

"Give a hammer to a white, and he will build civilization;
Give a hammer to an asian, and he will build other hammers;
Give a hammer to an arab, and he will kill his wife;
Give a hammer to a nigger, and he will kill whites;
Give a hammer to a jew, and he will sell it to niggers."


20th August 2016, 06:33 PM
dualism at his best but that is a Natural Law, every obstacle contains an element that can break it apart or lead to something positive. If all points of view could really see that, we'd see that all are complementary by representing one piece of the puzzle.

You are half black Goldi. Does your Black half resent your White half?
